Not sure if this will help u or has been said but I was flipping through Unchained and was reading a little on alignment and remembered this thread. Page 97 in Shifts and Affirmations right below 'Lawful' it says 'Note that neutral characters do not gain affirmations-this is because neutral characters already have the advantage of not being targetable by alignment based spells and effects.' ![]()
To be honest not sure what artifact is but the players will set their price on its worth by what they would rather have instead of it. If their looking to buy magic items with gold what is more valuable to them, these 3 items that their eyeballing or artifact. Usually artifacts will initially be overvalued but will come down to reality when the players have to choose what they want and think they need. Everyone has an idea of what helps them or party the most and usually overvalue what they think they need and will sell item they didn't get to pick. Look to see what it would take for u to trade artifact for magic items. ![]()
Mykull wrote:
Or do that. Players love it when they try to do something and u tell them there's just no possible way to do it. ![]()
I know its a little harsh but could be fun to add a side quest or another adventure after campaign. Like idea of some gold being real. Players might take right precautions to catch it in the act, nothing says they automatically get screwed. Its not unimaginable in a fantasy world that that this could happen. They even made a spell called fool's gold and thieves guilds. We have counterfeit money in the real world that some people use to try to buy expensive items. ![]()
Find a Fools Gold type spell that will handle large amounts of gold. Have a powerful wizard buy artifact and leave for the rest of the adventure. No traces of who or where he went. Not long after either pcs or shop keeper finds truth about gold when trying to purchase new magic items. Either teaches them a hard lesson and doesn't unbalance rest of adventure or once adventure ends if u want to run another high level campaign let pcs track wizard. ![]()
I still like some swift actions, like quicken spell, to use 1 action. Still able to cast 2 spells or attack and cast and move or aa bunch of other things. Wouldn't mind seeing a solo 400 page Players Manual with revised classes (with skill unlocks), this system tweeked a little, along with skills having adventure and out of adventure points, maybe a couple other things. Then expand Game Master Guide, add more magic items, gear it toward new manual. Doesn't outdate other books and washes away any desire for Pathfinder 2.0 any time soon. Great thing is that the CRB could still be used if u didn't want to convert. ![]()
Standard attack cost 2 simple actions until character gets +6 bab, then back to 1. Certain swift actions that can be justified as a reaction can choose to use their reaction one time per turn. Doesn't count against extra AoO. Example would be EK using spell crit. It was a reaction to the critical hit therefore not using a simple action, but does use your one reaction unless u can make extra AoO. Helps many builds where classes use swift actions. ![]()
Sure im late getting to this and could of already been said. Has anyone house ruled the full attack with movement. Wondering if u guys think these 2 ideas are good. 1) as u gain extra attack(6th, 11th, etc) add 5' each time for full attack/movement. So a 6th lvl fgt would get full attack with 10', 11th fa/15'. Making 15 might be max or up to 1/2 base movement. 2) making it 10' to start with and lose an attack for each 5' after. That way when u get to higher lvl u could more 15 and only lose 1 attack. Not complicated so wouldnt really add any work. Are there any flaws to these systems? ![]()
So let's say the unchained versions are indeed better and everyone now uses these classes compared to the CRB. As long as it doesn't change in the CRB 'everything's OK' even though people are using the new revamped classes we have out, our references still match up perfect to the CRB. Not sure that helps at all but OK. ![]()
No, not basically a new edition. Its not like your going from 2nd to 3rd or 3 to 4, changing a few classes and few rules doesn't change the edition. When a new class or archtype comes out does it mean 'oh my god, we got a new edition'. Are u saying with Pathfinder Unchained we have a new edition. Can you use books without any issue at all, books produced before and call it a new edition. I figured someone would post like that. ![]()
I know everyone fears a new edition, but what about a revised Core Rulebook down the road. Most of the hardcovers have a lot of options that plug into the system. With this book it seems there are classes being revamped and rules written that will make the game better(or they wouldn't be writing it). All the classes, archtypes, feats,spells from other books would still plug into the system or else we wouldnt be able to do that stuff with Unleashed. I for one would like to have the new revamped classes in my main book along with any rules in combat or feats or whatever that fit into what would be in a core book. Of course there's probably a lot of stuff that should stay as an option, can't have 256 pages of revamping. Not sure if this was right spot to post, sorry if it wasn't. Just a thought. ![]()
Is the 2d6 damage automatic on initial strike and then heal save to stop bleeding damage following rounds or do u even get 2d6 dam on initial hit or do they get save on initial strike. Seems weak if u dont even get one 2d6 before save attemp, considering bab has to be +11 and hps are higher by that time. ![]()
Sunderstone wrote:
Then you dont want feats or attacks of opportunity and all the other stuff, which is fine, don't use it or go back to 2nd Edition, it has alot of books, its fairly cheap on Amazon. I doubt there going to dumb down the game, but its easy to bypass certain rules that require pawns and battlemats. I think that all helps with imagination and allows you to use pretty indepth rules you can't use without it. ![]()
I was wondering how other GMs handled item creation. From the way I read you can create a wondrous item with the same power as a ring(and other things). Ring of Wizardry or Amulet of Wizardy or bracers of wizardry? If so I don't understand why you would have to be a higher level to create a ring. Wondrous Items fill so many slots, to the point where I'm thinking of putting the neck slot(Amulet,Neckless,etc.) as forge ring. Also what limitations do you put on item creation with how many powers you can put in 1 magic item. Weapons and Armor have limits and as you get into higher levels magic items become more regular. The Core Rulebook uses the example of adding invisibility to a ring of protection. I understand you have to have the funds for creating the item, but I dont want someone just piling up powers on select items freeing up other slots with what you find. But if its allowed in the rules I'd like to allow it. Hopefully I'm missing something like 'you must add caster level of items together and meet caster level to combine affects'. ![]()
I have not looked at any of the Mythic Adventure. I like going to high levels, even beyond 20th, but never liked or used the Epic Level Handbook. Maybe this is better, I don't know.
I'm not expecting the Paizo company to do anything about it as I bought it through Amazon. Thanks for your concern. To further explain; where you would open the book the cover doesn't hang over, its flat with the pages(mainly on on the bottom, top hangs over a little). I was just seeing if that was how this printing was, its not a huge issue. Also, I bought Paths of Prestige. You probley don't hear this much but keep them coming. ![]()
I had to order a new book and the cover is flush with pages on the back and barely gos past pages in the front. My old copy wasn't like that but was a 2nd printing while this one is 5th. Does anyone know if that is just the way this printing is or did I get a slightly defective book. I'm not rough with my books but I can see the pages taking a beating. ![]()
Quatar wrote:
Sorry for askin ![]()
FallofCamelot wrote:
You had a 4 wisdom and it didn't invalidate him in any way? You didn't play your character right and your dm didn't enforce anything. ![]()
I guess if its become something everyone in your group is struggling with and agree on, do it. It is taking the wizard out of combat for a round. I personally dont like the idea of a wizard being able to prepare a new spell in 1 round during combat(especially higher level spells). If you feel the need to change it what about making bonus spells from Int. spontaneous casting for wizards. ![]()
I decided to go ahead and get the Beginner Box, as I really wanted to check out the pawns. As a person who never spent any money on miniatures, this looked like a great new option. I really like it and will buy the Bestiary Box too. If anyone from Paizo reads this, a couple things would be nice... selling a package of heavier bases and also including some different color bases (even just one other color) to make the PC bases a different color from monster/villians. ![]()
I don't think the feat distribution should be changed. A little off the subject, but if Pathfinder does a new edition some day, I think there could be a few things that help martial classes some. To start with maybe weapon damage gets a slight increase(d3 to d4, d4 to d6, 6 to 8, 8 to 10 etc..). Work some combat feats a little different(like vital strike only being on a single attack, allow it to be used during a full attack just on your 1st attack). Make spell levels go from 1st-10th instead of 1st-9th, leaving early maybe 1st-3rd spells unaltered for the most part, then slowly spread the more powerful spells for that level to the next level. That way the very powerful spells come a little later and you would not be able to use them quite as much, as you would leave spell progression the same so you wouldn't be able to get 10th lvl spells till 19th or 20th lvl. That might even extend how high of level people play, from what I read on here alot don't like high level play. I know these are not mind blowing changes, but I think players who play spellcasters put alot more homework in with their character and should be rewarded. And a high level Wizard is what it is, and always has been in movies, novels, and mythology, very powerful. ![]()
Gebby wrote:
This was suppose to be together I'm not sure were on the same page. I dont own Inner Sea Magic, though that PrC is in Inner Sea World Guide. I am just talking about the +1 to HP or the +1 to skill rank(or the other options in the APG or upcoming Advanced Race Guide). Does the Red Mantis Assassin get to continue those bonuses in Inner Sea Magic?I don't buy PF Campaign Stuff, refuse to buy all the tiny paperback stuff, I blend 3.5 with PF Rules, like Forgotten Realm, Dragonlance, and others. ![]()
Gebby wrote:
I don't buy PF Campaign Stuff, refuse to buy all the tiny paperback stuff, I blend 3.5 with PF Rules, like Forgotten Realm, Dragonlance, and others. ![]()
voska66 wrote:
I'm not sure were on the same page. I dont own Inner Sea Magic, though that PrC is in Inner Sea World Guide. I am just talking about the +1 to HP or the +1 to skill rank(or the other options in the APG or upcoming Advanced Race Guide). Does the Red Mantis Assassin get to continue those bonuses in Inner Sea Magic? ![]()
I was a huge 3.5 fan and had doubts about Pathfinder, I love what they did to the classes, it puts them on equal level(if not better) with 3.5 Prestige Classes. PrC from 3.5 are still easy to use with Pathfinder. A house rule I like to use with PrC - if you multiclass into PrC with a single core class you continue get favored class bonuses, if you have to have 2 core classes to gain the prestige class you get your favored class bonus every other level(fighter/wizard/eldritch knight), unless you have have 2 favored classes(half elf). I don't think classes are more confusing if you start at 1st level and know your character, along with GM, its all on paper. Alot of the abilities you see at various levels are a continuation of a previous ability. I read a post that said theres less material then 3.5 and thats true, but you get alot more crunch in a PF Rulebook by far then a 3.5. They organize so much better and leave the fluff where it belongs, in campaign books. ![]()
In the wizard section it gives a special ability(+2 or +3 to something)for each kind of animal. Under the Improved Familiar I'm not seeing it. I understand the celestrial hawk would at least give the same special ability, but there are many(bestiarys have even more options)that are not that similar to the fams in the wizard section. It says they use the rules for regular familiars. Am I over looking something or do they not give the master a bonus? And really what makes them better, it seems mostly everything is based off the wizard. ![]()
The Complete Warrior has a prestige class called 'Spellsword'.
Its on page 79-80. Attack Bonus of a fighter, high will and fort saves. Spell progress every other level. Ignore spell fail (starts at 10% and gos to 30%), Bonus feat and Channel spell (cast into weapon, casts on successful attack) and Multiple channel spell are the special class abilities. Just another option, If you were to do it, I'd do a 4th wizard(as you get another +1 to attack bonus that level and still get fighter bonus feats for 2 levels) , 2nd fighter to get there. Later add a level to wizard to get your 5th level bonus feat, don't know how it compares to magus, didnt want to crunch the numbers. ![]()
thejeff... Check out 'Weapons of Legacy'a 3.5 book. I never owned it but thats exactly what it is (weapons that get more powerful as you gain levels). Its 224 pages so it should have alot of weapons. I doubt there would be much, if any, conversion to Pathfinder. Amazon has very good and like new copies for under $20. ![]()
Umbral Reaver wrote: Has anything been said about what kinds of mechanics 5e will use? They were not very clear, but kept rambling about empowering DMs to run a game the way they wanted. They said they want to take the best of all editions and put them together. Skills will use ability checks? Try searching dungeons and dragons 5th edition on youtube and you will find it. ![]()
WarriorPoet I hope your right. I love my Pathfinder hardcovers, but to this day I have refused to buy their 32 and 64 page paperbacks. Maybe their campaign setting is better then I think it is but the Inner Sea World Guide(the only campaign book I own - hardcover), to me, is very bland. It seems like a history book, yes some others do to a little, but they have more characteristics unique (flavor) to there settings. I've stuck the 3e settings. Maybe its the novels. Beyond the Campaign Setting what book(s) would you recommend to someone your trying to get into the setting. Adventures or supplements.