Erdrinneir Vonnarc

Flying Grayson's page

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A Monk of the Four Winds using Elemental fist? Link

Maybe a magus? Get fire spells on your weapons. You could go Eldritch Archer for a bow, or a dip in sorcerer for +2 static damage for each dice of fire damage, and maybe even 1 in wizard to be able to change your fire damage to a different element just in case what you're fighting has fire resistance?

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I never say entice fey, thats just a super cool Druid waiting to happen. And what about summoning a Hekatonkheires Titan? They seem pretty strong.

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@Balancer: It has not been updated, but its on page 250 of ultimate Intrigue.

@the Diviner Oh jeez, I have no idea how i messed that up. I probably confused a ton of people. You are absolutely right, planar parchment give the week per level or service time and the +2 to the cha check but no bonus to HD. Thanks for bringing this up.

@Douglas Muir 406 Oh awesome, had no idea that thread existed. the traits and feats will be exceedingly useful, thank you so much!

@DM_DM I am keenly aware of the repercussions of not only Overclocking planar binding but also just practicing diablery in general (My DM has made it hard for me to forget). I have many precautions in mind and a backup character ready, if I am unable to adequately protect myself from my own machinations.

Thanks everyone for the help!

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Oh sweet, thanks guys. So that makes the max dice 26 then? Also Douglas, thank you so much for those guides! I'm playing a Diabolist right now and they will help immeasurably!

Does anyone know of a way to get greater planar binding to have a HD limit of higher than 24? As of right now, all I can find is the Darkfire Adept's Darkfire Pact and the item Planar Parchment from Ultimate Intrigue. Which brings it up from a 18HD to 24HD. Can anyone think of another boost? I'm also aware that Gate is what most people use when dealing with this high of HD but Im curious about PB in particular.

The character I am currently playing is also looking to become a lich. No idea if it'll help you but I plan on using the Eternal Apotheosis Ritual, located here: Link

My Dm has allowed my backup character to be a Lycanthrope. (my current character is a Kitsune Enchantment Sorcerer who looks like she will not last long). I was hoping ya'll could help me come up with a fun build that's not too good (so I don't abuse the fact that the DM let me be a Lycanthrope), but something more fun. A few things of note; I don't know if its normal rules or not but my Dm has stated all of my equipment will stay on me when I transform, but I will not gain the AC bonus from my armor and Natural attacks are not bonus attacks, they count as weapons. So any ideas or build advice y'all have would be awesome. thanks!

Dotting. <3 the idea

I personally love the enchantment Kitsune Sorcerer build, though it is rather squishy with less than par saves and health. But anyway, some thing I extremely recommend for your build, which is very charm heavy, is the Cunning Caster feat. which will allow you to hide your spell casting with a bluff check. So you could charm people at parties or is general public. GL!

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One thing my group does, is when you pick a race, instead of using their ability score modifiers, you get to choose either getting +2 to one stat and a bonus feat (Like a Human) or +2 to 2 scores and a -2 to another. It's to help people pick a race for story/character reasons instead of build reasons.

+1 for mythweavers here. I have at least 30 character sheets up there. It costs nothing to use, you can view it on a mobile device. Auto calculates most things. An amazing sheet service.

Oh, and taking race into account, I still recommend the fey bloodline and go compulsion and pick Kitsune as your race. With an Int of 20, at level 8, your enchantment (Compulsion) Spells DC for level 4th spells will be: 26. 10(Base)+5(Cha)+2(Spell Focus & Greater)+2(Kitsune Favored class Bonus)+1(Kitsune Racial Trait)+2(Fey Bloodline)+4(Spell level). Which I personally think is rather impressive for level 8 with no magic items. You can do the same thing with Charm, and if you do, I recommend taking Cunning Caster, to charm people without them knowing it.

Enchantment Sorcerer is my personal favorite to play. I always go Fey bloodline but if you do plan on going mainly charm spells, the infernal bloodline might be for you. I also always go into the Diabolist prestige class and fall back on the devils I summon for defence, extra utility, and if the enemies are immune to my enchantments.

Fair enough, I'll look into Goliath Druid and see if I can do anything fun with it. Thank you.

He's ruled it does not get the 1.5str

So my DM's ruling is having natural attacks do not give you extra attacks. You attacks are always based off your BAB. So if you have +6/+1 You get 2 attacks even if you have natural attacks. So in his game having a claw or bite attack is no different than having a longsword, they are just considered normal weapons.

My DM runes Natural attacks as normal weapons (So using bite/claw/ect attacks is no different than using a longsword. I really want to make a wildshape based Druid. Anyone help with with a decent build with the Natural attacks rule in mind?


Ah! Perfect, thanks Shadow. Those are fantastic! And Rumpin, I don't know why I didn't think of the Elder Scrolls names, thank you. I'll bring them to my players and see which they prefer. I appreciate it guys!

Cool, much better than the Folk

In my new campaign I really want a different name for all of the classic "Folk" Races. Such as the catfolk, lizard folk, MerFolk, sea elves, and also a separate group of elves we call the High Elves. Do any of you guys use special names for these races? Or maybe throw me some suggestions? Thanks guys.

Aelryinth, Thats really cool. I'm definitely changing that in my next campaign. Thanks for posting it.


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Just wanted to thank everyone for the help with the encounter. Everyone had fun tracking them down (and I was able to keep them alive and hidden long enough to deal just as much damage as I had hoped) and they proved to be a decent fight. I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions as we move on in the campaign. Thanks guys.

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

The enchantment focused sorceress is a good idea. For the bard use the archeologist archetype for a magic rogue. The inquisitor is basically a combination of rogue and cleric, but is one of the best self-buffing classes in the game. The investigator is a combination of rogue and alchemist. Both the Inquisitor and the investigator can buff up for combat, but will probably not match your party straight up. If they work together and assist each other they will be a challenge.

With these characters all of them can cast invisibility so their stealth rolls are going to be difficult for event he ranger to beat. Detect invisibility will counter that but these characters also have mundane stealth that detect invisibility and true seeing do not counter.

Remember the idea is to create a challenge that the party can’t just fight its way through. This group is incredibly subtle and will avoid direct confrontations with the party.

Awesome, I think I got it. Thanks guys I really appreciate it, it's perfect. I'll let y'all know how it goes.

Okay, neat. So level 16 should be good? Is there anyway to keep them relatively hidden or conceal their efforts from divination?

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

Why do you need to use a ninja? While they are better than a rogue they are still a lower tier class. Also instead of a group of identical characters diversify the group. Most parties don’t have multiple of the same classes and for the most part the enemies should also have a mixture of classes.

Sow thought is a 1st level spell for both bard and sorcerer. It allows you to implant an idea that the target thinks is their own. That spell alone could wreak havoc for the party. Throw in a couple of other spells like misdirection, suggestion, charm monster, dominate person, and modify memory and the party is going to have a rough time finding out who the enemy really is. All of these spells can be cast by a bard of only 10th level.

Okay, yeah. That sounds awesome. Any recommendations for the rest of the party levels?

rorek55 wrote:
Flying Grayson wrote:
Thanks for all the advice guy I appreciate the support. I completely understand starting at low levels but I don't have a choice, I'll be able to after this campaign but untill then I'm stuck. So the general concensus is either scrap it or change it do a few lower level ninjas. I completely understand scrapping it and I'm sure I'll be able to inplenent it be down the line. As for the lower level ninjas, is that they would be much too easy to locate by the ranger and the wizard. Any advice on what I should replace the encounter with? Someone said something about a bard altering memories, I could have slot of fun with that, any suggestions?

don't use ninjas, I would use the suggested party in this thread

enchantress sorcerer (come over here sexy boy..), the inquisitor, a rogue/ninja/bard, and an investigator. Maybe add a fighter as "muscle"

Hmm, okay. Is there a way for them to accomplish the same goals I was hoping to get with the ninja? I get the Enchantress and Bard, could really have fun with that, but I'm not familiar with the inquisitor or investigator what do they bring to the table? Also, though I'm not entirely sure how power scales but I think they are really powerful for their level. The magus does something around 100 damage with shocking grasp? and the others are right up there with her. Is that about normal for these guys? What level should I make this party?

Thanks for all the advice guy I appreciate the support. I completely understand starting at low levels but I don't have a choice, I'll be able to after this campaign but untill then I'm stuck. So the general concensus is either scrap it or change it do a few lower level ninjas. I completely understand scrapping it and I'm sure I'll be able to inplenent it be down the line. As for the lower level ninjas, is that they would be much too easy to locate by the ranger and the wizard. Any advice on what I should replace the encounter with? Someone said something about a bard altering memories, I could have slot of fun with that, any suggestions?

Baba Ganoush wrote:
I really enjoy homebrew, open-world campaigns- but for levels you haven't run before I'd recommend a pre-written module - or at least take parts of one to get an idea of challenge level and some of the considerations on how to challenge PCs of that level.

Yeah I understand, quite a bit of trail by fire but I don't really have much of a choice it was kind of a stipulation to join the group. Kinda sucks but I understand their reasoning they've been playing in this world for almost a year. Just trying to make due and gives these guys a good game. Do you have any recommendations for modules I should look into?

Mysterious Stranger wrote:

I am not sure you realize what a 20th level character really is. The vast majority of people never achieve higher than 6th level. Between 6th level and 12 level they are supposed to be the mover and shakers of a kingdom. Characters above 12th level are supposed to be extremely rare. Typically there are no more than a handful of such powerful characters in the whole world. So a 20th level ninja should be the most skilled and deadly assassin in the world. He did not get to where he is by making stupid mistakes so he will be extremely deadly and not play around.

Your group is already in the world class characters so anyone trying to take them down will not be fooling around. The first thing the Ninja is going to do is to take down the Wizard. The only way to take out a high level wizard is to catch him completely off guard. A ninja of this level of experience is going to realize this and act appropriately. With Hidden Master, 10d6 Sneak Attack and three attacks per round this is not going to be hard against someone who is not expecting it. The Ninja is going to wait until the characters are alone instead of a together in a group.

You are also making a classic rookie mistake of trying to use a single more powerful character against the group. When you want to challenge the players you don’t go up against their strong point you look to where they are weak and attack that. From the look of your party they have a lot of power in combat, decent magic ability but very little in the way of social ability. You also want to create a challenge that they can’t just stab away, but are setting up another combat oriented character as the main villain.

What I would suggest is to start throwing some social challenges at the party. Use a bard, or cleric or other social class as the main opponent and have them start throwing obstacles at the party. Make the main opponent someone who they can’t just outright kill. Maybe the high priest of the local religion decides they are a threat to his power,...

@joynt they didn't start at level 14, their old DM had to leave the group and I was voted new DM as they hate it but still really wanted to continue this campaign so I'm just trying to keep it going


Sorry, I'm making it sound like they're just going to get jumped by the ninja like it's just combat. I agree with the social situations and that's exactly what I'm trying to accomplish. The point of the encounter is them trying to find and kill the ninja with an emphasis on find, as she will be using her master spy ability to run amok in their government, killing their favorite npcs, stealing their stuff, it's all a fun game to the ninja and killing the PCs is really her secondary objective. She will fight the PCs but only when she has to. So I'm trying to balance being able to move around undetected, killing the npcs, strealing, and being able to disguise herself to infiltrate them with being strong enough in combat to rough them up a bit not to actually pose a threat.
Sorry about the misspelling, on a phone now.

Davor wrote:

First off, level 14 PCs, especially wizards, have a LOT of capabilities. Be ready for this. It's a difficult time to start DMing, so be patient.

Now, here's the bad news: A 20th level ninja can move around completely undetectable by the party, and this won't really work as a challenge. If she wanted to, she could likely kill the party at her leisure, because Hidden Master is just freakishly good. Even if the party is prepared for it, they (literally) won't see it coming, and can't even detect her while she's murdering them.

Now, at 14th level, this IS a nuisance, as by this time they likely have the money to regularly afford resurrections. The problem is, if you took her down to, say, 19th level, she's too easy, as the 20th level ultimate ability is just so darn good. Sorry if I don't have any easy solutions: I rarely run games this high level for precisely this reason.

Thanks for the words of encouragement Davor. What if I replace Hidden Master with something less powerful? Or just use the weaker version? Her stealth is already dumb and only 1 PC (the ranger) has a decent perception score. The only reason I would even use Hidden Master is to fool divination spells but with the master spy abilities it will get mind blank anyway. Is that still too powerful? Maybe 10 levels of Ninja and 10 levels of Master spy?

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I have a party of 5 level 14 PCs consiting of a Ranger, 2 Barbarians, a Magus, and a Wizard. This was my fist time even playing a game of Pathfinder much less DMing one so the PCs are rather powerful. So I want to throw a problem at them that they cant just stab to death or solve with the casting of a single spell. So I've put together an encouter where the party is being targeted by level 20 Ninja with all of the extra special abilities of a Master Spy. It will infiltrate their kingdom, impersinate their high ranking members of governmnt, steal, harass, attempt to kill their favorite NPC's, and overall just be a nuisance untill it stops playing around and begins to trying and actually murder them. It's the whole it could be anyone or anywhere thing, cant trust ayone, general paranoia, that sort of thing. Do you think she will be to hard to catch or deal with? If so how could I make her weaker without making it too easy? Or if you can think of a simple way to sovle the problem that I should plan for, that would be much appreciated aswell. Thanks guys.

When I was a kid I read a kind of "sciencey" book on dragons that I loved. It said that dragons gather and sleep on this hoard because their natural armor protect everything but their stomach. So they would sleep on the gold and gems so they would stick to their soft stomachs and provide protection for their biggest weakness. Obiously not a pathfinder answer just a thought that I think fits pretty well.

In my campaign the party is going to be involved in basically a world war, so I wanted to make a pretty simple number system to determine the power of each of the armies. Here's a summary:
There are 4 things that represent the armies total power
-Numbers: The most finite of the factors. After a battle, depending on how it went, it will be reduced to reflect the number of casualties the army suffered.
-Moral: Will rise and fall depending on the armies current situation and the hope they have to their cause.
-Equipment: Represents the overall quality of the armies weapons, armor, ships, siege tools, ect. Can be increased by buying new supplies and getting them to the army.
-Skill: The armies overall skill of its soldiers in battle. Can be increased by having the army train with it's general which only requires time, through the army cannot do anything else, and the higher the armies moral, the less time it will take.
Circumstance Adjustments: These are outside factors that are affecting the army, whether it be the bonus of being in a fort, an ambush, ect, or the direct result of the actions the party has performed to influence the army. From a simple speech before the battle to improve moral to assassinating the opposing armies general before the battle.
Generals: Each army must have a general to command it and may ony have one. Each general is unique and gives the army either stat bonus or some other kind of buff.
Supplies: Just gold and food. Food is needed to support the armies. Each point of food is worth so many points of numbers in relation to feeding them. Gold, is used for basically everything.

There are not alot of rules, almost everything I can think of that isnt listed, which isnt much, pretty much falls under special Circumstance and I just decide what fits. The real problem I'm having trouble with is how the 4 stats (Numbers, Moral, Equipment, and skill) should work when the armies fight, since they dont have an overall power score. Any ideas on how they should interact? Or how to combine them into an overall score? Thanks guys.