Fire415 |

Hi Rosita and Kate!
Just an update if you are inclined to check it out. The previous event went very well. The group plans to meet up again, to follow up on what we discussed regarding forming a group that caters to the players' play styles and schedules. We have also actually networked with Douglas, one of the Bay Area Pathfinder Society Meetup members and Society DM/GM. He was gracious enough to offer running some scenarios for the Meetup. Granted it's still in the early conception stages but we're making progress with collaborations. If you want to invest in forming a group, feel free to check us out. Have a hand in the process and see what group(s) will become out of this venture. We will be running demos of our play styles courtesy of Douglas and have an open table discussions afterwards for feedback, thoughts, and comments. Note that this is not for Society play credits.