Golden Orb

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We will see how the recruitment goes as we head into the start date for whether this fires. If there is anyone interested in playing the low tier, that is fine; I will run whichever tier we get 4 interested people in.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

Discussion thread for The Dalsine Affair. Link to slides.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st to 7th level characters (Tiers: 1-2, 3-4 and 6-7).

Your mission takes you to the Taldan capital city of Oppara where the intricate web of political intrigue and ages-old religious conflicts threaten the Pathfinder Society’s presence in the land. When Baron Jacquo Dalsine’s cousin is implicated in a recent attack on Society allies, the situation becomes even tighter for the Pathfinders, and at the end of the day some members of the Dalsine family may not get out unscathed.

This will be a Gameday XII game, set to start September 4th. Preference in recruiting will be given to filling out a table with in-tier characters, followed by a preference for high tier over mid over low tier, then party composition. Please post which character(s) you would be interested in playing with for which tier(s).

The Dalsine Affair Slides

Is it possible that we will finish this adventure by the start of Gameday XII on September 4th, or is there too much left?

The Dalsine Affair Slides

Chronicles are up! Let me know if there are any issues.

Thank you all for playing, I hope everyone had a good time!

Vrothm's Chronicle

Sukit's Chronicle

Pai's Chronicle

Lorian's Chronicle

Morok's Chronicle

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Dalsine Affair Slides

"The Tapestry will not fall today, but you are correct that time is of the essence. I will begin the preparations to conduct the ritual, and reach out to the society to coordiante when I am ready. Now, I will return you to Golarion, where I believe your superiors will be pleased with a job well done." Hao Jin casts a spell after giving everyone a chance to say any last goodbyes, and the pathfinders are transported back to the Grand Lodge.

And that's the adventure! Aslynn may show up in future events based on your chronicle sheet boons from convincing 322 to go free, but she won't trouble you any more...for now. I should get the chronicles up later this week.

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Tchekua responds first, after a moment's pause to reflect on Lorian's words. "You speak wisdom, Lorian the Peacemaker. I see that your reputation is well earned."

Tenth-By-Third stares, unblinking at Lorian during his testimony.
"Acceptable. I have no further questions. If we wish to consult for a verdict, I am satisfied with the statements and evidence we have gathered."

Zahal nods solemnly. "Very well. I too believe we have covered all relevant areas for evaluating Hao Jin's actions and potential for future endeavors. The court is now in recess to discuss verdict, and will render judgement when we reconvene in 20 minutes."

After a short time, the judges reconvene.

Zahal steps forward to speak and render the verdict. "It is the unanimous findings of this court that Hao Jin's violations of planar and cosmic law have sufficient mitigating actions given the circumstances that her sentence shall be commuted to time served. The individual known as Hao Jin is to be set free from all obligations and burdens imposed by Axis as a sentence for her crimes, and is encouraged to travel and create freely, empowered with a better understanding of how to do so safely and in accordance with planar law."

She breaks out into a smile, nodding to Hao Jin and the pathfinders.
"Congratulations, Hao Jin. You are free to go."

There is a murmer that runs through the crowd watching as the verdict is announced, and Eleven-Sun-Truth turns to Hao Jin and the pathfinders. "Congratulations on a successful appeal Hao Jin. Thank you all for your assistance in this trial and helping it render true justice. Given the time sensitive nature of your task, I believe you may wish to ready yourself for departure; I will summon a conveyance to return you to the gatehouse."

A carriage arrives, and the pathfinders and Hao Jin take it to return to the gatehouse. Inside, Hao Jin turns to address the pathfinders.
"Thank you for your assistance, all of you. I am truly grateful for your assistance, and for your honest testimony in the trial." Hao Jin's stoic demeanor breaks down, and a warm smile spreads across her face. "It has been so long since I have been truly free. I am indebted to you all, and to the Pathfinder Society."

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Eleven-Sun-Truth bobs up to the front, taking center stage as he addresses Tenth-By-Third. "As her case worker, I believe I have substantial insight into Hao Jin's character. In short, I believe she has demonstrated an exceptional degree of willingness to atone for her prior reckless behavior. I have attached for the court's purview notes regarding the work she has done at the direction of the Axiomite Godmind regarding the Empty Court, complete with commendation. During her stay in Axis she has followed direction, met with her case worker regularly and on time, and avoided potentially hazardous behavior such as retrieving her engrams personally."

"In summary, my opinion is that Hao Jin has overcome her baser instincts and is an excellent candidate for full parole."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Tenth-By-Third's eye slowly blinks as it watches Eleven-Sun-Truth give its testimony. "This is most pleasing to hear Eleven-Sun-Truth. Your evaluation is thorough, and holds great weight in this case. I am particularly pleased with the notes on her service to the Godmind."

Zahal seems to be interested as well. "It seems she is one of those few who can truly change. Well now, that is something special."

That is successes for all three.

Tchekua looks smug. "Even in the event that Hao Jin performed the necessary steps to create her demiplane and fill it for the sake of historic preservation, there remains the fact that she left her charges untended. Thousands of creatures across more than a dozen generations suffered in her absence as she explored the Outer Planes. Were she truly responsible, would she not have guarded and guided these people until such a time as they could chart their own destinies?"

"Abdication of responsibility is a critical flaw." Tenth-By-Third chimes in.

Zahal shrugs, and looks expectantly at the audience to see if anyone has a response.

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I think I can go with that. I like it thematically, and it seems like a resonable choice. Eleven-Sun-Truth is not particularly skilled for the teir you're at, but will do his best.

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Tcheka responds first. "Indeed, that is most commendable. Zahal, I don't think the witness intended disrespect. Consider the true amount of damage done, and weigh it against her pennance here."

Zahal rolls her head slightly. "Fine. She has served some time, it is true. I will take that into consideration when we discuss rendering the final verdict."

Tenth-By-Third speaks up, voice neutral. "While his aura is objectionable, his actions on Axis have been acceptable. I have no more questions and am willing to proceed to the next topic."

With the assists, that is another success for all three.

Tenth-By-Third continues speaking, rolling right into his next talking point. "Mortals are fallible, naturally erring from cosmic law and planar constants. The accused has a record of recklessness, and it is clear that she would revert to such reckless behavior again if permitted the freedom to experiment again. Can even centuries of self-reflection overcome a creature’s base instincts?"

Tchekua seems troubled. "Yes, yes they can. I have seen it on countless occasions across the span of the multiverse, Tenth-By-Third. The rise of civilization is a natural outgrowth of mortal's ability to suprass their instinct-driven ancestors and attain limitless levels of higher reasoning."

Zahal smiles as she responds. "Ah, but such growth is less common than you imply, Tchekua. While people and societys do grow, they only do so by overcoming the staggering inertia of their current philosophies. It is rare for a person to truly change who and what they are. I have judged many souls, and few substantially shift where their soul is bound over the course of their life. Those who do tend to be exceptional."

Tenth-By-Third blinks rapidly, his eye opening and looking between Tchekua and Zahal.
"I do not believe mortals are as malleable in their nature as you believe they are Tchekua. We all have our roles and our places. Our natures define us to a large degree. I believe it remains to be shown whether Hao Jin has such a capacity."

Tchekua turns to address the audience. "Let us see if there is a witness who can attest to Hao Jin's growth of character over the terms of her service here."

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Tenth-By-Third narrows his eye to a slit as he watches Vrothum's speech. "Reckless. Reckless and undisciplined, with an aura indicating his untrustworthy nature."

Zahal looks displeased as she reponds. "His aura is not the problem, it is the misplaced prioritization of the current wellbeing of the physical health of residents of the tapestry over the wellbeing of their souls. Let me make this clear; while I sympathize with the individuals taken by Hao Jin and the time constraints, which why this trial is being held in an expedited fashion, these concerns are secondary to the cosmic issues at hand."

Zahal's eyes narrow as she begins to look angry. "And I am Pharasma's representative in this matter, and her response. Do you think the Lady of Graves would directly intervene in a mortal's actions such as this? No. This is Pharasma's judgement as much as the judgement of the Axiomite Godmind or the citizens of the Perfect City."

Tchekua clears his throat. "Ahem. I think that is somewhat harsh. His appeal is genuine and impassioned, and the lives of the people matter as he says. But still, you have a point Tenth-By-Third. This may be more his nature than his cause."

I'm going to go ahead and give the suggested bonus for good roleplaying here, but this is still not high enough to convince Zahzal; you will still need the +2 bonus from Sukit's assist.

The two bonus successes are also not met; The bonus success against Tchekua can be reached with a check to remove the penalty for a chaotic aura, or by succeeding at the +2 bonus. The bonus success against Tenth-By-Third can be reached by Sukit succeeding at both the +2 bonus check and a check to remove the penalty for a chaotic aura.

The Dalsine Affair Slides

I like it! Apologies for the slowdown here everyone. I caught Bronchitis late last week, and I thought I would be able to get a post together yesterday or today, and I wasn't quite able to do it.

I will be staying home from work tomorrow and sleeping a lot, but I should be able to post at some time later in the day.

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I love it :). Also, successful defense! Additional success for Tenth-By-Third.

Tenth-By-Third blinks several times at Sukit, and seems pleased when he addresses him. "True. The variance of a single sample is undefined, but multiple corroboration data points allow for a substantially improved measure of the population of behavioral samples. I withdraw my objection."

"Ah yes, but let us not forget what drew me to these proceedings in the first place: Hao Jin’s interference with the River of Souls. In recent years, her demiplane has captured souls bound for Pharasma’s judgment. And as I need not remind anyone, stealing souls is, ah…" Zahal leans down, taps her snout, and rumbles the last part of her sentence to convey its severity. "…deeply frowned upon." Then with a smirk, she adds, "Unless this is what defines cosmic law these days?"

Tenth-By-Third's eye narrows to a flattened line as he looks at her. "This is most irregular Zahal. All aspects of Hao Jin's actions may be analyzed, and Cosmic law will be applied thoroughly as it must be. Please keep to the proper structural arguments and modes of phrasing appropriate for the setting."

Tchekua frowns at Zahal. "This is not a laughing matter. You of all people should know the seriousness of the accusation. Make your point."

"Yes, of course, of course, I apologize." Zahal nods, and manages to look moderately contrite before becoming serious. "The cycle of souls is the foundation of the entire multiverse. The Planes, the petitioners, all of us are made out of the soulstuff of mortals who live, experience life, are changed by their experiences and their choices, then die and are sent to Pharasma for judgement. Interfering in this grand cycle threatens to undermine the universal order."

"Hao Jin purposefully siphoned souls to fuel her project, committing a cardinal sin against the order of the multiverse itself. I will be very, very interested to hear the defense of these actions, as I find them indefensible and by far the most serious offense among her actions."

Tenth-By-Third reopens his eye looking back at the audience. "More data is needed to form an adequate judgement regarding the impact of Hao Jin's actions on the river of souls and the broader multiverse. Do we have any witnesses with additional data regarding these actions and the details of their implementation?"

Whoever would like to go, go ahead and testify with an associated skill check. Judges may have additional questions or comments, and Sukit can ask clarifying questions of the witness and make his check to give a +2 boost at any time.

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Re-roll is good to go!

Tchekua nods. "This is most excellent to hear. Seeking to preserve that which would be destroyed is the spirit of a true achivist, and is a strong mark in favor of her character in her dealings."

Tenth-By-Third has been staring at Pai since she spoke, single eye narrowing to a black slit. "While this particular example may be correct, the source of the testimony is unreliable. Surely you can see her chaotic aura, Tchekua. Do you truly trust this is representative of Hao Jin's aquisitions? This example may be chosen to show her actions in the best light, rather than in their average or most common case."

Tcheuka shrugs. "It is a concern, Tenth-By-Third, but I do not believe her to be purposefully deceiving us or an active servant of chaos intent on corrupting these proceedings. I find the testimony compelling."

"Ahem." Zahal interjects with a slightly annoyed look on her draconic face. "While better that her actions do not hurt the culture, I do not find this particularly impactful one way or another. Cultures adapt, Tchekua. They change and grow and die, but they are not truly living things, as you well know. It is the people and the souls they carry that truly matter here, and how she treated them needs to be the crux of the analysis."

The reroll is a success against Tchekua, but does not hit the threshold for a bonus success against Zahal, and currently does not hit the threshold for a bonus success against Tenth-By-Third.

Pai is at a -4 penalty to persuade Tenth-By-Third due to her faint chaotic aura. As the reprentative for Hao Jin, Sukit can defend her and make a DC 17 check to attempt to remove the penalty.

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Tchekua seems pleased by the testimony. "Thank you for your testimony. It appears that Hao Jin has not only behaved in the best interest of those involved, but has in fact assisted in the development of several cultures, allowing them to reach greater potential. I think this point has been adequately addressed. Are you in agreement Zahal?"

Zahal nods in concurrence. "Indeed. My concerns are satisfied. She appears to have taken her actions with the best interests of those she translocated at heart."

Another success for influencing all three Judges!

Tchekua continues onward. "But though the people and the cultures they took were protected and in some cases thrived, the cultures they took from may not have been so unharmed, or the cultures and history surrounding the abductions."

"An enduring stone structure might survive for thousands of years, its carved walls and sheltered libraries preserving the lore of lost ages for all who follow. To have such sites swiped not only steals the past from future generations, but it also robs the present people of their cultural heritage."

Zahal seems slightly confused by this line of reasoning. "This is a curious concern, Tchekua. In what way do you feel this reflects as a crime on Hao Jin's part?"

Tcheukua nods, and elaborates. "Hao Jin's capturing sites for her own desires seems self-centered. While she appears to have been a benevolent ruler, she may have harm the creator cultures responsible for the creation of these sites, and ultimately paints Hao Jin as an individual that does not truly respect the history she meddles with."

Tenth-By-Third blinks, then addresses the assembled audience. "Further insight from those familiar with the specific impacts of the Tapesty site abductions would prove illuminating. Are any present able to provide witness?"

Whoever would like to go, go ahead and make a counterargument with an associated skill check. Judges may have additional questions or comments, and Sukit can ask clarifying questions of the witness and make his check to give a +2 boost at any time.

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Tchekua looks impressed, and speaks with an even, pleased tone. "Indeed, while textile weaving is an unorthodox source of inspiration for the creation of a demiplane, it is a subtly powerful one. Textiles and the dress they enable form a core component of many cultures in the multiverse. The mathematics underlying their construction can be complex and contain many of the fundamentals necessary for complex arcane construction or any other type of engineering task. Though she would have benefitted from more formal learning in her approach, I believe she has had some time to acquire that since."

Zahal nods in agreement. "I agree. The creation itself, while fundamentally flawed in some respects, is actually put together remarkably well given the process that went into its construction. In many ways, I believe Hao Jin may be commended on her resourcefulness. I have concerns about other aspects of her actions, however, more than the specifics of the planar creation."

"Consider the actions that followed: she used her untouchable redoubt to abduct mortals—as many as hundreds at a time. Was there just cause? Was there consent? Or was this the callous action of a sorcerer focused on her own goals rather than aware of the bigger picture?"

"And once the mortals had been taken, were their needs met, and was their new plane hospitable? An artificial plane needs great care to sustain all the needs of life. And few mortals could return under their own powers if they were opposed to their new home, and in many ways these abductions could be seen as kidnappings. What type of motivations would drive a spellcaster to engage in this behavior? It is reminiscent of the behavior of a Night Hag, poaching the recently departed from the river of souls."

Tenth-By-Third blinks slowly, eye looking up, then towards Zahal, then closing before opening to look at Hao Jin. "There is concern here. The mortals were where they were supposed to be, and were displaced to a foreign realm. While mortals have significant free will by design to change their circumstances, if that will is thwarted, this type of disjunction introduces an element of chaos and disharmony into creation. The pieces of the prime material plane are not where they are supposed to be."

Tchekua turns to address Tenth-By-Third, then the audience. "Cultures and people were undoubtably impacted, but the impact may have been welcome or at least not malign. If we have any witnesses to the impact on the people taken or left behind by Hao Jin's translocation to the Tapestry, please step forward to offer your perspective."

Success! And enough on a boost to gain a success on influencing the other two judges as well. The +2 bonus for Influencing checks applies here.

Whoever would like to go, go ahead and make a counterargument with an associated skill check. Judges may have additional questions or comments, and Sukit can ask clarifying questions of the witness and make his check to give a +2 boost at any time.

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Tenth-By-Third closes its eye and ponders, before opening it again on a different part of its body to look at Lorian. "It is true that textiles have a strong mathematical foundation. The interaction of physical forces must be balanced, the creation process follows mathmatical formulas. While often treated as an art, it can be perfected as a science. Even if the theoretical backing drew from a nontraditional source, it is still building off matehmatics, and nothing is more fundamental to reality."

I would probably allow a few different skills, based on the direction of the argument, but I think Diplomacy is appropriate here and I assume its the one you would like to use? Go ahead an a make your check to convince the Judge.

No penalties to defend against, so Lorian's roll will be unpenalized other than the -2 to CHA checks he's had since coming to Axis.

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Tenth-By-Third blinks slowly. "While she may have improved in some areas, she still fundamentally applies magic through sorcery. However, you may proceed with the witness. We will hear from Lorian on this subject."

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Hao Jin smiles, and nods. ”Thank you. I appreciate the assistance. Come, let us begin. We don’t want to be late.”

Hao Jin enters the courtroom with the Pathfinders, and sits on one of the front benches next to Sukit. Observers enter the courtroom and fill the back benches, watching silently for the trial to begin. After several mintues, the large Draconic Psychopomp Zahal speaks.

”The Trial of Hao Jin will now proceed, with the Judges Tenth-By-Third, Tchekua and Zahal now presiding. Tenth-By-Third, if you would like to open proceedings?”

The eye on the orb blinks, then reopens looking at Hao Jin. "The basis of this trial is the nature of this mortal’s demiplane, which violates at least fifty-three firm principles of astral safety, in turn triggering twelve separate instances of multidimensional uncertainty and instability. Safer techniques existed by which to achieve a similar result, yet she embraced an unintuitive and untested methodology—all compounded by a sorcerous disregard for cosmic calculus."

"In order of commital, these violations were as follows. Violation the first: A lack of proper dimensional grounding calcuations in the sub-aetheric manipulations of the astral plane prior to full subplane instantiation. Violation the second: Inconsistent and uncalculated energy and matter release flows in the Astral planar boundaries for entropy transmittal consistent with the Laws of Thermodynamics. Violation the third..."

He proceeds in this vein for several minutes, before Zahal coughs and breaks into the flow of technical details. "I think perhaps we are wandering astray from the substance of the matter, missing the forest for the trees so to speak. I believe we are all familiar with arcane theory and planar mechanics, Tenth-By-Third. Could you perhaps summarize your point?"

Tenth-By-Third closes its eye and opens it to look at Zahal, then reopens it gazing at Hao Jin and proceeding in a calm, methodical tone. "The point, Zahal, is that her techniques were irresponsible. They lacked proper calculation and planning and did not respect arcane theory. Sorcerer spellcasting is too unpredictable to trusted with demiplane creation. The proper construction of planar boundaries is a science, not an art."

Tchekua looks at Hao Jin, and speaks. "I do not believe that sorcery is fundamentally unable to accomplish safe planar creation, but I do agree that the techniques employed were, perhaps, not sufficiently understood. Do any of the witnesses wish to speak on the matter?"

Whoever would like to go, go ahead and make a counterargument with an associated skill check. Judges may have additional questions or comments, and Sukit can ask clarifying questions of the witness and make his check to give a +2 boost at any time.

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An additional option, revealed by the 20+ Knowledge Local Check:

If the PCs learned of Hao Jin’s intention to represent herself in the trial, they can speak with her briefly beforehand and convince her to accept one of them as her legal advocate. A PC serving as Hao Jin’s counsel cannot serve as a witness but can assist during each scene by assisting the witness PC or protecting that PC from the judge’s inquiries. Each of these requires a Profession (barrister) check, and an untrained PC can use any of the following in place of Profession (barrister): the highest of their Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifiers; or a modifier equal to their ranks in Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive, whichever is highest.

Assisting a witness typically involves asking the witness a question that helps steer the testimony or clarifies a fact. Doing so requires a successful DC 17 check and grants the witness a +2 bonus on their skill check.

Protecting a witness typically consists of objecting to a judge’s characterization of the witness or other attempts to discredit a PC. This requires a successful DC 17 check and doing so negates one modifier that increases that PC’s skill check DC. Each time the advocate PC attempts to defend a witness, this check DC increases by 4, representing the judges’ growing exasperation.

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After some time spent mingling, discussing the plan and listening to the conversations around the courthouse, the start of the trial begins.

The Judges arrive in short succession, one at a time. First is Tchekua, an apkallu. He is a bird like man with an eagle's head and wings, dressed in regal white robes. As he enters, the main chamber doors open, showing the courtroom where three elevated podiums stand in a loose semicircle around a circular platform. Behind the platform stand benches for witnesses and observers. Tchekua nods in greeting to a number of people as he passes through, and takes his place at one of the podiums.

Shortly after, an 8 foot diameter brass sphere inscribed with many thousands of mathematical characters that slowly swirl about its body enters the courthouse, walking on six insectile metallic legs. One large black eye opens to gaze on its surroundings, but rather than remain fixed in one location or rotating the body to look at its surroundings, the eye simply blinks closed and reopens at a different spot on the body facing what it wishes to look at. The being enters the courtroom, and takes its place at the center podium.

Almost as soon as the brass sphere finishes taking its seat, a huge, purple dragon covered in whispy feathers flies down and lands outside the courthouse. She enters the building, moving through the crowd and into the room, where she coils herself behind the third podium.

Last to arrive is Hao Jin, followed closely by Eleven-Sun-Truth. She enters and greets the pathfinders with a warm smile that belies her concerned expression. "Greetings, and thank you for agreeing to provide testimony at my trial. Please, tell the truth as you see it. I will defend myself to the best of my ability, but want nothing more than a fair and honest trial. I expect I will recieve one here in the Perfect City." She turns to go and enter the trial room.

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Apologies, I wanted to get the trial started today, but had some family sickness come up that derailed things. Here are the rules for how the trial will run:


The trial takes place in one extended sequence, though mechanically it is broken into six scenes. Each scene plays out in roughly the following way:
• One of the judges examines an aspect of Hao Jin’s character or actions before positing a theory.
• The judge asks if there is any witness (i.e. a PC) who can provide additional information on the matter, be that evidence, context, or other arguments.
• The selected PC makes an argument. Ideally, roleplay this interaction, but at the least have that player describe the argument’s premise and style. Discoveries in the Hao Jin Tapestry are well known among the Pathfinders, so it’s encouraged for players to incorporate their experiences with the demiplane even if that particular PC did not play those adventures.
• The judges might try to discredit the PC (a way of conveying some of the judges’ modifiers listed on page 23) or ask clarifying questions.
• The PC chooses a judge and attempts a skill check that suits the argument’s content or style. In general, skills like Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and relevant Craft, Knowledge, and Profession skills are most appropriate, and irrelevant skills (e.g. using Acrobatics to argue magical theory) should have no chance of succeeding. Success indicates the PC helped influence that judge.

Exceeding the DC significantly can further influence the
other judges.

Repeat Witnesses: A PC can serve as a witness more than once, but the judges would much rather hear from all of the PCs before calling someone familiar to testify. For a group with 6 or more potential witnesses, a PC takes a cumulative –4 penalty on the skill checks to influence judges for each subsequent time that PC testifies. For a group of fewer witnesses, only apply this penalty if a PC would testify in consecutive scenes or would testify a third time. Basically, aim to share the witness opportunities rather than having one PC steal the spotlight.

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"Then Hao Jin wil continue her service here, in the Empty Court, investigating Aroden's disappearance."

"You should rest, and ready yourselves for tomorrow. It will be a big day for all of us."

The Pathfinders return to the Guesthouse of the Cage, where Esfir provdes sleeping accomodations. The following morning, after any preparations, the Pathfinders make their way to the Courthouse for Hao Jin's trial, arriving shortly after it opens.

Although a relative unknown when she arrived centuries ago, Hao Jin’s reputation ensures that as word of her trial spreads through several districts, there’s an immense yet orderly crowd of curious inevitables, glimmering axiomites, petitioners, and off-world visitors gathered around the sprawling courthouse on the day of her trial.

Eleven-Sun-Truth escorts the Pathfinders through the crowd, which parts smoothly and politely to make way. Inside the courthouse is an expansive, three-story entry hall where a host of barristers, bureaucrats, scribes, and more are discussing a combination of legal theory and the upcoming trials for the day. Eleven-Sun-Truth requests that the Pathfinders remain in the general area while it checks in with its superiors, mentioning that the trial’s set to begin in about 2 hours.

This is an opportunity for the PCs to learn more about the trial and the yet-unannounced judges, which can grant them an edge in the upcoming trial. Each PC can attempt one Diplomacy check to gather information, Knowledge (planes) check, Knowledge (religion) check, Profession (barrister) check, or Sense Motive check to learn more.

Each check learns the information for all the DCs it passes.

Diplomacy or Sense Motive, DC 17:
A likely judge is Tchekua, an apkallu who was part of Hao Jin’s first tribunal. Tchekua was fairly sympathetic to Hao Jin centuries ago and might still be. There’s also word that one of the judges is arriving from another plane for this event, which is rare.

Diplomacy or Sense Motive, DC 25:
Tchekua is an enthusiast of mortal history, having studied and catalogued the lengthy timelines of thousands of worlds. He is an avid archivist who understands the merits of preserving and understanding the past. The prevailing rumor of the off-world judge is that they’re a representative of the Boneyard, based on the group of psychopomps seen alighting and entering through the courthouse’s back entrance. If it’s true, the psychopomps would be especially interested in anything Hao Jin did that influenced the River of Souls (the means by which the dead reach Pharasma for their final judgment).

Diplomacy or Sense Motive, DC 33:
Tchekua has a slight bias toward those who speak in ornate ways, and he’s readily wooed by those who demonstrate sincere passion. The secretive psychopomp is a yamaraj named Zahal (yamarajes are dragon-like beings considered the strongest psychopomps) who specifically requested a position on the tribunal upon learning of it.

Knowledge: Planes or Knowledge:Religion, DC 17:
Hao Jin’s demiplane offended many axiomites concerned with the stability of the cosmos, but apparently it perturbed even Otolmens, a primal inevitable demigod of Axis concerned with machinery, mathematics, and physics. Bystanders believe they saw the Tenth-by-Third, the herald of Otolmens, enter the courthouse, and it seems likely the herald will serve as one of the judges.

Knowledge: Planes or Knowledge:Religion, DC 25:
Tenth-by-Third is dogmatic even by the standard of inevitables. The scent of chaos offends the herald, whereas interacting with lawful-aligned beings sets the herald at ease. Some bystanders believe that the yamaraj Zahal may be serving as one of the other judges. A yamaraj is an extremely powerful dragon-like psychopomp that operates one of the Boneyard’s courts to determine souls’ fates. Any psychopomp judge would take offense at any interference in the River of Souls, so such a topic should be handled carefully if it’s brought up.

Knowledge: Planes or Knowledge:Religion, DC 33:
The herald Tenth-by-Third respects logical arguments and those backed by quantitative data, whereas they interpret impassioned arguments as muddied by emotional interference. As for Zahal, few understand her, considering her a wild card. In the Boneyard, she’s as often chided for her leniency—even for crimes that others would consider unforgivable—as respected for her grim verdicts, though such decisions almost always come down to the context of the deeds.

Knowledge: Local or Profession:Barrister, DC 17:
This tribunal operates as more of a hearing in which the judges listen to any statements from the subject and those who can speak to the subject’s character, deeds, and motivations. The judges control the proceedings’ tempo, often conversing among themselves before calling on the subject or witnesses to provide additional information.

Knowledge: Local or Profession:Barrister, DC 22:
It’s customary for the tribunal’s subject to have legal representation, both to assist her and any witnesses, but nobody knows who is serving as Hao Jin’s counsel (if anyone). Her case might suffer if she chooses to represent herself.

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"You are. She may have them back for purposes of creating the ritual to restore planar stability. The tribunal tomorrow will decide if she needs to relinquish them or if she has served sufficient time for her offenses."

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"Ah." Hao Jin sighs softly. "When I was young, I grew up in a loving family in the city of Goka. My mother was an Abadaran priestess, and my father was a painter, and we wanted for nothing. They ingrained in me the importance of order in my life, and the drive to express my creative spirit."

"I loved exploring Goka's historical buildings, especially the Empress Yin Museum, dedicated to the ruler who granted Goka is sovereignty and to countless Yixing artifacts from that fallen empire. I was friends with the museum stewards, and would often play there, imagining the battles and events that the relics and artifacts represented."

"I was too reckless. The recklessness of youth, that thinks itself immortal and has yet to know real loss. You have the engram from that incident, so I no longer have the memory until I reintegrate it. But I remember the after. The crushing guilt at the cost to my family, and at the history I had destroyed. The incident awoke my magical powers, the resurrection activating the trace of Pheonix bloodline, and drove me to do better and protect what I could."

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Eleven-Sun-Truth guides the pathfinders through the Empty Court, where they find Hao Jin waiting for them. She waves and smiles as they approach. "Greetings! Eleven-Sun-Truth has informed me you have successfully retrieved the engrams. If I may have them, I can begin the process of reconstructing the ritual. It should take no more than a day or two to properly reintegrate the memories and work through any lingering discrepancies in the ritual form. Once complete, I can transcribe detailed directions for how to enact the ritual. Though it requires extensive power to cast as a single individual, I believe the Pathfinder Society has grown to have a sufficiently powerful group of arcane casters that they will be able to enact the ritual working together."

Eleven-Sun-Truth bobs up and down listening to her. "Indeed, but you may be able to assist personally! Your recent decisions and the actions of your advocates here have expediated your trial date. The trial is convening tomorrow, and your advocates have agreed to give testimony."

Hao Jin raises an eyebrow. "Indeed? Thank you for doing so. I hope that my actions have met with your understanding, if not your approval. Please, if you have any questions for me before the trial, ask, and I will answer as best I can."

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Having secured all three engrams, the Pathfinders set out to return to Hao Jin at the Empty Court. At the gateway outside the Empty Court, Eleven-Sun-Truth comes hurrying up to the group.

"Greetings, and wonderful news! After I sent my report on your meeting with Hao Jin and her decision, my superiors have scheduled a tribunal to reopen Hao Jin's case, set for tomorrow. In addition to significantly expediting the timing of the trial, several very influential judges are coming to preside. As you operated as Hao Jin's advocates, I am hoping you would be willing to attend and provide testimony regarding her character and actions?"

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She looks relieved and nods at Pai.

"Thank you. I will apologize to Yakomo, and reach out to Hao Jin after you have had a chance to speak with her." She walks over to Lorian, taking out the engram to hand over. "Here is the engram you need. I hope it gives you the knowledge you need to save the lives in the tapestry."

After handing the engram over, she speaks a single magical word and disappears.

Spellcraft: DC 20:
Whatever she cast, it wasn't planeshift.

Spellcraft: DC 21:
She cast word of recall.

When Lorian touches the engram, he receives another vision from Hao Jin’s past, this time of her as a child of perhaps ten, her hair glossy black without a hint of the sorcerer’s signature ruby locks.

Hao Jin dances and sings as she explores the wonders of a magnificent museum. She climbs about the displays, enacting mock battles with taxidermied drakes or old suits of armor. As the young Hao Jin climbs atop a suit of ancient Minkaian armor, her foot slips and she grabs at a hanging lantern to steady herself.

Suddenly everything is pain and fire, chaos, and then…silence and empty darkness. The silence and empty darkness end suddenly with a burst of pain and a strange pulsating that wracks her entire body.

The final scene Lorian sees is a young Hao Jin, her hair now a brilliant shade of red, her small face crumbling into tears as she learns that not only is the glorious museum gone, burned to ash, but her family has spent almost their entire fortune returning the young girl to life. As the scene ends, Lorian is left with a strong, lingering sense of Hao Jin’s regret, as well as her resolve to master the strange new magic burning inside her along with her emotions, so that she is never the source of such a tragedy again.

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"I..." Her face twists up in emotion. "You know what? I don't want to do this anymore. She was supposed to help me understand my powers. At first it felt like she was mentoring me, but its become clear she doesn't actually know anything. And now I'm more alone than ever, with an annoying and dangerous master treating me like a pawn."

"I don't know if I can stay with Hao Jin. She has her work, and I still need to understand who I am. I...I would be willing to give it a try though. I'll tell you what. You're powerful, and well connected in the society, which is why Aslynn chose this group for this stupid plan in the first place. If you agree to help me if Aslynn comes after me, I'll give you the engram and stay with Hao Jin as well as our destinies permit."

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I'm going to say you can try to grapple or steal while calmed, you just can't do damage.

322 gracefully sidesteps Pai as she puts the engram back in a pocket. She looks upset, and rather angry.
"Hey! Get away from me! You all, stay back or I'm leaving and you'll never get the engram!"

She turns to Lorian with a mixed look of fear and anger on her face and gestures violently.
"Look, I don't know what you want from me. Aslynn isn't the forgiving type but I'm not going to be any better off if I just, what, give you the engram and go? How's that going to help me? And yeah, as long as I have the engram, I've got something you need. Maybe you'll surprise me, but I doubt you're going to have an easy time finding me if I just planeshift out of here. You can still get what you need by giving me what I need."

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I am going to say you can attempt an intimidation if you want. She might also have passed her save, and may not be affected by the calm emotions effect.

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She scowls at Pai. "My employer is my business. As for changing my plans, the only thing I care about is getting my mission done with. You help with that, I get you the engram, and I'll leave you alone. You're going to have to trust me if you want the engram, unless one of you has truth sensing magic. As for the engram..." She pulls an item that looks similar to the two engrams in your possession out of a pocket. "I have that right here."

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"You may call me 322. My...employer has something she wants from there. You don't need to concern yourself with what that is. And I do expect that you'll take me, or you're not going to get the engram."

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She raises an eyebrow. "I can planeshift, and have the means to get close enough to land us in the Grand Lodge. You take me there, get me into Skyreach, then I shift us back and give you the engram. Should be 10 mintues, tops. Given the importance of this mission, I expect most of you should have the authority or at least the skills to get me in one way or another."

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"I've been watching you. This seemed like the easiest way to get what I need for my mission." Her face slips back into a scowl. I have the engram, and I know you're trying to collect them as part of some deal with Hao Jin to stabilize the Tapestry. I don't care about that, but I do need something from you. A trade, from one of you senior Pathfinders. One of you gets me into Skyreach in the Grand Lodge, and gives me 5 minutes alone to take care of my business, and I give you the engram."


Morok Sense Motive: 1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 - 2 = 17
Lorian Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 4 - 2 = 12

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"Oh, indeed. He indicated he would spend the afternoon meditating by the lotus fountain, I believe. It should be in that direction, about 3/4 of a mile."

The Pathfinders follow the direction, and after a 15 minute walk through the Serene Circle, finds "Acolyte Yakomo" sitting by the a fountain shaped like a lotus blossom, alone. As the Pathfinders approach within 50 feet, the man stands up and shimmers, turning into an elven woman with dark hair and a gloomy frown, giving way to a slight smirk.

"Greetings, Pathfinders. We finally meet in person."

Does anyone have the "Acquainted with 322" boon from 7-23, Abducted in Aether on this character?

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"Do not worry about me, or my door. I assure you, I am quite fine. I think that in many ways, the woman may be in greater distress than that which she put me through. Her actions, they did not seem quite right, as if she is under great distress from an outside force. I hope that meeting with you will restore her harmony."

He bows. "Now, go. Ask for me at the circle, and my companions should point you to the imposter. Do no violence there; it is a place of peace."

The Serene Circle is an open-air plaza where Irori’s followers meditate, learn, and discuss the intricacies of the multiverse with one another. Miles across, it is covered in light-colored sand and dotted with tranquil fountains, reflecting pools, and carefully managed gardens. Countless remade petitioners dressed in loose, white robes stroll about engaging in quiet contemplation or are in conversation with others of their kind. Others sit and meditate quietly in the shade of blossoming fruit trees. The entire area is suffused with a deep sense of tranquility and peace.

On entering the circle, the Pathfinders realize the tranquility is more than just a feeling; it is magical, and pushes strongly against their minds.

DC 23 Will Saves, or be affected by Calm Emotions while in the circle; this suppresses all strong emotions, morale effects, Rage, fear and confusion while preventing any affected from taking any aggressive actions. The effect lasts for a day, but only applies while in the Serene Circle. Since Will saves are wisdom based checks, everyone except Sukit has a -2 penalty from the -2 to Wis/Cha/Int based checks.

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I am going to be out of town for the next two days, but should be back some time Sunday evening.

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"She took the engram when she subdued me. She cast a spell, and I was paralyzed while she tied me up. She was an elf, short with dark hair, though she took my shape before she left. She did not leave anything here."

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Vrothum knocks the door down, revealing a small, tidy dwelling. There is a man tied up and gagged stuffed into the corner of the room.

When the Pathfinders untie and ungag the man, he calmly rises to his feet to address them. "I am Yakomo. You must be agents of the Pathfinder Society, I assume? Someone is looking for you."

"I was attacked and tied up by a gloomy elven woman a few hours ago. She seemed....troubled, more than malicious, as though she carried the weight fo far more hardshop than even an elf's long life could justify. While I am not pleased that I appear to have been drawn into a conflict between you and this woman..." Yakomo pauses for just a moment.

“Perhaps all is happening as it should. I find that is often the case in this city. Regardless, the woman seemed to know you would arrive. She bade me tell you that you should seek me out in the Serene Circle. Given what I saw of her magic, I expect she was being quite literal and waits there in my guise even now.”

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Sukit doesn't see any scrying sensors or other suspicious things about.

The Pathfinders follow the directions to the Serene Circle. Travel portals to the Serene Circle do not take travelers directly to the Circle itself, but instead deposit them in one of the small neighborhoods bordering the plaza proper. These neighborhoods are comprised of simple dwellings with plain but visually-pleasing architecture and designs.

Acolyte Yakomo lives just a short walk away from both the travel portal and the Serene Circle proper. The area is largely uninhabited as the majority of the petitioners who live in this area are socializing and meditating following one of the periodic rituals. There are still a small handful of petitioners in the area, enough that the Pathfinders are able to easily Identify Acolyte Yakomo’s abode following Eleven-Sun-Truth’s directions.

The reinforced stone door to Acolyte Yakomo’s humble abode is shut and locked.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22
Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7
Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Sukit and Pai both hear the muffled sounds of someone struggling and trying to call out from inside the home.

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When Lorian touches the memory engram, it releases another flash of memory. Lorian sees Hao Jin during an early period of when she was creating the Tapestry and struggling with how to keep its plants and animals from dying off soon after being transported there. The vision then shifts to Hao Jin working on an enormous black sapphire radiating necromantic magic embedded in the floor of a room. Lorian understands that Hao Jin is using the sapphire to siphon off energy from dying souls departing the demiplane for the Great Beyond and infusing it into the fabric of the Tapestry. The scene shifts once more to a time occurring many centuries after the first. Here Hao Jin is being confronted by an olethros psychopomp who informs her that Pharasma has become aware that Hao Jin is stealing soul energy from her and is displeased. Hao Jin ignores the warning and leaves to visit Axis soon thereafter.

Played Pathfinder Society Scenario 4-16: The Fabric of Reality on this character:
The room in the vision is the room from within the Sacred Vault within the Hao Jin Tapestry.

When the Pathfinders return to the Librarian, he seems to be very relieved to see them.

"Oh! I am so glad to hear it! Most excellent work, getting rid of that infernal, lawbreaking oaf. And without any damage to the books or the shelving! Please, if you are ever interested in perusing our magical tomes of self improvement, I can offer you special discounted access for such discerning customers. I believe we have Second Rank Manuals of Bodily Health, Manuals of Quickness in Action, Manusals of Gainful Exercise, Tomes of Clear Thought, Tomes of Leadership and Influence and Tomes of Understanding all available."

Chronicle will come with a 10% discount on all +2 stat tomes as a reward for finishing the fight without using any area of effect spells or damaging the surroundings.

"Ah, and the engram you came for! Everything appears to be in order for you to check it out. You are now officially its current bearer, and may leave the Stylite with it."

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When I was reading through the adventure, I was mildly concerned about the possibility for this fight to go bad. I missed that a number of people had Uncanny Dodge or Fortification, however, which makes a lot of difference. Also he probably needed to beat Sukit in initiative to actually be dangerous, which wasn't too likely.

He had a 6d6 sneak attack with 6 points of bleed with his ranged touch attacks, and was going to Deeper Darkness and fly if he had a second combat round. Even if Vrothum had not pushed him below his flee threshold though, it wouldn't have helped him since Morok's got Darkvision and Pai's curtain removal meant that he wouldn't be able to Supernaturally darkness the area.

I haven't dug through everyone's inventory, but I'm guessing someone would have been able to counteract the darkness as well, but an enemy capable to shooting out 100 damage a round with touch attacks while flying in darkness is one of those things that can be lethal if the right abilities aren't present.

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Vrothum tears a great gash in the Devil's stomach, and the Devil begins to cast a spell, a look of great concern crossing his face.

Concentration, Cast Defensively: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32

He disappears in a flash of Brimstone, teleporting away. The memory engram falls to the ground where he stood, the magic of the Stylite refusing to allow it to be taken away without permission.

Combat Over!

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Precision damage does not multiply on crits, so the crit hits for 48 before damage reduction.

Sukit stabs the Devil while its distracted, then follows up with two more hits and miss while Morok and Lorian join the fight and land a devastating blow and a small cut. The weapons do not strike as strongly as they should against the infernal creature, but Morok and Sukit strike so hard it barely matters. The bloated creature appears to be greviously wounded, but not yet close to death.

DR 5 vs. the weapons used, 122 damage taken.

Sukit (Mobile Bulwark Style, Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 5 Rounds)
Lorian (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 5 Rounds)
Devil (-122 HP)
Vrotham (-8 HP, Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 5 Rounds)
Pai (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 5 Rounds)
Morok (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 5 Rounds)

Vrotham is up!

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Ranged Touch Attack, Flat Footed vs. Pai, Sickened: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (15) + 12 - 2 = 25
Miss Chance (Low = Miss): 1d100 ⇒ 2

Ranged Touch Attack vs. Morok (No Flatfoot due to Uncanny Dodge), Sickened, Soft Cover: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 4 ⇒ (3) + 12 - 2 - 4 = 9

Ranged Touch Attack vs. Vrothum (No Flatfoot due to Uncanny Dodge), Sickened: 1d20 + 12 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 12 - 2 = 17
Hellfire Damage (Half Fire, Half Unholy): 4d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 6) = 13

The fiery words finish taking shape and shoot out, launching themselves at Pai, Morok and Vrothum. The words shooting at Pai are deflected by the winds that surround her. Despite being a little slower to respond, both Morok and Vrothum instinctively dodge; the words miss Morok completely, while they burn Vrothum slightly, missing the vital area they were attempting to strike.

He's got sneak attack, which is thwarted in this case by uncanny dodge.

Sukit (Mobile Bulwark Style, Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 10 Rounds)
Lorian (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 10 Rounds)
Vrotham (-8 HP, Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 10 Rounds)
Pai (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 10 Rounds)
Morok (Inspire Courage +2, Precise Strike 10 Rounds)

Pai cuts the bindings and shoves the draperies open, letting light into the room. Ambient light is now Normal.

Everyone except Pai is up. Sukit, you get an AOO from the Devil using a Ranged Attack in melee range of you.

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Pai makes her way to one of the draperies, and finds that it is tied down heavily. It would either need to be pulled down with some force or cut to be opened.


Lorian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Morok: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
Pai: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Sukit: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
Vrothum: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Devil: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

"Never!" The devil moves to attack, profane utterances starting to materialize as physical words hovering near his mouth.


The bold may act. Moving through the desks would be greater difficult terrain, or a DC 5 acrobatics check with half movement to walk across the tops of the desks.

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The devil lets out a long, sibilant hiss, and winces slightly in pain. "Never! The memory engram is everything I have dreamed of and more. I will leave this place when I have plumbed the depths of its secrets, and not before! Now, begone mortal fools. You try my patience."

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The lecture hall is dimly lit by sconces set at regular intervals around the room, and its vaulted ceiling stretches 60 feet high. There are four windows set 20 feet above the ground. These windows are currently covered by heavy drapes.

Light level is currently dim. The windows are indicated with the dotted boxes on the map. Pai is good to be floating 15' off the ground when she enters the room.

The Heresy devil is a huge, bloated, greasy monstrosity sitting behind the podium at the far side of the room. When the pathfidners enter, he looks up an chortles a wet, phlegmy sounds. "I told that delightfully broken little soul that I'm busy. Did he not pass along the message?"

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