Feydjinn's page

1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Just found Pathfinder, and just found this wonderful treatise. For the most part, I take it as a good guide that follows some basic, generally accepted RPG guidelines. I like it, a lot.

Though there are several specific areas where I disagree from a style standpoint, there is one item I felt was not clearly examined. If it has been pointed out already, please forgive me.

Under the Elemental Bloodline treatment, under Bloodline Arcana, you state, "Really? That's purely flavor-based, not worth it," refering to the ability to alter the energy type of a spell to match your own. On the contrary, with all the resistances out there, being able to change the energy type of the spell you're casting seems invaluable! Choosing Air (that, with fire, being the most commonly resisted), while building my spell list, I am avoiding (mostly) electricity spells. This gives me the option of keeping the spell type (fire, acid, cold) OR changing it to electrical damage. That seems somewhat useful to me.