Fadil Ibn-Kazar

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189 posts. Alias of Keith S..


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HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Guys - I am going to have to drop out. The posting pace is just too slow for me; plus, I think we need at least 3 players to help figure out the clues.

Thanks for introducing me to Delta Green. I have been thinking about running a home game of it.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

While Oscar roots through the pile of stuff he grabbed, Ormando drives to a safe location to pull over. He unfolds a map of the area and tries to determine the best spot to make a patrol to locate the source of the weirdness.

hmmm...this lake in the center of the pattern of red dots looks promising. Or, it is at least a geographical feature in the middle ish of the area of lost pets and shadow sightings.

He looks over at Oscar, pouring through his material hope Ranger boy can make it through this. He had a stick in his gut about 24 hrs ago, but looks like he is keeping his s&^% together.

He waits for what Oscar finds.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

intelligence check: 1d100 ⇒ 78 vs a base of 50. Nada

I tend to struggle with clues in a pbp game more than face to face. The dynamic of conversation helps drive discovery and brainstorming, and that is just lacking in pbp. Not sure how to get around it. For me, the bottles and squirt gun made me think that he was somehow trying to make an alcohol squirter that would hurt the thing, not that he was trying to control his infection. Not sure why I did not make that leap. I think it is also challenging with just two players to figure out clues. Following up with a "things you missed" post helps me figure out how you think so I can get more in that mode as time goes on.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

The book list looks right to me.

Oscar, I think we need to patrol down the halls, doing some sniffing for more of this rot smell. Hopefully we don't find any. If we do, we will work through it then. Sound alright?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I think Oscar planned to just toss a marked bullet into the trash can, not shoot it....but I would vote against that. We might need all the marked bullets we have for the next thing that is out there.

We will take the holster.

Is there anything else we can use to wipe out the stuff? Lighter fluid, windex, etc?

We will also tie up the bag to keep the fumes inside with the goo - maybe that will help do it in.

@ Oscar - should we double or triple bag the stuff and take it with us?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Take the Webley's holster or leave it? We can always find a holster for it

Looking at the bathroom, he says Looks like someone else got here before us. On our side, or the opposition, or someone else?

Ormando will take the machete, under the theory that is is better than his combat knife at fending off a bad guy. He would not mind the katana, but can't see a way to carry it well, and it looks good enough to be traceable.

He collects bleach from the bathroom, and douses the kitchen trash can and surrounding area thoroughly.

Ormando is careful to wear gloves while doing all this work.

He soaks down the bathroom area again too.

Oscar, I think we leave the body untouched and as is. We just need to get rid of the weird stuff. Agree?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

alertness: 1d100 ⇒ 29 vs 60%

search: 1d100 ⇒ 71 vs 0%

This is where I am figuring out how I built my character wrong!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando moves slowly along the hall, very much on alert.

When they clear the rooms, he begins to search in closets, under beds and furniture, etc. He keeps something handy to block any attacks, and asks that Oscar stay handy also.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando unlocks the door with the key, then pushes it open gently and steps back. Depending on what he sees (like some disembodied arm crawling toward him) he will move into the room. He will look for some thing to use as a shield - a kitchen chair or similar - the theory being that if something launches itself at him, he can fend it off better with the chair, while Oscar shoots it.

If nothing is there when he opens the door, he will reach inside and flip on the lights before moving in.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Busy week, and I could not get into the Paizo site last night either (although not their normal goblin message screen - so maybe on my end).

I will try to keep up!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando moves to the stairs and down to Meyer's apartment. He proceeds cautiously, but not too slowly. Eyes open and listening and smelling...

Once he gets to the door, he pushes on it, then tries the doorknob.

stealth: 1d100 ⇒ 55 vs. 70 rating

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

We will climb the fire escape and go for the roof top access.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

We drive to the retirement home. Going under the assumption someone is always at the front desk, we approach the rear of the building.

Ormando has his 10mm Glock in a shoulder rig, under a plain black jacket. He wears a hat too, to shield his face as best he can.

He parks two blocks away, and they walk quickly to the back of the building, hoping Olive has closed down the cameras and turned off the mag lock on the rear door. I though we knew it was a remote security system but I can't find a post now - so if it is a regular door, we will modify our plans a bit

He also has his combat knife in a small of the back holster. He figures if it comes to it, he can block a creature while Oscar shoots it with the .455 Webley.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Good plan, lets roll

Ormando packs up his gear, and offers his vest to Oscar. You are the one with a belly wound - you get the only vest we have left

Do you want the Webley? I can take point, and you shoot what I keep from ambushing us?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I think we need to do a couple of things. Clean up our gear Which Ormando is already doing.

Destroy the things in the woods that are eating folks. We have one weapon for that, so we can work in a team and the best shooter gets the gun. The other guy is ready to parry and block and generally fight defensively. Moving through the woods and ambushing bad guys ought to be in skill set Ormando looks at Oscar here.

Can Olive somehow access a military satellite and use it for thermal imaging to help narrow down the search?

We also need to clean up Meyer's apartment - check out what is left, and interview as many occupants (patients and staff) as we need to in order to screen out any infected guys. Also search the basement thoroughly.

And we need to worry about those other guys who were in Meyer's place

Thoughts on what to do first? Or something else? Or not do some of this??

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Got it. Good feedback. Thanks. Just wanting to make sure I am not thinking crazy / wild.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

OK. No drawing on Oscar he says with a grin.

I think we need to sanitize the old folks home soon. Can you disable the security system and loop the cameras so we don't show on film?

Ormando begins checking his gear.

Can we disinfect this somehow? As simple as bleach? And is there a way to detect this? IR? UV? Other ideas?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I need some help with Delta Green, as I have never played before.

We need to sanitize the old folks home. Does that mean burn it to the ground? Or something less aggressive?

The game seems very reality based (in some regards) so it isn't likely we can pose as doctors as we have already posed as FBI guys.

I think I am just having some issues with figuring out the borders of the game which is tougher in a pbp game vs. a face to face game.

By the way - I drop the bond to Dad by the amount instructed.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

In fact, Ormando will take a few minutes to put a copy of the symbol (from Meyer's bullets) on Oscar's back, using a sharpie or similar pen.

He will also try to get him in some sunlight.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Hopefully, Olive wakes Ormando first so they can discuss Oscar. We need to be sure we can monitor his condition so we can decide if we need to cap him or not.

After Oscar wakes up ....

We need to figure out where these people...things...creatures are hiding out during the day. Are they just lying down and covering up with leaves? Does the sunlight do anything to them? I will bring my flash bangs next time. Anyway to correlate the locations of the attacks, the distances things can travel, etc?

He makes sure Oscar is taking his meds, especially the antibiotics. He texts Olive to see if antibiotics will work on this spore thing.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando helps get Oscar in the car; he then goes to a 24 hr Walgreens drive through to get his prescriptions filled.

Then back to the hotel for some rest. About 12 hrs ought to do wonders for them both.

He will do his best to make sure they are not followed.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando promises to himself that, if Oscar survives the immediate surgery, he will study the symbol on one of the .455 rounds and then draw it on Oscar's chest with a sharpie or similar pen.

He has no other ideas at this time.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando's eyes narrow at the Doc's whisper. That is his only sign of concern.

He checks that the Webley is fully loaded and within easy reach.

We need to take care of that purple stuff, without a doubt. And we need to be extremely cautious that we are not infected by this either

He texts Olive about the situation and asks for any research help she might have.

He takes a deep breath.

Ready, Doc

apologizing in advance to Oscar if I am forced to put a round in you!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando's eyes narrow at the Doc's whisper. That is his only sign of concern.

He checks that the Webley is fully loaded and within easy reach.

We need to take care of that purple stuff, without a doubt. And we need to be extremely cautious that we are not infected by this either

He texts Olive about the situation and asks for any research help she might have.

He takes a deep breath.

Ready, Doc

[ooc]apologizing in advance to Oscar if I am forced to put a round in you![/00c]

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando thinks back to his time in Force Recon, and smiles a bit.

Nope, not a fainter Doc

He imitates the Doc and washes up, and prepares to assist.

Hope this goes better than our own encounters tonight. How bad is the risk of infection from this?

He walks over to Oscar You just relax, Partner. We will get you through this

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

SAN check: 1d100 ⇒ 15

Arm crawling on its own? No big deal.

He will walk up to it and put a round from the Webley into it.

shot: 1d100 ⇒ 56, which hits for damage: 1d12 ⇒ 7

If it is gone / burned / dead again, he will turn and get Oscar moving back toward the car and medical treatment.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I am going with the real world assumption that a stick chewed into a point is a bad thing to have shoved into your guts. Let me know if I am wrong.

Oscar will lift his assault rifle and take a 3 round burst at the dog...somehow, it feels good to keep something from dragging the weird s&*T off.

shooting the dog: 1d100 ⇒ 2, and HITS a random stray dog.

lethality rating: 1d100 ⇒ 61 vs 10% rating, and does not kill the dog outright but does do 7 points of damage to it.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando shrugs at the sound of Oscar's voice. Dunno. Dunno about any of this, really

He carefully reloads the Webley, saving the brass and dropping it in his pocket. He searches the ground for the brass from his burst earlier, along with Oscar's...again, what he collects, he drops in a pocket.

This .455 puts out a lot of sound. We need to get moving. How is your wound? Can you get back to the car? We need to get you treatment

He looks at the wound briefly, but he has no training in first aid. Obviously, a stick in the gut is a bad thing.

He texts the situation to Olive, asking for the location of a safe doctor for Oscar.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Have not yet failed a sanity check. That note about posting order - I have had that happen before in my games. It confuses things a bit. I will stick with a d12 for damage in the future, and then let you handle the special stuff if that is alright

sanity check: 1d100 ⇒ 76

FAILED! He thought watching his squad eat in the mess was unnatural, but this is too weird!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

by the way - I did not roll damage as I am not sure what kind of firearm it is (I was guessing a heavy pistol for 1d12 damage) and also not sure if the pistol or ammo did something special.

But here is a straight damage roll in case that is useful to the GM.

damage: 1d12 ⇒ 9

obviously modify or re roll the proper die as necessary.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando fires again, hoping to put a special round from the special pistol into the Addict's center mass. He does try to maneuver a bit so that Oscar is not in his line of fire.

firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 72 which is a hit with a +20% for point blank vs a base firearms skill of 60%.

had to hit eventually - sorry about the tree branch in your guts Oscar. I am sure that, medically, its nothing to worry about!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Hah. My luck is usually like this no matter where I game. I have been debating aiming - but, on a meta gaming note - both of those rolls would have missed with aiming (a +20).

sigh. Hopefully I don't get Oscar killed while missing!

Something to consider for next time.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando tries to put another round into the freak. Fixing up Oscar has to take second place to putting this guy down.

shooting Webley: 1d100 ⇒ 85, but the shot goes over the things head

(4 rounds left in the Webley)

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

By the way, I roll this well in face to face games as well....

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I am good with you rolling damage

Ormando will shoot the crazy man with the Webley.

webley shot: 1d100 ⇒ 93 but the shot goes wide!

(5 rounds left in the Webley)

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando thinks that this guy just took a burst in his center mass from an MP4 and is happy about it ... he still has the idea that poking a stick into Oscar is a good thing.

Not a normal thing.

He drops his M4 (the sling keeps it on his body in a good position to grab again), and pulls out the .455 Webley Trantor with the special rounds.

(I think that is all he gets to do, but in case he can shoot, here is the roll - single round from the big revolver).

firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 92 and misses.....sigh

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

This is my first Delta Green combat (other than missing with 3 rounds earlier) so help me out where I make mistakes

Ormando has spent two tours as a Force Recon Marine. He has been in some hairy s*%& before. And what always happens, when things turn bad, is that training takes over. That is why, after all, you spend hours, days, weeks, months, YEARS, training.

Bad like being in the woods at night, a bit put off (or, perhaps, spooked) at not navigating right because the woods aren't right anymore, when a dude WITH GLOWING WOUNDS, armed with a club, or wooden spear, that he CHEWED into a point, comes out of the underbrush.

It was smooth. The assault rifle comes into line and Ormando squeezes the trigger and puts a 3 round burst into the target.

(I am assuming he is not at 3m range or less (point blank), also not sure if Ormando gets any other modifiers).

attack roll: 1d100 ⇒ 89 vs. a 60% but he misses.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Survival roll to navigate?

survival: 1d100 ⇒ 83 vs. a score of 50.

Ormando keeps his night goggles on as he moves through the woods, but they are obviously dirty!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando votes for spot A; they will be in their FBI gear until they get into the woods a bit, then they can gear up. The rifles can go in Ormando's duffle to shield them a bit.


HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando loads the Webley, and slips it into his shoulder holster. He puts the 9mm on a spare holster on his belt.

Oscar - I recommend we leave Olive here to do some studying and internet work. Perhaps buy a microscope, or any other kit she needs. I think we need to go back and patrol the woods. I have night vision goggles.

He looks at the rest of his stuff.

Do we gear up in tactical armor and bring the assault rifle? I think so but want your opinion.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

We never saw him. If we are asked about the shots, we were threatened by some wild dogs and we scared them off

He looks at Oscar. Hell, Ranger. We both better shoot better than that next time!

How about we get to a hotel room, lay out what we have and see if Olive can see anything in better light? Obviously there is something not right out here. I think we want this .455 Webley ready to go with Meyer's special ammo before we run into whatever that guy was talking about. And it seems to be out at night, so we will be back out here in a few hours - maybe leaving Olive to continue her research in the room

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando turns to Olive Get the skull and any bones you want to keep in your bag. Time to roll

He keeps an eye on the man and whispers to Olive did you get the drugs out of his kit? Need to look into them as well

He keeps his gun on the man, resolving to do better with his aim next time.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Well then, it looks like Ormando fires also.

Firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 77

Also with a firearms of 60 and missing!

So much for Force Recon training!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

If he comes at Ormando, he try to put 3 rounds into his chest.

Ormando wants to be sure to be between Olive and the man.

His right hand holds his gun steady and his left is held out, palm up, in a calming gesture.

OK, OK, we will leave. Just let us back away, let us back away

If Olive and Oscar back off, so will Ormando.

But he will protect his team if needed.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

She says its alright for us to be here. She sent us to clean a few things up. Its alright, just relax. She won't hurt you more than she usually does.

Ormando glances at Oscar. He remains ready to shoot the guy if he comes at the team.

When was she here last?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando moves (slowly) to flank the man, as well as put himself in between the vagrant and Olive.

FBI. Take it easy there fella. We are here to help figure out what's going on. We aren't going to hurt you. Take it easy....

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando probably did not remember the .455 ammo from the car, if you have pity and let me roll against alertness to see if he remembered

alertness to remember ammo: 1d100 ⇒ 90 and he clearly did NOT remember.

So he cleans the gun and leaves it in his pocket.

He stays alert in the area while Oscar does his thing, as he wants to be sure the team does not get ambushed while looking for clues.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando will break it down and quickly clean it, making sure it is operable and won't fail to fire.

Then he loads it up, and keeps it loose in his hand, throwing another few rounds (say 12 or 18) into his coat pocket.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

sanity check: 1d100 ⇒ 54

makes it by a point!

He picks up the pistol and examines it to see if it can be cleaned and used. He would have to come up with some .455 caliber rounds, but it looks like a Webley top break revolver.

It also has interesting symbols upon it.

identify if revolver can be used: 1d100 ⇒ 40 vs a firearms of 60.

identify symbols: 1d100 ⇒ 12 vs. an occult of 10

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

In the 'far end of homeless camp.' pic there are some white - clear vertical lines. Ormando will check them out.

sanity check: 1d100 ⇒ 11 Ormando is a Marine Force Recon vet - he has seen dead guys before and he isn't too shook by a dead hobo.

He pays careful attention to the animal noises, because if the animal noises change, then someone (or thing) might be approaching.

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