
G%*?&@!n F&?!*#g Weatherman's page

22 posts. Alias of captain yesterday.


Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
We're working in Dane, a town so small they only have 3-4 bars, a gas station and one WW 2 memorial.
I'm guessing the gas station has a bait cooler and a live well with minnows and crappie?
Yes, also the memorial is adjacent to the feed mill.
...should I eat the minnows?
...should I put clothes on?

In this heat? I wouldn't.

Vanykrye wrote:
It's been nice in Virginia this week, but I haven't checked the weather back home to see what I'm going to be heading back to.


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Rained out, goddamn f%%*ing rain.

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Goddamn f%&#ing rain.

Vanykrye wrote:
The temp is supposed to be 15-20 degrees (F) cooler today than it has been, and I was going to open the house before I left for work. Then I saw it's supposed to rain for just about the entire stretch of time I'll be in the office today. *sigh*

Standing ankle deep in mud the consistency of pudding.

Goddamn f%+@ing rain.

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Goddamn f$@&ing rain.

According to the General the blizzard has shifted south, so Vanykrye is most likely getting it.

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The blizzard has begun.

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Yup, it's f*+@ing raining.

It was 0 degrees when I waited for the bus with Tiny T-Rex.

It's currently -3 degrees, not even an hour later.

I thought the sun was supposed to make things warmer...

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It's goddamn f%&$ing cold out today.

No f!~!ing school today.

The goddamn f#%+ing shopping area down the f*+#ing street is f!$!ing closed because of a huge f#%$ing water main break, no shit!

Our "high" temperature for next week as it currently stands will average out to about -3 degrees.

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Snow forecast for tonight into tomorrow: 1-7 inches (of snow).

It's like they're not even trying anymore.

And of course, the headline for the storm is "Winter storm takes aim at Ohio Valley!"

Um, hello! We're here too!

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Looks at the forecast for today, headline says "Heavy rain likely Tuesday.

But, today is Tuesday, and I'm f+%+ing sick of the goddamn f!!%ing rain!

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We were expecting snow, what do we get instead.

Goddamn f$+%ing rain.

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And rain, lots of stupid f+!%ing rain.

Oh yay, it's raining again.

Stupid f@$&ing rain.

Goddamn f&*@ing allergies.

Goddamn f##&ing rain!

At least I'll get to play a bit of Skyrim.

Goddamn f$*$ing rain.

Goddamn f&#%ing rain.