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Fingo Canvas's page

203 posts. Organized Play character for ffoucart.

Full Name

Fingo Canvas


| HP 44/44 | AC 20 | F +9 R +6 W +10 | Perc +8 | Default Exploration (Detect Magic)


| Speed 25ft | Active Conditions: None


”Fingo Canvas” | Male NG Human Cleric 4

About Fingo Canvas

Fingo Canvas - Level 4
Male human cleric 4 (Bard dedication)
NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Heritage Versatile Heritage
Background Artist
Doctrine Warpriest
Deity Shelyn
Sanctification Holy
Perception +8
Languages Common, Elven
Skills Athletics +9, Crafting +6, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Lore: Art +6, Lore: Pathfinder Society +6, Medicine +8, Occultism +6, Performance +11, Religion +8, Society +6
Str 16 (+3), Dex 10 (0), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (0), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)
AC 20; Fort +9; Ref +6; Will +10
HP 44
Speed 25 feet


Glaive (+1 Striking): Attack +10, Damage 2d8+3 S (Forceful, Reach, deadly d8, Magical)
Mace: Attack +9, Damage d6+3 B
Divine Lance Attack +8, Damage 2d4+2 Good
Telekinetic Projectile Attack +9, Damage 2d6+3 B/P/S

Feats and Abilities:

General Feats:
Ancestral Paragon (Level 3)

Ancestry Feats
Natural Skill (Level 1)
Cooperative Nature (from Ancestral Paragon)

Skill Feats
Bon Mot (from Versatile Heritage)
Specialty Crafting (Tailoring; Background)
Virtuosic Performer (Orator, Level 2)
Intimidating Prowess (Level 4)

Class Feats
Bard dedication
Basic Muse Whispers
Versatile Performance (Basic Muse Whispers)

Muses Maestro (Dedication), Polymath (Basic Muse Whispers)

Other Abilities Shield Block,

Spell list:

Divine Spells (DC18, +8 Attack)
Cantrips: Shield, Stabilize, Detect Magic, Message, Divine Lance
1st Level Bless, Spirit Link, Command
2nd Level Color Spray, Calm Emotions, Resist Energy, Heal (2/4)

Occult Spells (DC19, +9 Attack)
Cantrips: Telekinetic Projectile, Ghost Sound

PFS Info:

School: Spells
Faction: Grand Archive
Free consumable: Scroll of Restoration


Breastplace, Glaive, Mace, Persona Mask, Scroll of Heal (x2), Scroll of Object Reading, Healer's tools, Religious symbol (Shelyn), Wayfinder, Adventurer's Pack, Handheld musical instrument (drum), Jolt coil (affixed to Glaive), Blood Booster (Lesser)