Rengal's page

No posts. Organized Play character for LordRcane.

4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Ohio—Columbus

Hey guys,
I wanted to clarify this before I got myself in trouble. What can we run at our local stores?

Obviously, 1-01 to 1-03 are peachy.
What about the Quest? Are there any restrictions on it?

The special 1-00 I assume is GenCon only at this point? Do we have established minimums to run that as far as SFS Novas or minimum tables?

Just trying to plan our local gaming. We have several tables starting tomorrow and a few minor conventions (not 15 tables worthy) in the next 6 weeks.


PS: Is there a note somewhere I missed? I looked but didn't see anything. Any linkage would be awesome.

First bit of added information:

I can get any GMs a free 3-day pass if they will run 2 sessions for me. I would prefer PFS for prize support reasons, but any game is a good game.

You can reach me here or the previously mentioned email address. They head the same place eventually :)