Female Merchant

Ghal'pharl's page

1 post. Organized Play character for Stannis.

4/5 *

It looks like PaizoCon and GenCon prep questions were "hidden" in a slack channel so I thought I'd start up this thread now that smaller cons will possibly start running the scenario.

I'll start with this question...using spoiler even though in GM discussion.

Tier 10-11 question:
OPTIONAL CATACOMBS ENCOUNTER 2: BONES! - is there a mistake in number of Gakis? 2 CR7 Creatures will not be much of a challenge for 10-11 PCs

Dark Archive

I've tried a few different approaches to getting some attention on my missing complimentary subscriptions for a few weeks. Can someone from Customer Service please take a look at my account. I have yet to receive any scenarios since the changes with subscriptions were implemented.

Thank you

It looks like my PFS subscription skipped 10-14 and 10-15. Can I have these added?

4/5 *

I just ran a year 1 scenario this past weekend and it was pointed out to me that a very common magic item was listed at a significantly lower price than in the CRB (half). My assumption is that this is a typo on the chronicle and the item should not be discounted. Is there any official guideline on this type of situation? I feel common sense would indicate that I'm right, however I know that often times common sense is in the mind of the beholder (not that type of beholder... :)


Dark Archive

I recently earned my 4th PFS GM star and would like to have access to purchase 6-98 Serpents Rise.

Thank you,
Howard Black

Please cancel my Pathfinder Tales subscription. The changes are the main reason for my request.

Thank you,

I've tried to find the answer to this question via search but I've been unsuccessful. I'm simply trying to find out if adding say, holy to a weapon has the same impact on hit points as increasing the weapon's bonus by 2?

I tried sending an e-mail concerning my order on 6/17 but have not had a response.

This order represented my Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Print Add-on, however it did not include a hard copy of Emerald Spire. I expected it to be included and I see no references to pending orders for it. Can someone please confirm that I will ultimately receive my printed copy?

Thank you,
Howard Black

Looks awesome and two thumbs up for the Blues Brothers reference!

There seems to be an issue with all the sub-menu links under the PFS page. Every time I click any of the links (other than My Pathfinder Society), I get the error page with the following message:

You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly.

Please wait a minute before trying again.

I can reach the FAQ page via the General FAQ link.

Dark Archive


I'm concerned that the Hezrou room is going to be a TPK for my party. They are going to be 13th level when they hit that room. So if the Hezrou use Blasphemy in a coordinated way I'm looking at probably 8 rounds of PCs standing around dazed. That would also mean about 13 unholy blights. Even if they make all their saves the party is probably looking at somewhere in the range of 140 hp of damage. So here's the question, do you think the Hezrou are patient enough to do this coordinated attack or are they just too chaotic to work together?

I don't want to try and force them to 14th level because it's still pretty far away.