
G_i_f_t's page

52 posts. Alias of Johnny_Panic.


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Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

As Arlo comes up she jumps out of the Think-tank and Punching his shoulder exclains.

"You had me worried papa"

Then she seems to get embarrassed and steps back.

"I'm happy to see you are well Sir"

She says again in a more formal way.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Unersood Terex

She went back to her guard duty.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She looks at him

Intimidate 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (13) + 19 = 32

"Your lucky I don't end you here and now for what your plans did to Arlo"

Gift yanks Meren to his feet and frogmarched him out the window. Tossing him to Blue as they debrief the little creep. Once done she jumped back into her Psinon-Mecha and kept watch over the camp during the night. She had her feet up reading the screens and reviewing the security drone feeds when she spotted a feed showing Rhea talking with Blue.

"Terexa, I just spotted Rhea making a b-line for Blue, do you mind eavesdropping as my drones too far off to get sound. I want to know what she is upto"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

"Again,why did you want to see me?"

She asked again,

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift comes back into the space, v the window, running this time.

She stands with Armaund looking down at the crying noble.

"Why do you want to see me?"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

It burned, the thing that had harmed Arlo burned, she was so angry she blasted what was left until it was just ash. Then she looked up to see Terex rummaging around the wrecked tent. But her thoughts went to Meren, she ported back out the window to find Meren.

"""Control report where is Meren"::

She sent to the psionic mecha.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

EDITED I Ninjaed, But will change action given Rollos post

So She heard it, Arlo's pain and anguish, and she was no longer with Meren she standing between Arlo and the Black Trader.
She should be ok range wase to TP there

::"Rollo get Arlo out of here! I'll deal with this &£*£^!!"::

"Dodge this Mother %£&£^!!"

energy-ray RTA TH 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26 DMG 7d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2) + 7 = 23 [fire] Critical ×2; Range 50' He will have to make a concentration roll DC23 to cast anything

Flame shoots from her hand and engulfed the black Trader

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift winks out of being and reappears directly in front of this plane's Meren.

"Hello Meren, may I have a word"

She takes Meren's arm and seeks to guide her to their Cabin.

"Its a private matter and I really hope you can help me with it"

Diplomacy 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 YESS!! a 20 just when I wanted one

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Seeing Meren slowly walking over, Gift turns the mech around and stands by it ready to defend the open side of the window from Meren.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift powers up her protected shield.

"I'm staying here to protect your doorway out, and this sonic device takes a while to recharge. So I think there is some fighting for you once the tent comes down."

The Sonic cannon fires and the tent takes the hit. See above

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift tells her Mecha to move to the door and target the tent.

"Stay in the door way and keep it open if you can, target that tent with you sonic cannon"


***IF GROUP OKs This hit,**** Ranged attack on the Tent Sonic DMG AREA 15'r RTA TH 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 - 1 = 16 DMG 9d8 ⇒ (5, 2, 4, 8, 1, 1, 7, 3, 2) = 33 Ignores object hardness
Used to remove obstacles like doors and walls it damages objects as well and living things. A sonic weapon emits a blast of devastating sound waves that shatter and blast flesh, bone, and anything else they happen to strike. A creature critically hit by a sonic canon must succeed at a DC 20 Fortitude save to resist being permanently deafened.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Will Role 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift was in the back of her Mech reviewing the footage of that night when the telepathic call came from Trex.

"I am ready, just say the word"

She placed the smaller drones into autonomous mode and got ready to go.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

As they get back to camp, she re-sets up security and head in to tell the others what they found out.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She stood back up.

"The hypothesis that there is a beastmaster of some kind behind this is right. Two hours ago this beast was mentally influenced remotely with images that promised wonderful food in the cabin of the young half-elf Aran. But I have no means of tracking who did this. You can release it, it's native and mostly harmless"

She heads back to her Spider Mech, climbing in the back, it powers up.

"Anyone need a lift back to camp?"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
GM Hansj wrote:
The drone seem like a nice addition.

It's meant to be an array of security bots for the home. I felt the weapons I had put on it made it too much a military walking tank, So I have tweaked them to more civilian, and limited as it has only 16 power charges.

It now has a stun gun [Subduing subjects in a non-deathly way], a Laser cutting tool, for cutting traps and such, and a sonic gun for door and wall knocker-down-ing.

In this way it's of use but not meant to take the place of PCs in a fight

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

earlier in the Gift opens the door and looks him over,

"Cybernetic prostheses, race and voice match. Blue Lucien identified. Come in and welcome, your expected."

She then goes and sits away from the others and uses
remote-viewing to report back to Sigil that the replacement agent has arrived and updated them.
Concentration DC20 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (20) + 16 = 36 To Manifest Telepathy
Lady Lyra then updated Gift's PsiCyral AI so it was able to control the Security bots

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift jumps out of her mech and walks over to Armaund

"Please hold it still I may be able to discover something of its past"

She then reaches out and places her hand on it.

Power Read Thoughts Also object-reading if there are any items on it or in its cave.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

As Arlo moved he can hear something coming up behind him.

Is Gifts large Spider Mech, the lid on the back compartment opens and Gift sticks her head out.

She smiles at him,

"Clime on, I have the aerial drone following it so way ahead."

There are footholds and a rail that can be griped.

Then they set off after it,

Duble move so 80'a round

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Moving fast she sort the beast and to follow it.

Perseption 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (3) + 20 = 23

Winking in and out she seeks to get in front of it.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She is happy that Minna has helped.

"Thank you Minna, It's amazing what your able to do with such basic resources. I don't understand magic so its workings are beyond me. But I will get 'Control' Being the large spider mech to synchronize it with the drone cluster."

She opens up the back of the spider-like Mech and climes into the control set, after a time the small flying done detaches and collects her drone. Taking it out to a vantage point. Gift climes back out the cockpit and closed it up, as the flying drone comes back.

"There done, Control will let us know if anything is detected."


Comes the deep voice of control.


That day with the others she studies the game to come, giving whatever aid she can. To keep simple +4 aid other rolls


That night she is inside 'Control', in the center ofthe camp, Recharging some of the drones.

When control alerts her.

"Danger detected area 5"

She punched up area 5s drone to see a slinking cat-like thing heading to the cabin of Aran's group. She sent a telepathic warning to the group.

"ALARM!, We have an intruder heading to the cabin of Aran's group, a large cat-like being"

Then she said
"Control activates Fly drone, spot intruder and follow at a distance. I want to know where it came from."


Came controls voice. As the flying drone took off. There was no point going in Control, too slow and noisy. So she then jumped out the back, As it closes up behind her, she went to join the others to investigate.

Stealth 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She is happy to let the others see her work.

"Lady Lyra supplied me with these tools to help keep you safe."

She tells them, then goes on to say

"The bad news is, There are scant few locals servants patrolling the area as security, and they seem to feel the island is self and what happened with the crab a one-off. The good news is that most participants are armed in the fashion of nobles so the camp isn't completely undefended."

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She was not happy, taking out a device like the one she came out of, she moved to a good vantage point around the camp. Activating it a small spider-like construct came out. She placed the little green/gray drone on a tree and it scurried up to higher ground. She checked it was sending an image with sound and moved on. Once she had placed 8 such security bots. She went back to their accommodation.

Once there she used the hexagonal plate from which grow a larger version of the smaller drone constructs.

IMAGE HERE, COHORT security bot

It was read and had more complicated attachments, She walked around the back and opened it up climbing into the control seat.

"1A67BA2 Control Activate "

The bot security terminal came to life.

"1A67BA2 Control Activated, awating commands

"Objective, Monitor proprietor of camp, log all activity, inform if danger detected"


Now that control was working, she climbed back out, checked the flying drone on the large bots back.

Then closed up her control and left to rejoin the others. Winking into being next to Arlo.

I have deployed security cover for the area

She sent to him telepathically.

All none cohort drones have Dark Vision 240' and sound, Spider bots have AC20 [Size, dex and NA] stealth+20 Perception +10 HP5 Hardness 8 move of 10' [no Weapons] Flying drone has a fly of good speed 120' fly Skill of +15 Cohort will work out with GM, so its not silly

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

What she has found out has just fixed a problem for me,
I had a feat slot that I just could not work out what to do with.
But it struck me that she is here as a security unit.
So if I used it to take Leadership [7th level] limited to Constructs.
She could have small control basic security bots that peppered around any camp they set up.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

I am taking it arlo says yes

She walks back out and then uses a power so she can hover in the air, then she winks 75' and in 75' at that height winks around the camp, looking down to see where the guards are and what they are doing.

Once she has plotted out where they are she winks outside the camp and sees if she can get in unseen, past the weak spots. She walks in unstealthed to see if she is challenged.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Eleven sends a telepathic message to Arlo

"As we came in did you note how weak security around the camp is, permission to investigate it and see where the holes are?"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Winks away some distance from the bag.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Just so you know
I will be running a one-shot level 16 game over the next few months

Is the recruitment

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift is amazed and fascinated by the show and asks many questions
What strikes her most is the fact worlds can be made.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She sends telepathically to Rollo

My lord Rollo, my maker Lyra said that you were one of the most intelligent persons she had ever meet, and your knowledge of magic matched her own in technology. She called you a Master Mage, is that true, Are you a master of magic?"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
Rollo Qantas wrote:

Rollo stands next to Gift on the cliff as she materializes from below.

Fun trick, isn't it!

AS he attacks she had joined Arlo and the beast fell, now she was back mending herself.

"Fun... and odd word for it, this body was just able do it, like walking or jumping. Lyra said it was because of the internal deep coding. I don't really think about it, like say others think about walking. I just."

Then she is on the other side of him.

"And here I am"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

perseption 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (20) + 25 = 45

She looks the crab over, finds human blood.

"Yes this is the one, human remains on its medals"

She then ports to the cliff top.

"The man-eater is dead"

Ending her ongoing power so the crabs can make it to the sea.

She then uses a power to repear herself Reconstruction 7pp 3d8 + 10 ⇒ (6, 7, 5) + 10 = 28 HP

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift holds out her hand and a force blade forms.
Then she charges in after Arlo.

Integrated Force Blade
TH 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 DMG2d8 + 2 + 5 ⇒ (5, 8) + 2 + 5 = 20[Force] Critical ×4 [Ignores hardness 20]

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Grabbed up the crab cuts her badly before letting her go, she falls to the sand landing on her back.

15 points socked by her force field which now winks out so as not to cut out for 24 hours, 9 hp gets through. HP77, it just had a good suck on synthetic silicone lubricant, the kind of stuff you find in fake boob implants

She lay on the sand shaken. This was her 1st combat and it was not going to plan. She winked out of being, and back again on her back next to the others on the beach.

"That is the one, it just tried to drain me of blood and had a shock when it found out I have none"

She got up and started to inpect the at the gash in her side.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
Blue Lucien wrote:
So, my computer decided to quit connecting to the internet and I don’t know why. I can still do some limited posting from my phone, but I may be a bit sparse until I can get this fixed.

Blue if you need any computer tech help, PM me, I am very good at turning things off and on again, :)

I kind of know a bit about computers

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

GM Now the others were close to the crabs, she needs to deactivate her area effect power or it would harm them

Acrobatics 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (1) + 24 = 25 Nope 1 is an auto fail

Gift slips and falls off the Crab.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Concusive Onslourt round 2 DMG Force 5d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 1, 3) = 13 Area 30'

Gift winks out of being above the cliff and appears on top of the suspected man-eating crab, pointing her hand down at it she shoots point-blank.

Acrobatocs roll to keep her blance 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (11) + 25 = 36 shot [RTA TH 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17 DMG 3d8 + 2 ⇒ (8, 1, 3) + 2 = 14

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Ok so where your arrow is on the map is just behind the web line there is a 30' bind point, in the center of that is the ongoing consecutive blast (30'area ongoing DMG 5d6 force a around), and Glif has just hit the group for the DMG rolled above. How fast do the crabs move, if large do they have a 10' footprint. Also, I take it we are in combat now as that would have been our surprise round. Just Checking, Gift and Tex have gone so it's the rest of the party, .

Gift gets ready to fire again, she had used her psionic focus to make the blast, so now it was single shots with her integrated weapon. She looked on to see what the others would do as she charged her weapon.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Standing on the cliff she points her hand fingers flat at the group of crabs, power seems to build up in her body it collects and then drives down her arm. Making a bolt of force at her fingertips. It blasts down at the targets.

Internal energy weapon, force blaster, RTA TH 1d20 + 12 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 12 - 1 = 31 conferm crit 1d20 + 10 - 1 ⇒ (10) + 10 - 1 = 19 DMG Force 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (1, 6, 5) + 2 = 14 if Crit conferm 6d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 3, 4, 1) = 15 more DMG, area effect 30'DC18 Ref or be knocked prone

The bolt hits and then a shock wave blasts out over a 30' area around the hit, hitting everything in that area.

They are large but she will try and aim between to of them

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Welcome and good to have you in the game.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She enablers her power and the shock waves start.

DMG 5d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 6, 2) = 19Force DMG 30' area wave 1

She then nomad steps away to a closer location above the targets.

Nomad step psiport move action

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

With the scans complete, Gift focuses on the group of crabs.
she winks out of being and back again next to the group.
Nomad Step psiport as move action 65'

once next to the group, she paints to the

"I have the means to contain the Crabs so they to leave the Inlet would harm them greatly. But you must not enter the area affected as it will harm you too. Once I activate the area there will be 10 shock waves, If needed I can reactivate for another 10 shock waves. The area affected will be 30' area per instance. Do you agree to me containing them?"

concussive-onslaught 5+2pp 10 rounds DMG Force DMG 5d6 per round 10 rounds.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

I want to make clear she just moves to a safe stop at the top of the cliff, stealth so as not to disturb the crabs. She is still mind-linked with Tex so she scan and reports her findings to the group telepathically. Added with perception, she is looking for human remains. The range on aura sight is 60' cone if she gets nothing she will use clairvoyant-sense to scan the area or nomad jump to a new space spot and scan again. Posting from one point to another. Concentration roll to show no effect 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (9) + 25 = 34

"Tex I am scanning the area now for human remains, seeking to locate our target"

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

Gift is happy to talk to Mina, she informs her that she has no recollection of her past. She only knows that Lady Lyra perchest her psi-construct body from some wasteland scavangers and that she then constructed her AI. She informs Mina that her chronometer informs Gift she is 8 days old. But she has an AI experience Matrix so she is no child.

Then she brings up power, her psi circuits glow purple.

Internal Armor +6 AC 10 hours 5pp
aura-sight 7pp

Perception 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (12) + 33 = 45
Looks for human remains or clothing
Stealth 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33
as she nomad steps around the area

Winks out of being, reappearing 65' away, a step and she winks away again, now 130' feet away. She moves like this until she gets to the area of the pen and suspected human eating carb.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
Terexaltherin, Pseudodragon wrote:

Terex bobs his head at Gift and replies to her, I see, that was wise of her. You wouldn't happen to have any extra senses, would you?"

Gift places and hand on him and her mind go to his and then his view shifts, he is now looking at them both from across the street, He starts to see their own areas.

"I can remote view things and see their areas given time. Would that help"

It winks out and as she takes her hand off him

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She asks the others

"I can help with a game if you wish. I have a number of skills and Abilities."

Gift stands there with no armor or weapons that can be seen. Just a purple glow from the gem-like eye in her forehead.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
Terexaltherin, Pseudodragon wrote:

The little dragon is rather surprised by G.I.F.T., but quickly hides it. He tentatively includes her in his telepathic communication. Greetings to you. I trust Lyra is well?

As his mind links with hers, she sends back Telepathically.

::"And I, you master Terexaltherin, Lyra wanted me to be able to link to you this way. The Psi-Crystal in my forehead lets me, it is part of me. She sends you greetings, if you need anything please feel free to contact."::

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

She bows again

"Yes High Lord Rollo Qantas"

Then she goes back to guarding the group.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118
Rollo Qantas wrote:

After meeting Gift, the dhampir felt a certain quick fondness for her. He smiled at her.

I am both pleased and filled with gratitude that our Lady Lyra has thought of us once again.

GIFT bows to Rollo, Standing just 5' tall, and looking A simple uniform, in the center of her forehead a crystal of some kind with the same powers glowing in her eyes.

"I am pleased to meet you also, and how should I address your good self."

Careful not to say his real name.


Spell Craft DC 22

Gift has a crystal in her forehead, looking at it you realize it psionic in nature, now you look closer, in fact, the designs on her body of are not ones from the manufacturer but psionic powers. You are looking at a psionic construct. Your best guess is some form of Psion with teleportation powers.

Gift Robot Psion Nomad AC 20*/24** FF/20*/24** TA14/18** CMD 23| F-- R+7 W+7| HP 72/72 [20/20 T/HP]| Per+20 | Init+4 | PP/Day 90/118

"Yes Barlo Boulderhands"

She falls beside him and in Body Guard mode. Scanning those around for danger. It's clear to anyone that this find dwarf has protection. Her lethality is not clear but it really does seem to be there.

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