
Father Jarad's page

139 posts. Alias of SamuraiRuy.

Full Name

Father Jarad


Human | Cleric | HP: 16/20 | Armor +1 | Attk 2d6+1 | Dmg 1d6+1 | Cast Spell 2d6+2


Rotes: Light | Sanctify | Guidance /// Lvl1: CLW | M.Weapon









Strength 13
Dexterity 9
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 16
Charisma 8

About Father Jarad

Level 2
XP: 1

STR 13 +1
DEX 9 +0
CON 12 +0
WIS 17 +2
INT 10 +0
CHAR 8 -1

HP: 20
Base dmg: 1d6+1
Alignment - Good


Kind Eyes, Bald, Flowing Robes, Flabby body
Human (+1 Wizard spell - Detect Magic)


Deity - Boran the Healer (Healing and Restoration)
Divine Guidance - Petition: Personal Victory
Turn Undead roll+2(roll+Wis)
Commune (All rotes and spells lvl(1)+1 to cast)
Cast spell roll+2(roll+Wis)
First Aid


*Weight(10+Str = 11)
Dungeons rations (4 uses) 1w
Symbot of the divine 0w
Chainmail (1 armor) 1w
Warhammer (close) 1w
Adventuring gear 1w
Wand of Empowered Magic Missiles (The command word is Hornswoggle, say it and roll +INT to cast Empowered Magic Missiles from the wand.)
Small pouch with white sand for Wizard rituals

Light Rote.
Sanctify Rote
Guidance Rote
Cure Light Wounds


Level 1.
- Bless
- Cure Light Wounds
- Detect Alignment
- Cause Fear
- Magic Weapon
- Sanctuary
- Speak with Dead


Xha who considers death so valuable - he has some important role to play in the challenges to come.

Galadin is a great paladin, I'll support him in combat, he has my respect and I trust him.

Be on watch for Cappy, he brings danger to him.


Boran the Healer, please give me strenght in this journey I'm about to begin"- Jarad prays on his knee at the temple.

Jarad always wanted to help the people, born in the town of Glurt, since he was a child he was calm and silent but he usually went out of his limits to help someone. His parents saw his dedication and suggested him to join the Church of Restoration and learn the ways of the God Boran The Healer.

After years of training and being a missionary to the Church, he finally graduated as a Father and started traveling around the kingdom to help those in need.

One day, after helping the town of Multon with a mass intoxication...

"Here, here! The King is looking for the best and bravest of adventurers to take on the challenge of the Tower of Light!" the courier shouts and leaves a moving poster on one of the announce board in the town square.

"Seems like the adventurers who enter there don't have a chance without guidance and wisdom of the gods." Jarad plays with his beard after seeing the "massacre" on the moving poster.

"Boran has put this on my way another challenge to prove myself and help those around me." he turn around and starts packing his stuff,

"Alex, you will take care of this people, keep feeding them those herbs and they should drink lots of water...and pray, I'm going to travel to this Tower of Light and see what help I can do to others, may Boran look upon you." Jarad orders the acolyte next to him,

"Yes Father, I'll go and ask for a horse right now" the acolyte bows and runs out.

With his full beard and shaved head, Father Jarad looks clumsy if you look at his big body(He is a little chubby) but he is well versed in combat as the training in the Church implies the acolytes train in combat too, to survive their travels and defend those who can't defend themselves anymore.

A simple human cleric looking to help a party of adventurers in need, to take the challenge of the Tower of Light.