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Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 217 posts (7,078 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.
DM Oladon's Second Darkness DM Rich's Carrion Crown GM Harker's PFS Season 4 Campaign TET's Experimental Thingey DM Feral's Horn of Aroden (inactive) DM Feral's Player's Choice (inactive) Feral's PFS Special Event - Siege of the Diamond City [GM Tektite] (inactive) Feral's Test of Tar Kuata (inactive) Feral's Wardstone Patrol (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #2-01 Before the Dawn (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #6-01 Trial by Machine (inactive) GM Tektite's PFS #13 The Prince of Augustana (inactive) GM Tektite's Wake (inactive) Its "A" Dungeon (inactive) PbP GameDay 2: PFS Intro 1: First Steps—Part I: In Service to Lore (1-2) (inactive) Takin' the Spire Higher! (inactive) [PFS] GM Harker Presents: #1-37 The Beggar's Pearl (inactive) [PFS] GM Harker Presents: #1-39 The Citadel of Flame (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 3: GM Harker Presents #4-19 The Night March of Kalkamedes (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday 4: GM Harker Presents #4-14 My Enemy's Enemy (inactive) [PFS] PbP Gameday V: GM Harker Presents #4-21 Way of the Kirin (inactive)