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Also, just looked at Clue In again. Once every ten minutes SUCKS. Completely undoes my original thought of having the investigator go heavy on support. If Paizo does nothing else, I think Clue In should be allowed every round. Especially given Combat Clue. Wouldn't be a big deal if they fixed the Investigator in other ways, (making them less MAD) but if they want Investigator to be a decent support, (which is what I thought they were going for) Clue In really needs to have that cooldown removed.

Gotcha. I missed the 1 minute part. Thanks for the info!

Since the wording states you don't need to actually see the creature to designate it as your case, you could probably use the Investigate explore action to deliberately try to determine when a creature is nearby. Perhaps the Survey Wildlife skill feat could be useful as well. Just so you know a battle is about to happen going in. Even though Survey Wildlife takes ten minutes, but maybe you could do it while the group recovers after a battle? I Paizo just really wanted the Investigator to have play by using as much foresight as possible.

You're right. I missed the 1 minute part and assumed it was missing an action icon. I assumed it would probably be a two action activity in the final release with the ten minute cooldown. It does make things trickier though.

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Doing some very simple number crunching, I actually think the Investigator probably comes out around average, probably -just- below average actually, on hit chance so long as you have WIS and your "to hit" ability at 16.
If you Take the Case on an enemy, you get to do your Study Suspect for free. By Taking the Case you get a +1 to your perception check to study, effectively the same +1 you would have had if WIS had been 18. As an expert in Perception at level 1 increasing to Legendary, you should statistically be succeeding this check very frequently since it's basically equivalent to a fighters "maxed out" attack roll. (Except against WILL DC instead of AC which in some cases might be better, some worse)
Upon success you get a +1 to your attack, the same +1 you would get if you had 18 instead of 16 STR/DEX. However, you get the added bonus of Studied Strike damage on the attack. Being trained in this attack means you basically have the same "to hit" as most other classes.
Obviously it's not perfect. It's not ideal for a class to have two abilities that MUST be 16 to function normally. Not to mention a dependency on rolls to get those +1s just to reach average "to hit" doesn't feel great.
But I think the out of combat functions and the support functions the investigators bring will feel great. Combat Clue, Detective's Will, and Clue Them All In basically make the Investigator a better support class than the Bard. Thrown in Known Weaknesses to make Recall Knowledge useful again as well and you have a pretty great support character. Knowledge is power after all!

I loved the Investigator in 1E and think it's stronger than ever. There are a few things that I think should be talked about and clarified though.
1. The most obvious thing is that investigators roll their primary ability far less often than other classes will roll theirs. It is also generally less useful since there are extremely few class features that actually benefit from it at all. I don't think this defeats the class entirely. But I do think it's clear that their primary purpose in combat is support with maybe a couple well placed studied strikes. Still, I think it would be a good idea to have features that allow Intelligence to be rolled more frequently.
2. Take the Case. No action icon is associated with this. Since I imagine investigators will want to use this if they don't manage to detect a creature before combat breaks out. It would be good to know how it fits into the action economy.
3. I like Observe Expeditiously. However, I think it might be flavorful to also allow the action to Recall Knowledge. I realize this might step on the toes of the Known Weaknesses Class feat. However, when I first read it without having read that feat yet, it felt so obvious to me that Recall Knowledge should be an included feature. Especially for an ability that can only be used once every ten minutes.
4. How does the feat Clue Them All In work with Combat Clue? I imagine all party members receive the +1 on their first attacks until the investigators next turn, but the wording isn't the clearest.