GM1's page

26 posts. Organized Play character for Jeff D. Boback.


Dark Archive

For us Pathfinder Adventure subscribers who want this special edition instead of the basic edition (which is included in the subscription), what's the procedure for swapping the two so we don't get double charged?

Dark Archive

Would it be possible to get this and future Pathfinder Encounters in a more long-term organizable form? Maybe a free PDF for our digital content or a centralized link page?

Dark Archive

I want it, but oof.....that price.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hopefully this book comes out BEFORE Strength of Thousands. The delay of the Absalom book was (and at the time of writing this, still is) woeful relative to the releases of Agents of Edgewatch, and both of these books seem like EXCELLENT resources for dedicated GMs and players to get to know the regions they're about to run an adventure in.

Dark Archive

Fumarole wrote:
The Saber font (not Sabre) is pretty close, and what I use in my documents.

I found Saber during my search. While it's pretty spot on for the P1 logo, the P2 one is a different matter.

Kelseus wrote:
There is also the concern that you could use their font to market your product by making it look like theirs.

That's why I added the second half of my original post.

Dark Archive

CrystalSeas wrote:

Pathfinder 2 logos are freely available as Community Use Resources.

Community>Community Use

First, read and follow the
Community Use Policy.

Then navigate to the Community Use Resources page, and click on Community Use Package: Logos.

I wasn't talking about the logos. I meant the fonts used to create the logo.

Dark Archive


I'm hoping to make some materials for a homebrew utilizing the font(s) (It looks like the "P" is a different font than "athfinder") that make up the Pathfinder 2e logo. Has anyone found font recreation(s)?

Lacking that, I understand that some companies are amenable to selling usage of their fonts for a fee alongside agreements that the font will not be used publicly or for profit. Is Paizo amenable to that?

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I completely understand the delay. Just want to see the Paizo staff healthy, and delivering the highest quality (not fastest!) Kingmaker that they can. Kingmaker is a legendary campaign (which there aren't many of!), and it deserves to be treated with the care and respect that it commands from fans.

I ordered just about everything from the backing campaign and I'm not fazed. Need an extra year? Take three if you feel it will make the product reach perfection.

Dark Archive

My transaction was declined due to an incorrect billing address (i just moved). I fixed it, but want to be sure that my shipment isn't delayed due to a time gap between charge attempts. Can someone from customer service run my billing for this order so I'm green for shipping?

Dark Archive

Very excited for more Pathfinder Society lore and options for characters who are members of/adjacent to the society. NOT excited about the inevitable Society play pitch, and potential Society play exclusive content.

Dark Archive

steelhead wrote:
Yay, Golarion history! I'll have to look through the APs that I have when I get home, but it looks like everything's been covered pretty thoroughly regarding the OP.

Well, if we've gotten all the major consequences out of the way, maybe we can focus on smaller stuff that isn't necessarily a result of the main conflict, but maybe happens at some point during the AP. I'm not one to turn down lore!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the contribution, Mathmuse.

If we're going to chronicle the events of the APs here, I think it would be most useful to readers if we keep it to events that are outlined in the APs only (not player deviations) so that the maximum number of people can utilize the information. Let's also assume that all challenges in the AP were succeeded, and that open-ended NPCs didn't do anything significant unless Paizo used them elsewhere.

Dark Archive

Found it! Thanks for the tip!

Dark Archive

I know I've seen it somewhere. My group is on book 3 of Age of Ashes and one of them is a hellknight, so they're getting a letter from Citadel Vrain about trying to bring Citadel Altaerin back as a functioning citadel, and I want to tie the letter's themes into the book they're on.

Now, I know I've read "Tomorrow must burn so that today..." somewhere, but I can't find for the life of me where it is. I've been looking for hours. Does anyone know where I can find this in-setting saying?

I also realize that this might be in the wrong section of the forum. It's kinda Lost Omens, it's kinda Adventure Path.

Dark Archive

Great point about the PFS scenarios, too. Stuff they did like releasing one of the good elemental lords is really important to the setting.

Dark Archive

So, my group is moving into 2e. We're already 3 books into Age of Ashes, and I was a big reader of old 1e lore. Problem is, world developments in 2e often stem from the outcomes and events of 1e APs.

My group didn't have time to play them all, and I'm not sure it was even possible in the first place.

So, I want to catch up on the outcomes of the 1e APs. Does anyone know where I can find a compilation of this information? I've been looking for a while, but the information is already integrated into the setting already in the Lost Omens World Guide, and so far, the websites I've found and been searching through haven't been super helpful. I even saw a Paizo stream on the subject, but it didn't really seem to include every AP, or at least left out the APs where disaster was avoided, but nothing notably changed on the scale of the setting.

Dark Archive

Contacted Customer Support over the phone. My cart has been fixed, but it's unlikely that the store issues have been resolved.

Dark Archive

I've been posting about strange things that have been happening with my shop, but it just seems to be getting worse:

- Errors when I try to add things to the cart; those things don't get added to my cart
- Kicked to a "page unavailable" page that has surveys from back during the 2e playtest when I try to add an item to my cart
- Items in my cart are unable to be purchased. the site goes through the motions to purchase stuff, but it never gets added to and order and stays in my cart.
- Subscriptions that don't appear on my account page are telling me that I own them
- Subscriptions that were mistakenly canceled by support personnel are telling me that I still own them in my account page
- Subscriptions that the site is saying that I own on the product page don't appear as subscribed in my account page
- "You backtracked too far" page randomly displaying during page transitions, even when I'm not going back to a prior page at all.

There's probably more than just these issues, but these are the ones I recall seeing at the time of writing this. Can someone take a look at my account?

Furthermore, and in the meantime, Can you guys fix my subscriptions/sidecart? I SHOULD have:

- Pathfinder Chase Cards Deck (This seems to be in the right spot)
- Pathfinder Advanced GM Screen
- Pathfinder Adventure Path Ongoing Subscription (I think this is working correctly too)
- Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription (Starting with Absalom, City of Lost Omens)
- Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebook Ongoing Subscription (Starting with the Gamemastery Guide Special Edition Hardcover)
- Pathfinder Adventure Ongoing Subscription (Starting with The Slithering)

I've been using the shop for over 10 years, and I've never had these kinds of wacky interactions before.

I appreciate your help in this matter.

Dark Archive

I've been using your site for over 10 years, and I've never had a problem until the last few days. :(

When I try to check out the Pathfinder Adventure Subscription, it doesn't get added to my account, and doesn't leave my cart. What gives?

Dark Archive

I've just looked and somehow the subscription got added to my account without me checking out? Whatever. That's what I wanted anyway. Problem solved.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the advice Jib916. After doing this, I'm able to put most items in my cart, but unfortunately still unable to add the Special Edition Rulebook Subscription, specifically.

Dark Archive

GM1 wrote:

When I try to add

1x Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebook Ongoing Subscription

to my cart, the "Add to cart" button is replaced by "Your request produced an error" and the item is not added to my cart.

Upon further investigation, this occurs any time I attempt to add ANY product to my cart.

Dark Archive

When I try to add

1x Pathfinder Special Edition Rulebook Ongoing Subscription

to my cart, the "Add to cart" button is replaced by "Your request produced an error" and the item is not added to my cart.

Dark Archive

GM1 wrote:

I'm looking to change over to more subscriptions, but I ordered some things in my side cart without the subscription that I'd like the PDF for:

1x Pathfinder Bestiary 2 Special Edition Hardcover
1x Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens

I would like to move forward with my order. Can these items be removed from my sidecart?

Dark Archive

Since Gods & Magic just shipped, I want to start my Lost Omens subscription with Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens, but the option doesn't seem to be available. Can this option be added?

Dark Archive

I'm looking to change over to more subscriptions, but I ordered some things in my side cart without the subscription that I'd like the PDF for:

1x Pathfinder Bestiary 2 Special Edition Hardcover
1x Pathfinder Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens