Galahad90's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hi. Question about Hags in play. When you have 3 hags in a coven, how do they run in combat? The description says that the all have to take a full round action to use one of the coven spell like abilities. Do any of these require concentration? Is there a limit to how many can be up at a time. Besides these SLAs, does each hag go in order of initiative as normal?

Does anyone know if Starfinder will be previewed at Dexcon, in NJ next month?

Galahad90 wrote:
Shivok wrote:
Not at this time. But ask again in two weeks and I may have a different answer for you.

Hi. Was following up on my previous question about Dexcon. Any chance we'll see a preview of Starfinder there? Jon

I noticed atleast one preview/demo listed at a bookstore. Are there going to be others and is there a posted schedule of any demos in different parts of the country? ☺(Most important to me, NJ)

Shivok wrote:
Not at this time. But ask again in two weeks and I may have a different answer for you.

I have a suggestion. I've had a lot of experience running Pathfinder. Been doing it for years. Both the Golarion Campaign World and recently with an Eberron hack. Everything I've read about Starfinder sounds great and also compatible with what I already know. I'd be happy to donate time to GM a preview game, or series of games in Starfinder. I'm local to the Dexcon venue and already going. Thoughts? Jonathon Bensley

Does anyone know if Starfinder is being previewed at Dexcon in NJ in July?

Hi, does anyone know if the Aliens and such are going to be compatible with the new pathfinder rules coming out? I like the write-ups so far, especially the Android.

Have a question that came up about the use of the Silence Spell. The spell is thrown on a creature, object or point in space. the 20' radius area of effect around this point has no sound, no conversation possible and spells with verbal components do not work. It also says that An unwilling creature can attempt a will save to negate the spell.

The player in question caste the spell on his cohort, a pet dog, and announced that the dog would be willing and not have to roll against the spell. But then they argued that any creature around the dog has no such save, they are simply in that area of silence and get no will save.

Now, to me that seems awfully powerful. Its an area of effect. Shouldn't any creature in that 20 ft radius get the same saving throw, not just the creature at the center? Is that right?

Hi. I'm running a game based in the city of Sharn using the eberron campaign setting. I have a question about how to run a PC, or NPC tailing another PC, or NPC. We're running what amounts to a fantasy-noir, intrigue related game and following someone without the other guy noticing comes up alot. A simple stealth check? Bluff maybe?I can even imagine disguise, perform or, in the case of an inquisitive, profession coming into it. I was wondering if other people had any thoughts?