Judge Trabe

Fredrick Stern / Drake's page

27 posts. Alias of Art Burd.

About Fredrick Stern / Drake

Full Name: Fredrick Stern
Codename: Drake
Classification: Borderliner

Bio: In his early to mid-sixties, Fredrick Stern is currently living a somewhat quite life in the his house in the Gentrified Old Quarter. Both of his parents died many years ago, and as an only child, he was left with a quite sizable inheritance. This allowed him to retire from his job as a bank teller several years ago. In this time, he has spent some of this money on a large collection of antiques, which do not necessarily have any connection to each other. He simply acquired things he found interesting. Nowadays he mostly just sits around his house admiring the various antiques he has collected over the years.

However, this sitting around looking at what some would call his 'treasures' sparked something inside him, something tracing back to his distant Germanic ancestry. For around a week he had recurring, nightmarish dreams that featured a great dragon. In these dreams, he was surrounded by darkness, standing on a mountaintop, with a vast field of stars in the sky. The first thing he would notice were the beasts massive, burning wings approaching from the horizon. It would then land on the slopes of the mountain below him, turning its large head to stare at him before beginning its assent. Approaching ever closer to him, its massive body would crush the rocks beneath it. When it finally finished ascending, it would lower its head to be on eye level with Fredrick's. It would open its mouth, as if about to speak, and then...

He would wake up.

Awakening from the last of these dreams, and seeing that it was only 4 am, he realized that he would be unable to sleep any more that night. Once he worked his way to his bathroom, he had to do a double-take when he saw himself in the mirror. He was not a bodybuilder, but had kept himself in shape as he had aged. However, he had never had muscles like he saw now in the mirror. Deciding to test his new strength, he found that he was even stronger than he appeared, able to easily lift massive weights off the ground. During this, he also discovered that he had gained the ability to grow a pair of large, flaming wings from his back.

Expression (Might of the Dragon)
Mystery: Why were these powers granted to me?
Power Tags:
Mountain-Breaking Strength
Block Strikes
Stronger In Darkness
Weakness Tag: Dampened by Cold

Mobility (Wings of Flame)
Mystery: Who was the dragon from my dreams?
Power Tags:
Flaming Flight
Jet Thrust
Lighting Reflexes
Weakness Tag: Costs Calories

Gear (Antiques Collection)
Identity: Nobody seems to respect the past nowadays.
Power Tags:
Vintage Station Wagon
Medieval Armors and Weaponry
Heavily Insured
Weakness Tag: Dislikes Putting at Risk

Personality (Grandfatherly Old Gentleman)
Identity: Being old isn't always bad.
Power Tags:
Finely Dressed
Age Considerations
Weakness Tag: Gentlemanly Code of Conduct