I have a lot of questions about this system... almost too many to enumerate, but it appears that the WoP magic system is almost unusable due to a minor oversight in stuff dealing with duration of effects. Can anyone give me some guidance on this stuff?
Here's an example:
Say you wanted to make a spell that did a little bit of fire damage and scared the target (a reasonable effect, to be sure).
Let's go with the first level examples of both, for simplicity's sake (info truncated for clarity).
Burning Flash (Fire)
School evocation [fire]; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
This effect word deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). If the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a saving throw.
Spook (Fear)
School necromancy [fear, mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 1
Duration 1d4 rounds
Saving Throw Will negates; Spell Resistance Yes
Target Restrictions selected
This effect word causes the target to become frightened for the duration. This word has no effect on targets with 5 or more Hit Dice.
Okay? Now, a spell with two level 1 effect words is a level 3 spell. So, in theory, the spell should look like this (i.e. this is the way we WANT the spell to work):
Burning Flash/Spook
School evocation [fire]; necromancy [fear, mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 3
Duration instantaneous; 1d4 rounds
Saving Throw See text; Spell Resistance Yes
Target Restrictions selected
This effect word deals 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d4); reflex save for half damage. If the wordspell with this effect word has only a single target, it requires a ranged touch attack to hit and does not allow a saving throw. This effect word causes the target to become frightened for the duration (1d4 rounds); a successful will save negates this effect. This word has no effect on targets with 5 or more Hit Dice.
Sounds fine, right? The problem here is the following:
"Multiple Effect Words and Duration: If a wordspell has more than one effect word, the shortest of all the effect words' durations is used for all of the effect words."
Now, I guarantee this has been covered in another thread... but here's the rub. This sentence (RAI, I'm sure was meant as a cure-all) is a big problem RAW because it places us against what does "instantaneous" mean, for instance. While the spell proposed above sounds reasonable, there are two alternative realities RAW (and the problem is, there's no way to truly discern which of the three are the true result).
The first alternative is that the spell deals 1d4/level fire damage and "spooks" the target instantaneously (having no real effect).
The second alternative here is that the spell deals 1d4/level fire damage and spooks the target for 1d4 rounds... read that again--both would occur for 1d4 rounds (essentially setting the target on fire for the duration).
What result?
Secondly, what save would be appropriate for the spell?
"Wordspell Saving Throws: The type of saving throw for a wordspell is determined by the highest-level effect word used that allows a saving throw. If the save is successful, it applies to both effect words, but the result for each word can vary based on the individual word. If the save fails, the target takes the full effect of both effect words. The save DC is equal to 10 + the wordspell's level (not the effect word's level) + the wordcaster's spellcasting ability score modifier (Intelligence for wizards; Wisdom for clerics, druids, and rangers; and Charisma for bards, paladins, and sorcerers). For example, if a 5th-level wordspell contains a 2nd-level effect word that allows a Reflex save for half and a 4th-level effect word that allows a Will save to negate, targets of the wordspell make a Will save with a DC of 15 + the caster's ability score modifier. If the save is successful, the target takes half the normal effect from the 2nd-level word and negates the 4th-level word. If the save fails, the target takes the full effect of both effect words."
This section is fine, but gives us no guidance as to the result if both effect words are the same level. RAI, this probably indicates that the caster may choose. RAW, however, is silent on the matter.
There are certainly more questions that I could easily posit, but I think this is a good place to start.