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Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

The group descends the Storm Tower, leaving Tunuak to deal with the orb. Since the disappearance of the portal, the old man had seated himself cross-legged on the chamber floor, communing with the spirits to gather his strength. Eventually, the crystal panel resets and a platform is conjured to carry the group down to the main floor. As the tower's platform of force lowers, Tunuak is last seen flying up to and through the open ceiling where his body is almost immediately whisked away by the raging Morozkos outside! Like riding the inside of a tornado, the old shaman is glimpsed being practically flung around the pulsing orb, riding an inescapable vortex! Bright flashes of blue light soon emanate from the orb as Tunuak focuses his magic to begin hurling chunks of ice at the center of the storm!

Three hundred feet below, Spivey is waiting curled up into a ball on the northside of the Storm Tower's entrance. The tiny lyrakien is overjoyed to see the party returning, practically springing to her feet but soon apologies for having not returned to the caravan. She confesses to being too scared to head out into those winds on her own! Seeing some of the wounds that had been inflicted, she calls upon Desna's graces to erase those blemishes and restore everyone to their full health.

Suddenly, the very walls of the tower shake and the entire area is awash in blinding light! A deafening boom and powerful shockwave follow filling the lower chamber as, just a fraction of the energy just expelled above, is violently ejected down the central shaft and out of the main entrance narrowly missing the party!

Outside, the Morozkos rapidly dissipates; howling winds die to still air, clouds evaporate and the stars emerge in the heavens. Even the temperature seems to warm to a more tolerable cold that, while still below freezing, has lost its life threatening bite. Gazing high above, most of the third level chamber has been blown away! Given the size of the blast, there is no doubting the fate of the old man - no one would have been able to survive! (Fluff)

A minute later, a thunderous roar breaks the silence left by the vanquished Morozkos! Huge talons the size of Draeven, loosen debris from the remains of the upper chamber as an immense form comes into view. Pieces of the tower fall to the ground, as a pair of monstrous white leathery wings unfold. Standing atop of the broken tower is a white dragon the size of a modest house! The huge wyrm steps onto the remains of the chambers's walls, cries again, then takes flight heading away from the Storm Tower to disappear into the night.

Retracing your steps back to the caravan, the group has no difficulty crossing the 'moat' or traversing the icy plain where less than an hour ago dozens of skeletons had menaced the party. Half way to the caravan however, tragedy lays. It is the frozen remains of Ulf, his body caught up by the Morozkos then left bloodied and broken on the boreal floor.

A bit of a lame ending, but I wanted to put this chapter to bed. The short of it is, the makers of the Storm Tower had, through the mysteries of their crystalline magic infused throughout the tower, transformed the heart and essence of a white dragon hundreds of years ago into the blue pulsing crystal orb. Set as a focal point above the tower, the orb gave the makers wide control over the weather across the Crown of the World. With such power over the elements it was not hard for the tower to be weaponized. When the makers disappeared, the unattended Storm Tower would periodically unleash a storm so power, it would take on a life of its own. The natives called these storms, Morozkos and learned to hide from it's deadly, unpredictable rampages. Hundreds of years later, some of the secrets of the Storm Tower's potential become known to an obscure cult of Sitthud. Drawn to the Storm Tower by the power of the Morozkos and a desire to one day call their lord into this realm, the cult plunged into the region digging up all they could. When the half fiend Katiyana is born, her father, a devout follower of Sitthud, imparted all he knew so that she might one day see the cult's work completed. Katiyana discovers a way to summon Morozkoz through enchanted nodes of basalt columns. She spends years constructing more of these columns to act as focal points of control capable of summoning a Morozkos to that area. She left her victims, travelers on the Path of Aganhei turned undead, as guards. Although she was able to summon a Morozkos to one point, this was not enough. She needed to be able to summon more, create a cascade of storms that would feed off of eat other. The cult believed the potential destructive force of a multitude of Morozkos would be enough to empower the ritual to call Sitthud. Iqaliat stood in her way however. The Shaman who lived there had devised a way of countering the Morozkos and she believed it necessary to destroy the village. She was in the process of tormenting Iqaliat when the party arrived. She was not able to fully corrupt their Shaman, Tunuak, but had managed to blind him enough to sew the distrust and chaos there that she was sure would please Sitthud. Upon her death, her obsession with the Storm Tower and need to summon her lord trapped her to the tower. When Tunuak ventured near, she captured him but his torment did little to harness the Storm Tower's power. As a ghost, she discovered she was better able to interact with the Storm Tower's strange power and, leaving the old man to the resident hag and last remaining member of the old cult, eventually activated all of her nodes. The resulting Morozkos covered all of the Crown and opened the way to finally conduct the ritual. Destroying the crystals on the top level, not only interfered with the ritual, but also injured Katiyana and lead to her final demise. Destroying the last orb at the top of the tower, has released the dragon imprisoned there so long ago and ended the threat of Morozkos. This dragon however, is a new threat to the Crown of the World. Fortunately, it is far enough from the Path of Aganhei to be of little consequence to travelers...for now.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Having navigated around the remaining perils of the AP...
Two things happen. First, Anara's stone whizzes through the air striking the already weakened cluster of multicolored crystals. The grouping explodes in a cacophony of electricity and noise further cracking the portal. Fortunately, no one was close enough to this grouping and the released force of the explosion dissipates harmlessly into the chamber.
Second, in one skilled simultaneous stroke, Suishen cleaves the remaining blue clump of crystals in half also sending the crystals into a deafening explosion of energy. (Rennyn: Reflex DC33 vs Electrical, Fort DC20 vs Sonic)
Electrical Dmg: 9d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 5, 6, 1, 3, 1, 1) = 26 | Sonic: 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6
A long wailing cry accompanies the exploding crystals and a shade with feminine curves and feathered wings appears in the exact center of the chamber. The portal fissures causing Sitthud's angry scowl to fade from the crackling threshold. The Storm Tower's energy disconnected, the ritual is now broken leaving the portal to disappear into nothingness taking the shade of Katiyana with it. In its absence, the upper most part of the chamber is revealed.

High above the chamber floor (50ft), is a wide opening in the center of the ceiling. Suspended above that, is another, much larger glowing orb. The size of a modest house, this is the source of the ire blue glow which can be seen for miles around, marking the Storm Tower. Bolts of energy, no longer crackling in rhythmic synchronicity, rise from the walls of the tower to feed the orb which pulses and shutters. The howl of Morozkos rages outside. As if to address this, the crystal panel finishes its power-up and activates. The open windows all around the chamber begin to close, sealed by walls of force similar to that of the platform the party rode up earlier. The raging winds blowing within subside and the chamber interior becomes a much quieter, warmer place.

Looking skyward, Tunuak states the obvious, Katiyana's spirit will no longer trouble this realm.

Taking a moment to digest what's happened, Anara's calculating mind is able to deduce that the power of the Storm Tower was, obviously, directed into the housed crystals in this chamber. Katiyana had somehow managed to influence these clusters to empower her ritual. Of course most, if not all rituals, require a catalyst. Usually these take the form of an offering (such as incense or gems of a certain kind and size) which is consumed. The ritual conducted to bring forth Sitthud would also require a catalyst, or more accurately, a sacrifice (this is a demon lord after all), which is far greater than just the heart of some old fool of a shaman as a sacrifice. But what could be big enough?
Suddenly, a few chilling conjecture occurs to the sorceress; the very nature of the Morozkos is destructive! Could all those weird basalt columns be connected to the appearance of these Morozkos? If so, and they were all activated at once. By the gods! Katiyana was offering the whole of the Crown as her sacrifice!? But this is too much! The theory is filled with too many holes! There's not enough fact to support it... but maybe just enough of the unexplainable to convince a practitioner of the occult.

Fenra's intuitive nature follows a similar line of thought. Without needing to see it for herself, the fair oracle 'knows' the storm raging outside to be a great, great, great, great grandmother of a storm! So big, it is not only the caravan stranded a mere few miles away which is going through hell out there; Iqaliat and any other trade village along the entire Path of Aganhei are. And it is being helped along by those frigidly cold basalt columns out there. The blue orb, pulsing like a heart up there, is at the center of it all. It is the key. If these Morozkos are to be stopped, that orb needs to be destroyed.

Tunuak, still gazing up at the glowing orb nods, Your work here is done. It is my burden to destroy that orb. You need to get to safety so your caravan may continue its journey.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Compensating for the storm force winds, Sharadei sends arrows at the crystals opposite her. Despite one arrow being consumed by the discharging bolts of energy, a few more cracks appear. Within seconds more projectiles strike the group, each chipping away at the cluster.
(Do arrows take more than a -2 in windstorm strength winds?)

Fighting the strength of the blowing winds, Anara manages to move only 15ft closer to the rainbow colored crystals.

Meanwhile, Tunuak's struggle to descend the platform finally pays off. Finding some footing, the old man climbs down the side of the platform, letting himself drop the remaining 5ft feet to the chamber floor. With a quick assessment, he moves to the north end of the chamber, intending to confront the blue crystalline cluster. (Stride 35ft)

Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28 Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17

Overhead, Sitthud's eyes flash angerly at the elf's rebuff. The demon lord's head sudden smashes forward colliding with the portal entrance! A large crack appears across the portal entrance, like a glass barrier struck by a hammer.

Round 8! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Anara: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...


Windstorm Strength winds: DC15 Athletics to move, Fail=10ft penalty, Crit Fail=Knocked prone. Freedom of Movement Negates
Impending Doom vs. Anara: Mental Dmg: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 20 Will save failed, damage applied at the end of the spell (Round 8)
Green: H10HP50 -8-11-57 DESTROYED
Purple: -42-8 DESTROYED
Rainbow: -7-6-16-3-28-8
Electrical: 9d6
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8-19-23-16-13 Dead
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75-13-4-12-12-4-36-4-12-4 Dead
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 2 New Activation: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Round 8
Tunuak: 64/-2-39 | Focus Point used: 3 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 6! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Anara: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Mere seconds. One instant the translucent figure of Katiyana hovers effortlessly above the chamber floor, the next, she disappears like water evaporating off a hot forge. She didn't even get a chance to scream.

Other than her disappearance, the chamber continues to host rampaging winds - a fraction of the Moroskoz howling outside. The energy pulsing crystals continue their rhythmic pulsing, Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! and the abused portal floats in the centre, still partially open. Above the champion, Sitthud's eyes flare in surprise then subside to calm serenity.


From the beyond, a message reaches your ears and your ears alone, Worthy Child. This world needs your strength. Join me. These poor souls do not appreciate your judgement, your wisdom! Together, we will set this world on the right path! A world lead by strength of leadership with swift justice for all! Join me. Together, we will sweep aside the Oni and the ones who oppose you. You feel Tunuak's condescending eyes laughing at you. We will raise your companions to their rightful places and set Ameiko upon the throne which is rightfully hers. Say the words, finish the ritual! There remains power enough in this tower to fulfill your destiny! Join me!

Round 6 Init 23 Tunuak: 1st,2nd &3rd Climb
Holding desperately to the hand hold, the old shaman's feet flail and kick feebly trying to establish some footing. Unfortunately, the ice covered grooves he'd used to ascend are either not there or too slippery for Tunuak to be of any use and the old man hangs useless by his hands at the top of the platform!
Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17 Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20 Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17


Katiyana: Frightened 1 -13-7(-17-68-11-10-68-12-12)= one round | 1 Focus Point used |

Impending Doom vs. Anara: Mental Dmg: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 20 Will save failed, damage applied at the end of the spell (Round 8)
Green: H10HP50 -8-11-57 DESTROYED
Purple: -42-8 DESTROYED
Rainbow: -7
Electrical: 9d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4) = 39
ReflDC33: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28 Athletics Grad an Edge: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Fort: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Crit Success Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8-19-23-16-13 Dead
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75-13-4-12-12-4-36-4-12-4 Dead
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 2 New Activation: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Round 8
Tunuak: 64/-2-39 | Focus Point used: 3 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Because of my browser crash, an important detail went missing from my description but I will squeeze it in here.

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 6! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Anara: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Coinciding with the explosion of the crystal, Katiyana screams in agony, her form visibly reacting, more to the event than the spear strike from Draeven's hand. Rennyn notes he can almost see through her, but not enough to stop him from harming her. Also, more cracks appear in the runes around the forming portal - which has stopped growing in size. Recovering, the fiend's eyes flare shouting, Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh!

Round 6 Init 26 Katiyana: 1st Step X-34 | 2nd&3rd Casting

Her wings barely moving in the buffeting winds, Katiyana slides gracefully away from the threatening elf. Arcane words spill out of her mouth and her arms and hands form complex movements. Concluding her spell, a violent wave of force pulses from her (30ft emanation) hurling those within away from her! (Reflex saves from Rennyn, Sharadei and Fenra please. This is not a basic save.)
Force Dmg: 7d10 ⇒ (4, 7, 9, 10, 2, 10, 2) = 44

I will update the map beckons.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 5! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Anara: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Flat: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Focusing her attention on the next clump of crystals, the fair oracle launches several 'fiery' darts. The needle-like projectiles crash into the electrified minerals causing numerous cracks to appear! Then turning to the panel, Fenra manipulates the crystals there. The sequence is a little different compared to the previous levels, however the panel soon glows its familiar acceptance. All that remains is to await its activation. (I should have had you rolling for this, but oh well!)

The sorceress' attempt to meet harsh words in kind goes one step too far and Anara is left flat on her heels (Will save failed, now Flat-footed). From out of the dark depths of her mind, a pair of red eyes glow menacingly as thin pale hands reach out to grab her! Instinctively, she knows the gaze means to drag one of it's long jagged claw across her throat!
Despite the building mental onslaught, Anara manages to hurl a conjured chunk of fire at Katiyana and strike the fiend upon the shoulder! The flaming ball leaves a translucent mark before falling harmlessly to the floor.

Round 5 Init 23 Tunuak: 1st&2nd Slashing Gust | 3rd Climb
Giving up on the oversized hatchet completely, the old shaman stretches his arms out. Muttering a prayer to the spirits of his people, Tunuak draws upon the strength of the swirling winds within the chamber to form a mass of air. Then with violent force he slams the mass down into the grouping of electrically charged crystals sending chards flying! With another cacophony, the crystals explode sending Tunuak off the side of the platform, arcs of electricity snaking over his body! Perhaps fortunately, Tunuak manages to reach an arm out grabbing one of the hand holds, preventing a fall. Then breathing heavily, the old man begins to climb down from the platform.
SLG: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 | Bludmg: 10d4 ⇒ (3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2) = 18
(Basic Fort save DC 20) Sonic Dmg: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4

Round 6 Init 35: Having cut out a weak spot of the thick skinned chanter, Sharadei falls into a rhythm and manages to cut down the last of the undead minions.


Katiyana: Frightened 1 -13-7 | 1 Focus Point used |
Impending Doom vs. Anara: Mental Dmg: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 20 Will save failed, damage applied at the end of the spell (Round 8)
Green: H10HP50 -8-11-57 DESTROYED
Purple: -42-8 DESTROYED
Rainbow: -7
Electrical: 9d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4) = 39
ReflDC33: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28 Athletics Grad an Edge: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 Fort: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30 Crit Success Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8-19-23-16-13 Dead
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75-13-4-12-12-4-36-4-12-4 Dead
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 2 New Activation: 1d4 ⇒ 3 Round 8
Tunuak: 64/-2-39 | Focus Point used: 3 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 5! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Anara: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack!
Sharadei's efforts against the chanter prove to be more difficult than Draeven makes it look. Despite making what the ranger thinks are strong connecting hits, the chanter's freeze dried state makes it's skin particularly tough to get through and it is not until she hits it a third time, in the same place no less, does her falchion cut more than just a scratch!

Draeven does not experiencing such difficulty.
Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! With one of the crystals destroyed, an imbalance has begun...

The radiant light pouring from the oracle's fingers streak towards Katiyana's hovering form, but unfortunately, does not connect.

Round 5 Init 26 Katiyana: 1st&2nd - Cast, 3rd Fly W-33 +15ft
Disturbed by Anara's words, Katiyana looks down upon the sorceress, Behold Thy doom, nonbeliever! Katiyana's hands move lewdly and dark words spill from her mouth! Then terrible images flash before Anara's eyes! Images no less than of her impending death! Such foul and gruesome details unfold, the sorceress is faced with what could be a long, drawn out internal battle! (Please make a will save) Her eyes still upon the sorceress, the fiend moves to a more strategic position to watch amid the chanting of the remaining congregation, Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!
Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Although power continues to pulse into the portal, a shrewd eye will of noted the cracks which have appeared.


While the rest of the party hears the jumbled words which is Abyssal, you only hear the choir!
"Blessed are you, Lord Sitthud of all, for through your hand we have received the offering! Sitthud destructor of the earth and human hands! Sitthud come for us the bread of your life and restore us!"
"Your House Sitthud, Your House Sitthud!"


Katiyana: Frightened 1 -13 | 1 Focus Point used | Impending Doom Mental Dmg: 6d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 2, 5, 1) = 20 Outcome of the spell is dependent upon the Will save, damage applied at the end of the spell
Green: H10HP50 -8-11-57 DESTROYED
Purple: -42
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8-19
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75-13-4-12-12-4-36-4-12-4 Dead
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 3 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 3! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Small Retcon: Now that we have sorted out an AC vs the Crystals... Round 2 Init 24 - Fenra's last casting of Needle Darts vs. the Green crystals was enough to destroy them. As a result, Tunuak's actions will be used to focus his climb to the platform holding the clump of crystals to the south: purple. His position has changed to AE-33
As Fenra's darts collide with the green crystals, the grouping shatters completely releasing a massive ball of electricity! The explosion (a 10ft emanation) fills the chamber with light and a cacophony of noise! (Basic Fort save DC 20) Sonic Dmg: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
Instantly a cry of agony from overhead interrupts the ritualistic chanting, but only briefly. The female lead, sounding pained, quickly resumes chanting the ritual's words meant to bring her lord into this realm!

Round 4 Init 26: 1st - Sustain | 2nd&3rd - Winter Bolt
Rennyn's spear darts across the chamber, stops suddenly then just as rapidly returns to his hand. Katiyana's voice replies, Ouia Wesd Ioh! Qwgarse we'too faux dir! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! Then her form materializes. With a ghost like appearance, Katiyana's dark blue wings barely move yet keep her easily in the air. Wrapped in a faint blue aura, swirling markings etched across her skin have taken on an incorporeal effect. Vengeful eyes flash and dark words spill forth! A jagged icicle forms before Katiyana and, her spell completed, the translucent spear flies across the chamber mimicking the elf's own weapon before it plunges deep into the champion's torso! Looking down, Rennyn can see the conjured weapon is hollow and now firmly lodged within him!

WB: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32 Piercing Dmg: 6d8 ⇒ (5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 7) = 22

Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! The chanters drone. As though in response, the pulsing arcs of energy from the tower begin to take on the same pattern as the chanter's repeated reply Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! Crack, crack, Crackle, Crack! and Katiyana's expression turns jubilant, My Lord! The runes orbiting the portal overhead flash and then crack as though under immense pressure. The swirling mists beyond begin to part and a pair of huge luminous eyes peer down into the chamber!

A sinking feeling creeps across your stomach - this ritual may be coming to an end sooner than Anara had originally thought! On the bright side, the portal is not nearly big enough to allow a creature of this size to pass through. The bad news is, Sitthud has responded to the summoning and now awaits his chance to step through!!

Round 4 Init 23 Tunuak: 1st - Strike | 2nd&3rd - Focus Spell, Elemental Toss
Atop the platform to the south, Tunuak continues his attack upon the crystals with the salvaged weapon. But the implement is too heavy for the old man to wield affectively and all he can do is raise the oversized hatchet a few inches over the arcing crystals. What little momentum he is able to utilize, doesn't even come close to inflicting any kind of damage upon the clumps of supercharged minerals. Closing his eyes, the shaman whispers a prayer to the spirits of these lands...and they answer! A hail of ice rains down upon the purple crystals! Deep cracks appear along the surface of several causing a few large chunks to break free in the process! Tears of gratitude well in the old man's eyes!

Hatchet: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2 Focus Spell: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (20) - 5 = 15 Crit Bludgeoning Dmg: 10d8 ⇒ (5, 8, 5, 3, 7, 5, 7, 3, 4, 5) = 52


Extra Crit Dmg: 5d8 + 12d4 + 4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 3, 8) + (4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 3) + (1, 5, 5, 4) = 67
Anara Hide DC: = 23
Katiyana: -13 | 1 Focus Point used
Green: H10HP50 -8-11-57 DESTROYED
Purple: -42
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75-46
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 3 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 3! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Unleashing bolts of electricity from her fingers, Anara's spell lashes out to the shimmering image overhead and the freeze dried chanter. The electricity roils around each target, over limb and face! However as the spell runs its course, neither target looks any worse for wear, save for a scorch mark across the chanter's face!

Charging across the chamber, Draeven's feet glide across the glowing platform as it begins to blink out! The big man reaches his target and putting his considerable weight into a textbook overhead attack, strikes! Satisfying tugs reverberate through Draeven's blade as it rends frozen flesh! Meanwhile behind him, the platform vanishes! (I have replaced the image of the platform with the image of the portal opening up overhead. This portal is about 50ft over the center of the chamber.)

The sorceress watches as the figure descends. It remains out of physical reach continuing the ritual's incantation, Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! Ne'v F'hgfenj! Bouenm Vapmwei Sitthud!
Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! goes the response.
(Katiyana is observed by Anara but remains undetected(?) by the rest of the group. Melee attacks vs Katiyana will need a coordinate and height listed please.)

Then somewhat familiar words fill the chamber, Wert yui jnagh r'nob! followed by the chanter ravaged by Draeven taking on a brief inversion of color! As the big guy watches, the gashes and acid burns he'd skillfully inflicted are sealed up, restoring the chanter to a near untouched state!

With all this happening, the old Shaman continues his effort to climb up to the crystal platform. Although his earlier attempt resulted in his slipping, Tunuak's persistance pays off and using the ice covered handholds the old man scrambles to the top! Breathing heavily from the effort, he hefts the troll hatchet he'd salvaged in both hands and brings it violently down! The old man tries to smash the crystals, but misses as arcs of energy flash dangerously close to his body!


Ref: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (5) + 21 = 26 Ref: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Neg: 6d8 + 48 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 8, 7, 1) + 48 = 75
Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 Climb2: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 Att: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Anara Hide: = 23
Green: H10HP50 -8-11
Y-31: -23-38+83-30-8
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
AC-34: -45-16-12+75
Pltfm: Unavailable |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 4 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 2! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Focusing on the words echoing around the chamber, Anara's head darts up. Over head, a shimmering outline of a female figure catches the sorceresses' eye!


AA-30 and 20ft up


Seek: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 Critical Success???
Anara Hide: = 23
Green: H10HP50 -8-11
Y-31: -23-38+83-30
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -64-40 Dead
Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 4 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 2! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

The oracle's darts strike the edge of the green crystals sending bits of dust into the air.
(Yes, Fenra's knowledge check was enough to tell her the crystals can be damaged and this will prevent the tower from empowering the ritual)

As before, Rennyn's blade makes the assist, dropping a second chanter in a smoldering heap.

Round 2 Tunuak Init 23: . 1st - Stride Z-28 2nd&3rd - Climb

Striding against the winds, Tunuak makes for the ice covered handholds next to the cluster of green crystals. Taking hold of the first and second holds, the old man's grip slips and he fails to make any progress.

Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Climb: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14


Anara Hide: = 23
Green: H10HP50 -8-11
Y-31: -23-38+83
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -62
Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 4 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 2! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Draeven: 28 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Round 2 Init 26: . 1st - Sustain. 2nd/3rd - Harm

Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! From the other side of the chamber calls the female voice! Ne'v F'hgfenj! Bouenm Vapmwei Sitthud! Bolts of arcane lightning dance across the portal; it grows yet another inch!

Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Chant the remaining freeze dried trio. As they provide the ritual's response, Sharadei leaps back to finish one of their number. The ranger's blade flashes and hacks but the skin of these attendees is rather thick, proving more difficult to damage than before (First Strike misses.) Putting more effort into the strike, Sharadei's footing slips and the ranger is forced to adjust her stance (Crit. Fumble: Flat Footed until the start of your next turn)

Wert yui jnagh r'nob! The female's voice changes in tone and to Sharadei's dismay, the zombie's darker features flash lighter while the illuminated portions of its body darken to shadow. With this inversion of color, all of the damage the ranger had previously inflicted upon the worshipper rapidly seals then disappears!

Draeven's blade does not encounter such difficulty however and the big man is (Adjective) to see the acid from his blade bubble over two nice grooves.


HarmY-31: 6d8 + 48 ⇒ (7, 4, 2, 7, 8, 7) + 48 = 83
Crit Fumble: 1d30 ⇒ 13
Anara Hide: = 23
Green: H10HP50 -8-11
Y-31: -23-38+83
X-37: -21-4-57 Dead
T-34: -62
Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 4 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 1! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 30 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

With Rennyn's follow up, the duo reliably send one of the undead chanter's smoldering remains to the frigid floor. The other chanters continue their dirge unheeding the violence spilling around them, Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!

Round 1 Tunuak: 1st - Recall Knowledge | 2nd - Focus Spell | 3rd - Stride 15ft to AA-35
Tunuak's eyes flick from one clump of crystals to the next. He takes a second to acknowledge the champion's warning then resumes his vigil. Coming to the same conclusion as Fenra, the old man exclaims, The crystals! Breaking them should disrupt the ritual! Then raising his arms, Tunuak closes his eyes and words of an incantation rumble as from deep in his throat. The shaman's body sways, his eyes flash open and his hands gesture rapidly! High above, a chunk of ice is torn from the chamber wall and is flung directly at the green crystalline arrangement! The ice chunk smashes into the crystals cracking the green crystals and jarring a few more fragments free! Exhaling, Tunuak braces himself against the winds and walks off the platform.
Recall: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31|Focus Spell Att: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 | Elemental Toss dmg: 5d8 ⇒ (5, 4, 4, 3, 5) = 21 | Athletics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29


Hide: 1d20 + 13 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 13 + 1 = 23
Green: H10HP50 -8-11
Y-31: -23-38
X-37: -21-4-57
Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2 | Focus Point used: 4 remain

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 1! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 30 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

The Oracle's needles dart across the chamber striking the green crystals! From her previous interactions with the crystal panels, Fenra is confident these crystals may behave the same as one would expect a normal cluster of crystals. Sure enough, the metallic darts strike home! Although not as effective as she'd hoped, a few shards of crystal crack proving the fair oracle's theory - they can be destroyed.


FRk: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Green: H10HP50 -8
Y-31: -23-38
X-37: -21-4
Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Tunuak: -2

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Deal with Morozkos | Stop Sitthud from entering the Material Plane!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 1! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 30 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!
The four figures continue their droning chant. As Sharadei's blade slashes across the form in front of her, she notices its flesh appears to be completely dried out; hardened as though freeze dried. Vacant pale yellow eyes set deep into otherwise empty sockets give no sign of having noticed the ranger's attack.
Likewise, Draeven's efforts to cut down the figure before him produce similar results. The big man can clearly see the sizzling gash made by his weapon, however the intonation does not faulter.
Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!

Ouia Wesd Ioh! Qwgarse we'too faux dir! The woman's voice continues. Hearing this, Anara turns her head to the north part of the room, certain she heard the voice come from that direction! However, the sorceress' eyes fail to detect anyone hidden away on that side of the room.
Continued Seek actions should be accompanied by a search area such as 30ft cone or 15ft burst

Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! The four, now safely identified as undead, echo their response. Overhead, the portal crackles with arcane energy, growing slightly in size! For those paying closer attention, a huge shadow glides past...


Seek: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26
Y-31: -23-19
X-37: -21-4
Snk: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 1! Init: Sharadei: 35 ... | Draeven: 30 ... | Anara: 29 ... | Katiyana: 26 | Fenra: 24 ... | Rennyn: 24 ... | Tunuak: 23 ...

Prays muttered and wards conjured, the fair oracle manipulates the crystal panel to bring forth another platform. Standing close together, the group takes their places and waits for the platform to ascend. Half a minute later, the platform begins to rise up the central shaft amidst bolts of blue energy pulsing through veins in the walls.

Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! The cries of a woman's voice carries down the tower, Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Drones the reply.

The platform rises to a twenty-foot-wide hexagonal hole lying in the center of the floor of another hexagonal chamber. Four stone, ice covered platforms jut from the walls, each 20 feet above the floor. Icy hand holds cut into the wall lead up to each platform (DC20 to climb) Above these platforms, open windows expose the chamber to the extreme weather terrorizing the night sky. Standing before each platform are four figures. Arms outstretched in devotional pray, the figures chant, Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!

Outside, the howling gale of a raging Morozkos sweeps downwards from the open windows, carrying a rumble of thunder. The temperature in this chamber is extremly cold (Minor cold dmg to any not protected by Endure Elements), and the winds howling through this chamber from the Storm outside are of windstorm strength, blowing downward and outward toward the walls of the room. (DC15 Athletics to move, Fail=10ft penalty, Crit Fail=Knocked prone. Freedom of Movement Negates)

Six large crystals are embedded in the walls between the windows. Each crystal is fed by the same glowing pulses traveling up from the tower's veins. Arcs of electricity dance from these crystals to clumps of more elaborate crystal formations set upon each of the platforms.

Fifty feet above, a wide opening in the ceiling reveals the massive sphere of blue light which was seen from as far away as the caravan. The sphere not only sheds a dazzling radiance upon the boreal expanse surrounding the tower, but also illuminates the chamber completely. Bolts of crackling electricity dart from the crystals on the platforms towards this ball of energy above. At the bottom of this blue sphere, a circular portal has begun to take shape. Conjured demonic runes glow around the edge of this portal. Glowing with the same rhythmic pulsing of the Storm Tower, they feed static arcane charges to the swirling inky center of the portal! Somewhere overhead, the woman's voice cries, Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! Although the woman's cries can be heard over the thundering winds, she is as yet unseen by the group.

As the platform settles and comes to a stop, a crystal control can be seen atop a slim pedestal rising from the floor next to the shaft.
Cold Dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 2 |

Fenra: Cast Circle of protection against evil on Rennyn | Anara: Inscrutable Mask - +1 to lie, feint, demoralize or hide. It lasts 10 min, starting just before round 1.


Pltfm: 1d4 ⇒ 3 |Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 3
KaIn: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26 | DrIn: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30 | ShIn: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35 | TuIn: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (8) + 15 = 23 |RIn: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24 | FeIn: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27 | AIn: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 |

Tunuak: -2

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Rennyn wrote:
His silence is practically an admission of guilt.

Tunuak bites his tongue, resisting the old urge to rise to the Paladin's baiting.

The Shaman has learned that no matter what he says, nothing will convince Rennyn the old man is nothing more than a demon worshiping, lying villain. Tunuak has already admitted to being an old fool who was deceived and now wants to amend the mistake. He doesn't see the point in adding to this.

Without making eye contact with either of the two warriors, Tunuak moves as unthreateningly as possible to one of the dropped Troll hatchets and picks it up. Holding it loosely, blade down, the old man then steps over to the vertical shaft to patiently await the lift.
If he is to be chained up again, he will sigh, drop the hatchet, look to the heavens for strength, then cooperatively return to his place at the wall.

Before Fenra casts her healing spell, Spivey swoops in with a healing burst or two of her own, Hold on! I got this! A burst of divine energy fills the room. Frowning, the tiny woman shakes her hands rapidly in the air, before trying again Let me try that again..., but sadly with a similar result, What the? Come on Desna, Momma needs a new pair... The lyrakien claps her hands together loudly, rubs vigorously and soon fills the room with an impressive radiance of healing, Bam! That's what I'm talking about! Spivey looks around checking to make sure the group is tip-top, and nods in approval.
(Fenra's spell slot is restored)
Spivey Healing Mojo#1: 4d10 ⇒ (5, 4, 8, 2) = 19 Spivey Healing Mojo#2: 4d10 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 1) = 14 SHM#3: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 1, 10, 9) = 29

Draeven wrote:
You! You must go to warn the others!

Hold on, what?! Visibly pouting Spivey's eyes grow big all of a sudden, But, but, we're a team! I your back...

(Spivey will remain behind, then make her way, as best she can, back to the caravan after the group ascends)

Approaching the central shaft and focusing her attention upward, Anara sees the walls of the central shaft continuing to pulse their iridescent blue. Like a heartbeat, the veins of the tower's interior send wave after wave of blue light shooting upwards. High above, four arcs of blue energy bolts combine at the center of a high ceiling. The raw energy whirls like a large, bright ball illuminating the entire room above and much of the shaft interior. At the center of this, the beginnings of a dark portal have taken form. Too small to function as of yet, it is a clear sign the ritual has begun.

Oie wnag! Lire nao! Ianeg Sitthud kosh! A woman's voice cries out nonsensical words in the form a chant. The woman's chant is joined by by two other droning voices. Like monks in a trance, they accompany, Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh! Osh Kosh Sitthud kosh!

Drawing upon what the sorceress read from Na'Nook's tome, the pulsating sight of the tower's interior and bolts of energy as well as what she and Fenra learned about the crystal panels, some pieces of this ritual begin to come together.

Firstly, the ritual is still in its early stages and will take some time. Since the pulses started coordinating just prior to encountering the hag, Anara surmises that as the starting point. Although never having conducted a ritual herself, Anara does know of them and so also knows rituals can last anywhere from an hour to all day - depending on the complexity.
Secondly, Anara is able to deduce that Katiyana, or who ever is up there, has managed to somehow tie into the Storm Tower's strange crystals to empower the ritual. The pulsing walls are literally waves of magic being drawn up from...Desna knows where! Given the amount of raw power arcing across the ceiling high above, the Storm Tower is beyond anything the sorceress has ever heard of!
In a moment of epiphany, Anara realizes the Storm Tower's connection to the Morozkos - it is the tower which empowers them! Her gut tells her, a disruption of the tower's power would not only stop these dangerous storms from forming, but also stop the ritual! What the sorceress doesn't know is how to do this. There is another piece to this puzzle, a piece she hopes to find somewhere up there, at the top.
(The group has a least an hour, at the earliest, before the ritual is complete. You can take 10 to refocus or head straight up. Let me know.)


RKOcc Fe: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 15 + 2 = 28 RKOcc An: 1d20 + 14 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 14 + 2 + 1 = 29

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

So when the spell description says every affected creature must attempt a will save when in the designated area, and I follow this rule, as well as Anara's insistence to then roll a will save for Tunuak, you take this as a sign he is actively resisting? If only there were some way of the spell notifying the caster when a lie is being told.

Tunuak looks the champion dead in the eye, Yes. I have failed.

Tunuak has said there is still time to stop this. Rituals take at least an hour, often more. There is no telling how long Katiyana has been conducting this ritual save that something is just now beginning to happen.

Yes, Draeven go ahead and slit the old man's throat.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Tunuak coughs then addresses Fenra's question, You saw the body. Unless you know something the rest of us don't, the hag is dead.
Recall: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
No sooner does the name leave the fair oracle's lips than a chill runs down her spine. Sithhud's name has come up more than once since leaving Kalsgard. He is a demon lord. His unholy symbol resembles an upside-down bony three fingered hand and death and destruction will lie in his wake.
The shaman looks curiously at Anara, If labeling me 'plaything' helps, then yes, but his tone suggests he does not agree. And if I knew how to defeat her, I would not be chained to this wall missing an ear. He closes his good eye to compose himself, Katiyana, not the hag, has returned to this realm. She is an incorporeal creature now with powers beyond my abilities. Perhaps if there were more time, I could conduct a ritual to aid her along Pharasma's path.
Just then, the tower shudders and the sound of a lightning crack booms down the central shaft. From the top of the shaft, a bright light shines and sounds of yet more crackling can be made out. It is possible it is the same ball of blue light seen from the outside, but not likely.
Help me with these, Tunuak raises his manacled hands, I still have some fight left, I can help!
A woman's voice carries down the shaft, chanting incomprehensible words. Tunuak's face looks grim.


CrysPwr: 1d20 ⇒ 5
SArr: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Tunuak takes a breath to summon patience, I flew. (Tunuak did have a head start while the party was caught by the Morozkos which hit shortly after the trial.)
As to how I knew of this place, Na'nook recorded this tower's existence in his book. That book has been handed down from Shaman to Shaman since his time. We knew it only as a dangerous part of the Crown though. None actually ventured this far, save for Na'nook. Even he was unclear about the mysteries which lay hidden here. The shaman raises his chained hands to cut off that train of thought and get back on target.
She, Tunuak glances at Rennyn with apprehension, drew me. I don't expect you to understand as I would not wish any of you to tempt the corruption of a fiend. Fortunately, I had seen her body. My eyes were opened to what she was and the corruption which was upon me. I understood only more destruction could come of her schemes. It became important I see for myself what she was up to, besides killing my people! Because of the taint inflicted upon me I knew, somehow, the tower Na'nook wrote about played some part. To my further shame, my suspicion was confirmed when I communed with the spirits. Tunuak shakes his head at the cruel twist, Years of their silence broken only to affirm my failure! There is genuine emotion in his words, I vowed, if I could undo what she'd started...even if it killed me, I would try!
As I said, all I had to work with was a direction.
And what I learned after traveling so far, Master Rennyn, was she is not dead. You merely freed her of her mortal wrappings. That has unwittingly brought her more in tune with this tower and her goal. Tunuak won't say her name, but there is no doubt to whom the old man is referring to.
She found me three days ago, somewhere over the Boreal dunes. Her attunement has put her beyond my abilities. She defeated me and brought me back to this tower. For what reason I do not know. I have been her prisoner here these past two days.
Turning to Draeven, Sithhud is not a god. But you will need one should he come. If you do possess such power, call them now.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Sorry for the delay, I did not have a good start to the day..

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Whats going on at the top of this tower, old man?

Tunuak shows no sign of having been insulted by Anara's slight, instead nods gently conceding he deserves no honorific. He answer's Anara's question calmly, and through broken teeth, as clearly as he can, She is summoning Sithhud, obviously. The old Shaman nods his head towards one of the columns where the unholy symbol of Sithhud has been etched, His mark has been burned into just about every wall here sanctifying this tower as his rightful seat. Surely, that did not escape you.
(By "finish what they have started", you mean to continue torturing him?)

Despite the hag's violent death, Sharadei notes the blue veins of the Storm Tower are continuing their rhythmic pulsing and outside, she can hear the fury of Morozkus' winds continue to howl. Tunuak's mention of Sithhud's unholy markings draws her eyes to look for and confirm, this room is indeed consecrated in the unholy demon lord's name. Even the dead trolls have tattoos of the three fingered hand. (Yeah, forgot to reinstate the Bane, sorry. We'll say Fenra's Bless spell negated it. In case I forget, the next level will also be so afflicted and the spell's affects will continue.) Sharadei can see nothing of any real value in this part of the chamber. The presence of two additional crystal panels, not just the one she presumed was there to summon the platform, but to either side of the chamber does not escape her notice either. There is also the walled off section of this level which may hold some importance; a few troll sized hatchets, bone piercings. (The red rectangles on the map represent the two hexagonal portals of featureless opaque crystal.)

Below, Fenra stands only to feel heavier than she had coming down; instead feeling her own weight again. Stepping out of the central chamber to reactivate the crystal panel, her cosmic curse returns once again, causing a moment of awkwardness. The oddity reminds the oracle of the strangeness of this place, and the exotic nature of its power. She touches the crystals in the same order she'd done before. However, nothing happens. She then realizes the crystals did not reacting the same as they had earlier. The crystals dimly flicker...then approximately half a minute later, return to life. This time the panel responds to the fair oracle's touch and soon the mystical platform reappears. Another half minute later, Fenra rises again to the second level.


PF appear: 1d4 ⇒ 1
PF Alight: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Reset: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

(Due to a miscalculation of DC) ..her foot lands gracefully on the edge of the chamber...but her weight is still too far back. Arms pinwheeling, Fenra tumbles backward and down to the bottom of the dark shaft! (100ft drop, 50 points bludgeoning)


You land nearby the body of the old hag. Blood weeps from her eyes and ears yet there is a manic smile on the old woman's face. Gathering yourself together, you find the following on her body:
1 broken flask, the contents of the potion seep into the icy floor
1 scroll - the writing upon is jagged and in a language which hints at divine, but the unholy kind (10 minutes to decipher)
5 gems of modest value - 10gp Black sapphire, 12gp purple garnet, 5gp tiger's eye, 8gp amber and 5gp diamond.
1 Orc knuckle dagger
1 human ear

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
I'd thought Anara had posted an attached condition to her casting that spell...

The hag finds herself impaled by yet more projectiles and with one hand, clutches at the arrow in her shoulder even as a blossom of dark red blooms from her stomach. Too...late. it. Si...hud...coooomeeesss! The hag's words struggled to be uttered and with her last dying breath screams as she plummets...Her back turned, Anara's spell tells the sorceress the hag is not lying and a chill runs through her core! ...falling all the way to the bottom of the shaft! An instant later, Sharadei and Fenra realize the conjured platform is blinking rapidly out of existance and have but a second to jump to safety!

The ranger easily steps to safety, however the fair oracle is not as close to the edge! As the platform flickers and disappears, Fenra is caught mid leap, the dark shaft opening beneath her like a hungry maw! For a heartbeat, Fenra stands frozen in midair. Her robes swirl with the movement of her arms and legs, her hair swept back, caught in a gentle breeze. One second she is there, in the middle of the shaft, the next...her foot lands gracefully on the edge of the chamber!
SharReflex: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (19) + 19 = 38 FenReflex: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

Which one of you will start the torture?

GM Truth or Dare?:

WillTunuakLie?: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (20) + 19 = 39

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Sharadei drops her bow in Round 3, Anara's reaction takes place in Round 3, Init order adjusted
Moving over to examine everyone's favorite Shaman, Anara can see his left ear is indeed missing. The wound is fresh, but there is no sign of the man's ear - presumably the old woman still has it? Heavy chains bind Tunuak's hands. The bindings dig tightly into his wrists partially cutting off circulation to dark red hands. There is evidence of him being subjected to a severe beating; his right eye is swollen shut, dark bruises cover the left side of his face and his breathing is short with a wheeze.
Medicine Check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

Round 3 Init 25: 1st - Interact, 2nd - Fly 25ft to AA-22, 3rd - Climb +25ft (Now +50ft)

Projectiles hurl across the room at the old woman. Pivoting her body left and right, she cackles as shafts strike the frost covered walls, (A 23 is a miss.). One of Sharadei's arrows does manage to strike home and Rennyn notes some of the vile woman's blood on his spear tip, but now where near as much as hoped. No! No! No! Hahaha! Quaffing the glass bottle in her hand, she flies across the room to the central shaft where she once again claws her way up the wall to the top of the chamber!

Spivey watches the drama unfolding, Tough bird.

Round 4! ... Draeven: 35 ... | Anara: 33 ... | Sharadei: 32 ... | Fenra: 32 ... | Rennyn: 31 ... | Old Woman: 25 ... | Spivey: 22 ...|


Will: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32 Success. No mental damage, FF to Sharadei's attacks
ModHP: 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 7, 4) + 10 = 22
WH: -79-17-9-10-6+22

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Round 2! ... Draeven: 35 ... | Sharadei: 32 ... | Fenra: 32 ... | Rennyn: 31 ... | Anara: 30 ... | Trolls: 27 ... | Old Woman: 25 ... | Spivey: 22 ...|


LL: -38+15
WH: -79 - 17
HPers: 1d20 ⇒ 18 (Persistent ends)
LL Will: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Auto Fail
Know: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Init 27 Troll: 1st+2nd Strike, 3rd Grapple (But the dice roller is cursed by the Foundry Omen! )

Anara finishes the last few words of her spell and notices the troll's eyes shift from cross-eyed to straight and true! The troll shakes its head, scratches at the scab forming over the ranger's attempt to wound it, then swings the hatchet at Sharadei's head! The troll sees the sharp blade head strikes true... but there's no blood. No delicious brains. The troll squints as its brain organ works hard. Giving that up, it swings its hatchet again this time cleaving the annoying woman's arm at the shoulder! But the arm does not fall. Stupid arm. And where's the blood? These puny humans are full of blood! Blood should come! The troll snorts and changes tactics. Reaching for Sharadei it feels a finger thrust into its nose! Nothing. It tries again, mining the other nostril and is rewarded with a juicy morsel!
Strike: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 Strike: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 Strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 Strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 Grapple: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
While the troll busies itself, Anara turns her attention to the old woman. A memory of old Finnighan arises. The tavern was dim and musky but Finnighan's tale of seductive women lurking in the forests north of Kalsgard had caught her attention. These women only looked young and vivacious, but were really old and wizened hags. One tale tell way of spotting one of there hags is to look for their footprints. Hags seemingly walk on air and rarely leave tracks. They also aren't very good at getting out of the way of stuff (GM speak for Reflex saving stuff)
Now, everyone knows hags are unpleasant cannibals who strive to entrap humanoids in schemes, create mistrust and strife from within. The hags then enjoyed picking off their prey one or two at a time, heightening the fear and anger of those who remain. The hags then revels in the scene of chaos and destruction left behind. (Sound familiar? Someone gave advise to someone else who went and did stuff)
The only way to rid the world of them is to burn them at the stake! Some things never change. Finnighan mused that if there were no sources of fire, these hags probably don't take too well to cold iron. An odd thing to speculate as the hags he was describing thrive in the cold, but then Finnighan seemed to think hags were some kind of fey. (That's at least three pieces of information but I'm only guessing at what you actually want to know. In the future it would help if you include what you would like to know with your recall knowledge requests so I have a clearer target.)

Init 20 Old Hag: 1st Step AC-26, 2nd - Climb+25ft, 3rd Retrieve item

The old woman cackles as she backs away from Rennyn. You're too late! She's already found the key! Hee!Hee!Hee! Anara looks to where the hag moved and only sees the hem of her tattered robes swaying in the cold air. The old woman's hands reach behind, touch the wall and proceed to climb. Where the old woman claws at the wall, patches of frost fall to the floor revealing the icy surface below, She's found the key and the Master will come! Oh yes! He will enter our world and avenge my sacrifice! Hee!Hee! With one hand on the wall to 'support' herself, the old woman reaches into her rags producing a small bottle.
(She has a climb speed and does not need to physically walk as other means are freely available to her.)

Spivey leans towards Anara, I'm just thinking out loud here, but if that's Tunuak, and he's chained to the wall, is he still evil? I mean, that woman cut off his ear. She's clearly not on the good guy side; I give her another 6 seconds. But cutting off someone's ear! That's not something friends do to friends, is it?

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Round 2! ... Draeven: 35 ... | Sharadei: 32 ... | Fenra: 32 ... | Rennyn: 31 ... | Anara: 30 ... | Trolls: 27 ... | Old Woman: 25 ... | Spivey: 22 ...|

Draeven feels the satisfactory tug on his sword's edge as it cuts deep into the troll's side. Entrails spill to assault the big man's senses yet the beast does not go down! Leering at the barbarian, the troll roars defiantly forcing Draeven to finish the job. Another thrust impales his blade to the hilt into the troll's brain cavity!

Marking the old woman, Rennyn rushes past the third troll. Not completely lacking in intelligence, the troll swings its hatchet toward the charging champion catching him in the sword arm!
Reac Strike: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 Slash: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 1) + 7 = 10
The troll's efforts do not dissuade the elf who moves on to savage the old woman. Feeling Suishen's bite, the old woman spins with the attack, but despite the wound, she does not fall...not yet. Flashing in anger, the old woman's eyes find Rennyn as flames threaten to set her alight!


WH: -79 + (-12 Persistent)

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

Round 1! ... Draeven: 35 ... | Sharadei: 32 ... | Fenra: 32 ... | Rennyn: 31 ... | Anara: 30 ... | Trolls: 27 ... | Old Woman: 25 ... | Spivey: 22 ...|

Acid Persistent: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Spilling from their two blades, foul blood and gore spray across the room adding burning troll flesh to the putrid smell of the chamber!
Sharadei's falchion adds to the growing mess, spattering the map with troll blood!

Muttering what sounds like a warning, Anara steps off the platform, her shoes squish squishing through troll entrails and gore.

Roaring with displeasure, the two remaining trolls raise hatchets! Specks of spittle fly from their mouths as they shout their revenge upon the ranger! The troll Sharadei wounded sweeps a thick leg toward her and catching the ranger behind her ankle, she is knocked to the ground! (Shar is Prone) The ranger's quick reflexes save her from a following bite! But not fast enough to avoid the other troll's hatchet! Cold steel slashes across the ranger's thigh lancing her with pain! Then another swing of the hatchet finds her shoulder!

Trolls O,LL Init 27: O1st - Trip, LL1st - Step AA-26, O,LL2nd - Strike! 3rd O,LL - Strike!
OTrip: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31 Success! O Bite: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Miss LL Strike: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 Hit LL Strike: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 Hit
Hatchet dmg: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 6) + 7 = 18
Hatchet dmg: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 4) + 7 = 15

On the other side of the chamber, dark words roll from the old woman's tongue. Gesturing with the raised knife, a blast of ice cold air shoots from her hands to fill the chamber! Cone catches everyone)
Old Woman Init 25: 1st Step AC-25, 2 Action Casting - Cone of Cold
Cold: 12d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4, 6, 1, 3, 1, 5, 4, 2, 2, 5) = 42 (Basic Reflex)

Heeding Rennyn's command, Spivey makes a beeline for Draeven's side.


Tr: 17+acid+2 bleed (Failed) + Frightened 2 ... +75+fire+3 (Dead)
O: 28-15

Platform: Round 4/8

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

The platform rises amid pulsing walls. Above the half way point, they synchronize once more! This time the pulsing veins are holding their pattern and the entire chamber grows brighter. Suddenly, there is a dramatic change in air pressure as though the shaft is subjected to a shock wave from high above! It feels like a slap of air sending ears ringing from the blast. From outside, the howling cry of a Morozkos can be heard buffeting the tower walls!
AirDmg: 1d6 ⇒ 4

The glowing ring of the next level looms closer and closer. The maniacal laughter of an old woman fills the air as a man screams in pain. The veins from the shaft begin to converge near the top of the shaft becoming four throbbing arteries at the ring. Clearing the edge to the next level, the platform slows to a gentle stop revealing a chilled, frost covered chamber reeking of decay and excrement. Three of the veins traverse the cold floor, up the walls of this hexagonal chamber before converging back into the central shaft 50 feet above. A fourth artery continues its way up the east side of the shaft to disappear with the others at the top where a blue sphere of light ripples. The hexagonal shaft containing the platform is open to this chamber on three sides, the other three sides continue up to the blue sphere another 200 feet above. To the northeast and southeast, two hexagonal portals stand in the walls, filled with featureless opaque crystal. More crystal panels are set within these walls.

On the west walls is a large mural. The decoration is an image recognizable as the map of the Crown. Dozens of painted black dots scatter the landscape; some are labelled in what Anara and Fenra recognize as abyssal runes. But there is no time to decipher these!

Standing 11 feet tall and about 900 pounds each are three frost covered trolls! Each bare the demon lord Sithhud's unholy symbol upon their chests. Their sickly, cracked icy flesh is of a cerulean pallor. Trophies of bone and flayed skin hang from randomly placed hooks piercing their grotesque bodies! To the north are the remains of their meals; humanoid and animal bones and one half eaten man! To the south, an aged woman stands before an old man chained to the wall. The woman holds an ear in one hand, a wicked looking knife in the other! Somehow, this old man is non other than Tunuak! Desna has smiled upon the group and caught these creatures off guard! Trolls and woman alike turn to see the group arrive...

Round 1! ... Draeven: 35 ... | Sharadei: 32 ... | Fenra: 32 ... | Rennyn: 31 ... | Anara: 30 ... | Trolls: 27 ... | Spivey: 22 ...|


H: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25 Tlls: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 OMG!Draeven: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (19) + 16 = 35 Shara: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32 Fen: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 32 Ren: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 An: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 Spiv: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Spivey Rolls for healing...
Spivey Treat wounds Expert DC20 D: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
Treat Wounds: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 6) + 10 = 21
Spivey Treat wounds Expert DC20 Sh: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
Treat Wounds: 4d8 + 10 ⇒ (3, 8, 5, 6) + 10 = 32
Healing 30ft Burst: 4d10 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 10) = 20

I think this takes care of just about every point.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

With little else to do, Spivey sets to work tending to 'owies' as she likes to call them. (I don't think there were a lot of injuries so everyone should be at full health heading up. Anara and Rennyn may regain a focus point as well if they like.)

Meanwhile, Fenra's intuitive logic eventually pays off. Coming up with the patterns needed to activate the panel's crystals, Anara quickly feels the rush of arcane energy return and the icy floor beneath begins to glow. Strange writings and patterns emerge to form a glowing disc at the bottom of the central chamber. Then the crystal panel begins flashing; slowly at first, then quicker. (Like the LED of a camera set to timer before snapping the shot, 2 rounds worth)
Certain this is the platform function of the panel, Fenra directs the group to position themselves within the glowing runes. It is a tight fit. The glowing patterns do not fill the chamber interior completely and there is a gap all around; wide enough for someone to squeeze off the forming disc if they wanted. No sooner does the party step onto the glowing circular pattern than a platform of alien force slowly rises above the icy floor and lifts the group off the ground! Although quite stable, there is nothing but the glowing patterns comprising the round platform preventing the party from falling back to the icy floor below!
Soon the disc rises comfortably through the centre of the chamber and another blue ring high above, approximately 100 feet up, shines to indicate a second floor of the tower. (The platform travels at 50ft per round and will take 2 rounds to reach the next level, 100ft above)

Within the chamber, the blue veins pulse up the shaft chaotically and the soft sound of several beating hearts becomes more audible the higher the platform goes. Like an echo of one heart, the sounds begin to coordinate midway and the walls of the chamber pulse as one heart! Gleeful laughter ensues. There is definitely someone on the second level...
(There are 2 rounds worth of travel to use before the group arrives! How will each member fill this time?)


Platform Delay: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Platform Alight: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Platform Rest: 1d4 ⇒ 4

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!

With the last of the threatening Calathgar's dealt with, the rest of the group settles in to wait as Fenra sets back to work deciphering the crystals set in the panel. Not content to let the oracle do all the work, Anara impatiently peers over Fenra's shoulder whispering advice. It isn't long before Fenra learns each of the crystals can be activated if pressed. The first half of the puzzle is, what do they activate?

As the two women work, within the central chamber, the pulsing blue veins of the dark walls mostly continue their chaotic rhythms. Twice the pulses coordinate, the last of these pulsing for five beats! Laughter and muffled cries of approval follow, Yes! Yes, my child! Make it yours! Your master awaits!

After many long minutes (3 minutes), Fenra and Anara unravel what it is the crystals are intended to do! First, is the deactivation of the field within the chamber blocking the normal function of the arcane, divine and mystical energies so abundant in Golaria. Fenra is certain this blocking field does not travel the entire length of the tower's interior! The effects of the field only affect as much as the first 10 feet of the tower's height. Anything higher and all magical enchantments should work as intended. The second function of the crystal panel is the conjuration of a runed platform capable of levitating those standing upon it to the top of the tower! What remains to be solved is in what order to activate the crystals. Figuring this out will take more time but is it only a matter of finding the right combination!


FOcc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
AOcc Aid: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 11 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Draeven: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Thing1: 24 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Thing2: 19 ... | Thing3: 18 ... | Anara: 14 ...

The smell of freshly chopped vegetables, mixed with a now pungent vinegar hangs in the air. The remains of the two plants dispatched by Rennyn and Draeven wilt and crumble into a patch of powdered dust at the champ's feet. The sorceress witnesses a similar fate befall the chopped plant before her.

On the other side of the tower, Draeven and Sharadei take up positions around the remaining Calathgar. Surprisingly, the plant ducks, then dives out of the way of Draeven's sword before dipping and dodging around Sharadei's own weapon! Like a corned animal, it lashes out at Draeven with a tendril, slapping the big man across the upper thigh with what feels like a cold wet towel! Then, with it's mouth doing its best imitation of a cat hissing silently, the calathgar inches away to the corner. As soon as it's tendril like feet touch wall, the plant thing starts to climb up and out of danger! (Climbs 20feet - ceiling height of the outer chamber is 50ft)

Round 11 Init 24: 1st - Att vs Draeven, 2md - Step to E-32, 3rd - Climb
#3Tendril Att: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 SlashDmg: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2) + 4 = 8 Cold: 1d4 ⇒ 3


Thing1: -13+1
Thing2A: -29-4-5+1
Thing2B: -48-7-5-5-5-5+1 Fire (5) continues to Round 11
Thing3: -14-5-5-36+1

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Half of AoE. If you fail the flat check, persistent damage persists.

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 10 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Draeven: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Thing1: 24 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Thing2: 19 ... | Thing3: 18 ... | Anara: 14 ...

The ranger's blade slashes into the cold plant thing, nearly tearing it in half yet somehow the resilient creature holds itself together!


FRecall: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
SpRecall: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Thing1: -13+1
Thing2A: -29-4-5+1
Thing2B: -48-7-5-5-5-5+1 Fire (5) continues to Round 11
Thing3: -14-5-5-36+1

Round 10 Thing3 Init 24: 1st Stride, 2nd&3rd SSpray
Drawn by the fair oracle's attack, the third plant thing sways as its roots carry it toward the source of pain. Fenra sees the thing's thorny jaws open followed by another blast of frigid burs! More of those tiny spores cling to the oracle's skin and clothes sending shivers!
Fen SSpray Pierce: 1d6 ⇒ 1 + SSpray Cold: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 3, 3) = 11 (DC20)+ Persisent Cold: 1d4 ⇒ 3 (Flat15)

Round 10 Spivey Init 30: 1st Fly, 2nd Recall
Hearing the commotion within, Spivey flies to the threshold, Hey! What's going on? I thought you guys took care of the walking stoneheads already? Wait, what? Those aren't statues! Walking plants now?! What kind of place is this?! Say, those things look familiar, Spivey snaps her fingers twice to think of the name, Coala..Colatha...Calathgar!! Yeah, that's it! Nasty pieces of work if you try to take cuttings off them. Wow! It's been a while, have you tried fire? Never mind, I can smell it now. They love the cold, something about it makes them grow. OH! Careful they don't spit on you. Ahh, they did already? Walk that off. Good thing you found out early, they don't spit like that too often and knowing you guys these Calathgar won't get another chance. (Unfortunately, Spivey has little else to contribute to the encounter.)

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

The DC is vs. the Area Effect damage, save vs. half if I'm mistaken. There is a separate flat check DC15 vs. the persistent damage. I should have differentiated better.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 10 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Draeven: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Thing1: 24 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Thing2: 19 ... | Thing3: 18 ... | Anara: 14 ...

Swords flash in quick succession sending plant matter flying and practically splitting each plant stem to root! The unknown foliage reacts to the assault predicably. Thorny maws gape wide and with a violent intent, mouths full of thorns sink into the warriors thighs and calves! The bites are quickly followed by two quick exhalations filling the air surrounding both Draeven and Rennyn with sharp burs! The seeds pierce into the warriors skin, clinging to both in the cold environment! As the air clears, there's little remaining of the plant standing before Rennyn that is not covered in flame!

Round 10 Init 19: 1st - Bite, 2nd&3rd - SSpray
2AvsDra: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26 2BvRen: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
DraDmg Pierce: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 6) + 4 = 15+Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 2
RenDmg Pierce: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 2) + 4 = 9+Cold: 1d6 ⇒ 3
VsDraSSpray Pierce: 1d6 ⇒ 4 + SSpray Cold: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 1, 3) = 8 + Persisent Cold: 1d4 ⇒ 2 (DC20)
VsRenSSpray Pierce: 1d6 ⇒ 1 + SSpray Cold: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 6) = 17 + Persisent Cold: 1d4 ⇒ 4 (DC20)

Anara's conjured ball of fire engulfs the plant thing to the south! The animated foliage shudders then shambles her way. A mouth full of thorns and fire opens wide then exhales violently showering the area around the sorceress in tiny sharp burs! The spray catches not only Fenra, but also (maybe) Sharadei! When the air clears, Anara's conjured flames have smoldered out and all three girls are covered in clinging frigid burs!
Round 10 Init 18: 1st - Stride, 2nd&3rd - SSpray!
VsAna,Fen,Shar? SSpray Pierce: 1d6 ⇒ 1 + SSpray Cold: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 1) = 12 + Persisent Cold: 1d4 ⇒ 3 (DC20)


Thing2B Per: 1d20 ⇒ 9 Fail!
Thing3 Per: 1d20 ⇒ 18 Pass!

Thing2A: -29-4-5+1
Thing2B: -48-7-5-5-5-5+1 Fire (5) continues to Round 11
Thing3: -14-5-5 Walks it off.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 10 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Draeven: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Thing1: 24 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Thing2: 19 ... | Thing3: 18 ... | Anara: 14 ...

...An odor of vinegar fills the air. What emerges from the drifts of snow is best described as a plant, a plant with attitude. Sharp thorns fill a head ringed in icy blue petals like teeth. Pale, frost covered, thorned vines sway like a toddler's outstretched hands taking its first steps as hardened roots convey it towards the group!... Exiting the central chamber on the opposite side from where they entered, the two warriors feet once again seem to float on the air. (Rennyn and Draeven made a complete circuit of the tower, then entered from -30/-31. The coordinates posted puts them on the other side of the chamber and within reach to group 2. They can one shot the emerging plant things with the one remaining action from Round 9...or if they want to take their time, use their Round 10 actions :)

Anara wrote:
I have Cognitive Crossover (Occultism & Arcana) and Dubious Knowledge which may or may not be relevant to the check...

Sorry, but even after digging through your build, I still can't find the tag showing your occultism is tied to Arcana :/ PCs are going to have to include these tags with their recall knowledge attempts so my goldfish sized memory/research skills will not hinder the roll results.

Gazing up at the nodes attached to the tower's interior, Anara takes a moment to ponder these bulges further. She can see they are not insect eggs (The nodes are also too far up for her to touch, the first is perhaps 50ft up) Based on shape alone, she thinks they may either be made up of tightly twisted branches or some sort of crystallization. Exiting, Anara's sorcery once again kicks in and is relieved to find her fly spell once again active!

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Starting Round 9

Rennyn and Draeven take two steps into the central chamber and stumble past Anara on their way to the ground. Their magical conveyance, like Anara's spell, has suddenly stopped working. The sudden change also leaves Rennyn keenly aware of the absence of many other magical benefits he'd been, up to now, taking for granted. (All magical buffs or affects supplied by Suishen, such as endure elements, resistance as well as the sword's flaming and striking bonuses have also stopped working. Similarly, both Draeven and Anara are now effectively functioning without magic aids from items or sustained spells. On the bright side, Bane is no longer affecting the trio.)
Attempting to reach out with her sorceress' abilities, Anara promptly discovers she is no longer able to (Anara's attempt to cast fails, the slot remains unused). Sensing this strangeness, the sorceress racks her brain for an answer but is just as in the dark about her situation as when she first encountered it.

As the group considers the central chamber and all its weirdness, elsewhere withing the Storm Tower, the drifts of snow begin to move. (Fenra can see two; north and south, everyone else can see two to the east) Those stray, buried pieces of frozen plant matter begin to stretch and move shifting the piled snow away. An odor of vinegar fills the air, then what emerges is best described as a plant, with attitude. Sharp thorns fill a head ringed in icy blue petals like teeth. Pale, frost covered, thorned vines sway like a toddler's outstretched hands taking its first steps as hardened roots convey it (imagine it moving the same way a starfish would, but on speed) towards the group!

Mode: Encounter!
Round 10 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Thing1: 24 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ... | Thing2: 19 ... | Thing3: 18 ... | Anara: 14 ...


A Recall check failed in previous post.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Starting Round 9

...Stars!... Wait! That's it! The crystals had just flickered as Anara flew into the central chamber and just like that, a lot of pieces clicked together. Fenra now realizes these crystals are a kind of control panel! But unlike the pullies, cogs, gears and levers seen in Golarian machines, these crystals employ a kind of harmonics to energize the...the fair oracle isn't quite sure yet what the panel controls. Definitely something to do with the central chamber Anara just flew into. Fenra is 90% sure about that. Perhaps, closer to 85%. A solid 70% for sure! Also, while she's certain this is not the work of an arcane master, the shade of the unexplainable surrounding this panel leads her to conclude this is magical in nature, but not a magic native to Golarion. It will take her some time to puzzle out, however Fenra feels excited about the process feeling certain she can work out how to use this panel, if there's time. (Identify Magic, 10 minutes required)

Entering the Storm Tower, Sharadei is hit with a wave of chaotic thoughts and feelings (Bane). Eyeing her sister lying prone of the floor and the two warriors as they complete their rounds without seemingly finding anything, the ranger can't help but have a bad feeling about this tower...


ShWill: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Cala1: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24 Cala2: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19 Cala3: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Storm Tower Encounter!
Round 8

Mocking the uneasy feeling does eventually help the sorceress feel better about herself, but only just (Bane counteracted vs Anara). Moving to the center of the tower, Anara's second glance at the set of crystals doesn't seem to jar anything more about the set pieces than before. It is odd to see, probably has some significance within this tower, but she can't figure this mystery out. No sooner does she reflect upon the crystals, than she finds herself hitting the floor! The sudden tumble lands Anara prone on the central chamber floor looking up at a tall vertical shaft. (Anara's fly spell has stopped working without warning. She is no longer flying but prone on the floor) Walls of dark stone rise the entire length of the tower around Anara, nearly 300ft! The blue luminous veins can be seen pulsing all around her, traveling the full length of the interior straight up. Anara thinks all the veins reach all the way to the large ball of light at the top of the tower. The interior of the shaft is almost completely smooth, covered as with sheer ice except for several frozen bumps protruding from the walls in random places. Anara can tell they are not part of the walls due to the difference in coloration between the black basalt of the walls and the dark grey of these bulges.

Their feet barely impacting the ground, the two warriors quickly circle the interior chambers of the Storm Tower. (3 stride actions to make the full circuit) Each pass thigh deep drifts of snow with ease, but do not encounter anything more than some skeletal debris (not enough to make a full skeleton but the odd femur or joint bone) and parts of frozen plants in the form of a partial frost covered leaf or vine buried within the drifted snow.

There is little more to hear; the muffled laugh, a crack as perhaps ice breaking or the slap upon flesh. Then the veins perceivably pause and seem to coordinate for one pulse. Two pulses. Three. There is a hushed whisper, She's doing it! Then the pulses resume a more chaotic pattern. Haha! Soon!


AOcc: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Sorry for the delay, things kept breaking this weekend :(

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Exploration!

A wave of chaos washes over Fenra in much the same way it did her companions as she enters the tower (Bane is in affect). The fair oracle wastes no time though and spots the collection of shiny crystals on the wall. Fenra has heard whispers from the beyond, whispers of strange power perhaps long forgotten in Golarion said to employ crystals and harmonics to channel energy. Memories of these fantastic tales draws the oracle to examine these crystals a little closer. Fenra thinks, hopes really, these crystals may be a kind of magic, maybe. What they may do, if anything, is anyone's guess. Stars! Its practically on the tip of her tongue! If you want to spend the 10 minutes to attempt to 'identify' its purpose and use it, please make an Occultism check.


FWill: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
Fp: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
FOc: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29 Close fail

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Exploration!

The moment each member of the party enters the interior of the tower, a feeling of dread looms in the air. It is similar to the first time the Demon Lord's unholy symbol was encountered with the trolls except more real. There is an impactful feeling of gloom, doom, confusion and chaotic thoughts. It doesn't take long to see the three fingered hand of Sithhud engraved upon many of the walls here (Everyone is under the effects of Bane while on this level). With her limited knowledge of the arcana, Anara determines the area has probably been warded somehow.


RWill: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14 DWill: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21 AWill: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16
RP: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21 DP: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22 AP: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
DC25 Arcana or Occult
AAr: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
AOcc: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21

The floors are covered in a layer of black ice. The sorceress can see tile lines buried beneath in some parts - some of the tile work looks intricate. Windblown snow has drifted into the corners obscuring most of what would be the floor and along the walls of this trapezoidal chamber, piling up in deep drifts. Identical hexagonal openings ring the interior of the tower creating open rooms to the south, north, northeast, and northwest.

In the center is a twenty-foot-wide hexagonal chamber; there are two hexagonal openings to the east and west (5ftx8.5ft). From where the party is floating, the shaft has no visible ceiling, instead forming a smooth-walled flue rising through the tower’s interior. Eight black basalt walls, each veined in a vibrant blue like an exotic marble. Pulses of blue light trace the veins, each pulse traveling up the shaft of one wall then another in a chaotic pattern. The air is very still within the chamber, yet a rhythmic inhalation and exhalation can be heard as from a slow smith's bellows. An old man's distant, tortured scream echoes down the shaft followed by muffled laughter.

An assortment of crystals of various shapes and sizes are set into a framed portion of the wall outside the shaft Marked - Crystals. Anara recognizes the clumping of crystals to be more than just decoration. There is something about the grouping to suggest importance, something ancient? The sorceress isn't quite sure.

Combat lasted about a minute. There is still time remaining on your fly spell

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 6 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Anara's ray strikes the statue covering its granite exterior in a sheen of penetrating ice! The statue staggers briefly within the hexagonal threshold as cracks form throughout its form! The statue however quickly regains its balance, returning to guard the entrance. From her vantage, Anara realizes, based on the way her spell struck her target, that she is 45ft from the opening. Assuming the statue next to her target is within 5ft of its companion, she eyeballs the entrance to be 10ft wide (the AP ONLY states an opening of 5ft). Remembering the interior angles of a hexagon is equal to 720 degress, each of the interior angles of the entrance must be roughly 60 degrees. If she takes the tangent of 30 degrees and divides it by half the width, then the height of the doorway can't be more than 18 ft. Probably more like 17 feet. The twin only really paid half attention to the old crone and her yammerings of numerology. To think she'd claimed it to be the new religion of this world is laughable! Blinking, Anara pushes that memory aside and guesses the statues to be no more than 6ft tall. Not nearly as tall as Draeven, but certainly taller than Ulf. If she's right, it would give her about 10feet of room to fly right in!

Round 6 Statues HI-33: Stride+
Unable to see what the rest of the party and unable to attack the flying menace above the cloud of darkness swirling just outside the tower, the statues retreat to within.


i-33 18 R
GR: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 JR: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 6 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Spiked icicles pierce Sharadei's feet as the ranger moves to leap across to the far end of the land bridge. (6 points piercing dmg) The ranger's path on the other side is made easier by the freshly laid scree.

Despite her reduced weight, the fair oracle's feet still feel the pain of crossing to the edge of the jagged islet (6 points piercing dmg). Leaping into the air, Fenra's lighter body seems to float across the inky gap rather than jump. What's more, the stabbing in her feet throws off her timing and it isn't until she is midway across, that Fenra realizes her efforts are not quite enough. (Crit fail reverts Long Jump to a normal leap+ land prone. Normal leap for speeds less than 30ft is 10ft. Powerful Leap adds 5ft to the jump, so now 15ft total. The distance is 20ft, 5ft short.) It feels like a dream in slow motion. The black waters come closer, closer and closer. Fenra's arms flap in the air trying to gain a little more distance, but it is no good. With a soft sploosh, dark, freezing water envelopes the fair oracle! The shock is immense! Yet Fenra quickly closes her eyes and holds her breath as she knows it is impossible to see anything while submerged in these inky shallows. Fortunately, she easily finds her footing to stand up. A slippery slope of ice and rubble leads steeply up to the snow covered islet, 5ft away. (Difficult terrain. Last action used to stand from prone. Fenra is almost fully submerged in the inky waters - 5ft deep.)
Cold dmg: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11


Fort: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
On set may be in 1 minute...

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 5 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Draeven's blade edge strikes at the right angle causing the cracks in the statue to explode! As the pieces of statue fall about the big man's feet, Anara unleashes ribbons of arcane energy. The electricity crackles over the other statue and what remains.
Did not want to roll damage?: 4d4 + 4 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 4) + 4 = 16 Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Fail

Round 5 Statue Y: Stride, Attx2
With a new target appearing, the remaining statue strides forward to the floating rager, flailing its fists to no avail.
YAtt: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13 YAtt2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Round 6 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Fenra: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Spivey looks upon the renewed violence with reverence, YEAAAHHH!

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 5 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Sharadei's arrows strike soundly and although they inevitably bounce off of the statue's form, pieces of the statue chip away where each arrow struck leaving deep cracks across its torso!

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Sustained spells last until the end of your next turn unless extended by using a Sustain Spell action.

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 5 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Round 5 Statues: X: Stride, Att Y: Attx3
The blast from Anara's spell shoves the statue (X) backward into the inky waters. To the sorceress' delight, the stone guardian sinks up to its neck! Yet no sooner is the statue repositioned, than it moves back to its original position. The terrain 5ft from the islet's 'shore' slopes downward to a depth of about 5ft and is Difficult terrain. Beyond this the depth is problematic to tell given the opaque waters. Once within striking range, the statue swings its fist connecting soundly with "Draeven's" jaw! However, the statue does not continue its assault, instead it turns to look at the gathered party members on the next islet over.

The second statue (Y) flails at the "Draeven" figure before it. Stoney fists flail wildly, connecting once with a blow to the head but never quite making the connection its counterpart seems to have made.

XAtt: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 11 + 2 = 32 Perp vs DC26: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 YAtt: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 11 + 2 = 21 YAtt2: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 2 = 27 Dmg: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12 Perp vDC26: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 YAtt3: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 2 = 4

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 5 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Realizing the darkness spell doesn't work on these things... Unpreterbed, by the sorceress' attempts to blind them, the statues change course to engage 'Draeven' pummeling him into paste
Round 3 Statues: Stride, Attack, Attack/ Stride, Stride, Attack
YAtt: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 YAtt2: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
XAtt: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 2 = 27 Dmg: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 'Draeven' has Grabbed Condition
Round 4 Statues: Attack, Attack/ Attack, Attack
YAtt: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 11 + 2 = 26 YAtt2: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 2 = 20
XAtt: 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 11 + 2 = 31 XAtt2: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 2 = 9

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 5 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Ulf turns sharply to look at Sharadei, but his expression turns pensive as he considers his axe. Although his courage did not waiver, his weapon proved lacking against these creatures. The guide glances suspiciously in Draeven's direction then nods to the twin, I will return to let the others know you're about to enter the tower. Wincing in pain from the hazardous ground, the guide lines himself up and makes the leap back toward camp, leaving bloody footprints in the snow. Thanks for aiding with the NPC direction! Your feedback is important to us :))

As Fenra tends to the elf's wounds, the sorceresses dark magic continues to hide the statues and no noise can be heard from the statues.
Nethys and Core says darkvision does not penetrate magically created darkness, but I don't trust it.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 4 | Sharadei: 34... | Rennyn: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Ulf: 21 ... | Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Icy spikes pierce into the bottoms of the fair oracle's feet the moment she sets foot upon the islet (3 Points). However, once Fenra has secured her footing, her feet no longer suffer these spikes. (Before, during or after; as long as each square is accounted for. I'd prefer this damage is accounted for up front so as to avoid any duplicate damage or Oops, I forgots)

Darkness blossoms before the statues and soon envelopes them. As Anara's spell unfolds, the sorceress loses sight of the two statues completely! The other two statues remain at their post.


Ulf: -6-21-36+25
Spivey Spells used: Endure Elements (Still in affect), Freedom of Movement, Searing Light, Heal

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai! | Cross the Crown of the World!
Immediate Objectives: Make for the with Morozkos!

Land of the Linnorm Kings |The Crown of the World - Aganhei Path | Boreal Expanse | Storm Tower

Storm Tower - Week 4
Mode: Encounter!

Round 3 | Sharadei: 34... | Black Water Creatures: 34 ... | Spivey: 30 ... | Fenra: 22 ... | Draeven: 21 ...| Ulf: 21 ... | Rennyn: 17 ... | Anara: 14 ... | Statues: 14 ...

Round 3 Ulf: Interact, Treat Wounds
Seeing Draeven's sword strike home, a bloodied Ulf watches as the creature's moaning chant stops mid syllable. Realizing the creature is now dead, the guide calls out, Take cover! Then ducks, covering his head. (The entire islet remains difficult and hazardous terrain, each square dealing 3 piercing damage to a creature that moves through it) Having taken the brunt of all the creature's recent attacks, guide looks as though this is as far as he can go without medical attention. To this, he retrieves a healing kit from his pack. Fumbling with some bandages, Ulf hopes he'll be out of range of the next explosion.
BGaReflex26: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28 PassBGbReflex26: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24 Fail! BSDReflex26: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17 Fail! Treat Wounds: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22Fail!
Sure enough, the second creature explodes! Once again the air is filled with razor sharp shards of ice! (10ft emanation from A)
Shattering Death: 8d8 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 6, 1, 6, 7, 7) = 38 (Ice Damage. Reflex DC26)

Round 3 Spivey: Heal >>>
The explosions of ice surprise Spivey. Taking note of the guide's bloodied state, the tiny blue haired woman calls upon the goddess to ease the suffering of her comrades! Golden light radiates from the Lyrakien filling those within with healing warmth.
30ft Heal: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 2, 4) = 25


Ulf: -6-21-36+25
Spivey Spells used: Endure Elements (Still in affect), Freedom of Movement, Searing Light, Heal

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