Basic melee attack: Gouge / Attack +9 v AC / 2d6+5 damage (Brutal 1)
Basic ranged attack: Javelin / Attack +9 v AC / 1d6+5 damage / 10/20
Racial Features:
Born of Two Races (race selected: dwarf)
Incredible Toughness
Mul Vitality (+1 healing surge)
Tireless (require only 6 hours sleep each 72 hours)
Class Features:
Arena Training: You treat all weapons with which you are not proficient as improvised weapons. You gain a +2 proficiency bonus to attack rolls with improvised weapons. Your attacks with one-handed improvised weapons deal 1d8 damage, and your attacks with two-handed improvised weapons deal 1d10 damage. While you are not wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. You select two weapons as your arena weapons. If you are not already proficient with these weapons, you gain proficiency with them. In addition, any of your feats that grant feat bonuses to attack rolls or damage rolls with one of your arena weapons apply to your other arena weapon as well. (Weapons selected: Gouge, Lotulis)
Combat Challenge: In combat, it’s dangerous to ignore a fighter. Every time you attack an enemy, whether the attack hits or misses, you can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn. While a target is marked, it takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls if its attack doesn’t include you as a target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. In addition, you gain the Combat Challenge power.
Combat Superiority: You gain a bonus to the attack rolls of opportunity attacks. The bonus equals your Wisdom modifier. An enemy hit by your opportunity attack stops moving, if a move provoked the attack. If the enemy still has actions remaining, it can use them to resume moving.
Toughness (+5hp/tier)
Improved Vigour (+1 feat bonus/tier to the number of temporary hit points gained from using an invigorating power)
Disrupting shove. Target of disrupting advance falls prone on a hit.
At Will:
Object Projection: Your force of will teleports an object a short distance away. (Minor, Psionic) Personal. Effect: You teleport an object you are holding in one hand to an unoccupied square within 10 squares of you or to a willing creature within 10 squares of you.
Combat Challenge: (Immediate Interrupt, Martial, Weapon) Melee. Effect: Whenever an enemy marked by you is adjacent to you and shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy.
Vicious Offensive: You smash into your opponent with such force that a nearby enemy can’t help but take notice. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature, +8 vs AC, damage 2d6+5 damage. On a hit, you mark an enemy adjacent to you until the end of your next turn.
Crushing Surge: The feel of your weapon crunching against the enemy puts your heart back in the fight. (Standard, Martial, Invigorating, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature +8 vs AC, damage 2d6+5. Invigorating: you gain 5 temporary hit points (CON mod +1) when you hit with a power that has the Invigorating keyword. No invigorating power grants temporary hit points more than once during a turn, even if the user hits more than once with that power. Temporary hit points granted do not stack.
[ ]Second Wind: (Standard)
[ ]Incredible Toughness: Through dogged determination and sheer physical hardiness, you shrug off an effect that would daunt a lesser person. (No action) Personal. Trigger: you start your turn. Effect: You end any ongoing damage or any dazed, slowed, stunned, or weakened condition currently affecting you.
Disrupting Advance: With an attack followed by a violent shove, your enemy flies backward. As it flails for balance, it loses its footing and stumbles into the creatures around it. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature. +9 vs AC, damage 4d6+5. On a hit, you push the target 2 squares. The target and each enemy adjacent to the target at the end of the push are slowed until the end of your next turn. SINCE I HAVE DISRUPTING SHOVE, THE TARGET IS PRONE ON A HIT AS WELL.
[ ]Goading Manouevre: After a swift strike, you step to the side and draw another one or two foes into your trap. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature. +9 vs AC, damage 4d6+5. On a hit, you shift 2 squares and you mark one or two enemies adjacent to you until the end of your next turn.
[ ]Sidestep Manouevre: The enemy closes to strike, but you duck away and ready a nasty counterstrike. (Opportunity Action, Martial) Personal. Trigger: an enemy ends its move in a square adjacent to you. Effect: you shift 3 squares to a square adjacent to the triggering enemy. You gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll against the triggering enemy before the end of your next turn.
NAARG!Crushing blow: You wind up and deliver a devastating blow with your weapon.
(martial,weapon,standard action) Target:1 creature
att +9 vs ac, hit 4d6+5 damage; 4d6+9 with an axe/hammer/mace(gouge is an axe and a spear....)
[ ]Warrior of the frozen heart: Your attacks can freeze your enemy in his tracks.
Property You gain cold resistance 5
Power (Daily) Free Action, Trigger: You hit with an attack. Your attack deals 1d10 extra cold damage and the target is restrained until the end of your next turn
Lead the Attack: Your extensive experience helps you pick out the flaws in your opponent’s technique, letting you move to meet the enemy’s attacks. (Standard, Martial, Weapon) Melee, Target one creature. +9 vs AC, damage 2d6+5. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever the target willingly moves to a square adjacent to one of your allies, you can use an opportunity action either to make a melee basic attack against the target or to charge the target.
Magic Items:
+1 Rending Gouge (Critical: +1d6 damage and make a melee basic attack with this weapon against the same target)
Potion of Healing
Amulet of Resolution +2 (lvl 7):
Neck Slot
Enhancement Bonus: +2 to Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
{ }Daily Power (No Action): Use this power if you fail a saving throw.
Reroll the saving throw, using the second result even if it's lower.
Hide Armour
2 Javelins
Desert Clothing
Fire Kit
Filter mask
Weight: 78
Capacity: 180
162 ceramic gold pieces
Other than the corrections, I've made some tweaks. These are my idea and can easily be changed back, but wonder what you think:
- the point buy seemed to leave two points left over. I put them both on WIS, as you get your WIS bonus to add to opportunity attack rolls.
- gave you a background: Tyr - Freed Slave. It fits with your backstory, and I appled the bonus to Streetwise as your Endurance score was already massive enough.
- I think you forgot your race bonuses to skills and healing surges
- I took the liberty of swapping out a feat and power: Crushing Surge for Cleave and Improved Vigour for Power Attack. I noticed that Furio's AC is quite low for a defender, which means he could take a pasting. Crushing Surge is a power from Martial Power, and it gives you temporary hit points (equal to your CON bonus). As an At-Will, the potentially quite a lot of temp hp, and could help keep you going. The feat increases the number of temp hp the power grants. The logic is that as a defender it is your job to take the hits, but with a low AC you are more likely to actually take damage. The temp hp should keep you on your feet longer. Clearly, if you want Cleave and Power Attack back, it's no problem but wondered what you thought.
- I added a magic gouge
STR 19 (+5)
CON 15 (+3)
DEX 15 (+3)
INT 3 (-3)
WIS 11 (+1)
CHA 8 (+0)
HP 55; Bloodied 27 Initiative +3
AC 15, Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 13 Perception+1
Speed 8
Beak: At-Will, Standard Action. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8 + 4 damage.
Claws: At-Will, Standard Action. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +8 vs. AC Hit: 1d6 + 4 damage.
Pounce: At-Will, Standard Action. Effect: The crodlu can move its speed. Whether or not the crodlu moves, it can use beak and claws, making each attack against the same target. If both attacks hit, the target also falls prone.
STR 16 (+3)
CON 12 (+1)
DEX 16 (+3)
INT 2 (-4)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 8 (-1)
HP 28; Bloodied 14 Initiative +5
AC 15, Fortitude 14, Reflex 14, Will 12 Perception+1
Speed 8
Escape Sprint: When an erdlu runs, it gains +4 to speed, instead of +2. The erdlu and its rider don’t grant combat advantage when running.
Beak: At-Will, Standard Action. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +6 vs. AC, Hit: 1d6 + 3 damage.
Str 16 (+3) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 13 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 2 (-4) Cha 8 (-1)
Alignment: Unaligned
And below, for your delectation, are the rules for mounted combat:
Mount Requirements
To be a mount, a creature must meet two requirements.
• Size: The creature’s size category must be larger than its rider’s. For instance, a mount for a Medium creature must be Large or larger.
• Willing: The creature must be a willing mount. The mount is considered an ally to its rider and the rider’s allies.
Mounting and Dismounting
The most common ways for a rider to get on or off a mount are using the mount and dismount actions. Uncommon ways include teleportation and jumping.
Mount (Move Action): The rider mounts a creature adjacent to it and enters its space.
Dismount (Move Action): The rider dismounts, moving from the mount’s space to a square adjacent to it.
Rules for the Mount and Rider
A mount and rider follow these rules while the rider is mounted.
Space: The rider and mount both occupy the mount’s space and are considered adjacent to each other. However, the origin square of any of the rider’s powers and other effects does not change to the mount’s size. Whenever the rider uses an effect that has an origin square (such as a melee, a ranged, a close, or an area power), the rider first picks where that square is located in the mount’s space, and the effect uses that origin square (the rider still shares the mount’s space for the purpose of triggering effects, such as opportunity attacks). For instance, if a Medium rider uses a close burst attack power, the rider chooses a single square within the mount’s space, and the burst emanates from that square. This rule means that if the burst targets each creature within it, rather than each enemy, it can hit the mount.
Initiative: The mount and rider act on the rider’s initiative count, even if the mount had a different initiative before the rider mounted it. The two continue to act on the same initiative count after the rider dismounts. A monster and its mount have separate turns, whereas an adventurer and his or her mount have a single turn.
Actions (Adventurers Only): An adventurer and his or her mount have a shared set of actions: a standard action, a move action, and a minor action. However, they each have their own free actions. The player chooses how the two creatures divide up the set of actions on the adventurer’s turn. Most commonly, the mount takes a move action to walk or shift, and the adventurer takes a standard action to attack. The adventurer and the mount also share a single immediate action each round and a single opportunity action each turn. If one of the creatures can’t take actions, the shared set of actions is still available to the other creature. If either creature is dazed, that creature can take only one of the shared actions.
If the adventurer dismounts, the two still share one set of actions on that turn, but have separate sets of actions on subsequent turns.
Mount Attacks: The mount takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls. While not being ridden, a typical mount (such as a riding horse) rarely attacks on its own, unless it has been trained for battle, is defending itself, or feels unusually protective of its rider. Left to its own devices, a typical mount avoids combat.
Charging: When the rider charges, the rider and mount move up to the mount’s speed and then the rider makes the charge attack. When the mount charges, it follows the normal rules for a charge.
Squeezing: When the mount squeezes, the rider is also considered to be squeezing.
Targeting the Mount and Rider: Even though the mount and rider occupy the same space, they are still separate creatures and are targeted separately. For instance, an attack that targets only one creature can target either the mount or the rider, not both. In contrast, area and burst attacks can affect both mount and rider, since the two are in the same space.
Provoking Opportunity Attacks: If the mount’s movement provokes an opportunity attack, the attacker chooses to target either the mount or the rider, since the two of them move together. However, if the mount or the rider provokes an opportunity attack by using a ranged or an area power, the attacker must target whichever one of them provoked the opportunity attack.
Forced Movement: If the mount is pulled, pushed, or slid, the rider moves with it. If the rider is pulled, pushed, or slid and the mount isn’t, the rider can have the two of them move together. Otherwise, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in the destination space of the forced movement.
Teleportation: If either the mount or the rider is teleported, the other does not teleport with it. If the mount is teleported without the rider, the rider is dismounted and falls prone.
Falling Prone: If the mount falls prone, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the now-prone mount. However, if the mount is flying when it is knocked prone, it instead falls. The rider isn’t dismounted unless the mount lands and falls prone itself. A rider who is knocked prone can immediately make a saving throw. On a roll of 9 or lower, the rider is dismounted and falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the mount. On a roll of 10 or higher, the rider is neither dismounted nor knocked prone. A rider who voluntarily drops prone falls prone in an unoccupied space of the rider’s choice adjacent to the mount.