
Fiendishmonkey's page

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In the whispering cairn when exploring the wolf den looking for the missing lamp. (The wolf didn't hear the halfling rogue.)

DM(me): You hear a shuffling noise from inside.

Halfling(John): I go deeper in.

DM(me): John, wolf.

Halfling(John): Ahh! *(High pitched almost to the point of a squeak)

Player slays a Hydra in the Marsh with my three 20's in a row auto kill rule while looking for the Lizard folk lair in the Encounter at Blackwell Keep.

"I am the Hydra slaying god of awesomeness!"

My guys came up with "The Truth Bringers"

They were really psyched about beating down the Mind Flayer whos names escapes me and revealing the corruption of so many.

Just a quick idea, maybe have some of the turncoats from the garrison weaken the integrity of the mines elevator by stealthly cutting ropes.
Or have the facless one dissapear by using his potion of gaseous form. Then from the top of the elevator shaft PC's could hear screaming and witness a stream of bodies fall from the top followed by the elevator itself.

Not really thought out on what repercussions this would bring on low level players but i think it would be pretty dramatic.

Hello once again, currently my players are returning from the Spire of Long Shadows and have yet to be sent to look for Lashonna.

The reason i am posting is because my players are, by my own foolish discretion, a bit more powerful than your average bear.

I knew AoW was hardcore before starting them off on it so i let them roll 4d6 for stats, Re-roll 1's, and keep all, no one has any stats starting at 24 but their are a couple of 22 base stats floating around.

Thusly with my characters being a tad on the overwhelmingly strong side i useually beef the NPC's and monsters they fight in some way.

The one i really want to go all out with, and need your help with, is the infamous Darl Quethos. Dont get me wrong, 18 levels of cleric can be fun, but i want to mix it up and throw in some suprises for any of my players that may be meta-gaming.

So any suggestions on prestige classes or feats, even a new race that mixes well with a class would be appreciated.

Thanks for all the help guys, all the suggestions are versatile and GREAT! I really do appreciate it and i will try to preserve the game and a friend/player at the same time.

Hey guys, i am currently running my 4 PC's and 1 NPC through the AoW. They just finished off Makar but have not gotten back to Magepoint yet.

I am posting because i have a problem, for the last 5 or so installments which covers the last 6 months of our groups gaming one of my players has been cheating.

He is playing a Wiz/Cleric/Mystic Theurge 15th level total.

He is fudging dice rolls, lieing about his spell list, what he is carrying, some of his items and so forth, and its really starting to have a negative impact on the party and even the game.

For example, and i dont think this was a innocent mistake, he told me he had a bag of holding VI, that allowed him to carry "A ton of stuff".
When i confronted him about the bag he just kind of sat there non receptively.

I have had him as a PC and have talked to him in private about his cheating before also, this was in a totally different campaign.

At first i took the approach of "ok, lets see how much of what i dish out he can take!", but that ended in innocent PC's stepping in the path of the Oculus Demon i had revamped and all but 2 characters out of 5 dieing. Among the living was him obviously.
I then tried to work with him in some areas he might feel weak in, thinking that was why he was compensating with the cheating, but nothing seemed wrong with his character, he has saves through the roof in all but Reflex, and his AC is stupifying. I dont want to make it an issue in front of everyone, and i dont want to lose a semi-friend that i have had for a few years now, but i cant keep adjusting everything my party fights to try and make it an equal challange for him because if blows everyone else out of the water!

Any suggestions on how to handle the situation would be appreciated.

Do you remember your first time, I do.

It was the middle of the night and i was very nervous, being a 3rd level ranger on night watch by yourself can be very dangerous and i was about to find out why. The ground beneath me began to move, roiling and rumbling, quickly jumping aside I narrowly avoided the jaws of doom, those jaws belonged to the dreaded ankheg. I did dodge the first attempts at bites and answered in kind with a few well placed arrows, but then it happened.....a 1, and with that my rangers face burned away in a pile of acidic spit and his body was dragged underground to become dinner for a big bug.

Well that was my first time dying with my very first character, do you guys remember yours?

It's because Devils are so much better than demons, the demons have to try this quantity thing to meet with the devils quality. It's sad really when you think how much better lawful evil is.

once my DM Kidnapped my female averial elf with a group of
fey'ri, who then procede to summon a pit fiend to do some uhhh....stuff to her and, well, long story short, debating wether or not to keep your demon baby is really hard.

In the end she was FORCED to not keep it. The baby radiated evil from inside her and good clerics dont like that much evil from a baby, so out it came while she was tied down in a calm emotions bubble. All this led to a total sanity break down and the death of my averial and the partys good cleric. I think the moral is dont mess with mommy.

I'm with squid, i think you guys should axe downer and replace it with something that dosent cause seizures, or give wil those pages to fill, if he can.

(P.S.-Wil if your reading this, yes, it is a dare to fill two more pages with your great writing.)

Do any of you know of any crazy off the wall things to put PC's through that will make them stop and say "what the???????"
Without chasing them off.

Like Erik Mona's Exploding dog from his Return to Castle Bristol article in Dungeon #120

Energy drain is definetly nasty, especially if you have naughty PC's who are playing a monster class (ie.Taking levels in a class out of the Savage species) If you ever wanted to see a mind flayer run for it's life, Throw down a vampire spawn in it's face. Also many types of incoporeal undead become twice as mean if you give them the Empowered Ability damage feat out of the libris mortis. MUUUUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Does that make me a bad person?

The Fiendish monkey obviously!

That was definetly a speedy response, too bad i am not so speedy

I am having a real big problem with my subscription, I subscribed in october of 2004 and had recieved my november and december copies of dungeon and dragon, but it took my january copy of dungeon untill the 28th of january, and still as of this date have not recieved my dragon, as a new subscriber this is very dismaying. I love the magazines, and the game, but i dont know what to do about this.