Delta Green: Wisdom of the Aged (Inactive)

Game Master GM Darkblade

A retired Delta Green agent reached out to A Cell because something's was not right in his hometown. What followed was a series of events which propelled O Cell through a variety of challenges threatening to release things best not meant to be known.

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Oscar agrees and starts packing up.

GM Roll #1: 1d100 ⇒ 45
GM Roll #2: 1d100 ⇒ 99

Once all set you pack up the gear and exit the hotel into the parking garage, avoiding unnecessary camera angles when possible. You drive first to the local stores and acquire for Agent Olive two microscope kits, three small chemistry sets, and one physical sciences kit just to be sure to cover the widest range of items she might need. You manage to add to that a small Coleman cook stove and camping mess kit, just in case.

After that you drive over to the state forest entry road and park a bit just before the main Command area. The area still appears to be a bit active, with some Forest Service and Local Law Enforcement milling about, likely collating reports received by the search teams for the day.

You manage to avoid notice for the moment and slip into the woods, then try to orient yourselves to where you are currently and to where you need to proceed to travel.

Checks please to find your way at night back to the homeless camp.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Survival roll to navigate?

survival: 1d100 ⇒ 83 vs. a score of 50.

Ormando keeps his night goggles on as he moves through the woods, but they are obviously dirty!

Survival: 1d100 ⇒ 65 vs 50.

Oscar's not having a much better time.

GM Roll #1: 1d100 ⇒ 26
GM Roll #2: 1d100 ⇒ 2
Agent Oscar Alertness: 1d100 ⇒ 91
Agent Ormando Alertness: 1d100 ⇒ 71
Odds vs Evens: 1d6 ⇒ 1

It takes a bit longer than expected to reach the homeless campsite, the forest seeming to be somehow different than you remember it from a few hours before. Obviously a trick of the lighting, shadows stretching longer than expected, turns hidden by sagging brush and bushes, tree limbs a bit lower or out due to the gathering dew. But you eventually find the right trail and angle back into the clearing. It does not appear that the campsite was found by any search parties from earlier. Perhaps the lateness prevented a thorough search and the groups called it an evening, resting to resume the search in the morning.

You find the campsite eerily quiet, dimly light by pale soft shafts of moonlight sparsely piercing the canopy above. For a moment you think the place is empty, the previous squatter off most likely still searching for his drug stash.

A crash of rustling leaves and thumps of a heavy weight bursting from a side trail alerts you as suddenly the man charges out at you from the darkness. He visage is twisted and angry, his body covered with welts and gashes. In several places his body glows a strange orange color, as though he were bleeding some kind of neon paint. In his hands he holds a large jagged club, the one from before now apparently "chewed" into a splintered but long rough point.

For my JOY you must DIE....

Combat operations initiated. You both have initiative over the homeless killer. Please feel free to act in the brief moment you have before he reaches Agent Oscar's position.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

This is my first Delta Green combat (other than missing with 3 rounds earlier) so help me out where I make mistakes

Ormando has spent two tours as a Force Recon Marine. He has been in some hairy s*%& before. And what always happens, when things turn bad, is that training takes over. That is why, after all, you spend hours, days, weeks, months, YEARS, training.

Bad like being in the woods at night, a bit put off (or, perhaps, spooked) at not navigating right because the woods aren't right anymore, when a dude WITH GLOWING WOUNDS, armed with a club, or wooden spear, that he CHEWED into a point, comes out of the underbrush.

It was smooth. The assault rifle comes into line and Ormando squeezes the trigger and puts a 3 round burst into the target.

(I am assuming he is not at 3m range or less (point blank), also not sure if Ormando gets any other modifiers).

attack roll: 1d100 ⇒ 89 vs. a 60% but he misses.

Agent Ormando turns quickly at the sounds of the man charging his teammate. He fires off a short burst Pop Pop Pop at the crazed assailant, unbelieving as the man seems to contort from one of the rounds clipping his shoulder. The man ignores the grazing wound, moving faster than he was earlier in the day, only a fresh eruption of orangish goo reflecting back through the night vision goggles to confirm he did hit the target, if only once.

The homeless addict's eyes reflect eerily white as Agent Ormando watches him stare straight ahead with fanatical hatred, rushing closer still at Agent Oscar.

JJOOOYYYY he breathlessly shouts as he bears down on the armed men, oblivious to any hint of danger, his makeshift weapon ready to impale whichever victim comes closest first.

You're doing fine, the randomizer is just not being nice so far. I assumed the pair of you fanned out to approach from both sides of the campsite, to present smaller targets and to provide cover for one another with better fields of fire. The homeless man will not reach Agent Oscar on this round, but should barrel into him next round unless stopped. You are currently 7m from the man, 4m from Agent Oscar, with the man rushing from Oscars rear flank. Agent Oscar was 5m from the man at the start of the charge, about 2m at the end of this round, depending on Oscar's actions.

Oscar fires at the charging man.

Firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 71 Oh hey, a hit! This would be the M4.

Lethality Check: 1d100 ⇒ 15 Damage 6 pts

Agent Oscar manages to line up his carbine with the rushing addict, who fails to even attempt dodging, grouping three rounds thwackty thwack into the man's upper body. The rounds strike with the reduced force one might expect when striking body armor but splash further neon orange glows under the night vision filters.

The man closes the distance, holding out his jagged wooden weapon as a spear, seeking to impale Agent Oscar on it's tip. The man cackles maniacally as his eyes glaze over, blazing bright white to the agents, a broken toothed grin spread entirely too wide across his joyous face.

Next round begins, you may both act before the wounded addict acts to impale Agent Oscar. Agent Ormando is 4m from the addict and Agent Oscar, while the pair themselves are 1m apart from each other.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando thinks that this guy just took a burst in his center mass from an MP4 and is happy about it ... he still has the idea that poking a stick into Oscar is a good thing.

Not a normal thing.

He drops his M4 (the sling keeps it on his body in a good position to grab again), and pulls out the .455 Webley Trantor with the special rounds.

(I think that is all he gets to do, but in case he can shoot, here is the roll - single round from the big revolver).

firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 92 and misses.....sigh

Oscar attempts to butt the man with his carbine.

Melee Weapons, 50: 1d100 ⇒ 3 Hey-o!

Agent Ormando was able to release his carbine and draw the Webley and move closer to the engagement as part of his action. If you had an appropriate holster for the pistol you would have been able to draw and fire, but without the appropriate rig it took a bit longer.

Rifle Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2
Spear Thrust: 1d100 ⇒ 12
Spear Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Agent Oscar smashes the butt of his M4 into the man's face, attempting to erase that horrid grin. The rifle crunches into the man's chin, shattering two of the already decayed and rotted teeth, causing the man to spit blood and goo from his mouth as he gurgles in ecstasy, Gyyeesss, caught up in the thrill of battle. Oscar is momentarily distracted as the man's jaw seems to crack askew from the blow then crunch back into position on it's own, the area turning neon orange through his goggles.

The addict rams hard at the agent with his wooden spear, the rod snapping off as it pierces Oscar's chest piece, the armor blunting much of the strike, holding the broken tip firmly lodged in has abdomen just below the ribcage but preventing immediate blood loss. The addict then seems to pause a moment, reveling in the blow, waving his broken spear over his head in triumph. Gfgorr youu muyy LADY!

3 points actual damage, with a broken four inches of filthy wooden spear still inside your rig and guts.

You may act again, Agent Ormando is now 2m from the melee with the pistol in hand as Agent Oscar and the homeless addict are within 1m of one another. If you wish, you may make your own damage rolls as part of your attack actions.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I am good with you rolling damage

Ormando will shoot the crazy man with the Webley.

webley shot: 1d100 ⇒ 93 but the shot goes wide!

(5 rounds left in the Webley)

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

By the way, I roll this well in face to face games as well....

Well that didn't work.

Oscar drops the carbine to his side and holds his hands up.

Ranger combatives don't fail me now.

Oscar is going to counter attack and disarm the man with the spear.

Hand to hand right?: 1d100 ⇒ 1 Oh hell yeah.

Addict Attack: 1d100 ⇒ 83

As the addict levels his spear back to make a clubbing swing at Agent Oscar, the former ranger ducks the swing and connects hard with a blow to the back of the man's elbow, a satisfying pop indicating he dislocated the joint as the man's fingers go limp and the club flies off across the campsite.

Oscar steps back and readies himself for the man's follow up strike but it doesn't come as the man glances down at his elbow in curious wonder, the twisting and shaking as it pops itself back into place. The man grins wide again and looks up at the partially impaled warrior. Whispering in freakish pleasure, his bright white eyes echo with Joy. In the glow of the night vision, the man is nearly all orange now, the strange goo covering most of his form, with traces of it clinging to agent Oscar's tactical gloves and carbine stock.

Next round begins.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando tries to put another round into the freak. Fixing up Oscar has to take second place to putting this guy down.

shooting Webley: 1d100 ⇒ 85, but the shot goes over the things head

(4 rounds left in the Webley)

I think Agent Ormando may want to spend some time at the range, or hold his exhale until after he squeezes the trigger. You do have the option to take a turn and aim, which adds +20 to your chance to hit on the next turn.

I know a guy that test posted rolling one hundred times, just randomly, then deleted the post. Said it cleared up poor rolls for him. You could try that or take your internet dice out and burn them.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Hah. My luck is usually like this no matter where I game. I have been debating aiming - but, on a meta gaming note - both of those rolls would have missed with aiming (a +20).

sigh. Hopefully I don't get Oscar killed while missing!

Something to consider for next time.

Oscar briefly considers tackling the man but remembers the officer talking about exposure to a new drug killing people and decides against it.

He decides to keep fighting defensively and counter punching.

Unarmed: 1d100 ⇒ 75

Addict's Confusion: 1d100 ⇒ 11 Nope
Addict Roundhouse Punches: 1d100 ⇒ 4
Unarmed Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

The addict realizes his target is still standing, still in the fight, so he wades back into the fight with renewed fervor, shouting more gibberish for His Lady. He ducks the agent's defenses and lands a solid couple of blows to Oscar's chest, compounding the damage already done by the spear, jarring it to twist painfully in his abdomen.

1 point actual damage, though the vest is loosing it's protective bonuses the more that spear point is forced into him.

You may act again, Agent Ormando is 2m from the melee with pistol in hand. Agent Oscar and the homeless addict are within 1m of one another, still engaged in unarmed attacks.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando fires again, hoping to put a special round from the special pistol into the Addict's center mass. He does try to maneuver a bit so that Oscar is not in his line of fire.

firearms: 1d100 ⇒ 72 which is a hit with a +20% for point blank vs a base firearms skill of 60%.

had to hit eventually - sorry about the tree branch in your guts Oscar. I am sure that, medically, its nothing to worry about!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

by the way - I did not roll damage as I am not sure what kind of firearm it is (I was guessing a heavy pistol for 1d12 damage) and also not sure if the pistol or ammo did something special.

But here is a straight damage roll in case that is useful to the GM.

damage: 1d12 ⇒ 9

obviously modify or re roll the proper die as necessary.

Pistol Damage: 1d12 ⇒ 1
DM Roll #1: 1d6 ⇒ 6
DM Roll #2: 1d100 ⇒ 46

The round only grazes the addict across the back of his neck and shoulder, the heavy round creasing a bloody furrow along his skin before following on to a nearby tree, but the reaction it causes is something completely unexpected.

The addict immediately stops his attacks on Agent Oscar and flails about, trying to reach the burning bloody wound to his back. He begins clawing and tearing at his flesh as it seems to ignite in greenish flames under the night vision glow, charring and flaking away like ash. My Joy, my Misstress, my Joy, HELPP MEEE!

Agent Oscar is up, though it would seem the fight is nearly over, unless his mistress hears his cries and comes to help him.

Curious, I posted before your damage post, not sure why it was delayed, must be a mobile thing. We can go with your damage if you prefer, which will drop the addict outright.

I'm all in favor of not getting punched in the stab wound any more.

We will go with Agent Ormando's damage roll this time then.

Retcon Agent Ormando's shot takes the addict squarely in the side, entering from the right just to the rear of the third rib and exiting from the left below the fourth before striking the man's arm and severing it at the elbow. The wounds flare brightly in a dark green flame, burning to ash the flesh and bone as the bullet blasts the man nearly into pieces.

For a few moments the homeless assailant writhes around on the ground in agony, gurgling and attempting to cry out to his goddess. Instead he only manages to sputter and spew globs of that orange colored slime.

Taking off his night vision goggles and lighting the addict up with his gun light the agent sees the orange slime is in fact the previously discovered purple ooze, and the flames now devouring the man's body are instead sky blue with sparks of silver and gold. Neither image should have appeared thusly under the normal operation of the night vision equipment.

In a few short moments the man's body is completely rendered to ash, with only the severed forearm remaining intact, it's wound cauterized a charred purplish and blackened stump. At the slightest touch the body crumbled into dust and blew about the campsite, only a faint gray outline remaining to show where he had lain.

I will need one SAN check from Agent Ormando for the Unnatural encountered, two from Agent Oscar for Suffering Violence and for the Unnatural as well, please. I don't think either of you have failed a check thus far, is that correct?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Have not yet failed a sanity check. That note about posting order - I have had that happen before in my games. It confuses things a bit. I will stick with a d12 for damage in the future, and then let you handle the special stuff if that is alright

sanity check: 1d100 ⇒ 76

FAILED! He thought watching his squad eat in the mess was unnatural, but this is too weird!

Fendar Hig Only:
San Loss: 1d6 ⇒ 5 The damning way the round ripped through the addict, burning him to ash, his cries of torment and damnation linger a few moments in the back of Fendar's mind. He's seen some horrible shyte men can do to one another, but what powers are out there that let a few ounces of lead do that to a person? When he closes his eyes Fendar still sees the bloodshot terrors of that man, the homeless vagrant, for that one last moment free of his addictions, his cravings, his unwholesome desires, just a man lost to the world, burning his soul away from within and without. How long with he haunt my dreams? For a few minutes you suffer a minor break and lose yourself to the sudden need to police your brass, to clear signs of your presence, to remove any evidence that you were ever here.

None so far.

San: 1d100 ⇒ 54
San2: 1d100 ⇒ 56

2 now. Huzzah.

Oscar stands there, eyes wider than dinner plates, his hands on his head as the adrenaline wears off.

Michael Felix Only:
Violence San Loss: 1d6 ⇒ 6 and Unnatural San Loss: 1d6 ⇒ 4 The whole last few minutes seem to have slipped away, and you try to recall how it was you came to be here in the middle of a clearing, late at night, all geared up for Fallujah but no where near the Middle East. The ash man has gone away but he gave you a gift, a small tree growing out of your chest. You don't know why he gave it to you, and he's gone now so you can't give it back to him. Do you keep it, can you return it, should you ask someone else what they'd do if they had a tree growing out of their chest. It hurts a little so it's probably not a good thing, but then a workout leaves you sore too, but you are stronger from the experience...

For reaching the breaking point of your Sanity, please remove one motivation, temporarily. You can attempt to restore it during your downtime between missions. Reset your Breaking Point to 40. You will begin to experience a long term disorder from the Violence you have suffered, you may choose one from the list on page 37 of the Need to Know booklet. For the next few minutes however you slip into a fugue state, staring at the small shaft of wood still protruding from your chest. You touch it, flip it, twitch at it, but do not pull it out.

I'll give you boys a few to ponder the situation and post in character what you do to pass the next 5 minutes or so, processing the events you have experienced. At that point a rustling in the brush will bring you back into focus and you can make plans for what's next.

Oscar stares at the spear wound almost catatonic and speaks quietly in a slightly higher and more childlike tone than his normal voice.

He left it here. Why didn't he take it with him? Sarge would know but I think I left him in Kabul.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando shrugs at the sound of Oscar's voice. Dunno. Dunno about any of this, really

He carefully reloads the Webley, saving the brass and dropping it in his pocket. He searches the ground for the brass from his burst earlier, along with Oscar's...again, what he collects, he drops in a pocket.

This .455 puts out a lot of sound. We need to get moving. How is your wound? Can you get back to the car? We need to get you treatment

He looks at the wound briefly, but he has no training in first aid. Obviously, a stick in the gut is a bad thing.

He texts the situation to Olive, asking for the location of a safe doctor for Oscar.

GM Roll #1: 1d100 ⇒ 60
GM Roll #2: 1d100 ⇒ 20

As Agent Ormando texts Olive for any suggestions, the rustling in the brush scampers out into the clearing, a ragged and starving stray mutt likely left behind when the camp was abandoned. The dog must have caught the sent of blood and death, as it snuffles around for a few moments, spies the abandoned arm, and then rushes at it, grabbing it up in his jaws, trying to rush off into the woods with it, a disgusting and unpalatable chew toy to assuage his hunger pangs. Unfortunately for the mongrel, the arm catches on an exposed root, the fingers curled strangely, holding firm and preventing the hound from escaping with it's prize.

Agent Olive responds that there is an asset available in the area, a veterinarian who has an after hours emergency clinic. She will text him and have him head to his pet hospital, and to prepare for your arrival. She first however sends you a GPS plot to allow the car to navigate to the desired destination.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

I am going with the real world assumption that a stick chewed into a point is a bad thing to have shoved into your guts. Let me know if I am wrong.

Oscar will lift his assault rifle and take a 3 round burst at the dog...somehow, it feels good to keep something from dragging the weird s&*T off.

shooting the dog: 1d100 ⇒ 2, and HITS a random stray dog.

lethality rating: 1d100 ⇒ 61 vs 10% rating, and does not kill the dog outright but does do 7 points of damage to it.

Pthump, pthump, pthump the rounds strike the dog in the neck and chest, killing it instantly, the body lifted back and away from the bisected arm. The mongrel lays still in the brush for a few moments, the last of it's life leeching away into the foliage and soil of the forest around it.

The arm waits a few moments to be certain the coast is clear, and then begins crawling away into the brush itself.

SAN checks please for the realization the arm is still "active" and for the sudden dread that you left Myers alone, also "dead," in his retirement apartment building with similar, purple puss oozing wounds.

That's the mythos we all know and love.

San: 1d100 ⇒ 1

I'm telling Olive. Let's get to the vet's. Now.

He shoots her an email.

Oscar. Still breathing. Will see your friend. Only open for the two of us.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

SAN check: 1d100 ⇒ 15

Arm crawling on its own? No big deal.

He will walk up to it and put a round from the Webley into it.

shot: 1d100 ⇒ 56, which hits for damage: 1d12 ⇒ 7

If it is gone / burned / dead again, he will turn and get Oscar moving back toward the car and medical treatment.

The arm reacts similarly to the body to which it had been previously attached, burning away in the same strange colors to a fine gray ash, scattering on the wind. Checking, you confirm the dog bled red and does not appear to be otherwise animate.

Collecting yourselves you make your way back to the SUV, picking carefully to avoid agitating Agent Oscar's wound. As you top the last hill towards your ride you hear faintly on the breeze what could possibly have been a short series of horrified screams that end abruptly, leaving only the silence of the night and a forest itself scared mute.

From the sound and distance, you gauge the sounds came from an area a mile or two past the homeless camp, in a direction adjacent to the trail you have yet to explore.

The drive to the vet's office is uneventful, though you watch for passing cars and businesses to confirm no one seems keen to notice your passing. The Valley West Veterinary Hospital in South Charleston sits just across from a large DOW chemical plant on the banks of the Kanawha River. The traffic in this part of town is virtually non-existent at this time of night and no one sees you arriving at your destination.

The clinic's side lot is empty save a single car, a small red, older model Grand Am, well maintained and sported out. Watching from behind the wheel is an older man, late fifties, thinning white hair wearing a pair of round spectacles. He nods and motions for you to pull on around the back of the building. As you park, he exits his car and walks slowly over to the passenger side of the SUV, a red and white emergency duffle over his arm. He appears to be dressed in a dark blue jogging suit and running shoes.

You may call me Doc if you must, but no names otherwise please. So what can you tell me, what am I not actually treating here tonight?

The pain is kicking in now that Oscar's mind is coming back to him (relatively) and he points to the piece of wood sticking out of him.

I think I got a splinter.

GM Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 4

You've got yourself a few splinters there son, no doubt about that. Guess I picked the wrong year to stop whittling. He motions you all over to the building, pulling a ring of keys from his pocket, jingling them as he fumbles with the lock. While steady on his feet, there is some minor shaking in his hands.

The vet unlocks the back door and takes you through a service area into a surgical bay. He has Agent Ormando help him to ease Agent Oscar onto a lowered operating table and then raises it up to a good height, asking Oscar to remain calm and relax, turning on a radio to a local 70's or 80's station. Comfy, good, just relax, keep breathing and your friend and I will take care of everything. You've done the hard part already, now's my turn. He opens a bottle of water from a small cooler in the corner, taking a long drink before continuing.

Rather than using some of the hospital's gear the vet takes items from the large duffle he brought with him. He produces a pair of prefilled syringes and injects them one at a time into Oscar's right arm. He then rolls out an IV bag, setting it up on a stand and starts a tap into the agent's left arm. Antibiotics, painkillers, and an anesthetic. Can't have you going into shock or thrashing around now can we. Just give that a few minutes and we'll get this started. The vet rubs his eyes, glances at the clock, then motions over for Ormando.

Doc orders the other agent over to the cleaning station and the pair wash up carefully, then glove up from the duffle. We are going to need to be very careful with this, that puncture is just below the sternum and could have damaged a few different organs. Removing it will be difficult. I will need to cut the vest away and extract the wooden implement together. As I do that I will need you to ease these compresses over the wound to prevent sudden blood loss. You aren't a fainter are you? I'm going to have to dig around in there and check out the gears. Can't have a momma's boy dropping on me, making a bad situation worse. You notice he faintly smells of alcohol, cheap cigarettes, and antiseptics.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando thinks back to his time in Force Recon, and smiles a bit.

Nope, not a fainter Doc

He imitates the Doc and washes up, and prepares to assist.

Hope this goes better than our own encounters tonight. How bad is the risk of infection from this?

He walks over to Oscar You just relax, Partner. We will get you through this

DM Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 5

Leaning close, enough to catch a whiff of bourbon on his clothes.

Fendar Hig:
If this were someone's hound I'd suggest Euthasol and recommend a rescue pup from the pound. As it's not I won't lie to you, that stick reeks, so yeah there's an infection. Also, did you notice how the bruises and scraps have already turned purple? I've never seen contusions take on such a dark purple hue so quickly, and without the pooling typically presenting in similar injuries.

Walking over to Agent Oscar he checks his vitals and confirms the meds are working. Alright, I am going to cut away the bindings on this vest. Ready those compresses and when I left this chest piece and the stick you need to pack the wound and hold the pressure. I will introduce a round of blood coagulants, then do what I can to clean the wounds and suture any of internal lacerations.

He cuts away the Velcro straps and hacks away at the fiber padding until at last he has the front and back disconnected. He takes a small bottle out of his duffle and using another syringe injects it's contents into the IV drip. He pulls a rolling stand over next to the table and lays out a pre-sterilized tray of instruments, gauze, cotton, and several small wipes. He wipes his own brow, cracks his neck, and again checks the time on the wall clock. Last chance to faint, or back out. Ready?

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando's eyes narrow at the Doc's whisper. That is his only sign of concern.

He checks that the Webley is fully loaded and within easy reach.

We need to take care of that purple stuff, without a doubt. And we need to be extremely cautious that we are not infected by this either

He texts Olive about the situation and asks for any research help she might have.

He takes a deep breath.

Ready, Doc

[ooc]apologizing in advance to Oscar if I am forced to put a round in you![/00c]

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando's eyes narrow at the Doc's whisper. That is his only sign of concern.

He checks that the Webley is fully loaded and within easy reach.

We need to take care of that purple stuff, without a doubt. And we need to be extremely cautious that we are not infected by this either

He texts Olive about the situation and asks for any research help she might have.

He takes a deep breath.

Ready, Doc

apologizing in advance to Oscar if I am forced to put a round in you!

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando promises to himself that, if Oscar survives the immediate surgery, he will study the symbol on one of the .455 rounds and then draw it on Oscar's chest with a sharpie or similar pen.

He has no other ideas at this time.

DM Roll: 1d100 ⇒ 22

The next hour and a half goes relatively fast for Agent Ormando as he and the vet remove the stick from his partner's abdomen. Oscar's sternum was mildly fractured which likely deflected the initial strike and prevented other, more deadly and deeper injuries. Nothing much I can do for that, it will have to set on it's own. The rain is going to be a b#&!% for him in a few years.

The vet repeatedly irrigated the wound with a saline rinse, rubbing hard to reach areas with a course granular substance which Ormando discovered to be sugar. Been using it for years on my regular patients with no complaints.

The Doc excised all the splintered pieces he could find in Oscar's chest and sutured up a small tear in the agent's liver. Hope he's not a drinker, cause he can't be for a couple of weeks, at the least. checking his watch against the clock on the wall.

Slowly the older man stitched the inner sides of the gaping hole back together, little by little cutting away any destroyed tissue to allow for a cleaner, less noticeable healing. Before I fully close him up, how soon will he be up and about? It will determine how best I do this. I take it he doesn't have a month or so of post-op time coming to him. Once answered the vet sets the last of the sutures and bandages Agent Oscar's abdomen and secures it with a gauze wrap, having Ormando help roll him to finish the job.

Next the man lightly debrides Oscar's other cuts and scrapes with a few gauze wipes coated with the sugar. He does this a couple of times before rinsing them with saline, applying a topical antibiotic, and bandaging them with honey soaked pads and strips of medical tape. The honey is a natural infection retardant, like the sugar, plus it has better cosmetic results. You'd be surprised how important such things are to most pet owners. Nearly complete he spends a bit of extra time looking over the wounds, poking and prodding the surrounding tissues. Much of that purple gunk came away, but the deeper discoloration is worrisome. I am going to write you two prescriptions for antibiotics and another for pain meds. If anyone asks, you have a horse who was lacerated by a rusty barbed fence, got it? Ohh, and his name was Rocky. Cut the pain pills in half if he needs to be lucid, whole if you want him out for the night.

The doc then goes over to the corner fridge and takes out another bottle of water. He downs about half and then takes a small silver flask out of his drawer, taking a long slow swig from it, sighing in relief as he tosses his gloves into a hazmat bag along the wall. I'm going to leave the IV tap in, can you manage it for a day or so? Watch it closely, I'll give you a spare as well with two more IV bags of electrolyte solution, to keep his fluids up, and to better interact with the antibiotics. He should get plenty of rest, stay as immobile as possible, and the dressings need checked every six hours or so, and clean the wounds carefully as needed.

He begins clearing away everything, his pace picking up as the time apparently gets close to whatever he has been watching and waiting over. He'll be woozy for a few hours, so you got help getting him on the other end? My job ends when I help put him in your ride. He looks at his watch as he pops the wheel stops on the table, motioning towards the service door. Time to go, staff comes in at 6:30.

HP 14 / 0 Armor 0 (4)
Special Operator
Character sheet

Ormando helps get Oscar in the car; he then goes to a 24 hr Walgreens drive through to get his prescriptions filled.

Then back to the hotel for some rest. About 12 hrs ought to do wonders for them both.

He will do his best to make sure they are not followed.

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