You are goblins of the Licktoad Tribe. Or at least you will be someday. For now, though, you’re whelps—ravenous, amoral, grumpy goblin children who learned to stop eating rocks only a few months ago. In fact, a few of you still try to eat rocks. But with every day that passes, your whelping cage seems smaller and smaller. The outside world increasingly beckons to your goblin curiosity (and appetite), but the hateful cage bars holds you at bay. A couple manage to escape a few times, but are simply tossed back in whenever a goblin happens to notice.
A few other whelps flourish in the cage, even as the smaller and weaker ones are thinned out. Kettlehead stands literally head and shoulders above the competition, being a goblin of impeccable flatulence and having already fashioned himself an impressive hat from a teapot left lying too close to the cages. Even adult goblins—legendary Chief Rendwattle Gutwad among them—have taken note of Kettlehead and his advanced skills of poking the rest of you with sticks and delivering bruise-inducing noogies. He make good goblin for tribe.
But today is special. Today, instead of a bucket of fish heads, whelp-wrangler Loptop brought a key and unlocked the door to your cage, spilling you sorry lot into the world for the first time. Other Licktoads gather around, eyeballing you and chewing on the fish heads that should have been yours.
“You all are too big babies for cages,” Loptop snorts. “But you’re no Licktoads yet. Licktoads gotta be useful. Licktoads gotta be tough! Licktoads gotta earn their places in goblin tribe. And that what you’re gonna do now! Show where you belong, even if that being boneyard!”
Loptop pulls Kettlehead in front of you all. "Kettlehead good goblin. Kettlehead strong goblin! Kettlehead have big hat. Kettlehead is therefore best goblin whelp. Kettlehead already be full goblin." Kettlehead stands on tip-toes and puffs out his chest.
"You all be baby goblin still," Loptop continues. "You must prove you be best goblins, too. Firsties, you wrangle big eight-legger to ground. Show goblin strength and cunning!"
In the middle of the main part of the tribe, the area is a large clearing. The rest of the tribe forms a large circle of onlookers as two goblins grab a large spider into the ring with makeshift thread. Cutting it loose, the goblins slip into the crowd again, along with Loptop and Kettlehead.
You four are left alone in the ring with the large spider and instructions to 'wrangle' it. A leash is tossed into Acewak's face, the device to wrangle the animal with. The spider itself is about the size of a goblin and scarlet in color.
Wrangling it to the ground requires a combat manuever check. Tying the leash to it once wrangled to the ground requires a Dexterity check.
So you've been left here with the spider. You can go in any order, and can even refuse to try or try it in a completely different way. You do not have to wait for the results of another goblin to go ahead and try/make the rolls. What will you do?
This is my own personal homebrew for the Magical Child archetype. Many say this archetype falls short both mechanically and fluffing. As such, I'm presenting a much more 'magical girl' type archetype that is more balanced with the other vigilante archetypes as well. Of course, nothing is perfect, and I'm welcome to any feedback on this homebrewed creation, as well as answering any 'why this' questions. It will probably be easier to read using the pdf (at the end). Hope you enjoy:
Mahou no Ko
Some vigilantes are contracted to fight for justice and peace at a young age. With the magic granted by a powerful contract, these fighters fight for the good. Aided in their fight by a magical item or animal, they fight undercover, keeping their powerful abilities hidden to keep their friends and family safe from the evils they face.
A mahou no ko must be any Good alignment or Lawful Neutral.
This alters the vigilante’s alignment.
Class Skills
A mahou no ko adds Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), and Spellcraft her list of class skills, instead of Disable Device, Knowledge (engineering), and Survival.
This alters the vigilante's class skills.
Skill Ranks per Level
A mahou no ko gains a number of skill ranks equal to 4 + her Intelligence modifier at each level, instead of the normal 6 + her Intelligence modifier skill ranks.
This alters the vigilante's skill ranks per level.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A mahou no ko is not proficient with medium armor. She can cast bard spells (see spellcasting below) while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.
This alters the vigilante's armor and weapon proficiencies.
A mahou no ko casts arcane spells and cantrips as a Bard. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell's level, and she chooses her spells known from the bard spell list. A mahou no ko's selection of spells is extremely limited; use Table: Bard Spells Known to determine how many spells the mahou no ko knows at each level. A mahou no ko who chooses a spirit guide (see magical contract below) needs to commune with it for 1 hour in order to replenish her daily spell slots. A mahou no ko who chooses a magical tool (see magical contract below) needs to meditate with it for 1 hour in order to replenish her daily spell slots.
This replaces the 4th-, 8th-, 10th-, 14th-, and 16th-level vigilante talents.
Transformation Sequence (Su)
A mahou no ko's transformation between identities is performed using her magical abilities. This makes it faster than usual, but also more noticeable.
A mahou no ko can normally transform between her identities in 5 rounds, though this improves to a standard action with the quick change social talent and a swift action with the immediate change social talent. However, the transformation is quite a spectacle, involving loud sounds or music, brilliant colorful energies, and swift motions.
Magical Contract (Ex)
A mahou no ko’s magical abilities come from a magical contract. This contract can take many forms, but involves the mahou no ko making a pledge to fight for justice and against the evil that is in the world. This magical contract imparts two things to the mahou no ko: the ability to cast spells, as well as a magical tool or a spirit guide. Should the mahou no ko ever stop following the contract and fighting evil, she losses the ability to cast spells, as well as her magical tool or spirit guide. She may regain these by renewing her magical contract and fighting against evil once more.
At 1st level, a mahou no ko begins play with a magical tool or spirit guide. A magical tool is a powerful item that helps the mahou no ko perform her magic and can serve as a magical item. A spirit guide is a magical animal that helps guide her in her fight against evil and assists her in her skills. A mahou no ko must choose one of these to receive at 1st level. Once a mahou no ko makes this choice, it is permanent and cannot be changed.
A mahou no ko’s magical tool acts as a Wizard’s Arcane Bond, except as detailed here. Treat her vigilante level as her wizard level for any level dependent abilities. A magical tool has two identities, much as the mahou no ko. A magical item’s social identity can be any item that would take a space magical item slot, and can be as inconspicuous as a brooch, to a simple chocker. However, a magical item’s vigilante identity can be any item that would take a space magical item slot, as well as a wand, staff, or weapon. This vigilante form is much more noticeable, often becoming the icon of the mahou no ko.
A magical tool must be worn or equipped in order to receive its abilities. A mahou no ko’s magical tool is required to be held to perform her transformation sequence. Her magical tool provides an extra spell slot of the highest spell level she can cast, and any meta-magic applied to a spell that uses this slot does not have an increased casting time. A magical tool that is a weapon in its vigilante form is also treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
A magical tool takes on its social identity while not worn or equipped, and cannot be identified as anything other than a mundane item while in this form. A magical item only works for its owner, and leaves this plane when a mahou no ko dies or otherwise ends her contract.
If a mahou no ko’s magical tool is ever destroyed or lost, she may replace the item after 24 hours by finding an identical masterwork item as the magical tool’s vigilant identity. Then, she must renew her contract by collecting materials that cost 200 gp per vigilante level spending 8-hours in her renewal ritual.
A mahou no ko’s spirit animal acts as a Wizard’s Arcane Bond, except as detailed here. Treat her vigilant level as her wizard level for any level dependent abilities. A mahou no ko’s spirit animal acts as a familiar with the outsider subtype as well as magical beast. Her spirit animal also has a social and a vigilante identity.
A spirit animal’s social identity is that of a seemingly normal animal. A spirit animal may change identities as a standard action. A spirit animal provides its familiar bonuses for either identity as long as it is in arm’s reach.
At 3rd level, the mahou no ko's spirit animal reveals another aspect of its form, and its vigilante identity changes into a creature on the Improved Familiar list that would be available to a 3rd-level spellcaster (the spirit animal’s social identity always remains as the original normal animal). Also, it gains the change shape universal monster ability if it doesn't already have it. A spirit animal may use this ability at will while in its vigilant identity to transform into any of its available vigilante identities.
The spirit animal can change its vigilante identity again when the mahou no ko reaches 5th and 7th level, each time to familiars available at those levels. The Improved Familiar feat's alignment restrictions apply to this ability, but only the mahou no ko's vigilante identity needs to have an alignment that fulfills the alignment requirements of the improved familiar. The spirit animal’s new vigilante form choices are permanent, and cannot be changed after being chosen. No matter its form, a spirit animal is treated as a regular Familiar for purposes of mechanics, such as a feat’s prerequisites.
In vigilante form, a mahou no ko's spirit animal gains an amount of DR/magic equal to her vigilante level.
If a mahou no ko’s familiar is ever killed, its spirit leaves its body and goes to its home plane until the contract is renewed. After 24 hours, a mahou no ko may find a replacement body for the spirit animal and renew her contract. To do so, a mahou no ko must conduct an 8-hour ritual that costs 200 gp per her vigilante level, but once the ritual is complete, the spirit animal returns in its new body. It retains all of its memories from its earlier service to the mahou no ko.
If, for some reason, the mahou no ko breaks her contract, either by aiding evil or stopping her fight against it, she immediately losses her ability to cast magic and her magical tool or spirit animal leaves this plane. In order to receive her powers back, she must renew her contract to fight against evil. Renewing her contract is an 8-hour ritual that costs 200 gp per vigilante level.
This ability replaces vigilante specialization.
Mahou no Ko Talents Social Talents
A mahou no ko can select from the following social talent, in addition to general vigilante talents.
Eternal Youth (Ex): A mahou no ko's body often slows in aging while under the effects of her magical contract. A mahou no ko with this ability no longer takes ability score changes for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any penalties or bonuses she may have already incurred are removed. She takes the appearance of a young adult of her race, and gains a +5 bonus to disguising herself as someone with the young template.
Mahou no ko that already have the young template still age until they reach adulthood, and their ability scores change back to normal. The mahou no ko still ages numerically and still dies when her time is up.
Vigilante Talents
A mahou no ko can select from any of the following vigilante talents, in addition to general vigilante talents.
Aligned Strike (Ex): A mahou no ko's fight against evil and injustice creates a focus of defeating such enemies. When a mahou no ko selects this talent, choose the Chaotic or Evil alignment. As a swift action, a mahou no ko may endue her weapons with special energy for one round. Upon striking her chosen alignment with her weapons, a mahou no ko deals 2 extra damage, plus 2 additional damage for every five vigilante levels she possesses.
A mahou no ko may select this talent a second time, but must choose the other alignment. This talent does not stack for opponents that are Chaotic Evil.
Magical Weapon (Su): A mahou no ko’s magical tool can be used to channel spells if it is a weapon. She no longer needs to have a free hand to cast spells as long as she has her magical tool equipped as a weapon.
If the mahou no ko’s magical tool is a melee weapon, she may use it when casting a melee touch attack, using the weapon’s attack bonus and reach, if any. If the attack roll also exceeds the target’s regular AC, then the target receives damage as though hit by the weapon as well.
If the mahou no ko’s magical tool is a ranged weapon, she may use its range when casting any ranged touch attack as well as its attack bonus. If the attack roll also exceeds the target’s regular AC, then the target receives damage as though hit by a regular projectile as well.
A mahou no ko must have a magical tool with a weapon as its vigilante identity to select this. A mahou no ko must also be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Power of Friendship (Ex): The mahou no ko can inspire allies through determination, friendship, and perseverance, often accompanied by a short psychological pep-talk. As a swift action, the mahou no ko may attempt to inspire an ally within 10 ft. (2 squares) to continue fighting. The mahou no ko must make a Charisma check of DC 10 to inspire the ally.
At 2nd level, the mahou no ko can grant a 1d6 to a successfully inspired ally to be used on any d20 roll within the next minute. This must be used after the dice is rolled, but before the result is announced.
At 8th level, a mahou no ko can remove the shaken condition instead.
At 12th level, it can reduce a frightened condition to shaken instead. Any allies with a 1d6 from this ability cannot be frightened while they have the inspired die.
At 16th level, it can remove the frightened condition completely instead. Any allies with a 1d6 from this ability cannot be shaken while they have the inspired die.
This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + the mahou no ko’s Charisma modifier.
Spirit Armor (Su): When in her vigilante identity, the mahou no ko gains a magical spirit armor that protects her from damage. The mahou no ko receives a DR 2/--. This damage reduction does not stack with any other source of damage reduction.
At 8th level, this increases to DR 4/--.
At 12th level, this increases to DR 6/--.
A mahou no ko must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Staunch Ally (Ex): A mahou no ko's spirit animal counts as the mahou no ko for purposes of the startling appearance, frightening appearance, and stunning appearance abilities, and it can calculate its DCs using either its own Charisma modifier or the mahou no ko's, whichever is better. At 20th level, the spirit animal can make vengeance strikes as if it were the mahou no ko.
A mahou no ko must have a spirit animal to select this talent.
Alright, being greatly inspired recently watching Critical Role's "To the Poop", I've decided to try to run a goblin marathon of the four goblin modules. We'll be starting with We B4 Goblins (as level 1 NPC). I'll be choosing 4-5 great goblins to do this. Unless I get 5 really great goblins, I'll be going with 4, since I don't know if I'll get enough good entries. But, I also know not the challenge the internet. Anyway, I'll be leaving the window to join open until I feel I have enough excellent entries or...let's say...Feb 18th at the latest. Any roleplaying should be kept to spoilers to prevent bloating.
Anyone that believes this is going south, doesn't believe in goblins, or doesn't want to join a group of goblins for hilarious fun, please continue along.
Character Creation
Crunch Rules:
Build: You'll need to present a four-level build of a goblin. Your first level will be an NPC class, but at second level, it will be retrained into a Heroic class. So you'll need your initial 1st level build as an NPC class as well.
Stats: To make things interesting (and more chaotic), let's go with this: 6 sets of 4d6, dropping the lowest die; or 20-point buy. You can choose which one you want after you roll. You'll be roleplaying these.
Races: Well, goblins only, of course.
Classes: For first level, you'll be any NPC class. At second level, it will be retrained into an Heroic Level.
Heroic Classes: No Occult; unchained versions where applicable.
Goblins rather tend to certain classes just by nature, especially those in a community. The hardest classes to win over would be Anti-Paladin and Wizard, as goblins don't tend to fight for their deities, and goblins definitely don't like writing. However, both are availible with a good enough backstory.
Goblin nature (in this instance) completely rules out Monk and Paladin. Goblins in a tribe would never have the discipline to be a monk, while they would also never fight for a good deity.
Skills: Background system starting at level 2: 2 Background skills per level once you have heroic classes
Traits: 2 - One of which must be a Racial Trait
Alignment: CN only.
Gold: Average for class (you'll get the purchased gear about midway into the first module; I'll let you know when its available, so none will be equipped at the start).
Age: 5 (Adult); you start as just maturing goblins.
Sources: All Paizo, no 3PP; strongly recommend the 'Goblins of Golarion' book.
I want players to invest in character a lot. As you've lived in a pen up until the start of the module, you won't have much in way of background. However, there is ample room for Personality, Mannerisms, and Appearance.
Otherwise, you'll want to make your character as flavorful as possible. Using 'Goblins of Golarion', you'll have plenty to 'goblinize' your characters. For lots and lots of inspiration, check out "To the Poop", a youtube of the perfect goblin group...ever.
Also, you'll need a song for your goblin, in typical goblin fashion (as found in the books). You'll need four verses up front. Each level, you can sing a verse to reroll any d20 before knowing the result. You can do this once for every level you have (once at first, twice at second, etc). This ability does not replenish (or increase) until you gain a new level.
You are all younglings of Licktoad Tribe. I'm not looking for evilly cruel monsters, but Pathfinder's loveable, silly, and chaotic goblins.
Since a background is difficult to do when you're just being allowed out of your cage, here's how we'll do it:
1. List five core-concepts of how your goblin acts.
2. List two in-character goals of your goblin.
3. List two out-of-character ideas you want to see happen in the game, whether it affects your goblin personally or not.
4. List one item each that your goblin particularly likes, loves, and hates.
5. Now write a few paragraphs connecting this character. I'll looking for the greatest goblin roleplayers, after all.
How to Get Picked:
Flavor, flavor, flavor. Best 'goblin' wins, literally. Pick what you want to play the most, and goblinize it to the max.
-Consistent record of posting.
-Flavorized using "Goblins of Golarion". Needed.
-Goblin personality to the core: watch "To the Poop: Critical Role One-Shot" on youtube to find some really, really good examples.
-Have an easily readeable character stat block (see my aliases for example).
-Follow all of the above character creation outlines.
Organizing for an AP real quick. Feel free to comment, but this is mostly just to get our group sorted.
Alright. So we're trying to organize a group for the Ironfang Invasion AP. So far, we just know the class limitations: Fighter.
With that class restriction comes two options: VMC classing with Fighter as the main, or Fighter only with the ability to Prestige Class.
The idea I've come up with is that we're a group of mercenaries that have fought together for a while (whether you've joined a while ago, or were raised in the band) which is just a small group that fights for what it thinks is right. This would mostly be NG or CG, with TN or CN for one or two of the members possible.
The team, of which I'm trying to collect 4 or 5 total at the moment, would need to be cohesive and plan around certain needed builds, since there will be no clerics, etc.
One focused on UMD and Heal to cover CLW wands, etc. and provide the healing.
One focused as the Face, with Diplomacy, Sense Motive, etc.
One focused on secretive work; Bluff, Stealth, etc.
One focused on the important Knowledge skills.
One heavy melee focused.
One ranged focused.
Possibly one with arcane abilities.
Drill Sergeant would be awesome handing out teamwork feats to everyone.
A group chosen teamwork feat at 1st/3rd level, 7th level, and 15th level.
I, myself, want to do a Dragonheir Scion archetype, with two-weapon fighting and possibly UMD and Heal, since I have UMD as a class skill.
The actual recruitment won't start until the PG comes out, so we won't know the exact builds, such as point-buy, but we can cement our concepts at least.
As for the mercenary band itself, I'm thinking of the Myuri Band, and that we do what jobs we can get, but also act upon what we think is right, rather than act on coin alone. And if we happen to turn because of our beliefs with the coins already in our pocket... :)
I've finally got my hands on a copy of Ryuutama, and I'm really itching to play it. However, without any experience in the actual game, I'd thought I'd throw this out and see if there was any GM willing to start up a game of it.
Ryuutama is a rules-light, Japanese translated game, focusing on all sorts of slice of life things. Set in a medieval fantasy world like Pathfinder, it's like an Oregon Trail version, focusing on travel, etc. It sounds a little odd at first, but it's a different twist than most RPG's, with one of the most unique aspects being that even the GM gets to level up as a GM.
The rules are pretty easy for players to pick up without the book, though the GM would probably need one. So is there any GM out there willing?
Rise of the Runelords
Chapter One - Burnt Offerings
Despite the occasional chill breeze, the weather is perfect for the growing atmosphere. Banners hang from every window of the few buildings with more than one floor. Many travelers and merchants crowd the streets of the small town of Sandpoint, everyone excited about the much proclaimed Swallowtail Festival.
The place is Sandpoint, a small costal village bordering the Varisian Gulf. The place is a natural harbor, allowing easy access to the sea. The buildings are small, most made out of wood. The town is built alongside an ancient, ruined tower that now stands only fifty feet tall. Called the 'Old Light', the place is believed to have been an ancient lighthouse from Thassilionian origin. Despite its recent growths, the town still has a small, cozy feel to it.
The day is Starday the 23 of Rova 4711 AR, the time of the Autumnal Equinox. This day marks the recognized day of celebration for the goddess Desna, a holiday called the Swallowtail Festival. Among the free feasts, games, and merry-making, the Swallowtail Festival's signature event is marked by the releasing of a huge swarm of swallowtail butterflies from a wagon in recognition of Desna's favored animal.
However, this isn't the only thing drawing most people here. After several years of construction, the small town of Sandpoint has finished building a large, beautiful cathedral, which astonishingly has been created for five other deities as well as Desna. Designed to be equal in devotion to each of them, the cathedral has been cunningly crafted, with the shrines of the gods of Erastil and Abadar facing the south toward town and civilization, the shrines of Shelyn and Gozreh facing west to the Old Light and the sea beyond, and the shrines of Sarenrae and Desna facing east toward the graveyard and rising sun to give hope.
Even the towns of Korvosa and Magnimar cannot boast of such a structure, and people have flocked to see it. Locals of Sandpoint are easy to pick out, as they keep their head up high and wear proud smiles on each face. Rumors of a disaster destroying the town's previous shrines will soon be gone entirely as the town moves on to the future.
For Blikx or a Knowledge (Local) DC 10
The disaster that destroyed the old church was a great fire that ravaged the northern portion of Sandpoint. Several businesses and houses were caught in the terrible flame as well, though the most damage was to the church. Citizens of Sandpoint are loathe to mention the event, or the other 'event' that makes up the period of time they call the 'Late Unpleasantness'.
As the scheduled time for the festival approaches, people begin to herd toward the town square just in front of the new cathedral. Anticipation builds as people pack the waiting area, locals staying out of the crowd by leaning out windows and even a few rambuctious kids on the roofs. The Swallowtail Festival is about to begin.
Take this time to introduce your character and their interest in coming to the Swallowtail Festival. I will update the next part to which you can react to directly soon. Note, the festival hasn't started just yet; this is a short part to get the mood right.
Hello, and welcome to the discussion tab for the campaign, my chosen. Mwa ha ha!
This tab is for ooc discussions, questions, comments, having fun, and where to let us know if you'll be absent or just dotting in while we wait on someone.
Here's a few guidelines for the campaign, though if you have any questions, let me know.
Campaign Tab
I'll try to constantly update the Campaign Tab, but there will be useful information for your characters there, such as a map of both Sandpoint and Varisia for reference, the date, and connections.
There are some rolls I will make for you, generally ones that are automatic/group skill checks. Others that are individual, etc. will be rolled by you. You can of course roll for anything if you think it needs it, and I'll let you know if it applied.
Example: If you try to identify an item, make an attack, or try to search a crowd for someone, you'll make the die roll.
If you pass by a whole host of goblins in hiding, combat begins and intiative is needed, or a save is needed for most or all of the players, I'll make the checks and let the ones who passed know in a spoiler.
I'll keep a loot sheet in the folder. Anyone can change it if necessary.
We'll be leveling by story, rather than experience, so I'll let you know when to level.
I'll be keeping up with maps from the AP throughout it, posting links when doing so.
For posting, I usually do regular text for actions, italics for thoughts (not used as much as a GM), "Bold with quotation marks for speech," and finally, faded blue text for out-of-character stuff, which is not necessary for the discussion tab.
This AP has all kinds of hidden info that just makes the game world seem large and real. And I love to know small details IRL. As long as you're confident that you can keep ooc information from becoming in-character meta-gaming, I don't care if you look at spoilers even if they're not directed at you. If I want something really dramatic or important, I'll use PM to the required PC's.
I will bot characters if asked, such as a prolonged absence, ex cetera. Generally, I'll try to be a little leniant if a post is a little slow, but during combat, there is a solid 24hr window to get a post in. If you can't post your next move within 24hrs, I'll go ahead and bot your move that turn.
I work third shift (10-7) on Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5, I think), and while I have access to rules, I only have access to my phone. Posts will probably be shorter when using my phone, as it is not enjoyable to write long, code-filled posts with it. Otherwise, I should usually be able to access my computer around 7-8am each day regularly, not including access throughout the rest of the day. If I am only able to post one time in a day, it will probably be around that time.
Other custom things I do that might interest/remind you of.
Background Skills - 2 per level
Lore & Artistry - Both available.
Lore - If applicable to something (such as Lore(Goblin Warfare) to identify a goblin weapon), it takes half the necessary knowledge check, since it is such a focused funnel of knowledge. If you wonder if a certain thing is narrow enough for the lore skill, just ask.
I've decided to do Rise of the Runelords, using the anniversary edition. Since this is my first time GMing a PbP game, I want to keep it simple, so for now I'm planning to just do the first book of the AP, Burnt Offerings. This will give me a good feel on whether this method of GMing is for me, while not dedicating myself to something I may not enjoy for years. When we reach the end of the book, if I feel comfortable with this way of GMing, and you players are willing, we'll continue on through the AP and finish it up. I will be picking about 4 people, and am open to picking a good entry from a new PbP player. :) Other information is below.
Character Creation
Level - Start at level 1
Point Buy - 25, no stat below 10
Races - All core; featured races in ARG will be case-by-case
Class - No Occult or Gun-based classes/archetypes; classes must use unchained versions; intrigue classes are iffy (meaning: convince me they can fit throughout the AP {1-6} and you'll be fine)
Skills - We'll be using the Background Skills found in PU: 2 per level; will have Artistry and Lore skills
Traits - 3, one of which must be a Campaign Trait from the free Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide; no drawbacks for now
Alignment - All Good, Lawful Neutral, or True Neutral
Equipment - Max starting gold
Background - Each character will need a background describing the events up to the start of the AP, which will be the beginning of the Swallowtail Festival; also, a brief description of the character and his/her personality as well; interesting comes before min-maxing in picking order
Sources - You can use any Paizo licensed material
Leveling - I'll let you know when to level up, so no experience for you guys to track
Special Ideas - I am open to special ideas for characters, backgrounds, etc.; however, I will try to get back to you asap whether I will allow it or not, and allowing it is not a guarentee of being selected
Complete - Only fully made characters will be taken into consideration when recruitment ends; if recruitment ends early, I may leave a little leeway to that
Material - Access to Dropbox (you don't need the download anything to see the files I'll upload); access to the free Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide Commitment - As stated above, if you want to submit a character, be fully committed for at least the first book of the AP, which is Burnt Offerings Roleplay - While this is a classic adventure with lots of combat, there is a huge amount of good roleplaying in here. If you want a solely hack'n'slash adventure, this probably isn't it.
Daily Posts - Be ready to post daily; if your character has nothing to add or do in a scene, simply check in on the Discussion tab and say so; don't go missing, or you will be botted; check out more on this in my profile
Communicate - Tell me if something's wrong; point out errors; let me know if you're not having fun; throw out those crazy ideas onto the table; basically, feel free to ask or tell me anything, and I'll be willing to answer sincerely and work with you
Familiarity - I'm alright with people who have experience with RotR, just post that upfront when you make your character; as long as you are fully certain that you can separate in-character knowledge from out-of-character knowledge, we'll be fine; no metagaming
Know Me - Check out more information on my profile; no, seriously
About Me
I am used to the rules of Pathfinder and have played game IRL. However, after moving away from the group, I started to lose hope. Then I stumbled on PbP games and hope was restored! I am fairly familiar with the systems, outside of Occult Adventures which is why I won't be allowing it. All other limits are to keep this simple for my first PbP game (outside of guns; I've never liked the higher tech guns in my worlds).
As for GMing, I've done a few games in other systems after I moved, but I didn't have the best of players and they didn't go so well; yeah, my siblings are the type that like Aggrevation or Sorry, not complex rpg's. Anyhow, I am new to GMing Pathfinder and hope to be a great GM for all my players. If you feel I could improve on something or if I'm doing something wrong, let me know. If you don't, I'll probably just keep messing up, so help me help you.
For style, I enjoy the rule of fun and cool more than forcing every minute rule just rightly into place. I will be doing the Perception and Saving throws for combat or when immediate action is needed. Otherwise, I use spoilers to give a chance for players to roll and see it immediately if they made it. *Attention* Do not open any spoiler in-game if it's not for you or you didn't make the roll unless you are fully sure you can keep the meta-information outside of your character's actions. I know I enjoy knowing what's going on everything and can keep it separate, so I'll give you the chance.
Anything else will be on my profile, which you should check out.
Time Limit - I'll give this two weeks and close recruitment on the 15th sometime; one because this is RotR and one because I'm new. Or, I will go until I feel I have a good, large pool to choose from (about 20). After recruitment closes (which I will post when it has) I will take one week to choose the party, as well as post the day that the choices will be made. Once the party is selected, they will have a full 24 hrs to respond before runner-ups are contacted.
Questions - Feel free to ask me any questions, concerns, ideas, etc. I consider open-minded when it comes to ideas and stuff.
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