
Fire415's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Hi Rosita and Kate!

Just an update if you are inclined to check it out. The previous event went very well. The group plans to meet up again, to follow up on what we discussed regarding forming a group that caters to the players' play styles and schedules. We have also actually networked with Douglas, one of the Bay Area Pathfinder Society Meetup members and Society DM/GM. He was gracious enough to offer running some scenarios for the Meetup. Granted it's still in the early conception stages but we're making progress with collaborations. If you want to invest in forming a group, feel free to check us out. Have a hand in the process and see what group(s) will become out of this venture. We will be running demos of our play styles courtesy of Douglas and have an open table discussions afterwards for feedback, thoughts, and comments. Note that this is not for Society play credits.

Hi Rosita, I know this is last minute and all but I thought I'd drop you a line despite the fact. It's not Society play nor is it an established group yet, but feel free to stop on by and network if you're available.

Hi Gamers! Posting this here if interested in a Meet&Greet to play Pathfinder in SF.

Ouch! Well, take a shot at this group and see if things work out for you. The contact person's name is Josiah Knight and here's their posting on Meetup.

Heya Orranis,

Sorry to hear that, truly a critical miss. Thanks for replying back though, we actually have two players jump in on the slots as soon as we posted it on Meetup. Will keep you in the loop if anything opens up on a Sunday. Hope that might work out better for you. Cheers!

Heya Orannis,

If you haven't played through Rise of the Runelords, there is a new group starting Saturday, Nov. 29th at 12noon-6pm in Berkeley, CA. Currently have a DM/GM and four other players with various gaming experience. Looking to add a few more to the mix if you're game.

Malwing wrote:
Actually I am open for Saturday just not at the same location due to the venue hosting more magic events on Saturday.

That's good to hear. So I've sent you a direct email and hope we can work things out. If I'd known sooner, some of us could have met up at Endgame's anniversary today for a meet and greet. We'd love to try out Rise of the Runelords.

Malwing wrote:
Fire415 wrote:
Malwing wrote:
Starting on October 26 I'll be running Rise of the Runelords in Downtown Berkeley every Sunday at noon. I'm looking for players.
Hey there Malwing, was wondering if you're set on playing every Sundays? We have a group of 4 players looking for a DM but we can meet only on every other Saturdays, starting on Oct. 25th. Our host lives near Lake Merritt and she has two cats. If this is feasible, let us know and maybe we can work something out. More details available as needed. Thanks!
Sorry I missed you. I'm currently running RotR every other Sunday in downtown Berkeley continuing on the 15th so if you're still interested I can GM/play on the opposite Sundays.

No problem Malwing, but thanks for the reply. Our group is blocked off every other Saturdays and not available for Sundays. Just wondering if you would be open for Saturdays instead. If so, great! If not, no biggee and just g'luck with RotRL.

Malwing wrote:
Starting on October 26 I'll be running Rise of the Runelords in Downtown Berkeley every Sunday at noon. I'm looking for players.

Hey there Malwing, was wondering if you're set on playing every Sundays? We have a group of 4 players looking for a DM but we can meet only on every other Saturdays, starting on Oct. 25th. Our host lives near Lake Merritt and she has two cats. If this is feasible, let us know and maybe we can work something out. More details available as needed. Thanks!

Thanks everyone who put in their time to chime in. I've thrown the bait and it seems two players might bite to become DMs. Time will only tell if the group actually splits in two, maybe three since more people are interested in joining. We're ending one module so i can bear this last upcoming session.

Again, thanks for the words of wisdom all! There are quite a few gems mentioned here and i will relay them to the group. Now if only i can roll a good diplomacy check!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So i got myself to starting a new group that consists of 8 people who has either no xp to seasoned veteran at playing tabletop rpgs. The dilemma obviously is the group's size but no one wants to step up as DM to take half the group into another game. At least not yet. We are all new to each other and have played two sessions, going on our third. We even have two more people wanting in the game, but good times so far. I want to take them to an AP but with so many i will definitely burn out early on the game. I suggested we have half the group play the heroes and the other half plays the NPCs exclusively. Has anyone ever tried this method since no one else wants to DM? Hate to lose all the new recruits to the hobby but then again don't want to step on the veterans' toes. The co-DM ideas popped up in discussions but no one wants to volunteer themselves out openly. Been in games where we had rotating DMs before so the concept is not new to me. Thoughts and ideas welcomed. Thanks and my apologies in advanced for the wall of text.

My apologies Vicon for not replying in a timely fashion but i've been currently juggling my own gaming schedules, and at this point, i might not be a good candidate for your group. I do hope that you find a suitable player. If you don't mind, i might check back with you if things clear up. Thanks for the consideration. - JD

Vicon wrote:

Hey everyone out there! I host a game in Noe Valley, SF and we're looking to add another player. We presently have 5 people, but one person can't make it all the time and we'd like at least 5 people at the table.

We meet at my house just outside the Castro, almost every sunday (we shoot for at least 3 out of 4 sundays a month) from 12 to 6PM, sometimes a little later.

We're presently playing "Serpent's Skull" AP, we're on Chapter 2... we also have a side-campaign that is "test of the starstone" but for now, we're stuck on serpent's skull.

Please be clean, educated, tolerant of others. We're four men and one lady. I generally serve snacks.

Hit me with a PM telling me more about you and what you're looking for, and I'll hit you back with any questions or details from my group.

Game on!


Just updating my previous post. Anyone interested check this out and let's get a group going. Sadly, I can't make it to the local BAPS events in the city.

Just wanted to chime in as well for either joining or helping form a group within SF proper to play during the weekends. Currently courting a gamestore to host the group on Saturdays, afternoons or evenings, if we can't find a venue. Anyone care to collaborate and team up?