Fenrisnorth's page

Organized Play Member. 197 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I'm prepping for a new game, and I'm thinking back to the olden days. We never used to have the problem of the 15 minute work day (Taking an eight our rest after each fight) back before, say... 2005. I'm not sure what changed in my group since then (It happened after we finished the Dragonlance chronicles, in which we CERTAINLY didn't do it.) The few campaigns we tried to start since then always died quick deaths because the PCs blew their wads in every fight, so it wasn't a challenge unless the monsters were far too overpowering. How do you guys prevent this sort of tomfoolery. I tried the "You aren't tired yet", and they just left the dungeon and waited 24 hours. They didn't mind a casual respawn, and I got slapped with the proverbial "Killer GM" label when the entire dungeon emptied out to come for them.

Thanks in advance.

Jumping into a Level 13 game, haven't heard what everyone else is playing, but I was told no "roles" needed to be filled. So, I chose me a monk. I was going for a pure beatdown monkey, in the style of (God help me) Ranma Saotome. Strong, rather naive, grating personality though he tries to be nice.

Human Monk 13, Martial Artist(Allows fighter feats for monk weapons, including unarmed)

STR 26
DEX 16
CON 11
WIS 20

Lv1: Defensive Combat Training
Human: Improved Initiative
Monk1: Improved Grapple
Monk2: Combat Reflexes
Lv3: Weapon Focus (Unarmed)
Lv5: Weapon Specialization (Unarmed)
Monk6: Dodge
Lv7: Jawbreaker
Lv9: Greater Focus (Unarmed)
Monk10: Improved Crit
Lv11: Greater Grapple
Lv13: Greater Weapon Specialization (Unarmed)

Acrobatics +19
Perception +21
Stealth +19

Permanancy (Magic Fang, Greater, CL20)9,100 gp
+4 Headband of Wisdom 16,000 gp
Monk's Robe 13,000 gp
+1 Ioun Stone (AC) 5,000 gp
+2 Ioun Stone (Dex) 8,000 gp
+4 Belt of Strength 16,000 gp
Amulet of Might Fists (Merciful, Throwing, Distance) 45,000 gp
Ring of Sustainance 2,500 gp
+6 Bracers of Armor 32,000 gp

Total Spent: 139,600/140,000

AC: 10(base)+ 3(dex)+ 5(wis)+ 4(monk)+ 6(armor)+ 1(ioun) = 29 (30v single opponent)
Hit: Flurry: +11+8(str)+2(Focus)+5(GMF)=+26,+26,+21,+21,+16
Hit: CMB: 13+8+2+5= +28
Dmg: 2d8+1d6(Merciful)+8(str)+4(Spec)+5(GMF)

Init: +7
Fort: +8
Ref: +11
Wil: +13
HP: 88 (Favored class Included)

Tactica: Is there a caster? if so, charge them and do a diving tackle. otherwise delay to flurry on whoever gets near. If someone stays outside of 5' and flurry range, surprise them with 20' ranged flurry.

Is there anything I can do to make this build more effective? Or anything I've missed? As he levels up, I'll be getting Bonebreaker and Neckbreaker, Mobility, Cartwheel Dodge, and Pinning Knockout.

To the people at Paizo...

Can we get some way to play a necromancer, a real necromancer, without being evil? The [evil] descriptor on Animate Dead is silly beyond belief, as there is nothing inherintly evil with bringing the dead to life (see raise dead), and there is nothing inherintly wrong with the Negative Energy Plane (which doesn't even have the evil planar trait.) I mean seriously, the descriptor popped up from 3.0 to 3.5 for no readily apparent reason, and zombies and skeletons changed from true neutral to neutral evil, also for no apparent reason.

The only thing I have ever heard as a rules explanation for this is "undead are evil because animate dead is [evil]," and "Animate dead is [evil] because undead are evil." There's nothing stopping people from playing evil characters, so it doesn't seem to be a balancing issue. Can't you either make it so that the undead are evil because their necromancer was evil, not the other way around? Or what about a Feat or PRC like the Malconvoker from the complete scoundrel, who ignores the [evil] descriptor? I'm getting fed up with people telling me I'm playing an evil character when I raise a dead person to go into a burning orphanage and rescue the children inside.

Command undead the feat says you control undead when you channel negative energy. "As if under the effects of control undead" and that intelligent undead get a new save every day.

The duration is infinite otherwise, right? Because a new save every day makes no sense for a 1min/level effect like control undead.

Is it worthwhile to give up 9th level spells for having a ridiculous number of lower spell slots via Mystic theurge?

A Cleric5/Wizard5/Mystic Theurge10 has full casting progression to eight level spells, can swap spell slots to an extent, and at level 20 can cast two spells in a round. shazbot!

But is it worth giving up wish, miracle, gate, etc.?

I see they have skill ranks, but do what they but ranks in count as class skills?

So I'm looking at the Summoner, and I have a question about enlarge person. If my Eidolon is already Huge from the evolution, and I use spell share to cast Enlarge Person on it (the ability allows me to use it even though the target is an outsider), the spell says it "changes the creature’s size category to the next larger one."

Then it goes on to say what the stat changes are...

But they are horrible compared to the real stat changes from huge to Gargantuan. Do I use the +2 Str... (from the spell) or the size changes from table 2-2 in the bestiary (p.296) the changes from the Evolution: Large/Huge follow the chart, I am hoping the spell follows the same internally consistent pattern.

Slowly over the last few years my gaming group has wound down, players and eventually the DM moving away. Now I'm jonesing for a game. I have no problem joining an established group, but my schedule only allows for fri- sun nights, otherwise I'd play at the flgs. Fairly good role-player, though I have to say my optimization could use some work if that is important.

email me at evannote@Gmail.com thanks.

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What makes a monster a certain alignment? For outsiders, I understand, it is born on a plane of absolute goodness, the power of good makes up every cell of its being. But how about dragons? Is a silver dragon born with Lawful and Good gene? or that black dragon, Does it have Chaotic and Evil genes? What is it about a Chuul that makes it CE? Racial stereotypes aside, we certainly wouldn't call any species in real life inherently good or evil. And, if it is genetic, say a red and a gold dragon mate... are the offspring true neutral? or is one alignment dominant?

How does placing traps work? Are there rules for how big/permenent a trap must be? Can a rogue stealth behind an enemy, place a trap, and then have the fighter bull rush an them into it? I am thinking of something like claymore mines to discourage flanking.

In 3.5 I remember druids could get bigger and better animal companions... is this no longer the case? I see that there is an advancement for them at 4th level, but seriously, some of them are kinda lame... a medium sized bear? can a druid sub out for a bigger bear? like a brown bear or a grizzly? you know.... something bigger than he is? I mean the fricking WOLF gets LARGE? that's messed up. please tell me I missed something.

Does a [good] or [evil] aligned spell actually turn you said alignment? What is the cause of these descriptors? Am I supposed to believe that using a [good] spell to hurt an innocent person is a good act? or an [evil] one to save the village?

I was talking to a buddy the other day about how great a time I'm having playing Pathfinder recently, and he responded "of course you are, you play a wizard, Pathfinder fixed a few of the broken spells from 3.5, but not all of them, and they made/broke a lot more!" now I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out which spells he means, all he tells me is "just google broken pathfinder spells" and I cannot come up with anything! Do you guys have any idea what he's talking about?

Back in 3.5 there were a good number of ways to raise your effective Caster Level, enabling more healing, better damage, longer durations, improved chances of breaking SR, et al. Has Paizo gotten rid of all that? Am I doomed to a life of medicority?

Profane Gift says:

Profane Gift (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, a succubus may grant a profane gift to a willing humanoid creature by touching it for 1 full round. The target gains a +2 profane bonus to an ability score of his choice. A single creature may have no more than one profane gift from a succubus at a time. As long as the profane gift persists, the succubus can communicate telepathically with the target across any distance (and may use her suggestion spell-like ability through it). A profane gift is removed by dispel evil or dispel chaos. The succubus can remove it as well as a free action (causing 2d6 Charisma drain to the victim, no save).

does this mean you may only have one profane gift? (if so, why not say "a creature may no more than one profane gift at a time") Or does this mean you may only get one profane gift from a particular succubus?

Ok, I'm playing a wizard, and I'm afraid I'm rather on the fragile side, something I am scrambling to keep our GM from realizing and exploiting. So, I was thinking about taking the next step, and aspiring to Lichedom. I've got the spare cash, or, will by level 11, to make a phylactery, but I know that the GM is going to pitch a fit about it, and either make me give up my character by forcing me to convert to evil alignment, and then saying "no evil PCs" or by spamming me with witch hunters. I really like being Neutral.

I love how liches can heal themselves, and regrow a new body after a few days. It's perfect for a fragile caster. but is there anything from pathfinder, or from old school DnD that can replicate this sort of immortality without the stupid evil alignment change?

I know there's an iphone app for pathfinder, is there a port for the droid? Are there plans for one?

I'm playing assassin's creed, finally, and I'm really digging the way that Altair moves and fights. Is there a way to effectively recreate that in Pathfinder? I don't need to be the BEST DPR in the party, but I'd like to be able to hold my own, strike down enemy clothies like a bolt from the heavens, and blend into crowds and shadows like a wisp of smoke. Please tell me this is possible