Fenrisnorth's page
Organized Play Member. 197 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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HEY, what's wrong with being a short, beardy, ale-swilling, mauntain-loving, fiscally enthusiastic Nord/Scto?
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It sure reads to me like this:
20th level character with GTWF:
+20 attacks first Main/off or off/main
+15 attacks second Main/off or off/main
+10 attacks third Main/off or off/main
+5 attack last main
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Well, I just had a thought. A monk can use any part of their body to flurry. What is he flurries by... spitting? It's sorta like a throwing attack...
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Heck, a LAWFUL Good ranger could take that... They're called cops. Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, these are skills to find and deal with criminals. In fact this is a character I've been wanting to play. Take Urban as your favored terrain, and yu have everything you need... Expect for sunglasses, get those and you are Horatio.
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Or, in compromise, how about a holy version of animate dead that uses positive energy? Or neutral versions that use elemental energy?
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jocundthejolly wrote: Fenrisnorth wrote: Todd Stewart wrote: Necromancer wrote:
Everything associated with the Negative Energy Plane is generally marked evil (Sceaduinar, Dhampir, etc.)
That's an interesting one there. As originally described in TGB, the sceaduinar aren't evil, however the core PFRPG sceaduinar writeup has them as evil (fwiw, yes I made a fuss about it). ;)
I'm also incredibly sympathetic to the folks questioning about that [evil] tag and the alignment shifts in nonintelligent undead between 3e and 3.5 (and the carryover into PF). But you have to work within the system so to speak, and Paizo has come up with an in-game rationale when there really wasn't one in 3.5. I might have gone a different way myself or in my home games, but it's not the end of the world. :)
I like the idea of non-evil necromancers, and there are certainly ways to do it even when the overt use of negative energy as an animating force within the Material Plane is construed as an evil act by virtue of it disrupting the proper balance of creation. I could think of some other ways to add to that rationale and still come down with sympathy to non-malevolent necromancers and even the sceaduinar (blame the jyoti, those soul cultivating bastards!). Wait, what's the ingame reason, I can't find it. Also, magical healing and positive energy, and raise dead imbalances creation also, so shouldn't they be evil too? Can you see the difference between raising someone from the dead and desecrating someone's corpse by turning it into a foul and hideous mockery of life? I'm not sure what you want from Paizo. The assumptions you are questioning are part of the main line tradition of heroic fantasy role-playing and are unlikely to change "officially," but obviously you can make your home game whatever you want it to be. Maybe your problem is finding a like-minded GM and group. I can use loaded language too. Can you not see the diference between using a non-aligned energy of the multi-verse to animate calcium and carbon that have been cast off, and betwwen using magic to rip someone back from their eternal reward in heaven and thrust them back into their corpse in a hideous mockery of the natural order of life and death?
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Sphen86 wrote: Fenrisnorth wrote: Discworld, Dark Sun, Wheel of Time Dark Sun is out, for 4th ed anyway. And the Wheel of Time does actually have one. O.k. let me rephrase that, a GOOD Wheel of Time setting
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What makes a monster a certain alignment? For outsiders, I understand, it is born on a plane of absolute goodness, the power of good makes up every cell of its being. But how about dragons? Is a silver dragon born with Lawful and Good gene? or that black dragon, Does it have Chaotic and Evil genes? What is it about a Chuul that makes it CE? Racial stereotypes aside, we certainly wouldn't call any species in real life inherently good or evil. And, if it is genetic, say a red and a gold dragon mate... are the offspring true neutral? or is one alignment dominant?