
Fathom's page

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Heathansson wrote:
"Conan. Tell them what is best in life."

Crush your enemies

See them driven before you
and to hear the lamindations of the women!


I personaly would recommend these three choices as a player
1}PHB 2
2}Spell compendium
3)Complete warrior

As a DM I would recommend
1}Monster Manual 3
2}Fiend Folio
3}DMG 2

These are the books I find to be the most useful in our ongoing campaigns.

Our AoW campaign has been going on for sometime now
and its time I paid tribute to those that have fallen.

-Gallen Shadowwraith-male Human Hexblade
Stabbed to death by a doppelganger in a bar brawl.

-Gorrun Holderale-male Dwarven Barbarian
Bit to death by black dragon{Ilthane},raised,dissolved by elder
black pudding,not raised.

-Atom Outlander-male Stonechild Fighter
Crushed to death by a ogre barbarians big club.{wandering monster}

The Brotherhood of Mytheria

-Quarian "Quan" Nailo- male High Elf Cleric {Wee Jas} 17th
Original member,groups leader.

-Maloth Aspenguard- male High Elf Ranger 16th
Original member,master of the bow.

-Hurly Von Hellgrind- male Half Ogre Fighter 16th
Rescued from Vecna cult,died once {Ilthane}, raised,melee machine.

-Collin Moneymaker- male Human Rogue 16th
Joined up during the HoHR,trap finder and gold collector.

-Dankeel Olkneel- male Human Druid 16th
Original member,leader of the Bronzewood Lodge.

-Nightbreeze- male High Elf Wizard 16th
Joined up sometime before SoLS,master of ?.

The pcs are just now in the battle at the end of the Tilagos Island adventure.

The Iron Wave Adventuring group has had a fair amount of success
so far,moments of glory have been had by most of the pcs.

-Korg the Half Orc Barbarian put a quick end to the raggadossa lurking onboard the Blue Nixie winning the fight for us.{critical+greataxe=dead bug}

-Relvin Eriskan{sorry,spelled pcs name wrong on another thread}
the Aasimar{amphib}Cleric was most useful under Parrot Island
with his turn undead and swimming abilities.{swears he destroyed a undead priest singlehandedly,none of the other pcs were in sight}

-Martin Cortez Rook the Human Fighter left a trail of death
below the taxidermists shop.Lotus dragons,pet lizards,crocs,and
a very mean wolf, none were safe.{combat reflexes+guisarme=lotus

-Zane Lou Chi the Elf Monk hasnt had his moment of glory yet.But
he has left a trail of broken jaws/skulls/pincers along his path to tattooed enlightenment.{critical arrow+deflect arrow=
smiling monk}

-Lucien the Gray Elf Wizard saved our hides when we had to beach
our damaged boat on the way to Krakens Cove.A pair of raptors
ambushed as we camped.{scorching ray+enfeeblement ray=dino steaks}

-Victor Gosalar the Human Cleric has recently joined and has not had a chance to shine yet.

Martin Cortez Rook-male Human Fighter N 3rd
Lucien The Malevolent-male Gray Elf Wizard N 3rd
-Loctavious-bloodhawk familiar
Zane Lou Chi-male High Elf Monk LN 3rd
Relwyn Daskeral-male Aasimar{amphibious} Cleric NG 2nd
Korg-male Half Orc Barbarian CN 3rd
Victor Gosalar-male Human Cleric NG 1st
So far no character deaths.The wizard and monk went to negatives
a couple of times but were saved.
We are now in a leaky boat rowing to someplace called Krakens Cove.
Great AP!{Aaaarr!!}