Fleck's page

9 posts (10 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Oh, this is exiting! I'll definitely pledge.

I've always wanted to see World of Aden to become a fleshed out world setting. I guess it's time to dust off my Pathfinder books.

Looking at the old manual of the Thunderscape video game brings back so many fond memories.* I love the mix of fantasy elements, firearms, steam-tech and technomagic.

I'd like to ask a few questions if you don't mind.

How do you intend to handle firearms and steam-powered weaponry? Is everyone going to be able to use those or will there be (prestige) classes (like the Pathfinder Gunslinger)?

And on your facebook page I saw the cover art for Entomorph - Plague of the Darkfall. Now, it's been a long time since I've payed that game, but as far as I remember it had a very different feel to it. Didn't it have some kind of horror element where the hero willingly turned himself into a monster to fight the bbeg? And will you incorporate something like this in your sourcebook?

*Yes, the game disk is long gone and it wouldn't run on a modern pc anyway but it took me only a minute to locate the manual I kept out of nostalgia. Freaky, huh?

Starlan 'Wingy' Benex wrote:
@Fleck If your character is from the Shadow Marches and is at least friendly with the Gatekeeper Druids, we might want to work up a story about how we know each other... I might have given you a 'lift' to Sharn, or maybe we met in the Marches when I was studying with the Gatekeepers, and told you to look me up if you were ever in Sharn.

That's a great idea! Marla is from the Shadow Marches and on friendly terms with the Gatekeepers. (At least she was until the board ate everything I had written down yesterday evening ;_;) I've recovered most of it now and should be able to post the character shortly, only the fluff and bits of the equipment are still missing.

As for the 'lift', that would be a really convenient way for Marla to get to Sharn, but are glidewings strong enough? Marla alone weights 215 lbs. Add in equipment and the poor thing would have to lift about 300 lbs.

@Dahn: I'd like to take the 'Open Minded' feat (gives 5 additional skill points) from Complete Adventurer, is that ok?

xdahnx wrote:
That seems fair to me, Fleck. 5 is probably the max number of players I'm willing to accomodate.

Great, I'll start creating the character then. I should be able to post her tomorrow, once I've figured out how to create an alias and post as it.

How are we going to handle hit points past level one? Half hit die (+ 1)? Rolling at Invisible Castle?

@Wolvenone & Arctaris: Two (possibly three) rogues and one barbarian who couldn't care less about brelish law? Somehow I foresee trouble with the city watch. :)

Hi, everybody!

I love Eberron and would like to playtest the Alpha 2 rules, so I'd like to join in if that's still possible. So if there's a place for another player, please let me know. I think a half-orc barbarian (straight from the Shadow Marches and stranded in Sharn) would be nice from a playtest perspective, but I'm open for suggestions if you think something else would fit better into the party.

Page 86, Elemental Body I spell:

Water elemental: If the form you take is a Small air elemental, you...

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
I've got no issue with the others. Any comments?

Ok, I'll bite.

>> Gnome - bard or sorcerer. I don't have a big problem with this, but if the gnomes are so connected with the fey, why not bard and druid? Or even sorcerer and druid?

I have no problem with the gnomes' favored classes. Sorcerers fit the fey background just as well as druids IMHO.

>> Halfling - rogue or wizard. Again, not a big issue, but wizard seems, I don't know, a bit random. I know they get a bonus to INT and all, but halfling wizards are not espcially iconic. Maybe sorcerer instead of wizard (though I accept that doesn't mesh so well with them not getting a CHA bonus), since it fits better with their more freewheeling ways? Or maybe bard (if we get radical and take it away from the gnomes, though I understand that this could affect compatibility)?

Here I agree. Halflings have never been known for their spellcasters, and bards seem to fit with the merry halfling lifestyle.

>> Half-orc - barbarian or cleric. Half-orcs used to be quite cleric-y in 1e and 2e, especially when it came to the multiclassing options, so I have no real beef with this, though I was surprised initially.

I've never played 1e or 2e, so I can't really comment on that. But I'd put emphasis on the fact that most half-orcs grow up in the seedier parts of town by giving them rogue as favored class instead of cleric.

And since you brought up the topic of favored classes, do you think it would be a good idea to let characters who take a level in a favored class choose between +1 hit point and +1 skill point? I think knowing more makes more sense as a benefit than being tougher for many classes.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:


Oh yes. Soon.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Aargh! You're cruel.

Is that a real soon or a "go to sleep it'll be up sometime tomorrow" soon? I'm asking because it's 1:30 am over here and if I don't go to sleep now I might as well brew some coffee and stay awake.

I'd like to see a book that updates the psionic rules to Pathfinder sooner or later. It wold be nice if there was a nod towards psionics in the Pathfinder RPG hardcover.

Including the Soulknife or making the Monk psionic are common suggestions.

My vote would go towards the psionic Monk. Not as a fully psionic class though. Giving the Monk the option to pick a psionic power or two (and the power points to use them two or three times a day) is enough in my opinion. That way people who like psionics (like me) can incude them and people who don't can ignore them.

The problem I have with the Soulknife is that it's not really a class. The ability to shape a blade with your mind is a nifty gimmick, but why on earth did they build a class around it? Mindblades should have been a feat chain, and if the Soulknife is included it should be in the form of a feat chain. That way anybody who takes the Mindblade feat(s) can call himself a Soulknife.

SneaksyDragon wrote:
I am a fan of the racial hit point bonus. I always had a problem with the fact that the halfling beside me with the same con had just as many hitpoints as my character. I mean, he is like 1/5th my body mass, I know hitpoints are more dramatic than just meat on your bone, but come on! It hurts my favorite wee people but unfortunately it makes alot of sense. the Elves may have to be bumped up to 6 hitpoints, they already get a penalty to con (and the picture of the guy elf in the PDF has more than 4 -1 hitpoints, hes buff.)

I agree that the (muscle-)mass a character possesses should have some influence over the amount of hitpoints said character has. So I'd like to suggest a mix of the "Racial" and the "Flat" methods. With my "Flat + Strength" method characters would start with maximum hit points plus a flat bonus plus Constitution modifier plus Strength modifier.

That way weak characters tend to start out with a few less hit points than strong ones. A halfling fighter may have the same Constitution as your half-orc fighter but he'll probably not be able to to match your Strength.