Highlady Athroxis

Gaia's page

27 posts. Alias of Mishi.

Hi there,

Could you please cancel my adventure path subscription? Not in the least bit unhappy with anything, I just have more material than I could ever hope to run now!

Thanks very much!

Hi there,

Could you please cancel my Pathfinder Modules subscription?

Thanks very much!

Hi there,

Can you please cancel my modules subscription? I now have more modules than I can ever run, and I need to cut down slightly on costs after a house move, unfortunately.

I would like to keep going with my adventure path subscription though.


Hi all,

After a discussion last weekend, I've been talked into possibly running Second Darkness in a month or two. While I'm reading up on the AP, I was wondering if anyone who has already run the path has any general advice for it.

I did run about half of Rise of the Runelords a while back, and found that there were a few issues that came up in it that weren't immediately obvious to me beforehand (being a relatively inexperienced DM). I'm hoping to at least partly avoid this this time.

Is there anything I should be watching out for in Second Darkness?

So, any other Unknown Armies fans here?

My partner has been running a UA game for our gaming group for a little while now - it's been great fun so far.

Has anyone else given the game a try? What did you think of it? :)


Prelude: The General's Request

Last Oathday, Rova. The Travelers Stop Inn, Andoran

The Travelers Stop Inn is situated next to the main trade route running along Arthfell Forest. Painted in bright, cheerful colours, the sturdy two-story inn stands so close to the nearby forest that it is shaded by the towering canopy of the trees behind it. A large red sign above the door reads "Travelers Stop Inn" in golden letters.

A stable stands next to the main building, with several hitching posts located outside it. A few farm wagons sit in the yard near the stable, their owners busy securing them for the evening. The sun is just beginning to set over the land.



Having been imprisoned in Oregent for some time, your captors recently offered you a deal for your freedom in exchange for performing a task for the Andoran military. After agreeing to the deal, two soldiers dressed in common clothing led you out of the prison and escorted you several miles north, close to the dark and looming Arthfell Forest. As you travelled, they told you only a little more about the rest of the deal - that it was a man named 'General Dakovya' who had secured your release, but not the details of what he wanted. The soldiers accompanied you to the Travelers Stop Inn and informed you that the general would be waiting to meet you inside.



When you arrived at one of the soldier camps a few days ago, one of the Andoran captains approached you to give you a message that had been left with the camp. He didn't know the details of what the wax-sealed message contained, but passed the parchment on to you.

The message read:
To Felicia

My soldiers have told me about the help you have given them on several occasions - you have my thanks for assisting them when they have needed it. You have shown yourself to be a skilled individual - I have a request to make of you that I hope you will accept, for the good of all of Andoran. Please meet me at dusk on the last Oathday in Rova in the Travelers Stop Inn on the trade route near Arthfell Forest to learn more. This is highly confidential - tell no-one.

Gen. Dakovya



One of the men you assisted against the worg attack, Captain Hollin, approached you several days ago with a wax-sealed message. All he knew about the message was that it came from higher up within the Andoran military, and that he had been ordered to deliver it to you as soon as he could.

The message read:
To Figgin Brower,

It has been brought to my attention that you recently helped some of our soldiers against a potentially deadly attack. You have my deepest thanks and gratitude for your actions.

You have proven yourself to be of great skill - I would have another request to make of you, one that this time would help to save the whole of Andoran. Please meet me in the Travelers Stop Inn near Arthfell at dusk on the last Oathday in Rova to learn more. This is highly confidential - tell no-one.

Gen. Dakovya



Your military contact, Capt. Conris, approached you with the offer of a new mission several days ago, one that came from higher up within the military this time. While he didn't know the details himself, he passed on a wax-sealed message to you.

The message read:
To Meadow

Your skills and successes in working for Andoran has been highly commended to me - you have my deepest thanks for your past services. I would like to offer you a new mission that could use somebody with your abilities - one that would help to save the whole of Andoran. Please meet me at dusk on the last Oathday in Rova in the Travelers Stop Inn on the trade route near Arthfell Forest to learn more. This is highly confidential - tell no-one.

Gen. Dakovya



Recently, a wax-sealed letter was delivered to you by a young man in military livery. He told you that he had been asked to deliver the message to you as quickly as he could, but he did not know the details of the letter's contents - only that it had come from higher up in the Andoran military.

The message read:
To Merrick

Thank you for the help you have given Andoran previously - you have my deepest thanks and gratitude. You have shown yourself to be a man of high skills - I have a request to you that I hope you will accept, for the good of all of Andoran. Please meet me at dusk on the last Oathday in Rova in the Travelers Stop Inn on the trade route near Arthfell Forest to learn more. This is highly confidential - tell no-one.

Gen. Dakovya



Recently, a wax-sealed letter was delivered to you by a young woman in military livery. She informed you that she had been asked to bring an urgent message to you that had been sent from higher up within the Andoran military.

The message read:
To Thrane

I know that much has been asked of you previously in the tensions between our country and Cheliax. However, I have a request that I hope you will at least hear out - there is an important mission for the country that requires people of your skill and calibre, and is one that you may be interested in. Please meet me at dusk on the last Oathday of Rova in the Travelers Stop Inn on the trade route near Arthfell Forest to learn more. This is highly confidential - tell no-one.

Gen. Dakovya

Welcome to the Last Baron game discussion thread. :)

Cry Havoc!
Kevin Mack

Franz Lunzer

The game premise:

The game will take place in Andoran, near the border with Cheliax and at the edge of the Darkmoon Vale region. Tensions between Andoran and Cheliax are high, with Cheliax eager to regain its old empire, and Andoran anxious to protect its lands.

The game will start with a member of the Andoran military contacting each of the PCs with a proposal.

Character creation rules:

1. No evil characters
2. 5th level characters - 20-point buy using the PFRPG Alpha 3 rules
3. Standard hit points
4. Starting gold will be as the DMG's wealth table (9000g for 5th level)
5. Core classes only. For non-core feats/spells, please run them past me first - I'd like to take a case-by-case basis for these.
6. For character backgrounds, how would the military have heard of your character? Has your character done any notable deeds in his/her career, earned a reputation of some sort in Darkmoon Vale (or elsewhere in Andoran), perhaps he/she has done some work for the Andoran military in the past, or another reason?

Dice rolls should use invisible castle.

Any further questions, please ask :)

Having joined a few PBPs on these boards as a player, I'm now thinking of trying my hand at DMing a game here. I'd like to try running Tower of the Last Baron in either 3.5 or PRPG Alpha 3, ideally with 4 or 5 players, with the option of continuing on to its sequel once it's released.

Anyone interested?

Hi there,

I just received this order today, and while I'm very happy with everything else I got, instead of receiving a gamemastery combat pad, I've gotten the extra magnet pack. The magnets aren't much use to me without the pad :(, although unfortunately I opened the plastic packaging before realising that it wasn't quite what I'd ordered (although I can repackage it back up as best I can).

Is there any way that this can be fixed? I was looking forward to getting the initiative tracker to help in my games.


I apologise in advance if this is a silly question (or if I'm posting this in the wrong section), but I've seen a lot of posts referring to the Sidecart on the 'My Account' page, where items waiting shipment are held.

However, when I go to my account page I can't see a sidecart section at all - is there always supposed to be one there that's just empty if you have nothing in it, or does it just show up in certain circumstances? Alternatively, am I just being stupid and looking in the wrong place?

- Mishi

Apologies, I managed to miss the search function entirely. Found the thread by running a search for 'Magnimar'. Please ignore this thread :)


Hi everyone,

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I finally started running RotRL last week, and it was great fun. However, a couple of my players have expressed an interest in their characters becoming members of the Pathfinders (or indeed, starting out as a Pathfinder). I was wondering - how have other DMs handled players joining the Pathfinders? Apologies if a post covering this has already been made - I had a look but couldn't find any.
