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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 90 posts (2,390 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 14 aliases.
DM Vord's Zeitgeist Act I - Portents of a Starry Sky Gm Aest's Kingmaker: To Forge a Kingdom GM Kiora's Wrath of the Righteous The Hookscratch Inn (Open to everyone/anyone) Hosmer Manor Newbies Helping Newbies - We Be Goblins! PFS #5-08 The Confirmation Through the Relay and Far Away Vale of Zuria Andoran, Spirit of Liberty (inactive) DM Salsa Presents: The Black Velvet Blues (inactive) The Dungeon Maestro's Reign of Winter Campaign (inactive) GM Aest's Carrion Crown: Once Upon A Midnight Dreary (inactive) GM Aest's The Vaults of Padiskar (inactive) GM Kiora's Iron Gods (inactive) GM Olmek's Zeitgeist Campaign (inactive) The Goblin Games/We Be Goblins (inactive) Goblins the Musical (inactive) Icy Chains (inactive) PFS but not PFS (inactive) PFS PBP Gameday IV: #06-15 The Overflow Archives -- GM Hmm (inactive) PFS Risen from the Sands -- GM Hmm (inactive) The Red Hand of Doom (inactive) Rule the City! (inactive) Save The City! (inactive) THEY be Goblins TOO!! (inactive)