Fr Lazarus's page

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Thanks for the confirmation guys!

Just wanted some clarification about mythic paths and interactions for combat. Playing as Zarlova and took mythic hierophant. I already have +3 in skill feats to wisdom and her divine is +3. After debating tonight with my group I just wanted to confirm that this means, before I even roll a dice, I am starting with a +10 on my combat checks with divine spells (we're on adventure deck 4, assume no charges spent).

So for example using an inflict at this point I would roll:
1d10+3(wis) + 3 (divine) + 4 (mythic charges) + 1d6 (from spell).

Does the mythic +4 also get applied to the roll for my recharge check - so that now I am auto recharging anything up to a +10 as long as I haven't spent any charges?

It seems quite overpowered. Most basic and elite monsters stand no chance.

Sorry if this has been answered - I tried searching for about 15 minutes and couldn't find anything. Just want to make sure I'm not playing the system.