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I was wondering how other GMs handled item creation. From the way I read you can create a wondrous item with the same power as a ring(and other things). Ring of Wizardry or Amulet of Wizardy or bracers of wizardry? If so I don't understand why you would have to be a higher level to create a ring. Wondrous Items fill so many slots, to the point where I'm thinking of putting the neck slot(Amulet,Neckless,etc.) as forge ring. Also what limitations do you put on item creation with how many powers you can put in 1 magic item. Weapons and Armor have limits and as you get into higher levels magic items become more regular. The Core Rulebook uses the example of adding invisibility to a ring of protection. I understand you have to have the funds for creating the item, but I dont want someone just piling up powers on select items freeing up other slots with what you find. But if its allowed in the rules I'd like to allow it. Hopefully I'm missing something like 'you must add caster level of items together and meet caster level to combine affects'. ![]()
I had to order a new book and the cover is flush with pages on the back and barely gos past pages in the front. My old copy wasn't like that but was a 2nd printing while this one is 5th. Does anyone know if that is just the way this printing is or did I get a slightly defective book. I'm not rough with my books but I can see the pages taking a beating. ![]()
I decided to go ahead and get the Beginner Box, as I really wanted to check out the pawns. As a person who never spent any money on miniatures, this looked like a great new option. I really like it and will buy the Bestiary Box too. If anyone from Paizo reads this, a couple things would be nice... selling a package of heavier bases and also including some different color bases (even just one other color) to make the PC bases a different color from monster/villians. ![]()
In the wizard section it gives a special ability(+2 or +3 to something)for each kind of animal. Under the Improved Familiar I'm not seeing it. I understand the celestrial hawk would at least give the same special ability, but there are many(bestiarys have even more options)that are not that similar to the fams in the wizard section. It says they use the rules for regular familiars. Am I over looking something or do they not give the master a bonus? And really what makes them better, it seems mostly everything is based off the wizard. ![]()
I just watched an hour video with Mike Mearls? on the next edition of D&D. I personally got into D&D in late 1991 early 92 as a kid, so I'm a little old school. I liked 2nd edition alot, but it didn't take me long to convert to 3e, as a player I loved customizing characters, I was always looking for ways to make my character unique and 3.5 did exactly that. When 4e was coming out I was happy, I thought 3e and d20 got kinda crazy, but it was a new system and a fresh start would be good... with an updated revised 4th edition, not a whole new system. I own every Pathfinder hardcover and think their books are great, but (and this might cause an arguement) I think the OGL ruined D&D. I liked it when D&D was D&D and TSR was the only publisher. WotC bombed on 4e and over produce products(and way to many 160 page books)even in 3e some. I think there going to go back towards 3e, but they have some wild ideas. If you get a chance youtube it. I guess what really ticks me off is I'm a fan of the Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Greyhawk, Birthright, Ravenloft... but paizo can't do anything with them and Golarion just doesn't thrill me. What do think you'll do when 5e comes out, stay true with ... Dungeons & Dragons or is that Pathfinder now? ![]()
I never play a fighter and am kinda looking ahead to see what feats I'm gonna want to take. My question is, if your going to use cleave and have vital strike, do they work together. Does your first attack get double die damage? I guess the same question would go for power attack and vital strike. And maybe other combos ![]()
It says under SPECIAL on feat desciption: Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. What exactly is it going by, On page 144 in Weapon Qualities it says Type: Weapons are classified according to the type of damage they deal: B, P or S. The only other option I see is on page 56 under Weapon Training for different 'weapon groups'. ![]()
I like what PF has done with adding archetypes into the classes. It adds even more customization to a character, making it more of no 1 class is identicle as feats did coming from 2e (and got rid of some prestige classes that really didn't need to be a PrC). But there are alot of unique character options that just don't fit into Core Classes. I have alot of 3e/d20 books and know I can use them, but they are so scattered and unbalanced, some are not even needed anymore, some very similar, some just plain stupid. I know Paizos thing is that its 3.5 compatable, and there will always be good stuff to read in 3e books, but I think its time to move foward and get everything in Pathfinder(and not just Prestige Classes). Just not in the way WotC does it, nobody wants a 160 page hard cover. But for the most part I would really like a 256 page hard cover with just prestige classes done right. Hope everyone else agrees? ![]()
A house rule I always use since 3E came out. Not sayin everyone will like it. At 1st level( we did this in 2E) Your HP starts with your HD and half your Con score. Gives a little more at 1st level so your not one hit away from dying with weaker HD classes and low Con. After 1st level you only gain your Con. bonus to HPs on even levels. In my experience this does 2 things, first it lowers ungodly amounts of hitpoints a character gets with a high Con score at mid to higher levels.(especially compared to someone with a low Con, which can cause game balance issues) 2nd you stop seeing players worry so much about putting there 1st or 2nd best roll to the score. Even by cutting the bonus in half its still a very important stat. With the bestiary its easy to to cut the + whatever in half(say a 10d10+90 to a 10d10+45) if you want to. Always use it and it works great. It also shortens the loonngg battles a little bit at high levels. If you want you can lower the heal spell to 5hp/level. You gotta be 11th level to cast it and 55 hps is pretty good. And it only goes up from there. ![]()
Sometimes we keep playing a campaign into the 20+ realm. I was looking through the Magus to see what someone might do to try to tweak something. I think the class is very powerful to begin with (but I do like the idea, I've had a homebrew, I called it 'Mage' already made for years). What I was looking at is the Magus Arcana: Broad Study (Off the subject, is that for any class including Divine or just Arcane). When you pass 20th level in the Core Rulebook you gain an extra spell level every odd level and if you want a 2nd spell slot on evens. With a Bard it didn't matter, you can't cast from a different spell list so you use a 7th, 8th, etc. spell slots on metamagic or lower level spells. But the way they have the rules it seems you could take the Wizard/Sorcerer spell list with broad study and by the time your 25th level you have 9th level spells at your disposal. Throw in Improved Spell Pool and Greater Spell Pool along with the feats of Arcane Armor Training and Mastery for non Magus spells you have a very overpowered character. I know that is just on very high level characters, but I just thought I'd throw it out there for nerd rage. I hope Paizo doesn't do what WotC did. It seemed like everytime a new book came out it became more powerful(like Complete Mage letting you carry on with 2 different spell advancements, yes it was in the DMG too). Im glad they brought up the Core Classes so you were not automatically going to take a Prestige, but hopefully new classes don't keep getting better and make it where a fighter or a wizard is overlooked. And you can tell me that you can allow whatever you want or don't want as a DM, but we buy the books for that, I don't want to go over a class and say 'Ah you can't do that or use that because its to powerful'. ![]()
I can't stand the thought of having guns with Sword and magic, I think it ruins the game. I know they are very early stages of guns but imagining someone not in heavy armor getting shot a few times and still fighting takes whatever realism there is in fantasy away. I know if I don't want to use it I don't have to, I just think something like this should stay out of one of the core books. Why not put out a book called 'Firearms' or something, the people that want it will buy it. I know I can't be alone, everyone in my group doesn't want anything to do with it. I hope they reconsider. |