Perception (*) +6 but +8 w/ Serene
Languages ➤ Common, Erutaki, Skald, Tien, plus one
AC 21 or 22 buckler (hardness 3) or 23 tower (hard 5) or 25 w/ taking cover; HP 48 plus temp
Fortitude (**) +10, Reflex (**) +9, Will (**) +8 or +10 w/ Serene but +11 vs mental
Mutagenicist Field Benefit (~, 1-min) Temporary HP equal to two plus half level [4] while under effects of new mutagen
Shield Block (↺) Reduce incoming damage roll by shield’s hardness, both sustain remainder
Reactive Shield (↺) Raise shield quickly when struck with attack
Quick Alchemy (◆, manipulate) Freely create one Field Vial or Quick Vial; or expend one Versatile Vial to create one consumable from formula book with a maximum duration of 10 minutes
Ghost Ampoule (◆◆ Interact, 1h, 30-ft, 15-emanation; auditory, divine, emotion, enchantment, expandable, fear, infused, mental) DC 18 Will @ Frightened 2 or 3 F/CF
Revivifying Mutagen (◆, manipulate) End mutagen to recover 1d6 hit points per 2 levels of the mutagen
Field Vial (1h, infused) Inbibe to suppress one mutagen’s drawback until start of next turn
Bestial Claw (S, agile, unarmed) +11 @ 2d6+3 slashing
Bestial Jaw (P, unarmed) +11 @ 2d8+3 piercing
Advanced Alchemy
During daily preparations, prepare infused alchemical items from formula book which remain potent for 24 hours or until next daily preparations.
Versatile Vials
(◆, manipulate, □□□□)
Renewable by □□ every 10 minutes. Create infused alchemical items from formula book which remain potent for a maximum of 10 minutes. Or, without expending a vial, throw a simple bomb vial or create a simple mutagenic vial which removes the drawback of one active mutagen until the beginning of next turn.
Alchemical Gear
Dread Helm (◆, interact, 3 rounds) Item bonus to Intimidation and deals mental damage in 5-foot emanation equal loaded dread ampoule’s splash [2]; ◆◆◆ to re-install
Sapling Shield (◆, envision) Sapling shield switches between Buckler (BB) and Tower (BBBB) form; Fjorn may Interact to use his alchemy in buckler form
Weapon Siphon (~, □□□ w/in 1-min of first strike) Lesser bomb that deals energy damage adds 1d4 of it’s type to up to three attached weapon strikes before being spent a minute after the first; a new bomb may be inserted w/ ◆ interact
Skillfully Under the Influence
Bestial @ +2 to Athletics and Unarmed, 2d8 jaw, 2d6 agile claw; but -2 Reflex, Acrobatics, Stealth
Cognitive @ +2 to INT-based skills and Recall Knowledge and avert CF; but -2 to Strike, Athletics , Acrobatics, Bulk
Deadweight @ +2 to Shove and Trip, and DCs to be moved, knocked prone, shoved, tripped; but Encumbered
Juggernaut @ +2 to Fortitude and +10 temporary HPs which regains when at max HP 1-min; but -2 to Will, Perception, and initiative
Serene @ +2 Perception, WIS-based skills, Will, or +3 vs mental; but -1 attack rolls, offensive spell DCs and weapon or spell damage rolls per die
Silvertongue @ +2 CHA-based skills, avert all CF; but lose one skill training [default: Society], -2 all INT-based skills and F to RK are CF
Kombucha Enzyme Familiar
15 HP, Swim 25, Familiar Abilities (□□)
➤ Extra Alchemy (~) +□ daily Advanced Alchemy
➤ Restorative Familiar (◆, □/day): Familiar uses two actions (◆◆) to heal master 1d8 HP per two levels [2d8]
Fjorn can repair his Sapling Shield in 1 minute by rolling against DC 18, restoring 15 hit points on a success, or 25 on a critical success; he deals 2d6 damage less hardness [8] if he critically fails.