
Flurious Firestar's page

8 posts. Alias of DonalGraeme.


Thank you Eric. Unless I am much mistaken, I had suggested all three of these in the past. Glad to see that the Monster Codex helped make these a reality. My only quibble is about the rarity of the alchemist. Would have preferred a more martial type as a common instead, with the alchie as an uncommon. But I understand how rarities work. Hopefully that means the martial one (there is another, right?) looks great.

Thumbs up for both. I am liking where this set is going thus far.

The unpainted minis choice is an interesting one. I still have plenty of Reaper ones to paint, so I will probably only buy up the Item ones. But I do expect to buy a fair amount of those, depending on their type, of course.

I like both the previewed minis. The rarity seems appropriate, at least given the criteria Erik has provided thus far. I doubt I will ever need more than 1 unshifted Doppleganger, but the paint job looks relatively easy, so I can understand the rarity choice.

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Thinking on it further, and based on later comments, incentives should not pieces be that you would expect to need more than one of. After all, their production is tied to the set's run, and so might not be high enough. Elementals, huge ones, that is, are perhaps not the best option there. Speaking only for myself, I would probably want more than one of each in huge. But a plant creature, or dragon, or something else you would only need one of would work well.

I believe that we still need Green and Blue PF dragons in huge. So possibilities there.

Also, we still need some smaller sizes as well. A small/medium green, a large black and blues of all sizes.

Excellent! I've been hoping that huges would return. While I like Gargantuans as much as everyone, huges see a lot more play time. I love the Cthulu, although I will only be able to use it rarely. The dragon, on the other hand, is great and one I foresee using in every campaign at least once.

If I might make a suggestion or two, other good huges would be figures that could be used in nearly every campaign. A huge plant creature of some type, perhaps. Elementals, naturally. Hydras are also good.

Like Cat, I am hopeful we will see themes in the set. I know I'm repeating myself, but Hobgoblins would be good. They are the only goblinoid without that kind of attention yet.

I second Spriggans and Dark Folk. Not the most common foes, but they mostly aren't represented in mini form, and add a different flair than most existing humanoidish foes. Trogs aren't a bad idea either- they work well with sewer encounters. And since we are talking about sewers, ratfolk are another possibility.

Erik Mona wrote:

I've been staying away from drow so far because there are so GD many of them in the DDM sets that I have a difficult time believing any gamer anywhere needs any.

Maybe I'm wrong, and some of our dark elf images are certainly cool!

You are correct, Erik, that there are a lot of DDM drow minis out there. I've a few myself. But the PF art appeals to me. That, and I like where the Battles line is at the moment in terms of quality.

Hobgoblins are a natural choice. They are organized and militant, so you would expect(and need) a number of them. Good low level foe, plus one that can scale well with class level advancements, which fit their profile.

You would need at least four, and I would recommend five different models. I would recommend the following:

Hobgoblin Warrior (basic grunt type, common)
Hobgoblin Acher (bow or crossbow, armored, common preferably)
Hobgoblin Grenadier (alchemist with bomb, uncommon preferably)
Hobgoblin Spellcaster (armored, likely cleric, uncommon preferably)
Hobgoblin Warlord (well equipped leader type, rare)

This would provide a good starting cadre for a hobgoblin force. With all the figures that normally come in a set, you have an easy CR 1 encounter with a few warriors, to a CR 10+ encounter with a Warlord plus some casters, grenadiers and mook godyguards.

Drow are another excellent suggestion. From what I recall, they haven't been featured yet. So you could really do a lot here. This suits higher-level play. Some specific ideas:

Drow Scout (rogue, lighter armor, hand crossbow?, common)
Drow Soldier (fighter, heavier melee combatant, common preferably)
Drow Mage (Wizard, uncommon preferably)
Drow Priest (Cleric, uncommon preferably)
Drow Demonic Champion (antipaladin, could double as higher cleric or fighter, rare)

Then there are Duergar (gotta give the Darklands some love eventually). They provide a nice contrast to the dwarves featured so far, and provide interesting possibilities for different fights. A few ideas:

Duergar Sharpshooter (ranger type, crossbow, common)
Duergar Slaver (rogue type maybe? common preferably)
Duergar Anvil (monk type, uncommon)
Duergar Sergeant (fighter, heavy armor and weapons, uncommon)
Duergar High Priest (powerful cleric, rare)

Hope that helps some.