GamingCthulhu's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Well have had a couple people show interest and looking to try and get a get together this weekend on the 2nd or 3rd to try and get this game started if there is anyone else who may be interested please let me know.

Glad to see some interest in the game. Sorry it took me so long to get back to here things have been hectic. Secondsight we've easily got room as only had 1 other interested person who said they could do sunday however want you to be aware that our home is about 45 mins from Annapolis so might be quite a drive for you. If you don't mind the drive I'll keep you posted about the status really would like to get about 3-4 players together before we do the first game.

My wife and I are looking to organize a weekly (or at a minimum bi-weekly) pathfinder campaign. Ideally we are looking for 3-5 additionally players as I will be running the game to start. We are thinking of starting the campaign with the Kingmaker Adventure path which will take the part through a multi-stage adventure in which they will be exploring and taming the wild lands known as the Stolen Lands, after which the party will be building their kingdom and protecting it from their neighboring kingdoms, wild beats, or hideous monsters.

We are looking to run the game on either Saturdays or Sundays with a start time around Noon or 1pm and running till around 6pm.

We would be hosting the game at our home in the Windsor Mill area of Baltimore and do happen to have a cat and a toddler so if you have pet allergies or a dislike of small children then we may not be a match for you. However if you happen to also be a gaming couple with small children then maybe it could be a joint adult/child play day.

If you'd like to know more please feel free to reply to this thread or reach me via private message.

Oliver McShade wrote:

Mainly Problem: magic missile (among many other damage spell) are not on a bard spell list. You would need to, Use Magic Device, every time you would want to use the Wand. Also, you would not be able to create the wands yourself, so you would be dishing out money to buy the wands.

Well from the Main Magic Item Creation section

Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed). The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet. The only exception to this is the requisite item creation feat, which is mandatory. In addition, you cannot create spell-trigger and spell-completion magic items without meeting their spell prerequisites.

So all he'd have to do is have enough scrolls of Magic Missle, or Charges left in a wand, or a party member with the spell to provide the 1 spell per day of 1000gp of the item. Even if he didn't have those the skill check to make it only goes up by 5 which for a wand of magic missles at say 5th level would then be only 15 (5 base + 5 for caster level + 5 for missing prerequisite)

Edited: to clarify that he'd need 1 spell per day of crafting from one of the 3 alternate means.

I've searched through the Society Players Guide and found nothing for this so figured I should ask here. When and how many Craft (Alchemy) rolls is an Alchemist allowed to make each session to craft Alchemical Items?

Since the cost of an Alchemical item would be 1/3 the cost if you made your craft roll it seems like it would be best to make as many as you could though I can't seem to find anything like make these rolls before or after a session as each item takes on average 3-7 days for a low level alchemist.