Count Lucinean Galdana

Garrick Corym's page

No posts. Alias of Vethcyr.

"West of Arkham the hills rise wild, and there are valleys with deep woods that no axe has ever cut. There are dark narrow glens where the trees slope fantastically, and where thin brooklets trickle without ever having caught the glint of sunlight. On the gentle slopes there are farms, ancient and rocky, with squat, moss-coated cottages brooding eternally over old New England secrets in the lee of great ledges; but these are all vacant now, the wide chimneys crumbling and the shingled sides bulging perilously beneath low gambrel roofs. The old folk have gone away, and foreigners do not like to live there. French-Canadians have tried it, Italians have tried it, and the Poles have come and departed. It is not because of anything that can be seen or heard or handled, but because of something that is imagined. The place is not good for imagination, and does not bring restful dreams at night."
- H. P. Lovecraft, The Colour Out of Space (1927)

Restov is restive. Swordlord Jamandi and her fellow civic leaders can only barely contain the latest waves of anti-Surtovan sentiment in the city. Between these internal threats to stability and the growing influence of Pitax, bandits and barbarians in the river kingdoms - none of whom are friendly with Brevoy - the southern leaders of Brevoy have decided to act. Each of you received a formally worded invitation from Jamandi herself, inviting you to meet her in Restov's city hall this afternoon.

The invitations read as follows:

To the esteemed Sister Nitina:

It has come to my attention that you are recently arrived from Cheliax. You may not be aware of the current political situation in these parts, but at present Brevoy is plagued by bandits to the south. As such, we, the Swordlords of Restov, have taken a new initiative to explore these lands, to permanently disrupt bandit activity, and eventually to settle the region. While normally we do not deal directly with your order here in Restov, the assistance of an Asmodean priestess in this venture could be of great benefit to both Restov and to your own order. If you would like to learn more of this undertaking, please join me and several others for afternoon tea at two o'clock this afternoon. I look forward to meeting you in person.

- Swordlord Jamandi, Governor of Restov

Karina and Klinn:
To the esteemed Sharasik siblings:

It has come to my attention that you are both experienced travelers and are skilled at surviving in the face of adversity. You may or may not be aware of the current political climate of southern Brevoy, but we are plagued by bandits from the riverlands to the south. As such, we, the Swordlords of Restov, have taken a new initiative to explore these lands, to permanently disrupt bandit activity, and eventually to settle the region. While normally we would not deal with individuals of your repute, you might be uniquely well-suited to performing these tasks, and as such your involvement could be of great benefit to both Restov and to your personal fortunes. If you are interested, please join me and several others for afternoon tea at two o'clock this afternoon. I look forward to meeting you in person.

- Swordlord Jamandi, Governor of Restov

Assuming you accept your invitation, you are shown into a small circular dining room at the appointed time by a guard. The walls are stone, with a single window on the side opposite the door that looks out onto Restov's central plaza, including the city gallows. In the center of the room stands a small rectangular wooden table with five chairs set about it - one at the head of the table and two on each long side. The table is set for afternoon tea. Seated at the table are two women. One of them is unmistakably Swordlord Jamandi - she is in her late 30s, has black hair and dark brown skin, wears a magnificently ornamented chain shirt, and most importantly carries a rapier with a glowing blue stone set in its hilt. The other woman is young, blonde, petite and obviously Issian. She dresses simply - white shirt, tan trousers, and riding boots. At her side is a worn revolver.

Seeing you enter, Swordlord Jamandi rises and motions for you to be seated, saying "Welcome. Please sit, and join us for tea. I am Swordlord Jamandi, governor of Restov."

Sorry for the lack of a map, but MapTools has completely crapped out on me - once I get back from this vacation I will have time to troubleshoot.

Hey everyone, welcome to my version of Kingmaker! This will be our discussion thread. First of all, there are a couple of things you should be aware of.

This is an invitation-only game.

The Setting:

- This is Kingmaker. As such, it takes place in and around the Stolen Lands. If you have not yet done so, please download the player’s guide for the campaign.
- In light of the recent release of the Ultimate Combat sourcebook, we will be playing with firearms. Specifically, we will be playing at the fifth and final level of firearms development: Guns Everywhere (described below).

“Guns are commonplace. Early firearms are seen as antiques, and advanced firearms are widespread. Firearms are simple weapons, and early firearms, advanced guns, and their ammunition are bought or crafted for 10% of the base prices given in UC. The gunslinger loses the gunsmith class feature and instead gains the gun training class feature at first level.”

- With this level of firearm development, I think it would be reasonable to make the following change: If a character would gain a firearm at level one due to a class feature, he or she may select a revolver, rifle, or shotgun in addition to the early choices available. This gun is otherwise limited by all characteristics of the gun as described by the class entry.
- Given the high proliferation of firearms, I think it’s fair to offer up Gun Training as a feat in this game. This feat is described below:

Gun Training
Prerequisite: Proficiency with at least one firearm, Base Attack Bonus +5
Effect: Select one specific type of firearm (i.e. rifles, shotguns, pistols, etc.) with which you are proficient. You add your dexterity modifier to damage rolls you make with that type of weapon. In addition, the misfire value of a broken gun of this type increases by 2 rather than by 4.
You may take this feat multiple times, but each time you must apply it to a different firearm with which you are proficient.

- This is an evil campaign. Your characters do not need to have an evil alignment, but good- or neutral-aligned characters may have difficulty working with their fellow party members.
- This game will have a very western feel to it (western as in the genre), and it might behoove you to flavor your character backgrounds and descriptions accordingly.

Character Creation and Source Availability:
1) 25-point buy
2) Characters begin at level 1
3) All Paizo Pathfinder core races, base classes, and class variants are allowed
4) Non-core, variant, or monstrous races may be allowed on a case by case basis
5) Apart from the aforementioned racial limitations, you may use any and all WOTC 3.5 sources other than Dragon and Dungeon magazines. All official Pathfinder sourcebooks are available.
6) Keep the cheese to a minimum, and run it by me beforehand.
7) Your characters begin with the average starting wealth for their class, and gain two traits. I am open to homebrewed traits of equivalent power to the example traits, but these must be submitted for my approval. One of these traits must be a campaign trait (see the Kingmaker Player’s Guide for examples).
8) We will be using JC's algorithm for calculating Hit Points as seen HERE.

House Rules:
1) Classes
- Paladins may follow any deity or cause – much akin to Clerics. Accordingly, Paladins follow the same rules for alignment as Clerics (within one step of deity).
- Smiting, Paladin codes, and other alignment-oriented abilities adjust as appropriate for your character and his or her cause/deity of choice.
- Paladins of deities or causes that would grant the Magic domain gain access to the following Mercies:
Dispelling: The Paladin’s Lay on Hands also acts as Dispel Magic, using the Paladin’s level as the caster level. As this is a mercy, the Paladin must succeed on a melee touch attack to apply the effect, and the ability may only be used as a targeted dispel. This mercy may first be selected at level 6.
Greater Dispelling: The Paladin’s Lay on Hands now functions as Greater Dispel Magic, but otherwise remains subject to the same limitations as its lesser variant except as detailed below. It may also be used as a counterspell effect if the offending spellcaster would provoke an attack of opportunity from the Paladin by casting and the Paladin connects with his or her melee touch attack. At the cost of two uses of Lay on Hands, however, the paladin may use this mercy as an area dispel as normal for Greater Dispel Magic. This mercy may first be selected at level 12 and requires the Dispelling mercy as a prerequisite.

Bards and Barbarians
- May be Lawful

- May be of any non-Chaotic alignment
- A monk may, as a swift action, expend one point from his ki pool to negate size modifiers on any combat maneuver checks he makes or are made against him during that turn. The monk gains this ability at level 4.
- At 16th level, a monk may, as a swift action, expend 4 ki points to gain the effects of a freedom of movement spell for a number of rounds equal to his or her wisdom modifier.

2) Alignment
I’m fairly flexible on questions of character alignment, and while I’m tentatively inclined to say “anything goes,” your characters need to be able and willing to work together.

This is especially true for this evil campaign - your characters should be able to find some common ground and reasons to work together.

3) Critical Hits and Fumbles
We will be using Paizo’s Critical hit deck to determine the effects of critical strikes. Every critical hit you lot score will prompt a certain number of cards to be drawn (x2 damage weapons draw one card, x3 draw 2, and x4 draw 3), from which you may choose one effect to apply to your critical strike. If no drawn effect is appropriate, simply apply additional weapon damage as normal. The drawn effects replace the regular critical damage multiplier of your weapon.
Double (or more) crits prompt additional drawn cards, and you may apply multiple effects. Any critical may be doubled, and if a foe scores a multiple crit, that foe will also be entitled to use the deck.
We will be using Paizo’s fumble deck for critical fumbles. If you roll a 1 on an attack roll, and then confirm the miss, you have fumbled! Draw a card! There are no multiple fumbles.

For this play by post game, I will upload an excel file with all the cards indexed on it, such that you can make the appropriate roll. For this, I will need your email address so that I can share it with you as a Google Doc.

4) Massive Damage
A failed saving throw against massive damage prompts a roll of 1d6. A result of 6 corresponds to instant death, as per the standard massive damage rules. A result of 1 means you are in shock: you are dazed for 1d4 rounds. 2 and 3 correspond to loss of left or right legs (respectively), while results of 4 and 5 correspond to loss of left or right arms (respectively).

5) New Feat: Trapfinding
“Trapfinding” is now a feat. It requires 4 ranks in perception as well as any one of the following: 4 ranks in knowledge: engineering, 4 ranks in knowledge: dungeoneering, or 4 ranks in survival. Anyone who meets these prerequisites may select this feat, which functions as the rogue class ability. Rogues still get this ability as a class feature.

6) Unconsciousness and Nonlethal Damage
If an unconscious character suffers nonlethal damage, he or she must roll a fortitude save (DC = 10 + damage dealt). On a failure, half of that damage is instead lethal. Certain abilities, such as a merciful weapon, do not prompt this saving throw when used to inflict nonlethal damage.

7) Triple 20s
If an attack roll is a 20, confirms the critical with a 20, and confirms that critical with a 20, a triple 20 has been scored. I would normally employ the triple 20 insta-kill rule, but in light of my new massive damage rule, I’m going to rule it as follows: Whenever a triple 20 is scored, a massive damage roll is triggered upon the recipient, with a saving throw equal to the last confirmation result. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect.

8) Misfires with multiple barrels
When a firearm with multiple barrels (like a pepperbox or double pistol) misfires, only the barrel that misfired gains the broken condition. The remaining barrels function as normal. If a barrel with the broken condition misfires once more, the gun is destroyed as normal as described under the misfire rules in Ultimate Combat. Note that revolvers have multiple chambers, not multiple barrels.

I will also be playing a DMPC in this campaign. This character will be subject to all of the same rules that you are.

As this is an evil campaign, some elements of the campaign will differ from the printed version. This is both to provide variety for me, as I have run Kingmaker before, as well as to better suit an evil adventuring party.

Please keep your acts of villainy rated PG-13 or lower. This is a public messageboard, after all.

Please post your characters and discussions in this thread.

Lastly, we need to come up with a name for this game. Something western-esque seems appropriate. I'm thinking something along the lines of "A Fistful of Gold Pieces," but I encourage you all to come up with a better name.

It is a cool, crisp autumn morning in Silverkeep. The city bustles as merchants go about the business of selling their wares, as the Silver Guards drill and train new recruits, as the nobility bicker in upscale estates and as miscellaneous city folk undergo their daily migration from place to place. Their daily routines are ever-so-slightly more rushed and harried than normal as the town criers announce the recent news from the front lines.

"Goldcrest has fallen! Lord Hekkard's army was victorious!" cries one man, whilst on the other side of the town his fellow announces "Sir Derrin was defeated at Ram Keep! Goldcrest's army is on it's way here!"

In the main square, each of you saw another crier standing with a city magistrate. The pair had been there since well before dawn announcing their news and passing out fliers. "King Heric calls to all citizens of Silverkeep: help the guards defend your city! At noon today, please gather in the main courtyard of the Mithral Keep and learn how!

It is now half an hour until noon, and you stand in the courtyard of the Mithral Keep. It is a large, open-air courtyard surrounded by the high, stone walls of the Mithral Keep. Small trees and plants grow in carefully-arranged gardens around the courtyard's periphery. A sturdy, raised stone platform stands ten feet higher than the main courtyard, and serves as a protected balcony for the royal family and for nobles of the court to view the courtyard from an elevated vantage point. Today, this balcony will serve as a podium when the king delivers his speech at noon.

In front of the balcony, a line of Silver Guards with halberds stands guard along its full length. From your positions in the main courtyard, you can see a short, rotund man standing atop the balcony speaking animatedly with one of the Mithral Guard. Behind them, a large, heavy oaken door leading into the main keep stands slightly ajar, and you can occasionally glimpse movement within. A pair of flags in the crimson and silver colors of Silverkeep fly proudly on either side of the door.

Martin, Caladrius, or Knowledge: Nobility DC 10:
The short, fat man is Master Vincenzo di Tezirah, King Heric's Master of Ceremonies, and one of Silverkeep's richest and most influential nobles. He is also known to be a close confidant and friend of King Heric, as well as the one who controls access to the royal family.

People are slowly trickling in to fill the courtyard. Reflecting the city's makeup, most are human, with a smattering of elves, dwarves, halflings and gnomes. As you entered the outer keep, you were instructed to turn in your weapons at the gatehouse. "With so many people gathering to see the king and with this war on, we're taking no chances about his safety. You'll have to relinquish your weapons and staffs here - don't worry, you'll get them back when you leave. Should you require a walking stick, we can provide one for you," the guard tells you.

If you're on duty as a guardsman, you can either be one of the perimeter guards and be armed, or be undercover in the crowd and unarmed. If off duty, you'll be in among the rest of the crowd and unarmed.

You will need to be in among the crowd in the courtyard, as only the royal family, their retinue and guards will be allowed on the balcony.

The buzzing of conversation grows as people group together to discuss their expectations for the upcoming speech. The King's promise to address the fortunes of the war and the imminent threat to Silverkeep has drawn a number of people of apparently widely varied walks of life, many of whom seem eager for the potential opportunity to rub shoulders with nobility.

Take this opportunity to introduce yourselves to each other and to roleplay. Let's get this game started!

Hey everyone, this is a thread for discussions related to the ongoing Unrest in Atlus game. It is also a place where you lot (the players) can discuss character ideas and decide what you want to play. As many of you are new to play by posts, this is also a place where you can discuss questions related to the medium.
