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Not the Best


I like Nic Logue as much as anybody, but this module is a good example of poor adventure design. It tries very hard to be good, but ultimately falls short of delivering what it promises.

First things first, the events transpire over the course of a night. That's great, but when you have a 1st lvl Wizard in the party, and they run out of spells, they're going to be bored out of their mind for the rest of the adventure.

Given that there are numerous combats, some of which with deadly foes (Ghoul-Stirge, I'm looking at you), and limited space to run, a DM has to hand-wave some enemy tactics.

The main "villain" appears early on, and soundly beats the PC's, but since they're already conserving resources, they start walking a fine line between TPK and living. It feels like the DM has to give them a handout to win, which I think fails the horror.

In addition, since there's a time limit, the PC's need to work hard at conserving resources. They can't rest and recover. Luckily, there's potions throughout the module, but that seems like an ill-contrived way of combating the problem, especially when the party's cleric might suffer the same as the wizard, and be out of spells (At least they can hit things still!).

It's a nice try, but just isn't the best by Logue.