Ganeldil's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Well the Paizo Ptolus Minis were rebranded as Pathfinder and now this. Adding Monte's sage advice and ideas to an already super talented group and a wonderful product line certainly makes the 800 Pound Gorilla seem a little less daunting..

1. Ramp up the pre-painted mini's!! Someone get Reaper on the phone.
2. We need an official pathfinder Podcast!! <
3. This website needs some serious work!! It's a great store, lets transition part of it to more of a community and content based site.
4. Get Wolfgang and his little rag on as the official Monthly mag!
5. Get someone working on the board game!!

Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere, what is the correct Pronunciation for Shalelu?

I have too much invested in 3.5 to ever abandon it. It IS D&D. If you decide to continue supporting 3.5 I will support your company happily by purchasing your quality products. As it sits I have purchased all 3 pathfinder releases and all of your gamemastery modules.

Also I just need to throw this in, while I appreciate the option of the electronic format and understand it works for some, I prefer a physical book.

There is a substantial market for 3.5ers who want physical books and while it appears WoTC is moving away from both of these for reasons very well explained in your original post... the resulting space could do well for your smaller company.