Fiuren |
Hey, I saw a cool tatterdemalion witch build that made use of the « equipment trick » feat to use an animated rope (one you would be able to control as prehensile hair) as a spiked chain to attack.
It seems really cool, but the person who posted this build recommended feats at first level and boasted about the fact that a tatterdemalion that is proficient with a spiked chain (mandatory to use equipment trick - spiked chain, if I remember correctly) could do x actions and blah blah blah.
The thing is, the tatterdemalion witch’s proficiencies are simple weapons, bolas, nets and whips. No spiked chains to be seen.
I tought that maybe he included being a human and taking exotic weapon proficiency as a bonus feat ar first level because of race, but no, he was using this build on a ratfolk...
It overall made confused about how does the witch get the proficiency in spiked chains to use the feat at 1st level? Am I missing something in the archetype ability descriptions explaining this?
And if you have some other advices on how to play a tatterdemalion witch, they would be gladly appreciated. :D