Lucky Farouq

GMPL 8665's page

30 posts. Alias of MPL8665.


Badharkân, you cannot recall ever hearing or reading anything about pugwampis.

Due to all the footprints of those, himself included, who put out the fire Turok cannot find any tracks around Eloais' wagon.

Dashki rises to his feet "Who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?" he asks indignantly. "Almah may have appointed you to investigate this fire, but she didn't appoint you my keeper. I will go wherever I want, whenever I want." he glares at Badi, his hand stopping just short of drawing his blade as he seems to weigh the odds against him.

Dashki looks at Sonja, then cocks his head to one side "Pugwampis eh, you never heard of them? Vile little creatures from the Darklands themselves. When they first poked their heads up from down below they encountered a tribe of gnolls. They began to worship them as some sort of furry gods, although gnolls can't stand 'em.
Cursed, they are. Wherever a Pugwampi goes bad luck is sure to follow. Jackal rats they calls them, on account of their pointy heads and ears. They infest gnoll villages although the gnolls do their best to eradicate them, they always come back.
Yes, now that I think about it it was probably a Pugampi's curse that caused the fortune teller's candles to burn down his wagon."

"Oh, so it's master Dashki now is it, eh?" He glares at Nasir, "I told you I didn't see nothin, and that's that." he stabs his knife into the tree branch and levers himself up, using the crutch. "All this fuss because some fool got hisself all burnt up in his wagon. If'n you ask me it was just a matter of time. Danged fool was always burning candles and incense in there. Hell's bells we're way deep into Gnoll country here maybe it was a Pugwampi, damned things are cursed."

Nasir, please make me a Diplomacy roll.

Badharkân, you cannot sense any deception from Dashki.

Sonja, except for a couple of personal items and some things in the interior of Zastoran's wagon you find no other signs of magic in the area.

As you appraoch Dashki's tent you find the man himself sitting outside on a fallen branch whitling on a piece of wood, a crude wooden crutch lies propped up beside him. "Not much to tell, I was eating dinner by the campfire when the wagon just burst into flames. With everyone running around trying to put the fire out or keep it from spreading I figured, given my condition" he nods his head toward the crutch "That I would only be in the way, so I went to my tent to watch the fire fighting efforts."

Zastoran kneels beside the body and examines it closely
Perception check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
"There's not much of poor Eloais left to examine, may God rest his soul, but as far as I can tell there are no signs of foul play, which is a relief."


As you approach Garavel, the major-domo asks "So have you finished already? What have you learned? Come and we will inform Lady Almah of your findings." When you begin questioning him, Garavel sighs "There is not much I can tell you about the fire for I arrived the same time as you. But, if you were to ask about my opinion of who might have done such a thing I can only speculate. It would not surprise me greatly to find out that our resident gnoll expert, Dashki, might have had a hand in our seer's demise. There is something not quite...right with the boy"


Hadrod looks up with a glimmer of hope inhis dark eyes "Thank you, Master. Right now he's lost and alone out there and I worry about his safety."
Hadrah responds to your qustions about Dashki "Lady Almah hired him to be our guide out here. He was one of the best gnoll trackers in all of Solku. There are few in the city who know more about them than Dashki " When you describe the man you saw Hadrah wrinkles her nose a little in distaste "Aye, that'd be him. Not much in the way of cleanliness, or manners, you should see him eat. He scoops his food into his mouth with his fingers like he's half wild himself."

Yes, you can check the spoilers. Thank you for asking first.

Turok and Badharkân, while examining the wagon please make the same Perception checks as Nasir.


As you approach the mercenaries wagon four of them seem to be ribbing a man and woman who just rejoined them. Jibes about "smoked meat" and "extra crispy" are bantered about until the group spots your approach at which point they grow quiet and watch you warily. When you state your business one of the mercenaries says "We was all sitting around the cook fire having dinner and drinking when old Fancy Pants' wagon went up. We didn't see nothing before that and afterwards when Treviss and Kaelin went in to rescue his sorry ass we was too busy trying to move our wagon before it too went up in flames"


Lady Almah sighs "I was in my tent when Eloais' wagon caught fire. I was going over some maps and charts trying to find someplace more suitable as a base of operations for our retaking Kelmarane. The Sultan's Claw is too exposed and indefensible." She pauses, thoughtfully "As far as I know no one has been acting strangely enough to warrant this kind of reaction."


As you approach Almah's tent one of the crimson clad guards notices you coming and knocks on the tent pole before entering. Before you can do the same the woman's voice calls from inside "Come in, come in."
As you enter the pavilion you see Lady Almah reclining on a pile of cushions with the guard from outside standing behind her. "Please have a seat." she indicates several other piles of cushions positioned across from her. As you sit you notice that although the cushions are made of silk that they are a little threadbare. In fact looking about the interior you notice that most of the furnishing, while still opulent, are dated and worn, with either nicks or flaking gilding evident on them, as though this merchant princess has been down on her luck for some time.
When you ask her about the fire she explains "I hired Eloais about a month ago or so. I can't explain it but something about having a Harrower from my homeland with me just seemed...right." As she mentions her "homeland" you seem to notice for the first time that although her skin is tanned it seems to lack the olive hue of a native Keleshite and that her facial features seem somehow foreign. "Although recently his readings have been growing dark and grim. His last one centered around a foreboding card called the Cyclone. When I asked him if it had anything to do with our journey he said yes but that Kelmarane was but a small part of something larger, something he called the Legacy of Fire. Although he wasn't able to elaborate more on it than just the name."
A tear wells up in the corner of her eye as she reminisces "You'll excuse me but I lost a dear friend today but I will mourn him properly when time permits it." clearing her throat she continues "I don't believe that the fire was deliberate, but if it was I want to know as soon as possible. That is why I asked you to investigate."


When you return to talk to Zastoran both Treviss and Kaelin have returned to join their Company over by the mercenaries wagon, the one they were desperately trying to move away from the burning wagon.
As you approach Zastoran's wagon you notice that it is made from sturdy oak planks, bound with iron strap reinforcements. Inside several beakers and flasks line the walls of the wagon as well as jars of herbs, vials of reagnets, and other things not easily recognized. Looking up from his worktable the old man asks "How may I help you, young miss?"
Asking him about his whereabouts during the fire he explains that he was sitting by the fire reading a book after supper but that Almah's "hired help" was being a too "boisterous" and he was having trouble concentrating, so he retired to his wagon to finish his reading.


Investigating the wagon's interior, such as their is left of it, you find a few broken glass and crystal vials, a fire cracked crystal ball, and several pools of molten wax, evidence of where candles must have once stood. Eloias's charred skeleton remains still lie in the center of the wagon.

(Nasir/Badharkân) Perception check DC:20:

Looking voer the wagon and the body itself, you can find no evidence of a struggle or other signs of foul play. Nothing to indicate that this was anything but what it seems, a horrible, horrible accident.

(Nasir/Badharkân) Perception check: DC:16:

As you exit the wagon you notice a dishevled human male with matted greasy hair, leaning on a crutch, watching you from behind the corner of a nearby wagon.


The guards look down at the little girl, smiling. When asked they all state that they were standing guard outside Almah's tent when the fire erupted. One of them adds "We didn't see anything suspicious over by the fortune teller's wagon but I did see Dashki, Lady Alamh's guide, hiding by a nearby wagon trying to get a peek inside the Lady's tent. The boy's obsessed with her, it's just not right."


A clearly distraught Hadrod thanks you for asking but tells you that he's had no luck in finding Rombard. Hadrah says she was the first to spot the fire and Hadrod raised the alarm, but once the animals started to panic they were too busy to help out. Hadrod continues "Eloais was nice enough for a foriegner but we didn't understand all his talk about cyclones and fiends and uprisings. But Lady Almah trusted him and that was good enough for us." Hadrod tells you "I believe he was from Varisia. He never mentioned anything about family but he seemed awfully close to Lady Almah" When you ask about having trouble with anyone, both of their faces darken slightly and Hadrah leans in closer to you "I know Dashki was jealous of all the time Almah spent with Eloais. We knew Dashki a bit from back Solku-way. Used to take rich folk into the scrublands to hunt up gnolls like trophies. Most people here don’t trust him, especially the way he leers at Lady Almah with his mouth all watering like at the smell of a fresh steak. Maybe he done it to Eloais, to remove a rival for Lady Almah’s attention? You never know.”

There are seven different people/groups you can talk to about the fire: Lady Almah, Garavel, the caravan guards (Almah's personal guards or the band of mercenaries she hired), Zastoran (Almah's healer/alchemist), Hadrah and Hadrod (the camel drivers), and Dashki (Lady Almah's guide and gnoll expert).

I'm going to Retcon a little bit because I want to take a different tack on the investigation.

Immediately after the fire:
With the crisis immediately passed, Almah summons Garavel to her and the pair make their way to Almah's pavilion. As they enter the red armored guards take up position around the tent to keep unwanted ears from approaching too close.
Despite the guards precaution a muffled exchange can be heard between the caravan leader and her caravan master. although the words cannot be made out, the testy tone of the conversation is unmistakable. A few short minutes later Garavel emerges from the tent, bowing low as he exits.
Looking around the campsite Garavel motions for the six of you to join him. As you gather around Garavel begins to explain "The wagon that was destroyed belonged to Mistress Almah's personal soothsayer, Eloais. He was inside the wagon when it burst into flames. He did not escape. As we were not here when the wagon erupted My Lady has asked me, and I am asking you, to investigate the circumstances of the fire. Take your time and talk to those present to find out what they know or may have seen. You have the Lady's permission to speak to anyone you want, herself included. If anyone refuses to speak to you inform me and I will inform Mistress Almah. When you have finished report back to me."

Zastoran sighs as he sits down on the steps of an iron bound wagon and looking up at Sonja he begins to explain. "Eloais is, was rather, Lady Almah's soothsayer. He was in the wagon when it caught fire." He shudders slightly, "Although I didn't have much faith in his abilities, he was a well travelled and well read man. No one else here could discuss the poetry of Bellnais or the music of Absalom and I will miss our conversations very much."

Badharkân you search the area around the pens and although the area is very scuffed up you can find no track in the area other than those of the three of you and the various animals.
The camel driver's wife, Hadrah, places a hand on her chest "Heaven's no, my lord. Rombard is Hadrod's pet goat. Since we were not blessed by the Goddess with children Rombard is the closest thing we have to family."

Nasir and Turok you are unable to make anything out from where you stand other than the smoking ruins of the wagon. As you look inside Garavel approaches you with Badi and Marossa in tow "Quit gawking, you heard Lady Almah. Wait for me outside her pavillion while I gather the others."

Garavel approaches Sonja and Badharkân in turn and asks you to join the others at Lady Almah's tent as she would like to have a word with us all.

After chasing down the livestock the camel driver looks around clearly distraught, and asks you desperately "Have you seen Rombard? He's gone missing in all the chaos." He then runs off searching frantically around the campsite whistling and calling Rombard's name.

As the wounded man's eyes flutter open and he sees Sonja kneeling over him he says in a hoarse whisper "I must have died and gone to heaven" Shaking his head he says in a stronger voice "What happened? Where's Kallien? The last thing I remember was we were trying to rescue Eloais from the wagon before the smoke became too thick and I passed out. Is Eloais alright?" he looks over at the woman lying next to him "Is Kallien going to be OK?"
Zastoran places his hand on Treviss' chest as the young man tries to rise and says in a low voice "Kallien will be fine thanks to this young lady here, but I'm afraid Eloais didn't make it"

With the heroes help Almah and her entourage make short work of the fire and keep it from spreading and damage the wagon nearest it. Once the fire is extinguished the unmistakable smell of burnt meant nearly overwhelms everyone nearby.
Almah turns to Garavel and tells him "Gather everyone who came with you and report to my tent as soon as possible." before turning, and flanked by her guardsmen, returns to her pavilion.

Dealing with the Frightened Animals:
A modest collection of pigs, goats, and sheep accompanies Almah’s party on the journey to Kelmarane. The flaming wagon has unsettled these creatures, which somehow escaped from their pen in the confusion surrounding the fire’s outbreak.
The middle aged human camel driver and his wife do their best to wrangle the panicking animals, but their efforts are quickly being overrun by the chaos of the situation.
Five animals must be calmed in order to keep them out of danger and out of the way. Calming a panicked animal requires a DC 20 Handle Animal or Wild Empathy check. If the PCs manage to make 5 successful checks before the fire is quenched, the camel driver and his wife have a friendly attitude toward them in future encounters.

Badharkân and the husband and wife team begin chasing the animals around the campsite, herding them towards their pen.
Each camel driver will assist you by Aiding Another on your Handle Animal checks, giving you an additional +4 to your rolls.

Healing the Wounded :
: An elderly human kneels next to two severely burned
mercenaries who tried to enter the burning wagon. Zastoran is tending to a badly wounded mercenary called Trevvis, but he is unable to focus on his second patient,
a female sworder named Kallien, who lies near death from terrible burns and smoke inhalation.
Any magical healing is sufficient to stabilize Kallien, who is currently at –6 hit points and counting. A DC 15 Heal check is also sufficient to stop Kallien’s decline.
In future encounters with Zastoran, Trevvis, and Kallien, these NPCs have an initial
attitude of friendly to any PCs who successfully kept Kallien from dying.

As you approach the wounded men you notice that one of them is not a man at all, but a woman. Her body is covered with horrible burns and her breathing is shallow and labored. Thankfully she is unconscious or her pain would be unbearable.
Kneeling beside the woman you place your hands on her slowly rising chest and call forth the healing power of your goddess. As the power suffuses her body most, but not all, of wounds her heal and her breathing becomes much deeper and steadier as her eyes flutter open and she begins a violent coughing fit .
As the old man turns to look at you, you notice a holy symbol, that of a human face half black/half white.

Knowledge (religion) DC:10:

The holy symbol is that of Nethys, the God of Magic

he looks at you appreciatively and says "Thank you, I was afraid I was going to lose her. I had expended all my infusions healing the others. I was too focused on saving Trevvis here that I didn't have the time to spare to save Kallien. You have my gratitude, and I'm sure hers as well."
The man introduces himself as Zastoran, and, as he puts away his healing kit, he asks if you have any further healing available to use on the other wounded man, Trevvis.

Putting Out the Fire:
Almah, Garavel, and four soldiers dressed in the distinctive red chitin-plate armor of the Pactmaster Guard run back and forth between the burning fortune teller’s wagon and an uncovered wagon about 20 feet away. The latter contains a huge barrel holding enough drinking water to serve the entire campsite for a week.
At present, it will take the six NPCs 10 rounds to quench the fire using the pail-by-pail method. There are more buckets to be grabbed by the player characters, and each PC assisting in this manner reduces the number of rounds it takes to put out the fire by 1.
Turok, using Create Water, will count as 2 characters.
A DC 20 Strength check allows a character to carry the entire water barrel over to douse the fire, which puts it out in a single round.
PCs who assist Almah, Garavel, and the guards impress these NPCs enough to shift their starting attitude from indifferent to friendly in future encounters. Those who
destroy the party’s water supply receive grudging thanks for putting out the fire, but NPCs who closely witnessed their act of brave stupidity will be unfriendly to them in future encounters.

With Badi, Marossa, Turok, and Nasir helping Almah, Garavel and the other remaining guardsmen soon have the fire extinguished before it can cause any more damage to the tree or the surrounding wagons.

It will take all of you five rounds of work to extinguish the fire.


There are four ways the PC's can assist the fire-fighting efforts

Almah, Garavel, and the four guardsmen have begun shuttling buckets of water between the burning wagon and another wagon 20 feet away Area A. This other wagon has a large barrel filled with water, six extra buckets sit unused on the wagon's floorboards. You figure at the present rate it will take the four of them almost one minute to douse the flames. By assisting in this task you feel you can reduce the amount of time significantly.

Nearby, four other guardsmen struggle trying to move another nearby wagon Area B away from the conflagration before it too can catch fire. You can help these men move the endangered wagon to a safe distance before it's too late.

Away from the blaze a lone gray haired human kneels beside two badly burned men tending their wounds Area C. Unfortunately with all his attention focused on one of the wounded men, the other is slowly slipping away. You could assist the healer and rescue the dying man.

A male and female human dart back and forth trying to bring the frightened animals under control and keep them from getting underfoot and hampering the firefighting efforts Area D. You could assist these two and save the poor animals from themselves and the flames.

Each PC can choose one of these four scenarios to aid in the rescue efforts

After nearly a weeks journey from the city of Solku, Garavel informs you that you will be reaching your destination shortly "Mistress Almah and her company are waiting for us at the Sultan's Claw." When asked about the Sultan's Claw, Garavel says that you'll see soon enough. Shortly after the sun has passed it's zenith you find yourself entering a series of hills, the jagged peaks of the Brazen Peak stretch across the horizon in the distance, like a series of jagged tombstones.
After another hour of travel you see a column of black smoke rising into the air from behind the next hillock. A look of worry crosses Garavel's face as he spurs his camel into a gallop. As you crest the hill you find a scene of chaos as six wagons and a large pavilion are clustered around a huge five limbed, barren tree stretching into the sky like a skeletal talon. A pack of camels prance around nervously, a wooden pen the only thing keeping them from bolting into the afternoon sun. Meanwhile a herd of goats and other livestock confusedly mill about the campground.
About a dozen men and women rush about the camp. Some chasing down the loose livestock while other rush from the center of the camp near the tree carrying buckets of water in each hand. Eyes following the bucket carriers you notice the cause of the smoke column. One of the wagons is ablaze.
Red and orange flames almost completely engulf an oddly decorated wagon. Peeling painted stars and moons decorate the sides of the burning wagon and smoke billows from an open door in the rear. As you approach the campsite a dust devil disturbs a scattering of brightly decorated cards lifting them into the air. One of the cards strikes Badi square in the chest before the others settle back to the ground. The wizard looks down at the card plastered to his chest only to find that it is the Cyclone, one of the cards from a fortune telling or, Harrow deck.

Knowledge (arcana) DC:10:

The Cyclone signifies a destructive force controlled by an intelligent being. It portends an ill wind that brings Arson, Destruction, and War.

As you watch sparks fly from the wagon to land on the old tree causing the Sultan's Claw to erupt in flame. Just then a regal looking woman emerges from the central pavilion "Douse that flame" she shouts at a group of men dressed in the red chitin armor of the Packmaster's Guard. Turning away she seems to notice you for the first time. A weary smile creases her face as she addresses Garavel "Ah, Garavel. And just a moment later than the nick of time, as usual." The caravan master bows low, silent as ever. Turning to you she shouts in a voice used to command "Don't just sit there gawking, find some way to help" before turning towards a barrel of water and grabbing a bucket to join the others trying to douse the flaming wagon.

Glad to see everyone is chomping at the bit to get started.

As everyone settles in the door opens once again as a stern looking middle aged man enters the room. He scowls at everyone before saying "Good, I'm glad everyone is here. I would hate to have to leave anyone behind." Although you can tell by the tone of his voice that he would have no such regret.
"I am Garavel, Mistress Almah's Major Domo and your caravan master. While you are here lazing about there is a supply train that we must get to the Sultan's Claw within the week. Now if you would be so kind as to join me outside we can be on our way."
Once you step outside you see the servants of the Caravanserai leading about a dozen pack animals, a mixture of horses and camels, laden with supplies into the courtyard.
Once they are all assembled, Garavel vaults into the saddle of the lead camel. As it rises off it's haunches he shouts over his shoulder "All right, Mount up!" and even though the sun has barely risen above the horizon, he adds "We have wasted enough daylight. Mistress Almah awaits."

Okay, we can move this over to the Gameplay Thread

After several minutes of chasing down the livestock the camel driver approaches each of you in turn and asks you desperately "Have you seen Rombard? He's gone missing in all the chaos." He then runs off searching frantically around the campsite whistling and calling Rombard's name.

As the wounded man's eyes flutter open and he sees Beatrix kneeling over him he says in a hoarse whisper ?"I must have died and gone to heaven" Shaking his head he says in a stronger voice "What happened? Where's Kallien? The last thing I remember was we were trying to rescue Eloais from the wagon before the smoke became too thick and I passed out. Is Eloais alright?" he looks over at the unconscious woman lying next to him "Is Kallien going to be OK?"

The bucket brigade
With Badi, Marossa, and Nasir helping Almah, Garavel and the other remaining guardsmen soon have the fire almost completely extinguished when, perhaps sensing it's imminent demise, the flames flare up one last time, sending an errant ember arcing into the sky where an ill-timed gust of wind sends it sailing over to the wagon which Mujahid and the other guardsmen are frantically trying to move.
All assembled can only watch in stunned silence as the ember lands atop the wagon, and fanned by the same wind which carried it, flares to life.
Reacting quickly the firemen spend precious seconds completely dousing the original fire before turning to face the new threat.
Several rounds pass before everyone has this new conflagration under control, leaving little more than several scorch marks atop the wagon.

As you approach the wounded men you notice that one of them is not a man at all, but a woman. Her body is covered with horrible burns and her breathing is shallow and labored. Thankfully she is unconscious or her pain would be unbearable.
Kneeling beside the woman you place your hands on her slowly rising chest and call forth the healing power of your god. As the power suffuses her body most, but not all, of wounds her heal and her breathing becomes much deeper and steadier.
She is at -2 HP's and stable
As the old man turns to look at you, you notice a holy symbol, that of a human face half black/half white.

Knowledge (religion) DC:10:

The holy symbol is that of Nethys, the God of Magic

he looks at you appreciatively and says "Thank you, I was afraid I was going to lose her. I had expended all my energies healing the others. I was too focused on saving Trevvis here that I didn't have the time to spare to save Kallien. You have my gratitude, and I'm sure hers as well when she wakes up."
The man introduces himself as Zastoran, and, as he puts away his healing kit, he asks if you have any further healing available to use on the other wounded man, Trevis.

No. But, I hadn't really thought about them. I'll post something in the OOC thread and see what everyone wants to do. But for right now I'm not using them.

You have four more rounds of trying to move the wagon before something bad happens.
Unable to move the wagon on their first try, Mujahid and the guards keep pulling and pushing the obstinate wagon.

Strength check: Attempt 2:

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
+2 bonus
Strength check: Attempt 3:

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
+6 bonus
Strength check: Attempt 4:

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
+6 bonus
Strength check: Attempt 5:

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
+6 bonus

After tossing a bucket of water on the blazing wagon, Mujahid sees the other guardsmen struggling to move another wagon away from the fire. Realizing the danger he abandons the bucket brigade and runs over to help. While Mujahid grabs the wagon's tongue the others run to the back of the wagon and begin to push from behind.
Each guardsman is attmpting a DC:10 Strength check to assist you in moving the wagon to safety.

Strength checks:

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

You need to succeed on a DC:26 strength check to move the wagon. Unfortunately only two of the guards succeed on their Strength checks, granting you a +4 bonus to you roll.

Beatrix, you cannot see into the interior of the wagon due to the thick clouds of smoke billowing out the doorway. The only casualties you can see are the two bodies being tended to by the old man.

Mujahid, since you posted your action before I posted the scenarios you may change your action if you wish.

There are four ways the PC's can assist the fire-fighting efforts

Almah, Garavel, and the four guardsmen are shuttling buckets of water between the burning wagon and another wagon 20 feet away. This other wagon has a large barrel filled with water, five extra buckets sit unused on the wagon's floorboards. You figure at the present rate it will take the four of them almost one minute to douse the flames. By assisting in this task you feel you can reduce the amount of time significantly.

Nearby, four other guardsmen struggle trying to move another nearby wagon away from the conflagration before it too can catch fire. You can help these men move the endangered wagon to a safe distance before it's too late.

Away from the blaze a lone gray haired human kneels beside two badly burned men tending their wounds. unfortunately with all his attention focused on one of the wounded men, the other is slowly dying. You could assist the healer and rescue the dying man.

A male and female human dart back and forth trying to bring the frightened animals under control and keep them from getting underfoot and hampering the firefighting efforts. You could assist these two and save the poor animals from themselves and the flames.

Each PC can choose one of these four scenarios to aid in the rescue efforts

After nearly a weeks journey from the city of Solku garavel informs you that you will be reaching your destination shortly "Mistress Almah and her company are waiting for us at the Sultan's Claw." When asked about the Sultan's Claw, Garavel says that you'll see soon enough. Shortly after the sun has passed it's zenith you find yourself entering a series of hills, the jagged peaks of the Brazen Peak stretch across the horizon in the distance, like a series of jagged tombstones.
After another hour of travel you see a column of black smoke rising into the air from behind the next hillock. A look of worry crosses Garavel's face as he spurs his camel into a gallop. As you crest the hill you find a scene of chaos as six wagons and a large pavilion are clustered around a huge five limbed, barren tree stretching into the sky like a skeletal talon. A pack of camels prance around nervously, a wooden pen the only thing keeping them from bolting into the afternoon sun. Meanwhile a herd of goats and other livestock confusedly mill about the campground.
About a dozen men and women rush about the camp. Some chasing down the loose livestock while other rush from the center of the camp near the tree carrying buckets of water in each hand. Eyes following the bucket carriers you notice the cause of the smoke column. One of the wagons is ablaze.
Red and orange flames almost completely engulf an oddly decorated wagon. Peeling painted stars and moons decorate the sides of the burning wagon and smoke billows from an open door in the rear. As you approach the campsite a dust devil disturbs a scattering of brightly decorated cards lifting them into the air. One of the cards strikes Badi square in the chest before the others settle back to the ground. The wizard looks down at the card plastered to his chest only to find that it is the Cyclone, one of the cards from a fortune telling or, Harrow deck.

Knowledge (arcana) DC:10:

The Cyclone signifies a destructive force controlled by an intelligent being. It portends an ill wind that brings Arson, Destruction, and War.

As you watch sparks fly from the wagon to land on the old tree causing the Sultan's Claw to erupt in flame. Just then a regal looking woman emerges from the central pavilion "Douse that flame" she shouts at a group of men dressed in the red chitin armor of the Packmaster's Guard. Turning away she seems to notice you for the first time. A weary smile creases her face as she addresses Garavel "Ah, Garavel. And just a moment later than the nick of time, as usual." The caravan master bows low, silent as ever. Turning to you she shouts in a voice used to command "Find some way to help" before turning towards a barrel of water and grabbing a bucket to join the others trying to douse the flaming wagon.

Stat blocks for the camel and horse.


NN Large Animal
Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +5
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 10. . (+3 Dex, -1 size, +1 natural)
hp 13 (2d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +0
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Bite +4 (1d4+6/20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks Spit (1/hour) (DC 13)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +1; CMB +6; CMD 19 (23 vs. Trip)
Feats Endurance
Skills Perception +5

Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Spit (1/hour) (DC 13) (Ex) Ranged touch attack vs foe within 10 ft sickens 1d4 rds (Fort neg).


NN Large Animal
Init +2; Senses Low-Light Vision, Scent; Perception +6
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9. . (+2 Dex, -1 size)
hp 15 (2d8+6)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
Spd 50 ft.
Melee Hooves x2 -2 (1d4+1/20/x2)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 17 (21 vs. Trip)
Feats Endurance, Run
Skills Perception +6

Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Run You run faster than normal.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.

Nasir, that's fine.

Everyone is welcome. Now let's have a good time.