Fuzzbutt's page

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I recently moved and updated my address and payment method on my PACG subscription. It looks like this order tried to process using old address and old payment method.

I can update the payment method to the new one, but am worried it will try to ship to the old address.

Is there a way to use the new billing information and new shipping address on the subscription for this order?

If it is not too late, I would like to cancel my order for the base set for PACG Mummy's Mask and resume with the character deck.

Thank you!

Please cancel my Pathfinder Maps subscription. This is the only one I would like to cancel at this time. Thank you!

Hi, I got an e-mail that payment was declined after my card number updated. I just want to make sure this order is good to go now.

I am sorry to have to report this, but the base set I received with this shipment was damaged. The bottom of the cardboard shipping box had styrofoam spacers on the corners and plenty of packing peanuts, but the top of the box did not... As a result, the top is crushed in and one of the corners is bowed out. The other items in my order do not appear damaged.

My order shipped UPS ground and I have not had any issues with previous orders from Paizo or orders from other campanies sending other products the same way. It seems like last year, the Skulls and Shackles box was larger and was full of packing peanuts. I think the extra padding really helped.

Is there any way that I can get the damaged product replaced?

Edit: The cardboard box it was shipped in does not appear damaged at all. I really think it is the lack of packing material inside the box.


I had an issue with my card being declined today. I checked a few of the other topics and noticed one of the recurring issues was the address.

I copied/pasted the address information directly from my bank website and also re-entered all of my card information. Unfortunately, I am still receiving a declined error after these steps.

Is there anything else I should try?