
Florian Turchet's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Hi, i just wonder : why doesn't a pawn collection exist for the characters operations manual ? It seems that each starfinder product has its own pawn collection, except this one ...

Dark Archive

Thank you !

Dark Archive

I recently brought Adventurev #2-1, hopping i could play it with my full Rise of the runelords campaign box, like if i had a new campaign to play.

I just want to play it at home, not reporting to pathfinder society, i first though it was possible (like it is possible to play pathfinder PRG society scenarios like normal scenarios) but i can't find any rewards mentioning a leveling for the characters (gain of feats)on the adventure's scenarios ... Did i miss something ?

Dark Archive

Any news about a reprint ?

Skull & Shackles is now translated in french. It could be a good idea to make it available again !

Dark Archive

Any news about a reprint in Classic line ?

Dark Archive 1/5

Hello !

Thank you all, I hope to be able to keep the Pathfinder Society active in France, specially near Lyon.

I've a lot of ideas to make thinks growing ;-)

