Vencarlo Orinsini

Gerr Herricksen's page

32 posts. Alias of James Martin (RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32).


After thinking it over, I'll bow out of the running. Have a good game!

Me, too, please!

Here is Gerr Hericksen, swashbuckling rogue and former Lamm's Lamb. He's a protege of Vencarlo Orisini and is now looking for revenge on the bastard that tried to kill him and left him for dead.

DM Kin wrote:
Jakari wrote:
“Ah, hello? I am Jakari… is something wrong?”
The old man promptly throws the now empty vial on the ground, shattering it. "Damn it! I just can't seem to get this potion right!" He takes a few deep, wheezing breaths and finally seems to notice the ranger. "Oh! Hello there! Nothing's wrong, oh no, I just can't seem to get this concoction right... you don't happen to know anything about potion-making, do you?" After a moment, the aged human slaps himself on the forehead, "Forgive my manners! I'm Father Zastoran, Cleric of Nethys, alchemist extrodinaire."

Gerr wanders up behind Jakari and overhears the old man's introduction. "Father! I am Gerr Herricksen, a loyal follower of the Lord of Magic. Father, can you shed any light upon this strange scene? Did you see, hear or sense anything when the attack came?"

Knowledge History check for "Legacy of Fire": 1d20+5=13

Jakari wrote:
Jakari returns Hadrah’s nod as she closes the wagon’s flaps. Frowning to himself, he turns to face Gerr and Faysal before speaking quietly, “perhaps we should speak with Lady Almah about the, um, prediction that apparently unsettled Eloais… it might be that somebody was unhappy about it, or unhappy about what it, ah, revealed, and decided to punish the messenger.”

"I concur. Perhaps it is relevant to the current situation?" Gerr will accompany the others to see Almah.

"Hmm. Even if this Dashki is our culprit, it would seem that this attack might have done in order to create a great deal of smoke. Perhaps a signal to some entity in the desert? We must establish a defensive stance for the caravan and then we can search for lost goats!"



For our shared background, I imagine that Gerr probably tagged after Haleen often, watching her, but saying very little. Observant, but not expressive. Chance and he would have probably been cordial, but not especially close, as Gerr is very much an observer more than a expressive type. I imagine he has fond memories of Chance, but they may have been apart for long enough that he feels he doesn't yet know the adult Chance has become and is watching to see how the dynamic between them has changed...

"A pleasure, my lady. I am Gerr Herricksen, a humble scholar and observer of the world. I am glad to be of any help that I may to you and your cause. I do, however, seek one named Haleem, who it is said by wagging tongues, may have been sighted in these parts. Have you heard of her?" Gerr proceeds to describe Haleem in detail.

"Fascinating!" Gerr says, looking down at the Harrow card. Clearly this warrants more thought... At the sound of the command to aid, he rushes forward, unslinging his waterskins and dousing the blaze as best he can. As soon as those are emptied, he reslings them and pulls forth his trident to tear away the burning fabric to keep the fire from spreading.

Gerr stops, wiping his brow and frowning at the high sun. He's tall, yet rail thin and so blond he's almost white haired, a strange trait for a Northlander so far from his ancestral home. He wears a curious weapon for the desert: a trident lashed across his back and crossed with a brace of three javelins. Periodically he stops, pulls out a small leatherbound book and writes something in the flowing Keleshite script.

"I note by my marks that we've seen only fifteen buzzards this entire trip and of those, twelve in the last two days. It does seem to me that we approach a place of death and I am not excited by the idea." His eyes seem to cloud with a strange darkening, as he seems to remember something painful from his past. 'Haleen, I swore I'd find you and I will.' he murmurs under his breath, then takes a moment to whisper words of magic that leave his attire clean and sweat-free once more (prestidigitation.) As he moves on, his traveling cloak slips down at the nape of his neck to reveal a curious blue birth mark in the shape of crescent moon with three stars above. It does not appear to be a tattoo, but a definite birthmark.

Dave McMaster wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Edit: Doh! I was wrong about thrown weapons... Arcane strike allows me to swiftly imbue my weapons with arcane power and deal +1 damage and treat the weapon as magic... And I have no problem with being raised with another PC if that works.

OK, modified Gerr based on input and changed his background to select the Finding Haleen trait. (I'm not a big fan of extensive backgrounds, feel free to supplement as needed!)

Hello! James here: I'm going to go with Gerr here, a recycled character from another PbP. He's starting out as a sorcerer and will be multiclassing soon. A few questions:
What level point buy are we going with?
How are you doing starting HP?
Are there any restrictions on gear?



Darn self loathing! I'm starting to act like a Vampire the Masquerade character... :)


Well crap. Dead isn't very paladin-like, is it? Is there a consequence for Gerr, DM?

Gerr bows his head over the dwarf. "Your captain is dead. You have my apologies, I was not intending to slay him, only subdue him. May the Lords of Judgement have mercy on his soul." Gerr arranges the body, washing off any gore or obvious wounds and arranging the body respectfully. He then stands and turns to the female barbarian. "Well, is there a second in command, a first mate? They're in charge now."

"If your captain was transporting a prisoner, he'd be furnished with official papers noting the fact, which he could have produced without resorting to using poison on me! Poison is the act of a blackguard, not an honest man."

Gerr takes a moment to use DETECT EVIL on the Captain while he's unconscious.

"Aye, Madam Elf, your lack of assistance is noted. We'll simply have to turn the ship around."

Gerr kneels down to check that the captain is alive. If he's ailing, he'll attempt a heal check to keep him alive. (Heal: 1d20 1=17)

As this goes on, he addresses the barbarian woman, "Peace, warrior. Your captain is a slaver and will be brought to the proper authorities for justice. I have no interest in seeing him murdered; he must be given the justice that he denied so many with his wicked crimes."

If it's alright, DM, I'll just use the second set of rolls up there. Sap attack. If not, I can roll again.

Gerr's Sap Attack: 1d20 5=25, 1d6 2=4

To confirm: 1d20 5=22, 1d6 2=5


If the elf gets out the way, Gerr lets her go, making no further attacks against her. Instead he'll step forward and attempt to sap the captain into submission.

"Confound it, girl! That man is a slaver! Why are you defending him?!?" Gerr growls at the elf as she attempts to vault her way out of the hold.

Initiative: Init (1d20 2=12)

Gerr rises to his feet, shakes his head to clear it and takes a moment to study the melee. Seeing the half-orc attacked by the elf and the dwarf, he unslings his sap and moves behind the elf. He attacks her: 1d20 3=12, 1d6 2=7 I didn't include any flanking bonus, because I can't remember what it is... Sorry!


Gerr stumbles back, putting his hands over his face.

Fort Save: 1d20 2=11

Gerr rounds on the dwarf. "Enough of this charade, Captain! Free this man immediately or I'll bring the full force of the Guard and their Majesties' justice on your head!"

Gerr scowls at the sight of the man in chains. "What is the meaning of this? Why is this man chained so? What is his crime to be jailed thus?"

Gerr nods at the woman. "Very well. Thank you for your time." He tips his hat and walks over to the dwarf.

"Captain, I believe you might be carrying slaves belowdecks. I can bring the Guard, but I'd rather settle this quickly and easily without a great deal of fuss. I understand it's bad for business. Will you take me below? If I am incorrect, I will trouble you no more."

Gerr nods to the dwarf. "Keep me informed." He then walks purposely over to the young woman. He nods a greeting, keeping his hands well clear of his weapons. "Ma'am, I have reason to believe that this ship might be carrying illegal slaves. All I need to confirm or deny this rumor once and for all is to have a brief look belowdecks. You may accompany me to mind my honesty, but I believe that the captain might be in on it. You seem honorable, however, and I believe I can trust your honor. Will you aid me?"

Gerr waits for his answer, but as he does, he studies the young woman with the axe. Does she seem honorable?

Sense Motive: 1d20 7=21

Gerr walks up to the dwarf and stops in front of him. "How much for a pass?"

Gerr Herricksen, Street Paladin

Gerr was born on the rough side of town to parents of dubious employment, but found his hero in a guardsman who never wavered from the path of justice. Day after day the guard would deal with everyone he met with fairness and mercy. He was a shining rock in a land of corruption. Then one day, the guard was murdered. Gerr went to the temple where his body was laid out, to join the other admirers in paying their respect. There was no one else there, just a cold corpse in a cold temple. Gerr realized at that point that being just for justice's sake was the only reward the guard ever needed, and vowed that day to take up the mantle of the people's protector. Ever since then he's heeded the call of the paladin on the streets of Altus.

Gerr Hericksen, Paladin 1
Medium Human

STR 15 (+2)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 10 (0)
INT 10 (0)
WIS 12 (+1)
CHA 15 (+2)

HP: 14
AC: 17 (10 +2 DEX +4 Armor +1 Shield)

BAB +1
Fort +2
Will +1
Reflex +2
CMB: +3

Skills: 3 ranks
Diplomacy +6 (1 rank +2 CHA +3 class)
Perception +2 (1 rank +1 WIS)
Sense Motive +7 (1 rank + 1 WIS + 3 Class +2 Suspicious Eye)

BONUS: Suspicious Eye (+2 to Sense Motive checks and DC to pickpocket rises to 25)
Defensive Combat Training (+4 to DC of combat maneuvers versus me)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Net

Class Features
Detect Evil
Aura of Good
Smite Evil (+2 attack, +1 dmg)

Sap +3 (1d6+2 nonlethal)
Net +3 (entangled)
Longsword +3 (1d8+2)

Longsword (15 gp)
Sap (1 gp)
Net (20 gp)
Light Wooden Shield (3 gp)
Chain Shirt (100 gp)
Holy Symbol, Wooden