![]() I suppose I'll roll for Kitao and Tanawe. We haven't heard from either of them in at least 10 days. I'll send them a message and see if they still want to play. GM Screen:
Kitao: 4d10 ⇒ (9, 10, 3, 4) = 26
Tanawe: 4d10 ⇒ (10, 9, 6, 7) = 32 1d10 ⇒ 4 During the scramble down the hillside, Miyuki and Heizo both lose their footing. Suana attempts to grab Miyuki, but the act throws him off balance and he slides down as well. Although you sustain little actual damage, a sharp frown from Gojinku indicates that if he already suspected you incapable of handling yourselves in the wilds, your tumble did not improve his opinion. Suana, Miyuki, and Heizo each take 4 damage and lose 1 point of Glory. When the rest of the group reaches the fallen partly down the hillside, Gokinju calls a stop. "This terrain presents a challenge to our mules. Do any of you have experience in guiding animals?" ![]()
![]() I'm at a beer festival all weekend. I'll try to post when I get a chance, but I won't be home until Sunday evening. -Posted with Wayfinder ![]()
![]() The meeting continues amicably, with Mitsuhide continuing to share news from around the Empire. After a while, he excuses himself on business and takes his leave. You feel as if you made a decent impression. After the Imperial courtier has left, Gokinju secures rooms and you are left to a final night of rest in comfort before entering the wilderness. The next morning, you depart Ryokou ni Joukai Mura just as early as you left Pale Oak City the previous day. This time, however, your route is a harrowing descent down the bluffs toward Dragon Heart Plain. The majestic view of the evening before takes on a new and more dangerous aspect as you confront the idea of climbing down those daunting bluffs. Shadowed by the rising sun behind them, the path looks to be narrow, crumbling, and wrapped in darkness, a thousand-foot descent of winding switchbacks and treacherous footing. The road was once a well-used path, but it’s clear that several years’ worth of neglect have taken their toll. Fallen trees and small rockslides block the route, and the path had crumbled away entirely in places, forcing you to scramble across the steeply sloped face of the bluff itself. Please attempt an Athletics/Agility TN 15 test to avoid a slip. ![]()
![]() Thanks for being patient, guys! It's supposed to be a tough roll. Mitsuhide is a relatively obscure samurai. :) Inside the Inn:
Mitsuhide nods, smiling. "I hope so as well, Shosuro-san."
The conversation shifts, turning more towards news around the Empire. Tensions on the rise between the Phoenix and Dragon over the transfer of the Agasha family. Toturi I has plans to announce his late wife as the Fortune of Noble Sacrifice. Shiba ports along the southeastern coasts of the Phoenix provinces have begun turning Mantis trading vessels away, as the bad blood from the short-lived Mantis-Phoenix War from four years ago still remains. Increased bandit activity despite a few years of generally good harvests. Those Inside the Inn - Investigation (Notice)/Perception TN 25:
During the conversation, you recognize a young woman, who looks like
nothing more than a simple farmgirl, watching Gokinju with a certain amount of intensity. Even as the you sees her, though, she rises and slips out of the door, leaving you to wonder if she or she actually saw anything for certain. Outside the Inn: Nothing suspicious happens while you while away the time. People come and go from the inn. A samurai nods in acknowledgement. A pair of monks seem not to notice you as they chat quietly between themselves. A farm girl slips by, careful not to make eye contact with those of a higher class. ![]()
![]() Gokinju turns to Suana, Miyuki, and Heizo. "Forgive my rudeness, Mitsuhide-san. Allow me to introduce you to Akodo Suana, Yoritomo Heizo, and Shosuro Miyuki. They have been assigned to aid me in my mission. You may know their names from the unfortunate events at the Topaz Championship." Mitsuhide regards you with an interested eye. "Indeed I have heard the names. You acquitted yourselves well, I understand." Lore (Heraldry/Intelligence) TN 30: You recognize Otomo Mitsuhide as well. You recall that he is a returned spirit from the era of Hantei Yugozohime attempting to make something of his second life as he did very little with his first. As he tells it, the only remarkable thing he managed to accomplish in his first life was taking a bullet from a gaijin rifle during the Battle of White Stag that might have otherwise killed Otomo Muhaki, who became the Hantei heir. Sadly, even that he only did through sheer chance, as he never even saw the gunman. ![]()
![]() "I doubt we will have the time," Gokinju replies. "We should spend no more time here than we need to. I will join you inside the inn." The inn is named The First Step and caters to a wide variety of patrons, from peasant pilgrims to traveling samurai to itinerant monks. Ryokou ni Joukai Mura’s proximity to two of the largest shrines in the Phoenix lands means that there are far more monks in the city than one would ordinarily expect, as well as a surprising number of smaller shrines to nearly every conceivable Fortune or kami. Most of these are little more than closet-sized structures surrounding a simple statue and offering platform, with a single monk to tend them, but the offerings that overflow around each one and the incense that curls up from the braziers at each statue’s feet speak to the sincerity of the devotions given by passersby. Within The First Step, you find a common room full of peasants, monks, and samurai mingling together and speaking among themselves. Finding a table is not easy. One space, near the back, however, is occupied by a single figure, a richly-dressed samurai in brown and gold, wearing an Otomo mon and surrounded by the soft glow that marks a returned spirit. On seeing the group enter, the man rises and gestures for Gokinju’s party to join him. He is somewhat tall and moves with the practiced grace of a courtier, but his features are unremarkable, and were he not trying to draw attention to himself, it might be all too easy to overlook him. “It is an honor to see you here, cousin,” the man says, bowing to Gokinju as to an equal. His voice is smooth and mellifluent, a sharp contrast to his forgettable features. “The duties of the Imperial Cartographers ever take you to unexpected locations, but I still had not thought to find you here, on the edge of the world, or so it seems.” Gokinju bows in return, seating himself. “Nor I you, Mitsuhide-san. My work by its nature takes me to the far corners of the Emperor’s realm, but what has drawn you so far from Otosan Uchi?” “Preparations, I fear, for Her Majesty’s funeral,” Mitsuhide answers, and his eyes turn toward you with a speculative expression. “I am searching for samurai to assist with the occasion, in hopes of bringing something positive from such a tragic loss, and of honoring her memory as she deserves.” Before I continue, I need to know who besides Miyuki is inside the inn. ![]()
![]() The expedition starts out the following morning, just as Lord Sun first creeps over the horizon. In addition to you and Gokinju, a pair of peasant porters, Jin and Gorisho, and two pack mules are a part of the convoy; these latter additions are primarily responsible for carrying the map-making equipment Gokinju uses to make his charts, though the mules are also supporting thick panniers filled with food and supplies. Jin is a wiry-looking fellow with an exceptionally long set of mustaches, while Goshiro is a large but quiet figure. Together, the group makes its way out of the western gates of Pale Oak City in the still-chill morning air, the slowly brightening dawn casting long shadows ahead of them as they travel. The first day’s journey is nothing to comment on; this portion of the Phoenix lands is both well-maintained and well-patrolled by Shiba and Asako guardsmen, who politely and efficiently check the group’s travel papers and send them on their way, with deep bows to acknowledge Gokinju’s Imperial status. Peasant workers traveling to or from small farming villages scramble off the road, prostrating themselves in the dust as the samurai pass by, while wealthy merchants step aside and bow deeply, yielding the road with slightly more dignity. Shortly before sunset, the road reaches the sharp line of bluffs that mark the edge of the Phoenix highlands; almost a thousand feet below is the vastness of the Dragon Heart Plain, a broad valley stretching dozens of miles toward the Dragon Mountains on the far side. The view is simply breathtaking, as Lord Sun’s light catches the grasses of the plain and washes everything in a rich golden glow, as if the plain were instead an ocean made of sunlight. A large village with a comfortable-looking inn can be found here, as the site is a frequent stopover for pilgrims visiting the nearby Shrine to Jurojin and the more-distant Shrine to the Ki-Rin, both of which are accessible only by clambering up poorly maintained trails through the surrounding rocky cliffs. "We should stop here," Gokinju suggests. "It will be our last piece of civilized comfort for some time." ![]()
![]() "Indeed." the Miya agrees. The conversation continues for some time. Gokinju asks questions about your deeds and interests, listening politely and interrupting only to ask for clarification. When the tea is finished and the discussion concluded, he nods sharply, taking on the attitude of pure business. “Very well, samurai-sans, let us move to the discussion of our purpose. I have been commanded by the Emperor, Toturi I, to undertake a mapping expedition across the northern border of the Empire, between the Shrine of the Ki-Rin and Tetsu Kama Mura. The Lying Darkness destroyed most of the records relating to the area during its vicious assault on our libraries four years ago; it is my task to see that work undone, inasmuch as it relates to the villages, features and potential dangers of the Great Wall of the North." “Your task will be to assist me in this undertaking. The territory has been largely abandoned by the Phoenix since the Clan War a decade ago, and we have few reports as to the state of affairs within the lands we are about to cross. There may be any number of potential dangers, but with the blessings of the Fortunes and our own skill, we shall overcome them. I will not permit this task to fail. Making maps may well seem like a trite business, but we are to act as the Emperor’s own eyes, the guides to his hand, and the messengers of his voice. This is vital work, and I expect all of you to rise to the occasion as the honorable samurai I know you to be.” He seems to direct this point more towards Miyuki and Heizo, although he is careful not to overemphasize and risk offense. “I have made arrangements for suitable equipment and supplies, including necessary clothing should we need to ascend the mountains and risk their weather. If you have questions, please ask them now; otherwise, I expect you all to be ready to depart with the dawn tomorrow. We have a long way to go.” ![]()
![]() Kitao is correct, ji-samurai are vassal samurai that have not yet earned the right to wear their lord's name. Normally, you would attempt a Heraldry roll to see what their status is. Next time you meet an NPC of significance, I'll include a spoiler with a TN. For now, just know that, as an Imperial, his status is higher than yours and you should address him as -sama. Gokinju nods and kneels at the table, accepting a cup of tea. "I have no complaints, Shosuro-san. I have only just arrived yesterday." The Miya sips the tea before continuing. "I'm afraid that the nature of my business keeps me away from the goings-on of the Empire at large. However, I understand that you all had some influence on the tragedy of the Emerald Championship?" He pauses, waiting for an answer. ![]()
![]() Abun nods to the samurai. "Yes, I will send for Miya-sama immediately. As for food, today we have a vegetable udon and bread fresh from the oven. I will send for some after everyone is situated." The innkeeper wanders off to complete his tasks. Miya Gokinju finds you almost immediately. "Honored samurai," he begins, bowing courteously. "I am pleased that you have joined me at last. Might I join you for tea before we discuss the business at hand?" Gokinju is slightly shorter than average, with a lithe build and well-tanned skin. He wears his hair in the traditional top knot, but has shaved most of the rest of his head, giving him a severe, almost monastic appearance. He wears the Imperial colors on his understated kimono and wears a daisho around his waist. ![]()
![]() Yumi considers the question for a moment. "I suspect he will be the only Miya at the House of Eight Leaves, but if he is not, he will be the one which reminds you most of a monk." A faint smile crosses her face. "I expect you to act within your conscience and to work for the good of the Empire as a whole. I cannot yet make you official arbiters or shikken, but I know from my own experiences that a few samurai acting with good intent can make all the difference. Good fortunes, my friends. When you complete your task, I will send you more information on your next assignment." With that, you are ushered away from the daimyo. You have some time to say your goodbyes, particularly to your young students. With the Topaz Championship interrupted, they must return to their dojos to fulfill their gempukku. They are all bright and talented, and you suspect that their role in this story is not yet done, but for now, you must turn your attentions north: to the territory of the Phoenix. --- Everybody receives an additional 2 XP. For rescuing all the NPCs, including Miya Yumi, you each receive 4 points of honor, unless your Honor is currently 3.9 or less, in which case you receive 5. Word of your heroism has spread. Your actions in the Spirit Realm have increased your Glory by 7. Finally, the band of samurai receives the advantage Favor (Miya Yumi) for free. Even though each of you have it, it may only be used once. Kitao:
I forgot to mention this earlier, but Kitao gains the Touch of Destiny (Iaijutsu) advantage for free. It counts as a one time use of the Great Destiny advantage. --- If you would like to do a bit of casual role-playing during the journey to the Phoenix lands, feel free to do so in a spoiler. Aojiroi Oku Shiro, or Pale Oak Castle, and the city that surrounds it are two of the few locations in the lands of the Phoenix that see a large number of visitors from other Clans. The pale oak from which the castle takes its name is one of the holiest relics in the Empire, and thousands of pilgrims journey to the city every year in hopes of receiving the healing blessing that the oak is rumored to be able to provide. Pale Oak Castle itself has hosted events as prestigious as the Emperor’s own Winter Court before, and thus accommodations in the nearby city of range from the most basic, aimed at the hordes of peasant pilgrims that visit the city each year, to upscale inns and tea houses that would not look out of place in a Crane city. The House of Eight Leaves is somewhere in the middle, respectable but not ostentatious, with a mix of low-ranking samurai and well-to-do merchants mingling in its common room over tea and spiced noodles, while a young woman plays a quiet samisen in one corner. The peaceful aura that seems to permeate the Phoenix lands is strong here, and it is hard to imagine even a raised voice might ever disturb the murmur of conversation around the room. When you enter the inn, a portly peasant approaches. His clothes are finely made, but modest in appearance, and he bows low in deference to your superior station. "Greetings, samurai-samas. I am Abun, the proprietor of this place. How may I serve you?" He is completely bald with a round face, giving you the impression of an overgrown infant, but his eyes are warm and kind. ![]()
![]() Yumi nods. "Excellent. Your first task will be to meet one of my finest samurai at Pale Oak Castle in the Phoenix lands. His name is Miya Gokinju and he awaits your arrival at the House of Eight Leaves Inn. You should leave today if you wish to be on time. Do you have any questions?" I'm currently working on a Dramatis Personae. Check it out under the Campaign tab. I'll continue to update it throughout the game. ![]()
![]() The Imperial Herald smiles at Suana and Heizo's responses. For a moment, beneath her maturity and injuries, you can tell that Yumi is young, no older than any of you. "That is precisely what I wanted to hear." "The murder of our beloved Empress has weakened the foundation of the Empire. Fearful men and women spread rumors that Toturi has lost the Mandate of Heaven, as Kaede's death could surely be a sign of disfavor." She frowns. "Such things are said quietly, spoken in hushed whispers in dark tea house corners, but we must be more cautious than ever. Capable samurai are needed. I believe you to be such. I would ask that you serve me, until the Empire no longer needs you." ![]()
![]() Shisou looks at Heizo with his otherworldly cat eyes. "We have been waiting for your return. I suspect that arch will lead us back to Ningen-do." The Kitsu turns to Toturi I and bows deeply. "My Emperor, now is the time to leave. All who can be saved have been." Toturi does not look at him, but nods once, slowly, and walks through the archway without a word. Toku, Kaiten, and the other guards follow their ward, leaving Shisou to escort you through the portal. ----- The tournament grounds are in shambles, the stands empty and torn as if from some great wind, the earth churned up by hundreds of running feet. The sun shines directly over you; if it is the same day, you've only been absent for a few hours. There are shouts as nearby Crane guards spot the returning samurai but all pause and stare in shock at the dead Empress lying in her husband's arms. ----- The Empress, Toturi Kaede, is dead, murdered by one of her bodyguards, a returned spirit. Plans begin to form for a massive funeral back in the capital of Otosan Uchi. With her passing, the shugenja of the Empire begin to search for a successor for Kaede's position as Oracle of the Void, but no reports surface. Worried whispers about what the Empress's death might mean for the Celestial Heavens circulate. Most of the guests drawn through the passage into the mysterious Void Realm were rescued by the combined efforts of Kitsu Shisou and a number of Great Clan mentors: you. Ninety-four samurai were unaccounted for after the event, presumed lost in the strange new spirit realm. Daidoji Rekai, heir of the Daidoji daimyo and heroine of the War Against the Shadow, is one of the missing. In recognition of Toku's service in rescuing Toturi and helping recover Kaede's body, the Emperor rewards his Captain of the Guard with his own family name, and the newly founded Monkey Clan swells with new Toku samurai. To cleanse the dishonor of his failure to protect the Emperor's family and of allowing his own weapon to be used in committing the murder, Kakita Kaiten commits seppuku, in a ceremony attended by Toturi himself. Daidoji Uji, daimyo of the Daidoji family, acts as Kaiten's second for the ritual. Uji and Kaiten's father, the returned spirit Kakita Yoshi, agree to lead the Crane Clan until the young Doji Kurohito comes of age. Yoshi steps down as Imperial Advisor, ostensibly to devote his attention to his Clan's political needs. This leaves the posts of both Imperial Advisor and Imperial Chancellor (unfilled since the seppuki of Takuan vacant. Of Kaiten's blade, the legendary Dragon's Claw Katana, there is no trace. Most believe it lost forever in the vastness of the Spirit Realms. As for your fate, you and your students are kept under house arrest within the Kakita Duelling School for a week as you are debriefed and questioned as to the nature of your adventure. You are never accused of a crime and treated with respect during this period. After a week of this, you are summoned to an audience with Miya Yumi, the Miya daimyo and Imperial Herald. Yumi has recovered well from the beating she received in the Void Realm, although part of her head is bandaged and one arm remains in a sling. Despite her injuries, she beams as you approach. When you are gathered before her, she stands uneasily and then bows. "I never received the chance to thank you properly for my rescue. How have you fared since the incident?" ![]()
![]() For future reference, let's roll for the various interactions of a duel on a step-by-step basis. Several of our rolls can influence rolls down the line on both sides. For instance, if you exceed the total of my Assessment roll by greater than 10, you receive a +1k1 bonus towards your Focus roll. "First blood," remarks the warrior. "I bear you no ill will." Iaijutsu Duel:
Center Stance
Assessment 5k2: 5d10 ⇒ (2, 10, 3, 2, 2) = 19 = 17 Explosion: 1d10 ⇒ 4 Center Stance
The two samurai stand as statues, eyeing one another for the smallest opening. Without warning, swords flash and the warriors part. Kitao is unharmed. The mysterious warrior staggers backwards, a glittering wound torn in his kimono. Bright light shines from the gash, which rapidly begins to stitch back together. The spirit steps aside and bows deeply. "Kitsune Kitao, you and your companions are worthy indeed. You will find what you seek beyond." As you step off the bridge on the far side, the forest around you dissolves. You do not find yourselves back on the stage where the Emperor's wife was murdered, but in a dark, forbidding tomb. The odor of mildew and dirt fills the air. Small niches in the walls surround you, each holding an urn containing the ashes of long-forgotten samurai. In the flickering light of torches that line the wall, you can just make out the chops or personal mon of the samurai interred here. There is a broad archway ahead, flickering with uneven, silver-gray light. The contestants you've saved are with you, as well as the unconscious form of Miya Yumi, but there are others as well. Toku, Captain of the Imperial Guard, stands next to the Emperor, looking stricken, while the Toturi holds the body of his wife, Kaede. Toturi's face is a stone mask, but slow tears pour roll down his cheeks, seemingly unnoticed. Kakita Kaiten stares numbly at Kaede's body, his hand grasping compulsively at the katana he longer has. Two of Toturi’s Seppun guardsmen are here as well; one is the other returned spirit, his kimono still covered in the blood of both the Empress and the traitorous
Kitsu Shisou approaches you anxiously. "You've found the contestants? It appears that no one is missing." ![]()
![]() You find yourselves again standing within a forest, looking across a broad stream. A rough trail cuts through the underbrush beneath your feet, leading to a sturdy wooden bridge that crosses the murmuring waters. Standing in the middle of the bridge, his face shaded by a broad-brimmed straw hat, is an unarmored samurai. His hand rests casually on the hilt of his katana. He bows, his face still in shadow, and calls out to you in a deep voice. “At last you have come, brave samurai. Your journey is almost finished. You have but to cross the bridge, and the path to your world will be open.” He tilts his head slightly to one side before continuing, “However, I will not allow you to pass without testing yourselves against me. My test is simple, the ultimate worth of a samurai: defeat me in a duel, and know yourself worthy. I await you here.” He bows once more, then settles easily into a dueling stance, patient and ready. ![]()
![]() The sensei quirks an eyebrow at Kitao's answer. "You are correct, Kitsune Kitao. Well done. Perhaps there is worth in the Minor Clans after all." He looks to the rest of you. "You could all learn something from him, especially you, Akodo-san." With that, he turns and begins to walk away. "You may leave now," addressing you as he exits. "And take this lazy thing with you!" He indicates to the unconscious and bloody form of Miya Yumi. The grey mist descends once again. Kitsune Kitao: You have earned the Touch of Destiny (Lore: Heraldry) advantage. It counts as a one time use of the Greater Destiny advantage for a Lore: Heraldry skill. ![]()
![]() The aged sensei scowls, motioning for Heizo to step back. "You!" he shouts, pointing his cane at Tanawe while another samurai stands. Lore (heraldry) TN 5:
He is a Unicorn. Lore (heraldry) TN 15:
He is of the Iuchi family. Lore (heraldry) TN 20:
He is an Ide Emissary. Lore (heraldry) TN 30:
His name is Iuchi Moriteki. Before waiting for an answer, the sensei whirls and gestures at Kitao. "You!" Another samurai rises. Lore (heraldry) TN 5:
She is a Hare. Lore (heraldry) TN 15:
She is of the Usagi family. Lore (heraldry) TN 20:
She is an Usagi bushi. Lore (heraldry) TN 30:
Her name is Usagi Anshinko. "You!" The sensei cries again, tapping his cane on the wooden floor and pointing to Miyuki. A third samurai stands. Lore (heraldry) TN 5:
He is a Dragon. Lore (heraldry) TN 15:
He is of the Agasha family. Lore (heraldry) TN 20:
He is an Agasha shugenja. Lore (heraldry) TN 30:
His name is Agasha Ademo. The sensei ends this rapid succession of challenges with a smirk. ![]()
![]() @ Kitao: I'm not sure. I'll have to check my rulebook. Hey guys, Just a heads up, I'm going to be in an internetless place between tomorrow and probably the 9th. No posts until then, unfortunately. Hopefully I can get a post up before I leave tonight, but if not, have a happy 4th (even if it doesn't mean anything to you), and I will catch you all in a week! ![]()
![]() The sensei snorts at Takeya's response. "How would you know his name? His personal mon is there for all to see." He waves the Scorpion away and gestures for another samurai to stand. "You!" He points to Heizo. "What is the clan, family, school, and personal name of this woman?" Heizo receives a free raise towards these roles. Lore (heraldry) TN 5:
She is a Mantis. Lore (heraldry) TN 15:
She is of the Moshi family. Lore (heraldry) TN 20:
She is a Moshi shugenja. Lore (heraldry) TN 30: Her name is Moshi Honkite. ![]()
![]() The gray mist dissolves once more, shifting into what looks like a small court chamber, with painted silk screens on all sides and polished wooden floors beneath your stockinged feet. Seated before you are several figures, dressed in fine court kimono, in cuts and styles that span the Empire; each kneels patiently on a fine-woven tatami mat, waiting. In front of them, a tall man in emerald green, with stern features and a carefully tied topknot, leans on a cane, glaring at you as though seeing a stain on his finest rug. On the ground at his side, the crumpled form of Miya Yumi, the Imperial Herald, lies slumped on the floor, unconscious and badly hurt; her face and neck are already coloring the blue and yellow of deep bruises, and her left arm lies awkwardly, clearly broken. The tall man sniffs, then gestures at Yumi with his cane. “This one has had no answers since she arrived; she just lies there, ignoring her studies. Perhaps you will be more worthy of my time.” His tone suggests that he does not think this likely. The sensei points at Suana. "You! Tell me this man’s Clan, family, school, and personal name!” the tall man snaps, as the first kneeling figure behind him rises and looks at you expectantly. Lore (heraldry) TN 5:
No clan. He is a member of the Imperial families. Lore (heraldry) TN 15:
He is a Seppun. Lore (heraldry) TN 20:
He is a Seppun Guardsman. Lore (heraldry) TN 30: His name is Seppun Giu. ![]()
![]() Ugh! You're right. I read it when you posted, but forgot it. Moving right along. >.> Saibankan listens to your replies and nods once. "Very well. Your scholarship matches my own. I will heed your call for mercy. If you escort this ronin from my village, he may go free." The magistrate bows and walks back towards the large house. Her budoka remain, eyeing you with suspicion. The grey mist starts to creep in once again. Miyuki: Since you beat the TN by the highest number, you earn the Touch of Destiny (Lore) advantage. It counts as a one-time use of the Greater Destiny advantage for any Lore check. ![]()
![]() The magistrate glares at Kitao and Heizo. "You presume to know more of the law than I? Very well, samurai, show me what it means to be more than just a ronin dog." "If you answer me these questions, I will consider mercy for this boy." She spits on the ground next to where Kohuri kneels. "What is the proper response when offered a gift?" (Etiquette) "What is the role of the kami in Rokugan's legal system? What of physical evidence?" (Lore: Law) "How many samurai are sworn in fealty directly to the Emperor?" (Lore: Bushido) "How does one display proper respect for one’s peers and superiors, both in word and deed?" (Etiquette) "How does the social structure of the Empire relate to the Celestial Heavens?" (Lore: Bushido) "Who is the supreme legal arbiter in the Empire?" (Lore: Law) Each of you can answer a question. If you do not know the answer to the question, you may roll the listed Skill / Intelligence at a of TN 10, to properly interpret the Imperial’s inquiry. You must then roll the same Skill / Awareness at a TN of 20 to present a proper answer in the face of the magistrate’s aggression. (If you know the answer without having to make the Intelligence roll, you still have to make the Awareness roll, but your lack of hesitation gives you a Free Raise.) ![]()
![]() An understandable concern, but by now I think you all understand the rules of this place, especially that nothing you see is real. The magistrate turns and regards the gathered samurai with a haughty expression. "My name is Miya Saibankan, she explains, clearly annoyed. "He is guilty of being in suspicious places... and doing suspicious things. The sort of things you can always rely on ronin to be doing." She all but spits the word. ![]()
![]() Stepping through the starry arch brings you to the dirty streets of a peasant village, ramshackle huts lining a rutted track barely worth calling a road. Some distance away, a crowd of heimin gathers around the largest house in the village, the only one with a tile roof or a stone foundation. Several of the peasants in the crowd shout angrily, pointing at something within the walls of the dwelling. As you approach, the crowd parts for you, the peasants bowing and kneeling out of respect for the samurai in their midst. Once through the crowd, you can see what the commotion is about. The large house, which actually has walls around its small grounds, is clearly a samurai’s dwelling, though not a wealthy one. On the wooden walk surrounding the house, an imposing woman wearing the mon and sash of an Emerald Magistrate stands over the kneeling form of Kohuri. Flanking Kohuri are a pair of dangerous-looking budoka, peasant guards likely acting as the magistrate’s yoriki assistants. They stare down at the kneeling ronin with identical pitiless expressions. The magistrate is addressing the nearby peasants, clearly making an official proclamation. “…and so, by the authority vested in me by the Son of Heaven, Emperor Toturi I, I condemn this man for his many crimes. He will die at dawn tomorrow, whether as a samurai should or as would a dog in the streets, as he chooses.” ![]()
![]() GM Screen:
Horsemanship/Agility TN 15: 5d10 ⇒ (2, 1, 9, 2, 6) = 20 = 17
Kyujutsu/Reflexes TN 15: 5d10 ⇒ (8, 9, 9, 6, 8) = 40 = 25 Horsemanship/Agility TN 15: 5d10 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 8, 4) = 17 = 15 Kyujutsu/Reflexes TN 25: 5d10 ⇒ (6, 1, 7, 9, 8) = 31 = 24 Horsemanship/Agility TN 20: 5d10 ⇒ (6, 2, 8, 5, 10) = 31 = 21 When all the samurai have ridden, the dragon takes its turn. The celestial spirit flies with a sinewy grace, easily reaching each of the targets. The dragon does not shoot, exactly, but rather exhales a single tiny shooting star from its nebulous core, burning into the targets it hits. For each flourish of the samurai, the dragon attempts to match with its own flight and shot, but the talent of the samurai shows through. In particular, Kakita Tanawe's trick shot on the final target proves to be the winning score. The dragon returns to the gathered samurai. "You have proven your worth, samurai," its voice booms in your heads. "You may take the young Phoenix. I no longer require her here." The dragon lands, shifting its shape into a star-filled archway, a shimmering gate forms beneath it. Everybody can regenerate one Void point. Tanawe can regenerate two. Tanawe: You receive the Touched by Destiny (Horsemanship) Advantage. It counts as a single use of the Greater Destiny advantage for a Horsemanship skill test. ![]()
![]() Shichiro looks as if he's about to reply to Takeya before the scene shifts abruptly. At first, you begin to believe that the mysterious Realm has returned you to Ningen-do, for the scene that appears before you is that of the horse-racing course in the practice fields outside the Kakita Academy in Tsuma. Long rows of empty stands await the crowds expected to gather for the event, and large targets stand at various points around the track. Almost at once, though, you recognize the faint sense of unreality in the air, and the subtle shifts in details that identify the Spirit Realm that holds you trapped. Nearby, a row of horses are tethered to a long wooden bar, and quivers full of arrows lean against racks of unstrung bows. For a moment, there is nothing else to see, but then a shape slowly forms in the air above the far side of the track, a long, serpentine form with sharp claws on short legs and a body that seems to be composed of nothing by the starry night sky. It moves sinuously through the air, swirling down to release something on the ground at the far end of the track, then up again, approaching you as though swimming or burrowing through the gentle breeze blowing across the field. It curves around to settle itself on the track directly before you, and two of the largest and brightest stars within it turn toward you like eyes. “You are here to race,” it booms out in a hollow voice, “just as Ume was.” The star-filled head turns to regard the shape that it dropped at the far end of the field, then turns back to you once again. “She is mine, now and forever, but I will race you, as I did her, for that is the way of this place.” The dragon lifts a claw toward the horses. “Mount and shoot, samurai, if you wish to leave here.” As with the Athletics challenge, there are five stages to this test as well. They are: Horsemanship / Agility TN 10 to reach the first target; Kyujutsu / Reflexes TN 5 to hit the first target; Horsemanship / Agility roll TN 10 to reach the second target; Kyujutsu / Reflexes roll TN 15 to hit the second target; and finally Horsemanship / Agility roll TN 10 to reach the finish line. The riders and dragon receive 1 point for each successful roll and +1 point for each successful Raise. ![]()
![]() Suana, Kitao, and Tanawe combine to dispatch the final two enemies. With those down, they are able to quickly mop the remaining shadow warriors engaging the students. As soon as the last spirit is defeated, the fog pours in through the open door to the dojo and pulls you back into the shiftless Void. Thankfully, most of the students have sustained only light wounds; nothing what would result in anything more permanent from a scar. Ayano runs to Heizo, looking concerned. "Heizo-sensei! You are wounded!" The young Mantis favors her right leg slightly: the opposite bears a stab wound to her thigh. Likewise, Sachiko finds Suana. The student says nothing, but moves to aid her sensei. Ukira bows to the rest of you. "Arigato for your timely aid. None of you are of my clan and yet you placed yourself in harm's way for my sake. It is not a favor that will be lightly forgotten." ![]()
![]() The samurai sweep through the broken enemy ranks, cutting the shadowy warriors down like wheat before the scythe. Takeya, Kitao, Suana, and Tanawe each cut down their opponents, but Heizo fumbles with his knife. The faceless samurai regains his feet and swipes out with its katana, slicing the courtier across the stomach. Attack 5k3: 5d10 ⇒ (9, 6, 3, 5, 8) = 31 =23
Another of the faceless samurai rushes forward to challenge Suana, sword raised high. Attack 5k3: 5d10 ⇒ (7, 10, 3, 8, 2) = 30 =29
The spirit warrior brings the katana down in a deadly arc, biting behind the Lion's shoulder pad and into his collar bone. The rest of the students struggle to bring their opponents down. There are 8 warriors remaining: 1 fighting Suana, 1 fighting Heizo, and 1 fighting each student. You're all up again! ![]()
![]() GM Screen:
2d10 ⇒ (10, 2) = 12
2d10 ⇒ (10, 7) = 17 2d10 ⇒ (4, 10) = 14 2d10 ⇒ (3, 10) = 13 2d10 ⇒ (7, 7) = 14 2d10 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 2d10 ⇒ (6, 3) = 9 1d10 ⇒ 3 The ferocious torrent sends the warrior things tumbling across the ground, like drunk men aboard a ship at storm. With a shout, the students rush to attack the disoriented enemies and defend their peer. All of you are up again as the spirits have to regain their footing. ![]()
![]() Good suggestion, Miyuki. Could everybody put their ATN and Initiative dice in their header, as Miyuki has? Also, Takeya should add 5 to his roll, as I intended to give him a free raise. I'll roll for Kitao, as he's the only one left. GM Screen:
Enemies: 3d10 ⇒ (5, 6, 2) = 13
Kitao: 4d10 ⇒ (3, 8, 4, 3) = 18 = 15 The whisper of steel on leather fills the air as the students draw their weapons. "We must help, Ukira-san," Arata exclaims, his katana in hand. "He is heavily outnumbered." The young samurai is right; there are nearly a dozen of the black-clad warriors stalking towards the Dragon. Each of you have a round to prepare before the melee begins. ![]()
![]() The next area looks very much like the room in which you initially awakened, a large dojo with weapon racks on the walls and white paper screens on all sides. One set of screens has been opened wide, allowing passage to the outside, where a broad valley opens below the mountainside on which the dojo rests. Through the opening, a horde of black-clad warriors pours through, and each one has no face at all, only smooth skin where eyes, nose and mouth should be. They advance in unsettling silence, but their readied weapons and martial stance speak volumes. Standing in front of the onslaught is Mirumoto Ukira, face set in a determination as he readies his swords. Roll for initiative. ![]()
![]() Arata nods. "Of course. I allowed my pride to cloud my judgment. As a Crane, I should strive to excel in all things. Thank you for making it clear, everyone. Especially Tanawe-sensei." The young samurai bows deeply and kneels to write. The nature of battle
He hands the haiku to the young sensei. She nods, clearly pleased. "Well done, Arata-chan. You are free to leave. As are the rest of you." With a flick of her hand, the grey fog descends once again, leaving your swiftly growing group lost in the Void.