
Frēodwēn's page

1,207 posts. Organized Play character for caps.

Full Name

Galmátíre Frēodwēn


NG Human


Ranger/Bard 2/12 - HP 112 - AC 21/T:16/FF:15 - Perception: +16 - Fort: +14, Ref: +22 Will: +12; +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects - CMB: +14, CMD 30 - Speed 30 ft. - Init. +8











Strength 16
Dexterity 18
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 7
Charisma 14

About Frēodwēn


Emerald Spire lvl 1, The Tower Ruins
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 1398gp, 1 gp day job, hex A)
Emerald Spire lvl 2, The Cellars
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 1536gp, 20gp day job, hex B2: +1prestige +1fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 3, Splinterden
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 3711gp, 20gp day job, hex C3: +1 on day job checks)
Emerald Spire lvl 4, Godhome
(CORE, .5xp, .5pp, 800gp, 5gp day job, hex B6: +1 prestige, +1fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 5, The Drowned Level
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 4800gp, 50gp day job, hex B3: +1 prestige, +1fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 6, The Clockwork Maze
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 6756gp, 50gp day job, hex B5: +1 prestige, +1 fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 7, Shrine of the Awakener
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 8712gp, 50gp day job, hex B1: +1 prestige, +1 fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 8, The Circle of Vissk-Tharr
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 11787gp, 50gp day job, hex C1: +1 on day job checks)
Emerald Spire lvl 9, The Spire Axis
(CORE, 3xp, 4pp, 14862gp, 50gp day job, hex G: +2 on day job checks, and all day job checks give extra 50%)
Emerald Spire lvl 10, The Magma Vault
(CORE, 1.5xp, 2pp, 8883gp, 112gp day job, hex C2: +1 on day job checks)
Emerald Spire lvl 11, The Tomb of Yarrix
(CORE, 1.5xp, 2pp, 8883gp, 112gp day job, hex C5: +1 on day job checks)
Emerald Spire lvl 12, The Automaton Forge (CORE, 1.5xp, 2pp, 11787gp, 112gp day job, hex B4: +1 prestige, +1 fame)
Emerald Spire lvl 13, The Pleasure Gardens (1.5xp, 2pp, 11787gp, 225gp day job, hex F: 11x150gp bonus gold)
Emerald Spire lvl 14, The Throne of Azlant (3xp, 4pp, 23754gp, 150gp day job, hex D1: regain 2 expended prestige points)
Emerald Spire lvl 15, Order and Chaos (3xp, 4pp, 23754gp, 150gp day job, hex D2: regain 2 expended prestige points)
Emerald Spire lvl 16, The Spire Root (3xp, 4pp, 32799gp, 300gp day job, hex E)

39.5 XP, 24.5pp, 56.5fame
Male Human Ranger 2/Bard 12
Grand Lodge
NG Medium humanoid (Human)
Init +8; Senses: Perception +16

AC 21; Touch 17; Flat-footed 15; (+4 armor, +6 Dex, +1 magic enhancement)
HP 112 (16 Ranger + 60 Bard + 28 Con + 8 Favored Class)
Fort +14; Ref +23; Will +12; +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects; BOON: one time, reroll a Reflex save against a trap before you know if it succeeded or not

Speed 30 ft.

Ranseur +15/+10/+5 (2d4+4, x3, Reach, Disarm, P, Cold Iron, MWK)
Light Hammer +14/+9/+4 (1d4+3, x2, B, Silvered)
Dagger +14/+9/+4 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2, P or S)
Spiked Gauntlet +14/+9/+4 (1d4+3, x2, P, Cold Iron)

+2 Holy Shocking Composite Longbow +21/+16/+11 (1d8+5+1d6, 19-20/x3, 110ft., P, +3 Str, +2 magic) 43/80
[Dice=+2 holy shocking composite longbow, inspired, heroism, point blank shot, rapid shot, deadly aim, arcane strike, manyshot]1d20+21+3+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[Dice=cold iron, good, magic, piercing, electric] 2d8+10+6+2+12+6+2d6[/dice]
[Dice=+2 holy shocking composite longbow, inspired, heroism, point blank shot, rapid shot, deadly aim, arcane strike]1d20+21+3+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[Dice=cold iron, good, magic, piercing, electric] 1d8+5+3+1+6+3+1d6[/dice]
[Dice=+2 holy shocking composite longbow, inspired, heroism, point blank shot, rapid shot, deadly aim, arcane strike]1d20+16+3+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[Dice=cold iron, good, magic, piercing, electric] 1d8+5+3+1+6+3+1d5[/dice]
[Dice=+2 holy shocking composite longbow, inspired, heroism, point blank shot, rapid shot, deadly aim, arcane strike]1d20+11+3+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[Dice=cold iron, good, magic, piercing, electric] 1d8+5+3+1+6+3+1d5[/dice]

Dagger +17 (1d4+3, 19-20/x2, 10ft., P or S)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Str 16, Dex (24), Con 14, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha (20)
Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB +14; CMD 30

1: Point Blank Shot
Human: Precise Shot
3: Weapon Focus (Longbow)
Ranger: Rapid Shot
5: Deadly Aim
7: Arcane Strike
9: Manyshot
11: Improved Critical, longbow
13: Clustered Shots

+1 will trait (Indomitable Faith)
Magical Knack (+2 Bard CL)


SKILLS (94 ranks = 14 * (6 ranger/bard + 1 skilled) + 4 favored)
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20+14[/dice] (3 ranks + 3 class + 7 DEX +1 luck),
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20+23[/dice] (Versatile Performance: Dance),
[dice=Appraise]1d20+5[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class +1 luck),
[dice=Climb]1d20+9[/dice] (2 ranks + 3 class + 3 STR +1 luck),
[dice=Diplomacy]1d20+23[/dice] (Versatile Performance: Oratory),
[dice=Fly]1d20+23[/dice] (Versatile Performance: Dance),
[dice=Handle Animal]1d20+10[/dice] (1 ranks + 3 class + 5 CHA +1 luck),
[dice=Heal]1d20+3[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class - 2 WIS +1 luck),
[dice=Intimidate]1d20+10[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 5 CHA +1 luck)
[dice=Intimidate vs. Goblinoids]1d20+12[/dice] (base intimidate + Chronicle Boon)
[dice=Knowledge (Arcana)]1d20+20[/dice] (10 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[diceKnowledge (Arcana) to identify constructs]1d20+24[/dice] (knowledge, Arcana + boon + favored enemy)
[dice=Knowledge (Dungeoneering)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Geography)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (History)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Local)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Nature)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Planes)]1d20+13[/dice] (3 ranks + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Religion)]1d20+11[/dice] (1 rank + 3 class + 6 Bard +1 luck),
[dice=Bardic Lore]1d20+7[/dice] (Bard + stone of luck),
[dice=Knowledge (Geography) in the River Kingdoms]1d20+9[/dice] (+6 Bard, +2 Country Estate + stone of luck)
[dice=Perception]1d20+16[/dice] (14 ranks + 3 class - 2 WIS),
[dice=Perform (Dance)]1d20+23[/dice] (14 ranks + 3 Class + 5 CHA +1 luck),
[dice=Perform (Oratory)]1d20+23[/dice] (14 ranks + 3 Class + 5 CHA +1 luck),
[dice=Perform (Oratory, day job)]1d20+29[/dice] (base skill + Boons),
[dice=Perform (Sing)]1d20+23[/dice] (14 ranks + 3 Class + 5 CHA +1 luck),
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+23[/dice] (Versatile Performance: Oratory)
[dice=Spellcraft]1d20+18[/dice] (14 rank + 3 class +1 luck),
[dice=Stealth]1d20+14[/dice] (3 ranks + 3 class + 7 DEX +1 luck),
[dice=Swim]1d20+9[/dice] (2 ranks + 3 class + 3 STR +1 luck),
[dice=Swim, flippers]1d20+11[/dice] (Swim, masterwork tools)
[dice=Survival]1d20+3[/dice] (1 ranks + 3 class - 2 WIS +1 luck),
[dice=Survival, tracking]1d20+4[/dice] (Survival + 1 Track)
[dice=Survival, River Kingdoms]1d20+5[/dice] (+2 survival + 2 Country Estate)
[dice=Survival, tracking, River Kingdoms]1d20+6[/dice] (+3 survival, tracking +2 Country Estate)

Common, Elven

Skilled - +1 Skill point per level
Favored Enemy (Construct) - +2 attack, damage, bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, and survival against Constructs.
Track - +1 Survival when tracking
Wild Empathy - use diplomacy to improve initial attitude of an animal using 1d20+7.
Bardic Knowledge - add 1/2 level (minimum 1) to all knowledge checks, make all knowledge checks untrained
Bardic Performance (31/31) - begin performance with a move action; Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage (+3), Inspire Competence (+4), Suggestion, Dirge of Doom, Inspire Greatness, Soothing Performance
Versatile Performance - use a perform skill in place of two other skills (Oratory: Diplomacy, Sense Motive), (Dance: Acrobatics, Fly), and (Sing: Bluff, Sense Motive)
Well-Versed - +4 vs. bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects
Lore Master (2/2 day) - take 10 on knowledge check in any situation (at will); take 20 on a knowledge check as a standard action in any situation (1/day)
Jack-of-All-Trades (Ex) - At 10th level, the bard can use any skill, even if the skill normally requires him to be trained. At 16th level, the bard considers all skills to be class skills. At 19th level, the bard can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed.

Bard Spells (CL 11)
0 (DC15): Daze, Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Open/Close, Prestidigitation
1 (7/7 DC16): Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Retreat, Grease, Remove Fear, Saving Finale, Unseen Servant
2 (6/6 DC17): Glitterdust, Heroism, Invisibility, Tongues
3 (5/5 DC18): Dispel Magic, Good Hope, Haste, See Invisibility
4 (4/4 DC19): Break Enchantment, Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility, Heroic Finale

Level 2 spell wishlist:
Silence, Alter Self, Hold Person

Level 3 spell wishlist:
Invisibility Sphere, Daylight, Gaseous Form, Tongues; Communal

+1 Mithral Shirt (1100gp+1kgp/10lbs.)
(SOLD) MWK Cold Iron Falchion (450gp/8lbs.)
+2 Holy Shocking Comp. +3 STR Darkwood Longbow (2PP+50k/1.5lbs.),
MWK Cold Iron Ranseur (320gp/12lbs.),
Silvered Light Hammer (21gp/2lbs.),
Cold Iron Spiked Gauntlet (10gp/1lb.),
Dagger (1gp/1lb.),
40 Cold Iron Arrows (4gp/6lbs.), (38/40)
20 Silvered Arrows (41gp/3lbs.)

Partial CLW Wand (300gp/0lbs.) (0/20 charges remaining)
CLW Wand (2PP/0lbs.) (42/50 charges remaining)
+4 Cloak of Resistance (16000gp)
Scroll of Magic Weapon (25gp)
Potion of CLW (50gp)
Necklace of Adaptation (9000gp)
+6  Headband of Charisma (36000gp)
+6 Belt of Dexterity (36000gp)
Stone of Good Luck (20000gp)

3×Holy Water
3×Alchemist's Fire
3×Acid Flask

Bell [ 1 ] ( 1 gp / 0 lbs. )
belt pouch [ 1 ] ( 1 gp / 0.5 lbs. )
Candle [ 1 ] ( 0.01 gp / 0 lbs. )
Chalk [ 1 ] ( 0.01 gp / 0 lbs. )
Fishhook [ 1 ] ( 0.1 gp / 0 lbs. )
flint and steel [ 1 ] ( 1 gp / 0 lbs. )
Grappling Hook [ 1 ] ( 1 gp / 4 lbs. )
Oil [ 2 ] ( 0.2 gp / 2 lbs. ) 1 CONSUMED IN ES 5
Parchment [ 2 ] ( 0.4 gp / 0 lbs. )
pitons [ 10 ] ( 1 gp / 5 lbs. )
Rope, Silk (50ft.) [ 1 ] ( 10 gp / 5 lbs. )
Sack [ 1 ] ( 0.1 gp / 0.5 lbs. )
Sewing Needle [ 1 ] ( 0.5 gp / 0 lbs. )
Signal Whistle [ 1 ] ( 0.8 gp / 0 lbs. )
String/Twine (50ft.) [ 2 ] ( 0.2 gp / 1 lbs. )
Tindertwig [ 2 ] ( 2 gp / 0 lbs. )
torches [ 3 ] ( 0.3 gp / 3 lbs. )
trail rations [ 2 ] ( 1 gp / 2 lbs. )
waterskin [ 1 ] ( 1 gp / 4 lbs. )

bedroll [ 1 ] ( 0.1 gp / 5 lbs. )
Hammer [ 1 ] ( 0.5 gp / 2 lbs. )

44.5lbs. combat EQ weight
27lbs. non-combat EQ weight

71.5 lbs. TOTAL EQ weight (light capacity is 76lbs.)
57.8 gp (summed from below)

150gp starting gold
1398gp ES 1

-1197gp on combat EQ
-300gp on healing wand

-22.2gp on non-combat EQ

+1536gp (Cellars)
+20gp (day job)

-1000gp Cloak of Resistance
-450gp MWK Cold Iron Falchion
-2gp 20 more Cold Iron Arrows (assumed 20 used in Cellars)
-25gp Scroll of Magic Weapon
-50gp Potion of CLW

2PP spent on an Emerald Spire hex to gain 1PP and 1Fame

2PP spent on Emerald Spire hex to gain day job roll bonus

+3711gp (Splinterden)
+20gp (day job)

-4gp 40 more Cold Iron Arrows (assumed 40 used in thieves' den)
-2000gp +1 magic enhancement to longbow
-1000gp +1 magic enhancement to mithral shirt

784.6gp remaining after Splinterden

+800gp from Godhome
+5gp day jp job

2PP spent on an Emerald Spire hex B6 to gain 1PP and 1Fame

1589.6gp remaining

-320gp MWK cold iron ranseur
+10gp sold mundane cold iron ranseur
-110 permanent flame (possibly on an everburning torch)
-50gp flippers (MWK Swim tools)

-50gp 2xHoly Water
-40gp 2xAlchemist's Fire
-20gp 2xAcid Flask

1009.6gp remaining
+4800gp The Drowned Level
+50gp day job

-4gp 40 more Cold Iron Arrows (assumed 40 consumed in level 5)
-4000gp belt of dexterity
-25gp Holy Water
-20gp Alchemists Fire
-10gp Acid Flask
-1200gp 6/20 adamantine arrows

600.6gp remaining

+6756gp The Clockwork Maze
+50gp day job

-4000gp Headband of Charisma
-2gp 20 more cold iron arrows (assumed 20 consumed in level 5, although that might be a high estimate)

3404.6gp remaining

+8712gp Shrine of the Awakener
+50gp (day job)


-2gp 20 cold iron arrows
-3000gp +2 cloak of resistance upgrade


+11787gp The Circle of Vissk-Tharr
+50gp (day job)


-16000gp holy enhancement for longbow
-2gp 20 cold iron arrows


-150gp scroll of alter self
-150gp scroll of silence
-375gp scroll of fly


-4gp 40 cold iron arrows

+14862gp The Spire Axis
+50gp day job


-12000gp upgrade headband of Charisma to +4


+8883gp The Magma Vault
+112gp day job


-12000gp upgrade belt of Dexterity to +4

-8gp for 80 cold iron arrows


+8883gp The Tomb of Yarrix
+112gp day job


-2PP CLW wand

-9000gp Necklace of Adaptation


+11787gp Automaton Forge
+112gp day job


-14000gp +2 enhancement to longbow
-4gp blunt arrows (40/40)
-1800gp efficient quiver


+11787gp Pleasure Gardens
+225gp day job
+1650gp hex E


-12000gp upgrade cloak of resistance from +2 to +4

+23754gp Throne of Azlant
+150gp day job

+23754gp Order and Chaos
+150gp day job


+225gp sold MWK cold iron falchion


-18000 add shock property to longbow
-20000 increase headband to +6


+32799gp The Spire Root
+300gp day job


-20000 increase belt to +6
-20000 stone of good luck
