Danse Macabre

Fortuna Arcanum's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts (48 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Only six people interested since I posted this last night? I'm feeling a little inadequate.

It looks like I'm not the only one wanting to submit a Tattooed Sorcerer character in both of your recruitment threads. I think I'll withdraw my tattooed sorcerer in this recruiting thread and the Jade Regent recruiting thread so the other two I know of so others have a better chance.

Hey, just posted in your Rise of the Runelords recruitment thread. I would also like to submit my character (tattooed sorcerer, possible multiclass), for this game (with an appropriate change of campaign trait for Jade Regent).

I'm interested! I'd like to submit a Varisian tattooed sorcerer (destined bloodline) with the Scholar of the Ancients campaign trait, who could possibly multiclass into a harrower or tattooed mystic in the future, if that's alright.

I will have to regretfully duck out. My laptop was damaged seriously yesterday, and I don't have the money yet to get a new one. I wish for everyone else to have fun.

This looks like it would be fun. Is it alright if I submit a tiefling hunter with an eagle animal companion?

I have not been in games with any of those modules, and am quite sure I can manage to post once a day.