Azmur Kell

Felix Kingsley's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for EmissaryOfTheNorth.


Grand Lodge

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Well, there's only one possible answer, old chap.

Grand Lodge


With that in mind I changed the Veteran o'the Wild West to Brawny.
At first I was going to put the hindrance points into two knowledges but then I realised with d6 Strength I would probably end overencumbered.

I've also changed from Kn. Archaeology to Kn. Shamanism, both because he would be really interested in Shamanism amd because his Archaeologist knowledge is pretty much practical and self taught.

Grand Lodge


And another question that just popped up. Actually two.

1)If we end going for 'Everybody starts at Seasoned' instead of the Veteran Edge, what happens with our hindrance draw? I'm asking because even in that case I'd probably keep it, it adds some depth to our starting level. And freeing that Edge might help getting more options (In my case it would probably mean boosting dome knowledges a bit or getting a couple more)
2)Do you have any suggestion for useful knowledges that a wannabe explorer and archaeooogist might have? I'm fine with keeping those I listed but if you feel some might not ever see the light or there are others more appropiate, tell me. (For example, I was tented to go with 'Knowledge: Southern Folk Myths instead of Indian culture, but wasn't sure it would already be covered by Occult)

Grand Lodge


Here is Emissary's submission!
Once again I completely abandoned my previous concept because I got a new idea I fell in love.
I need to expand and improve on the background as well as explain more thoroughly why he carries a medieval sword and why he doesn't use firearms, but other than that, everything is there.

Stats and Skills Explanations:

Agility: d8 -> 2 Points
Smarts: d8 -> 1 Point and 2 Hindrance Points
Spirit: d4 -> 0 Points
Strength: d6 -> 1 Point
Vigor: d6 -> 1 Point

Fighting: d10 -> 3 points and 15 exp Full Advance
Guts: d6 -> 3 points
Kn. Archaeology: d4 -> 1 point
Kn. History: d4 -> 1 point
Kn. Indian Culture: d4 -> 1 point
Kn. Occult: d8 -> 3 points
Notice: d6 -> 1 point and 20 exp Half Advance
Survival: d8 -> 2 points and 20 exp Half Advance

With that explained, I got a question. I anted to buy a Longsword as it is the sword that I had in mind for the Kingsley's heirloom blade. Thing is the Longsword doesn't have a Deadlands price.
The rapier costs 10$, compared to the 150$ from Savage Worlds Deluxe, so I'm inclined to think the Longsword would be 20$ (since it is 300$ in SW Deluxe) but I'd rather have some GM ruling as well as approval.