The Iron Wave Adventuring group has had a fair amount of success
so far,moments of glory have been had by most of the pcs.
-Korg the Half Orc Barbarian put a quick end to the raggadossa lurking onboard the Blue Nixie winning the fight for us.{critical+greataxe=dead bug}
-Relvin Eriskan{sorry,spelled pcs name wrong on another thread}
the Aasimar{amphib}Cleric was most useful under Parrot Island
with his turn undead and swimming abilities.{swears he destroyed a undead priest singlehandedly,none of the other pcs were in sight}
-Martin Cortez Rook the Human Fighter left a trail of death
below the taxidermists shop.Lotus dragons,pet lizards,crocs,and
a very mean wolf, none were safe.{combat reflexes+guisarme=lotus
-Zane Lou Chi the Elf Monk hasnt had his moment of glory yet.But
he has left a trail of broken jaws/skulls/pincers along his path to tattooed enlightenment.{critical arrow+deflect arrow=
smiling monk}
-Lucien the Gray Elf Wizard saved our hides when we had to beach
our damaged boat on the way to Krakens Cove.A pair of raptors
ambushed as we camped.{scorching ray+enfeeblement ray=dino steaks}
-Victor Gosalar the Human Cleric has recently joined and has not had a chance to shine yet.