Tin Golem

General Chaos's page

105 posts. Alias of GeneralChaos.

What effect do effectively permanent stat bonuses on maximum Mythic points?

It seems obvious that the maximum Mythic points would be increased, which is fair because you can only get up to +3 extra points that way.

But then there's the Dual Focus, you could quickly (and easily) end up with +5 maximum Mythic points at high level, for the cost of a single mythic feat and another belt/headband, where other abilities or feats only provide +1 or +2.

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Vital Strike (Mythic) wrote:

You can strike your foes with incredible force with almost no notice.
Prerequisite: Vital Strike, 1st mythic tier.
Benefit: Whenever you use Vital Strike, you deal double the normal amount of damage, including your Strength bonus, magic bonuses, and other bonuses that would normally be multiplied on a critical hit. Extra damage from sources that would not normally be multiplied on a critical hit are not doubled by this effect. In addition, you can use Vital Strike when making a charge, although this multiplication does not stack with other sources of multiplication of damage on a charge, such as using a lance.

What about the rest of the VS chain? Does it stop working? If yes, then the rest of the chain is kinda pointless (unless you're already low damage). If no, then VS is way better than taking the extra iterative attacks.

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It's been a long year and a half of playing Kingmaker. 61 three-four hour online sessions (using Fantasy Grounds) and my 6-player group is ready (or not) to face Nyrissa, and I though I might share some thoughts on things that occured, and ideas we tried.

I had my players meet with King Surtova to get their orders to explore the stolen lands. I had intended to make trips to Brevoy a large part of the RPing for my group, but lack of interest and motivation meant that didn't happen.

The Stolen Lands.


An excellent introduction, though early on my players showed they were less interested in slowly going from hex to hex around a map basically without aim (and would often bee-line serious threats instead of pacing themselves). In the first 3-4 sessions I used day to day weather in an attempt to keep things interesting, but a large number of exploration encounters, especially before the whole party is mounted means they often won't get more than a single encounter per day.
The mite lair had too many ineffective enemies. The area dragged out and was very little fun.
The kobolds were more interesting, as they routed Tartuk and make good friends with the pests - a fact that came back to bite them several times in the future...
The Stag Lord's fort was fun. I think it works especially well when the players play along, and get into the fort in disguise rather than assaulting the walls directly. The earlier placed grog and prisoner information was great for leading the players to that conclusion, rather than railroading them.

Rivers Run Red


Probably the most forgotten chapter. There were trolls (which was a nice, if a bit pointless, dungeon). There was the giant owlbear - which could have been better used to forshadow Nyrissa, but we played that before chapter 6 was available, so I didn't have the information to make the changes I could have.
The Kingdom running rules went right over the head of at least one of my players, and only had the interest of one or two. We played with 'hidden values' variant in an attempt to keep interest - but I scapped running the subgame for a more roleplaying focused idea later...

Varnhold Vanishing


I quite liked this chapter. The town had enough evidence for my players as written to go chasing the Centaurs, then on to Vordakai's lair. This whole adventure was a bit on the easy side however, except the piscodaemon who almost TPK'd the group thanks to some bad saves against his stinking cloud. By now my players had all but stopped exploring except on their way somewhere.

*Realm of the Felnight Queen


Due to the lack of exploring, my players were about 2 levels under recommended at this point, so I found myself a copy of Felnight Queen to bolster them a bit, and also try out some mass combat rules I'd written where players would be able to make their own actions as well as their armies. They turned out ponderous and unfun, but overall the module worked nicely, if a bit easy. It was very easy to change some names - make the town Tatzlford, and the marriage couple Loy Resbin and his defacto wife.

Blood for Blood


I was in the process of re-writing my mass combat rules when we started this module, so I ended up running it as written. The infiltration of Drelev Demesne and Fort Drelev was quite fun, with much self control my players only killed the giants and arrested the nobility - almost no human loss of life - which lead into an awesome RP sess putting the former leaders on trial. The old Baron was sentanced to death, and in the process the party bard swayed Quintessa so well she fell in love. Took a bit of convincing to prove she actually quit working for Irovetti - which wasn't helped by the Poison Plot quest when she was fed misinformation. Armag's dungeon was quite fun, my players dodging the most deadly of the traps. 6-player improved Armag himself proved to be extremely difficult - not evil so not subject to smite, and he took down 3 players (of 5 in the session) by himself from full health. Also it was around this chapter when I implemented RP kingdom running. Once a game month I would present certain players with difficulties that the kindgom had to face, to present to the group. If I'd had more time to develop this idea I think it would have been a better way to make kingdom running less crunchy.

War of the River King


My new mass combat system was finished by this point. Each army was effectively a character that had several abilities. It was quite simple in execution (though I'd crunched a lot of numbers on my side) so players just had HP, number of attacks and damage (not even AC - attacks would automatically hit) - and special 'powers' that would do other things, like an army of clerics could swift-heal themselves or adjacent armies. And after every battle the army would get a new power or type equipment, or more men.
Meanwhile the tournement was interesting. The boasting was by far the most fun. Jousting least. My players ended up losing the tourney to 6 player version of Villamor.
My players didn't understand why they should keep searching White Rose Abbey when they confirmed with Gaetane there was no 'secret weapon' and whatever Irovetti found there was removed years ago. And then when they cleared out the ghost they all but ignored the waterclock with Evindra in it - the one serious bit of Nyrissa forshadowing in the game. In the end I had to drop the subtleness and have one of the NPC rulers 'accidentally' release her.
Irovetti's palace had some good encounters and some bad encounters. The throneroom was one of the best encounters I've ever run. The roving bands of guards, Alasen, Geovidius, etc were very plain in comparison. Having read noted from the writer it sounds like it was originally a much more interesting place overall, but oh well. Due to a confusion in the stair cases my players managed to miss the Remoraz completely.
I felt Irovetti as a bard was very weak, and made him into a Magus. A couple of bad moves meant that he failed to escape in the end, to haunt them another day.

Sound of a Thousand Screams


The blooms of this section worked marvelously. The players knew they had to take the fight to Nyrissa soon, but when these started popping up they got worried. Mostly due to luck they uprooted the realm after their second fight in Thousand Voices. We're all pretty tired of the campaign by now, so I've decided that the timeloop still functions, though the rest of the House of Knives does not, meaning all foes are staggered, which is still eating resources and means they will not face Nyrissa at full power, but also stops them from resting and recouperating, while Nyrissa just sits and waits. My players only have the defaced nymphs, Phomandala, and Nyrissa, unless they stop their current trend of running straight towards the finish. I still plan on using the upgraded 6P Nyrissa. I'm not sure my exhausted party will have a chance, but it's the end. I'm OK with a TPK. :P

Kingmaker is a good AP, though with weak linking components, which can be fixed by a dedicated GM with access to all of the books up front. It's also not for everyone, if your players aren't interested in exploring every nook and cranny they're going to miss out. (Mine literally never entered/claimed the hex with the dehorned unicorn.)

I've run three different ideas for kingdom running now. In Rise of the Runelords I had a very precise system of income, staff and such, which was too much work for the GM and not very interesting for the players.
Kingmaker's kingdom builder, which could be interesting for some groups earlier one, but my group and I found it very dry - and as multiple people have worked out the magic item economy makes or breaks it. And now an RP one, where they have to make policial decisions, and have outcomes based on that, which requires the most creativity, but especially in sandboxy games makes a large difference, plus it answers questions about the kingdom "What do we do about unemployment?" for example.

15 minute work day is to be avoided. Kingmaker is very guilty of making these happen. Even interesting combats, if there's only one in a day, it's either super life threatening, or steamrolled. I think this could be avoided by clustering 2 or 3 locations into a single hex - which would leave more hexes blank but also make things more interesting, IMO.

6 player mods to a 4 player adventure path. A few others and I went to a lot of work to make sure there was enough XP and treasure to go around by expanding encounters for 6 players. In practice a lot of these encounters ended up going wildly wrong. Irovetti's guards were still a pushover, but gave more XP. 15 minute working day encounters took longer to resolve, but didn't provide more of a challenge. Armag became so powerful he was taking out tanks in a single full round action. Some of them went right, like Kankerata. Rebuilds worked well too, like Irovetti as Magus and Zorek as Oracle. This raises a fundemental problem in PF (and 3.5) - that a higher effective party level does not mean they can handle single higher level bad guys.

Objective. It has to be clear. Chapter 2, 4 and 5 are all about protecting the Kingdom, which is good. It works. But my players would be like "What do we do now?", even with a plate of sidequests still on the table. All of the antagonists in Kingmaker were too short lived, or not antagonistic enough.

I'm sure I had more stuff I wanted to say, but that's all I can think of. :P

I'm wondering how the destination is selected. Can the caster choose a specific plane, or is it random? If random, are there limits on which planes they might get sent to?

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share the idea I put into practice. Background is that I've dumped kingdom building. My players got well past the point of no return (in succeeding), and it was getting boring for all. So no more access to consumption. Secondly, at least half my players were interested in deeper skirmish rules. I'd tried out a very complicated system when we did a side-quest into the Realm of the Felnight Queen, so that got scrapped too. (Which allowed player characters to participate on an individual level... it was slow bloaty and unfun)

So what I came up with was a system as close to normal combat as possible (as I use Fantasy Grounds I wanted something that would fit on the combat sheets, and I could parse effects into) and that let the players have armies that level up with use.

The rules aren't comprehensive, but I'll share what I've got. :)

Combat changes:
No combat maneuvers.
Speed is reduced to squares from x5 feet. Approximately; 20' per round = 1, 30'-35' per round = 2, 40-55' = 3 per round, 60'+ = 4 per round (or more maybe, but this should be the most for player armies)
Double move grants a flat +2 speed.
Charge grants +2 speed and an attack in a straight line.
Armies make full attacks as a standard action.

The armies I gave out:
These were listed and given to my players based on friends, allies and actions they'd done leading up to chapter 5. (Selected at the end of chapter 3, actually!)

Lothar's Sleepless Knights Army of human knights (paladins)
hp: 50 AC: 18 To hit: +10/+5 Dam: 1d10+5 Lances (+1 to hit, 2d10+12 damage), mounted (fast 4 speed), 1/day smite (Increase damage to 2d10+20 vs. evil army), 1/day lay on hands (heal 4d6)

Kyria's Woodland Defenders Army of mixed dryads, centaurs, unicorns and satyrs
hp: 37 AC: 17 To hit: +5 Dam: 1d8+1 unicorn charge (+1 to hit, 2d8+8 damage), mounted (fast 4 speed), debuff abilities 5/day stun enemy army for 1 round, 1/day teleport, healing (3d8+9)

Borg's Lovers' Scorned Large army of mixed female barbarians
hp: 73 AC: 17 To hit: +10/+5 Dam: 2d6+4 3/day swift action: Rage (+2 to hit, +3 damage, -2 AC for 1 round), barb speed (medium 3 speed)

Elohra's Holy Blades Huge army of mixed humanoids (mostly human) warriors
hp: 67 AC: 15 To hit: +7/+7/+2 Dam: 1d8+2 Short range weapons (+6/+6/+1 1d8+2) (range 2)

Zakko's Brute Squad Large army of fighters with some rogues
hp: 63 AC: 16 To hit: +9/+4 Dam: 1d8+2 3/day swift: intimidate (-2 to hit, -2 AC for one round), flank bonus damage (+2 to hit, +2d6 damage)

Viraqk's Sootchems Army of kobold alchemists
hp: 37 AC: 14 To hit: +7 Dam: 1d4 7/day Swift Fire Bombs (Ranged touch +7 5d6 damage), 1/day Smokebombs (gain total concealment for 1 round 50% miss chance)

For the most part I winged making them. I used approximately level 4 characters as a basis, but also combined size for their HD (medium 5, large 7, huge 9, etc.)

From there they have a bunch of upgrades to choose from each time they 'level up' - every time they win a battle is the current idea (the list is reduced based on each army) but most of the common ones are are:

New army abilities
Definitions L: Level up, T: Tactics, R: Resources, S: Special ability
L: Level up +1 to hit, HP up +1/2 HD +CON
*L: Size up: hp up, +1 attack
T: Cautious Combat: 20% miss chance while in open terrain (hills or plains)
T: *Cavalry Experts: +2 to hit, +2 damage vs. nonmounted (requires mounts)
T: Dirty Fighers: +6 to hit on first attack, +6 to AC until first attack
T: Expert Flankers: +2 to hit and damage, -2 AC
T: False Retreat: Move special ability: Enemy moves instead of AOO into the hex you left. Further move may provoke AOO
T: Hold the Line: -2 to hit, +2 AC
T: Relentless Brutality: +4 STR, -4 AC (stacks with Rage)
T: Sniper Support: During melee you also make one ranged attack. *requires ranged weapons
T: Spellbreaker: +4 AC vs. armies that use magic
T: Taunt: SWIFT: Targetted adjacent army must attack you next round
R: Mounts: Some of your troops are provided mounts, increasing your army's speed to 3
*R: Mounts: All of your troopers are mounted, increasing your army's speed to 4
R: Imp. Weapons: Exotic weapons and proficiency upgrade your troops with +1 to hit and damage to 1d10+STR damage
*R: Magic weapons: +1 to hit and +1d6 damage
R: Imp. Armour: Chainmail +2 AC
*R: Imp. Armour: Field plate +2 AC
**R: Imp. Armour: Full plate +2 AC
R: Imp. Shields: Heavy Shields +1 AC
*R: Imp. Shields: Tower Shields +2 AC (Cannot be mounted)
*R: Magic Armour: Enchanted shields and armor +2 AC
R: Imp. Ranged weapons: Increase range to 3 hexes, and damage to 1d8+STR
R: Potions: 1/battle regain 3d8+3 hp
S: Break formation: FULL: Skirmishers break lines and charge into the enemy ranks. They immediately get 6 attacks (their normal 3 attacks twice) but suffer an automatic hit. With increased size, this becomes 8 attacks.
(Each army has a selection of its own specials to choose from)

GM armies for Ch5 Kingmaker:

The human armies are based on a heroic NPC build, then size = approx level. Monsters use their own HD and CON, but the number of HD = size of army. Note that an army of large creatures has less present, but since they can take and dish much more damage, I figure they work out about the same.
To hit is tough. For the most part I used size as HD, with STR mod, but I fudged them a bit. Still don't know how well they'll go.

name, size, hp, ac, to hit, damage

Pitax Regiment Colos13 110 17 +12/+12/+7/+7/+2 1d10+2
Tactics Dirty Fighters, Relentless Brutality, Sniper Support;
Resources improved weapons, ranged weapons

If the characters want a duel, they fight the leaders:
Leader Avinash Jurrg, male ogre mage bard 10 (Cha +6)
5 lieutenants who use the Terrion/Ameon statblock from Ch4

2x Troll Marauders Medium5 52 16 +8/+8/+3 1d8+5
Tactics Relentless Brutality
Special Abilities Regen 5

2x Wyvern Flight Medium5 52 19 +10/+10 2d6+4
Tactics Relentless Brutality
Special Abilities mobility advantage (flight, 4 speed), poison (Deal 1d6 damage next turn per poison hit)

I) Tusker Riders CR 7
5x Tusker Raide Medium5 47 21 +14 2d8+10 Ranged, Mounted Speed 3
Tactics Cavalry Experts
Resources mounts, improved armor (masterwork)
Leader Kob Moleg, advanced hill giant (Cha +0)

J) Pitax Horde CR 9
3x Tiger Lord Garga11 93 19 +11 1d8+5 Rage +4 STR, -2 AC, Speed 3
Tactics Dirty Fighters
Resources improved armor (masterwork), improved weapons (masterwork), ranged weapons
Leader Armag (Cha +1) / Villamor Koth (Cha +0) / Tolg Koth (Cha –1)

K) Reserve Wyvern Flight (As above!)

O) Catspaw Camp CR 9
XP 6,400
NE Huge army of humans (rogue 4/fighter 2)
3x Fighters Huge9 67 18 +9 1d10+2 3 attacks, intimidate, ranged
3x Rogues Large7 38 18 +8 1d8+1 2 attacks, flank attack deals 3d6+1 damage, ranged
Tactics Sniper Support;
Resources improved weapons (masterwork), improved armor (magic), ranged weapons
Leader Lady Alasen (Cha +1)

Pitax defense:
2x Troll Marauders
+other fleeing troops

Other troops:
Centaur Outriders Medium5 37 18 +8 1d8+2 ranged, mounted 4
Tactics: Cavalry experts
Resources: Light ranged weapons (range 2 only)

Centaur Cavalry Medium5 42 20 +9 1d8+2 ranged, mounted 3
Tactics: Cavalry experts
Resources: Light ranged weapons (range 2 only)

Kobold Skirmishers Garg11 60 15 +9 1d6-1 4 attacks, ranged
Tactics: Dirty tricks
Resources: Light ranged weapons (range 2 only)

Boggard swarm Garg 11 71 14 +10 1d8+3 4 attacks, 1 speed, 2 in water/swamp
Tactics: Expert Flankers
Resources: Healing potions

Thoughts? Comments?

As I've transcribed 14 modules into Fantasy Grounds (including creating my own tokens) and the recent update in Fantasy Grounds version 2.8 to include pathfinder friendly character sheets and NPC statblocks. (Yayness!)

I'd say there's about 15-20 hours of work to copy everything over, with useful hotlinking, image sizing, token creation - based on the latest one I've done - The Brinewall Legacy. Playing online, I get about 30-40 hours per chapter. So it's an alright deal.

I'm wondering if Paizo plans to make any AP modules available for FG? It would be nice to either save myself from doing it - or contibute, so the work doesn't have to be done again.

Previously I've done Rise of the Runelords, Kingmaker (both used now). I've done Carrion Crown 1, and at the moment I'm finishing up on Jade Regent 1.

Kingmaker chapter 6 for 6 players



Almost. All that's left is the Knurly Witch. I wanted to redo her as a Witch, but I'm really not that familiar with the class, so I'm going to just do her as a cleric as presented. If someone else could whip up a block of her as a witch I'd be much obliged. ;)

Other comments and suggestions highly encouraged!

I've come across a conflict as far as the the title sources are concerned:

Improved familiar wrote:
You may choose a familiar with an alignment up to one step away on each alignment axis (lawful through chaotic, good through evil).

E.G. voidworm, but also Lyrakien...

Voidworm wrote:
In order to gain a voidworm as a familiar, a spellcaster must be chaotic neutral, be caster level 7th, and have the Improved Familiar feat.

Improved familiar states that different alignments can be taken. But the specific entries in Bestiary 2 state in no uncertain terms that alignments must match.

Now which do we go by? My gut feeling is by the newer rules in Bestiary 2.

Several of my players have expressed interest in running mass combat tactically instead of two formless blobs just hitting each other until one goes down.

Link to Google Docs

Allow tactical combat on a mass level without blowing out complexity
Allow individual heroic characters to take on a role without instantly becoming a fine red paste
Allow Leadership feat to give class based armies
Allow powerful individual creatures pose a threat to regular armies (IE dragons, and other gargantuan+ creatures)
Not change the system so much that armies included in Chapter 5 of Kingmaker all have to be redone.
Allow for mass combat in chapter 4 (I strongly suspect my players will want to strongly retaliate properly against the BBEG)
Keep some form of balance

Comments, critique, and ideas welcome!

Hi everyone,

Chapter 4 on google docs

Was a bit slower on this one because I was busy with my own kingmaker game (in chapter 2 at the moment) and Star Wars saga. Let me know of any grievous errors or anything that could be improved.


My players have begun discussing annexing the kobolds. I'm wondering if anyone else has run into that, and if so how you handled it?


Just wondering if a mod could change the title of the thread of: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/adventurePa th/kingmaker/convertingKingmakerRiversRunRedChapter3For6PCs&page=1#1
to: Kingmaker Varnhold Vanishing (Chapter 3) For 6 PCs


Damn! Title should be Varnhold Vanishing, and I can't edit. >_<

As a GM I've found that antimagic shell can turn almost any Wizard spell-centric battle into a NPC stomp.

Notably, I ran the final battle with Karzoug a few nights ago, and while I still managed to kill 3/5 players the wizard put an antimagic shell on his familiar. (Actually he's a diabolist, so it was an imp, but has Share Spells anyway) He could step out of the AM field to cast as spell, and then the familiar would move to cover him again.

As far as I know, there's nothing that can get rid of AM, except for the caster dismissing it. How does one combat it? (Keeping in mind a wizard who cannot effectively flee)