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Liberty's Edge

I play DDO. I also play Pathfinder PnP. I (along with my gaming group) switch over to Paizo and Pathfinder when 4th Ed was getting close to release. What I would LOVE to see is an MMO based in Galorian.

For those unfamiliar with DDO, it is based in Eberron, more specifically in and around Stormreach. it is actually a very good MMO based loosely around 3.5 rules.

For those familiar with DDO, my suggestions would be;

Instead of starting on Korthos; start in Sandpoint
Instead of going to Stormreach; go to Magnamar
Instead of Warforged and Drow; get Tiefling and Aasimar
Instead of True Resurrection; when they level to 20, they can come back as first level in Riddleport

Ok, so I read the Pathfinder Society PDF, and there is a question I have. Since these charactes are following 3.5 until Gen-Con 2009, what is Open Access? In other words, can I use the Complete Books for character creation (ie Complete Divine etc...)?