G3n3ralTao's page

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Wow, thank you! This book is awesome!


I am currently doing a campaign with my friends based on the adventure hooks of Entombed with the Pharaohs which lead directly to the Dominion of the Black. I tried to find information on the subject regarding Aucturn, the lexicton of Imivus, how the pharaons got their power for the Dominion and their link with the Dark Tapestry, but I only find cryptic answers. Did I enter a part of Pathfinder that is open ended or not yet covered by the books?

I want to know what are the best resources to use to make a story based on the lore of Pathfinder. For now since I didn't find anything yet I started to read a lot of Lovecraft and started to create my own story line on what I like, but my OCD part of my brain want to make sure that I don't create stuff for nothing and not aligned with the incredible lore of the world already in place.

So anyone got some advice on the subject?