Solveig Ayrdahl

Freyja*'s page

977 posts. Alias of Skorn.


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F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

The story of this place is not yet done. I would not leave it incomplete. Frejya says with a smile back at Qitaba.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

And the harpies we fought confirmed this as well. Freyja adds. You all know Sir Wulf. You know his heart and his character. He is one of you. Consider for a moment who is more likely to lie and mislead you, your friend and neighbor or the slaver driver foreman sent here to abuse the town and harvest it's resources for profit, Gavel Kreed.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Having not met the girls before Freyja stays back for a moment to let Wulf greet and comfort the girls.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja breathing hard states By the gods of the north, that was worthy of a song. She bends to make sure the hag is truly dead before checking its body for useful thing and further clues.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja moves around to potentially flank with Wulf and strikes at the hag. Also you need to move yourself forward, maybe to be flanking with the bard?

Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword enchanted with Arcane Strike: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 2 = 271d8 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 13 That is a 29 to hit if she gets a flank.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Don't forget Bard Song is still up and you need to roll to confirm that nat 20

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Inspire Courage is up: +2 ,morale vs charm and fear, and +2 competence bonus on attacks and damage.

Still singing Freyja steps again, working to eventually flank the elemental and slices at it. Don't think they can be flanked - not sure, But Freyja does not know...

Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword enchanted with Arcane Strike: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 8 + 2 = 121d8 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 8

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

For me the game, story wise, is finally making sense and I am feeling part of it. As a late comer it took a while to get there. but I am enjoying it. It's sort of feels like good guys against impossible odds and I like that.

I am here and can continue to post. But I cannot speak for the intentions of the missing. Perhaps a roll call with some PMs from you before any final decision is made? But I understand where you are at as well.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Inspire Courage is up - +2 ,morale vs charm and fear, and +2 competence bonus on attacks and damage.

Still singing in a chanting dirge Freyja steps forward an to the side and and slices at the large elemental.

Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword enchanted with Arcane Strike: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 2 = 281d8 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

I am going back on overtime next week so understand.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8

I have already posted some actions. Do those count as my first round?

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja draws her sword as she advances a single move and imbues her blade with arcane energy. As a standard action she begins to sing song of good's triumph over evil which lightens the hearts of her companions and at the same time lends strength to their arms.

Swift Action: Arcane Strike - her sword is magic and deals an extra 2 damage. Standard Action: Inspire Courage - +2 ,morale vs charm and fear, and +2 competence bonus on attacks and damage.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja moves to stand beside Kit and adds to his plea. You all know Sir Wulf. He is part of your community. He has helped many of you in the past. That is what community does. Freyja picks up a bucket and begins to fill it. Let all pitch in and help/

Diplomacy Assist: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

She will take the ring, knowing that Helgrim already has so, so he can take the amulet if he wants.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja has no magic other than consumable magic like a few scrolls. She could use the cloak, ring, and/or amulet.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 4 = 29

Freyja has some insight on nature that speed the journey.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja will take a 5th level of Arcane Duelist (Bard)

She gains 5 +1 (Favored Class bonus) +2 (Con Bonus) for 8 hp total.

Her BAB and saves do not increase, but she gains another first and second level spell slot.

She gains the Arcane Bond ability for her sword, which acts like a wizard's bonded object, allowing her to cast any Bard spell once a day. And she can enchant her sword like she had the feats to do so.

Her Arcane Strike ability increases to +2 damage and her inspire Courage increases to +2 as well.

She gains 8 skill points and improves Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge History, Perception, Perform (Sing), Spellcraft, and Stealth.

She gains a new feat and takes Spellsong.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja frowns at the slavery comment and adds Be alert as we leave. I expect trechery from our feathered allies. She then inserts earplugs into her ears.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Hmm. These hags were in the employ of someone with loca; coin. That seems clear enough. I smell a rat.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Thank you Teasel. You have a gentle touch for someone in stone armor. She says with a smile.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

The stuff songs are made of. Freyja hints with a smile.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4
Teasel wrote:

" How badly are you hurt Freyja. It's very impressive how you handled that Ettin," Teasel asks with a very concerned tone in her voice.

It looks as though she suffered a critical hit from a normal man and is nearly blooded D&D term I know - means below half - she took 14 from one hit..

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

holding her would closed Freyja nods saying Was not without a cost.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

I did that a year ago. I understand.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja sheaths her sword and pulls her short bow as she moves. As a swift action she imbues it with Arcane strike.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

All my spells are short range. Cannot close with them this round. Cannot even make the jump with a 60' double move. And a d6 from my short bow is not gonna impress anyone. Not sure how I can help unless someone can help me move faster.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Still singing Freyja attacks the prone enemy.

Longsword: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 181d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 11

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja takes a nasty hit from the ettin's flain. She side steps to flank with the swan maiden and attacks. She seems a little staggered and slow though.

Longsword: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 2 + 1 = 151d8 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 + 1 = 6

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Do not forget Inspire Courage for +1 to hit damage, and saves vs charm and fear. I think it increases to +2 next level and becomes a move action.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Freyja starts up a song, pulls her longsword, activates Arcane Strike and steps forward.

Inspire Courage, +1 to hit, -+1 Damage, and +1 vs charm and fear effects.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Heavens oracles are sooo broken. :) Not only bridge, which basically is a first level wall of force but also color spray with no level cap.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Freyja looks up into the cavern and frowns. No easy approach. she laments.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Frejya smiles at the preparations knowing that no plan survives first contact. She seems ready to advance.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja chants encouragement adding +2 to the attempt. With Lingering Performance she should only have to use a single round of Performance.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja smiles at the dwarf. I am. But there are many different flavors of bard. But unfortunately what I am not is a disabler of traps.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Tarson or Teasel? I am an arcane duelist master dwarf. Freyja studies the arua.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

A performance worthy of a bard back therd Hel. I might even make a song about it. Freyja compliments.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Smiling at Helgrim's success Frejya mouths the word Now. an d begins to move past the nasty little dark dwarves.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Unsure of the plan and not wanting to disrupt Helgrim's apparent success, Freyja, sword in hand, stands ready.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

My understanding is you can only take 20 if there is no effect of failure as it simulates you making every roll from 1 to 20. I think you should be able to take 10 though.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja agrees. I have heard tales and dark songs about these deep and dark dwarves. I like it not that they are so near the surface. I will try to talk with them but expect treachery.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4


F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja casts Dancing Light to guide the way and then casts and maintains Detect Magic to scan ahead for such traps.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

I see it too. We can come back for that belt later if we think it worth it.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Private words:

And I hope the gods see fit to give us the time to get to know each other. She begins to turn away, but pauses and turning back gives a quick kiss to her father's cheek. She then joins the others pulling her sword as she moves.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Private Words:

Yes. She was, and still is a strong woman. And she has raised me strong. I have sought you out and found you because I wash to know you. We have little time at the moment and I reveal myself now only because of the upcoming battle. Only the gods can guess the outcome of such things. And I wished for you to know you had a daughter. Otherwise I might have chosen to observe you for a time. Her composure hardens and she adds But this feels truer. Know that Freyja Brenasdotter has sough you out and helped to hope saved you. And know that your have a daughter who wishes to know you. I prey to the northern gods that we have the time to learn of each other.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

It is was no accident that I was part of this group who found you, for I was looking for you. I have been looking for you for quite some time... Freyja's hand goes to a locket she wears around her neck and her voice gets more quiet.

Private Word:

I think we share something. She takes the locket from around her neck. And the knowledge of someone who is exceptional. Her voice cracks a little despite her training as she opens the locket but holds it in closed hands. What I think we might share... she then looks into Van Dorning's face and presents the open locket with the picture of her mother in it. .. is blood. Her features guarded she waits for a reaction.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

Freyja knows a little history, mostly from ballads and tavern tales, but she adds what she knows to the group.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

She turn turns to Van Dorning. For a barbarian and a dwarf, my friend Helgirm is quite insightful, and in this case quite right. Before battle is joined, since there is never a sure outcome to a fight, I would have a private word with you. She motions for the man to step to the side with her.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4

One thought I had was that if these hags are large creatures it could be cramped for them to fight in tight passages. Freyja adds to the discussion.

F Looks Like Human (of Ulfin Background) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 5, AC 18 (touch 12 FF 16); Hp: 41/41; Saves: Fort+3, Reflex +6, Will+3; CMD 18; Perception +7; init +4


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